The glum tone in Sol's voice did not go amiss. The frown on Anakin's face deepened and Obi-wan sensed the extra tension in the air. Sol kept her face straight and even went as far as to force a smile, but it fooled no one.
'Did you say Alderaan, Master Kenobi?' Padme thankfully cut in, taking the attention off Sol for a moment's relief. Obi-wan's gaze switched to the short senator in front of him and noticed a concerned look on her face. Everyone moved to the sofas in the middle of the room where Padme took a seat with her company standing behind her. Sol placed herself next to Obi-wan, who was beside Anakin. The three Jedi faced the senator, who awaited Obi-wan's reply.
'Yes, m'lady. Senator Bail Organa requested them along with Chancellor Palpatine. I'm sure it is about the recent attacks on your life-'
'I don't need more security,' she cut him off. 'I need answers. I want to know who is trying to kill me.'
'We're here to protect you, Senator, not to start an investigation.'
'We will find out who is trying to kill you, Padme,' Anakin said suddenly. 'I promise you.'
Sol raised an eyebrow at Anakin's statement, and she saw how Obi-wan's face twisted at his student. He looked frustrated, meaning that this wasn't the first time he had spoken out of tone. It was not the Jedi way to make promises and be sentimental. Missions were to be conducted with a separation from the subject, even Sol knew that.
'We are not going to exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner,' Obi-wan held back venom and he kept composure in front of the senator and her company.
'I'm sure Anakin means it in the best interest of protecting the senator, Master Kenobi,' Sol vouched for the Skywalker whose hands were fidgeting together. He seemed to speak without much thought and Sol imagined that Anakin's mouth had gotten him into some annoying situations in the past.
She wasn't sure why she was suddenly making excuses for Anakin considering how rude and disrespectful she found him. Maybe it was because Sol knew how it felt to be left out in the presence of a Master.
'We are not going through this exercise again, Anakin,' Obi-wan scolded without paying attention to the female Padawan beside him. 'You will pay attention to my lead.'
Sol swear she groaned aloud. If she ever spoke to Master Yoda in the way Anakin did to his Master, she would not be alive and well in Senator Amidala's penthouse. It was like a friend's parents fight in front of you; awkward and embarrassing. She dared not look down the line of Jedi who were sending each other glares, which she didn't want to get caught in. Instead, she looked to Padme, who was the same as her. Her lips were pursued at the two who were meant to be her protectors.
'Why else do you think we were assigned to her, if not to find the killer?' Anakin said defensively. 'Protection is a job for local security, not Jedi! And there's three of us here now, and it's overkill, Master. Investigation is implied in our mandate.'
'We will do as the council has instructed, and you will learn your place, young one.'
Anakin tried to hold his Master's stare but faltered. With Padme and Sol in the room, he had lost his manners out of nervousness and for the need to appear like the Jedi Knight he wanted to be. But he realised he had only embarrassed himself with Obi-wan getting the better of him once again.
'Perhaps with merely your presence, the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed,' Padme attempted to finish the conversation to savour everyone's sanity. 'Now, if you will excuse me, I will retire.'
How Sol wish she could do the same.
Night fell over the city and the penthouse's living space was dimly lit. Padme went to sleep in her bedroom at peace with the thought of three Jedi present to protect her. With her silk sheets over her sleeping figure, the Jedi assigned themselves to different areas of the entire apartment building to be the eyes and ears of security.
Sol arrived back in the living space from her patrol and let out a sigh. The air in the penthouse had been thick since Anakin's tone with Obi-wan in front of the senator, and Sol could feel it slowly draining her. The Force held emotions and feelings like hands, yet the weight of what it held was heavy over those who were Force-sensitive. The young Jedi's shoulders were sore and a headache grew, but she did her best to not let it tire her to the extent it could.
To get some fresh air, Sol stepped out onto the balcony. A protruding platform, the balcony looked out into the city that never slept. Speeders passed by in their lanes and buildings still had lights in their windows. It was all Sol ever knew with the cold air and odourless scent. The lower levels were a different story, but officials worked hard to make the city as pleasant and liveable as possible, meaning no bad smells and a somewhat quiet atmosphere.
Sol placed her hands on the railing of the balcony. Her bare arms chilled at the brisk air and the lights of speeders radiated off her skin. The air was enough to calm her, but her mind was still troubled. The sight of the stars above reminded her of the mission Master Yoda and Master Windu embarked on earlier that day, and the thoughts remained of disappointment.
'Be mindful of your thoughts, young Padawan,' Sol turned to see Master Kenobi had stepped out onto the balcony. 'The negatives are not all there is to life.'
'I'm aware, Master Kenobi. Just winding down from the day, is all,' Sol let her lips twist into a smile, but it came out like a grimace. Obi-wan smiled back none the less and took slow steps further out onto the balcony. He had finished his patrol for the hour and sensed the young woman out in the city air.
'I sense your troubled by Master Yoda's departure to Alderaan,' Obi-wan said as he stopped next to her at the railing. 'He has only gone on the insistence of the senate. It is not a deliberate act to leave you here.'
'It's not that I'm afraid I'm missing out on action,' Sol found herself saying. 'I just... I just feel like Master Yoda never wants me on any missions. Besides my training at the temple, he's hardly even my Master. It's like he's... ashamed of me-'
'He is not ashamed of you, Sol,' Obi-wan insisted in a stern tone, turning to face her with pinched eyebrows. 'Master Yoda is very proud of all Jedi students. You are no different-'
'But I'm his Padawan.'
Quiet fell over the two. Sol felt a familiar panic on her chest at the thought of speaking too quickly to a Jedi Master, but she couldn't help it. She had never been able to express her frustration about Master Yoda's treatment, as it wasn't the Jedi way. They weren't supposed to give into the frustrations that could lead to something more sinister. They were meant to be calm and use the Force to find the guidance to a solution. They should meditate these thoughts away and be free of all emotion.
But Sol always knew she wasn't the role model Jedi.
'Forgive me, Master Kenobi,' Sol faltered and turned with her head bowed. 'I should not let my attachments consume me.'
She peaked through her hair that fell into her face. She could see Obi-wan's kind eyes looking at her and was surprised when his hands raised to be on her shoulders. Standing up straight, she looked up at Obi-wan and felt the warmth of his presence flow from his hands and into her being. He was always the kindest Jedi Sol knew despite never formally meeting him. That's why it shocked her to hear how Anakin spoke to his Master. He was fortunate to have a Master who showed gratitude, kindness, and faith in everyone he met.
'Don't be so tough on yourself, Sol. You're not a burden on anyone, especially not on Master Yoda,' he said with his eyes trained down on her. 'The Force knows your destiny and is guiding everything it needs to in order for you to meet it.'
'Do you know why Master Yoda never sends me off Coruscant?'
Obi-wan bit his lip, which went unnoticed due to his light brown beard. He recalled the council meetings where they discussed the young girl that was Sol. From her induction into the Jedi Order, to new evolutions in her training, Sol was a frequently mentioned topic among Jedi Masters. She was the suspected Chosen One and was guided by Master Yoda to defeat the Sith when the time comes. That is unless Anakin is the prophesized Chosen One, but Sol was the more favourable of the two. With her obedience and extensive use of the Force that only Master Yoda had ever achieved, Sol was the light that could balance the Force.
But then there was Anakin. His actions were usually without thought and his sparring techniques sometimes leaned towards the darker sides of the Force. Obi-wan knew of his need to dominate situations and win spars at any means necessary, and the Council were aware of this. But they had faith in Obi-wan to guide Anakin Skywalker so that if he was the Chosen One, he would be the balance the Force needed.
'Master Kenobi?' Sol's voice pulled the man out of his thoughts that had wandered far off. He blinked once and saw the inquisitive face on the woman whose shoulders he still held. In the lilac eyes that were full of the desire for answers, Obi-wan found himself smiling genuinely.
'I'm not sure why Master Yoda hasn't taken you off Coruscant,' he said. 'But I promise you, at the next opportunity, I will request your presence to the next available off-of-Coruscant planet.'
'Really?' Sol's smile burst onto her face and a sparkle formed in her eyes. Obi-wan couldn't resist the growth of his own smile at the sight of Sol's excitement.
'You have my word.'
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