The next morning was difficult. Anakin left for the temple and Sol had heard him leave in her speeder after he had placed a kiss on her head. She hadn't spoken to him the night before when he returned. Padme took it upon herself to direct him away from the bedroom because Sol was finally able to rest after an evening of hysterics. She slept through the night and awoke in the late morning to an empty bed.
She was thankful that her rest had been needed to the point of sleeping through to the late morning. After her talk with Padme, Sol wasn't sure if she was prepared to tell Anakin about her pregnancy. Even though Padme had been supportive and insisted that he would be overjoyed to hear that they could start a family, Sol feared an outburst. She liked to think that Anakin would be accepting at the news, but with his recent behaviour and unpredictable mood swings, Sol didn't have the mental strength to tell him just yet.
'Good morning, Madam Sol,' C3-PO entered through the hall that attached Sol and Anakin's bedroom to Padme's wardrobe. 'Senator Amidala has asked if you were well enough to join her for brunch?'
'Yes, Threepio, thank you.'
'You're most welcome, ma'am.'
As the gold droid left to deliver the reply, Sol sat up in bed and felt a strain in her collarbone. With a wince, she carefully leaned her back against the bed's headboard and slowly rotated her shoulder to ease the feeling. Sol felt the uncomfortable puffiness in her eyes from her crying episode with Padme, and she knew that there was a redness in her face that had festered overnight. She hoped that Anakin would have thought it was from excessive sleep when he kissed her goodbye in the morning, and not because she had learnt that she was pregnant with his children. Not that Anakin would be able to link the two things just from the sight of Sol's puffy eyes and red face, but it was an irrational fear that Sol couldn't help but think of.
After dressing in some casual clothes that Padme had left on the chest of drawers, Sol headed through the wardrobe to make it to the living space of the apartment. Her steps were slow and careful with the mind to keep the swinging of her arms to a minimum. The bandages held everything in place, but the general movement of muscles when walking made Sol wince at the pinches in her healing blaster wounds.
'Good morning,' Padme greeted her in the living space. 'How are you feeling?'
'Not too bad,' Sol mumbled as she embraced her friend. 'I probably look like a porg with all the puffiness, though...'
'Your eyes are a bit... red.'
Sol let out a light laugh at Padme's hesitance to comment. She slowly lowered herself onto the sofa and eyed the array of foods on the coffee table. Padme was dressed in a silvery gown that draped its sleeves over her forearms. Her hair was crinkled and pearls were braided throughout its beautiful, brunette mass. Sol wasn't dressed for a posh brunch, while Padme always looked like she was heading to the musical theatre with the fanciest of people.
'Are you going into work today?' Sol decided to ask with a glance at the senator's attire. She took a small plate and took some exotic fruits from the platters to start.
'Yes. Anakin said he was going to the Senate this morning, as well.'
Padme caught the Jedi's paused chewing while looking up through her eyelashes. The senator took some things onto her own plate and hoped that the information wouldn't set Sol off into another sobbing session.
Much like Sol, Padme didn't like to admit that Anakin's relationship with the Chancellor was strange and unnerving. It was wrong to think that her superior was feeding Anakin negative perspectives and views about political issues, but at her party's dislike for the executive powers the Chancellor now held, Padme couldn't help but be unfavourable towards the Palpatine.
'Did he say why?' Sol asked as she stared at her small plate of mango and pear.
'Obi-wan's team have reportedly begun their attack against General Grievous,' Padme recalled from the small interaction with Anakin. 'I'm assuming he was going to inform the Chancellor about this.'
'I see...'
'Will you tell him?' Padme asked and Sol avoided her stare. 'About the twins?'
'I'm... I'm not sure. I wish Obi-wan was here...'
'Obi-wan? Why?'
'I trust him. Out of everyone in the Order, Obi-wan has always been understanding. He knows about Ani and me, and I'm sure he would be accepting of this. He would know what to do, he always does...'
Padme could see that Sol still hadn't warmed to the idea of her pregnancy. She didn't blame her as the times were uncertain, and Sol and Anakin were still under the watchful eye of the Jedi Order. With Anakin still heavily involved with the Chancellor, Padme could understand why Sol was so indifferent to the idea of her unborn twins.
Not only was Sol pregnant, but she was already five weeks along. She hadn't felt any different considering the changes in her body, but when the droid had explained the possible fatigue that can be felt with pregnancy, Sol was harshly reminded of the attack in the temple. Her reaction to the clone's attack was slow; slower than she had ever been before. Part of her training with Master Yoda was to do with the Force's ability to sense oncoming danger, and it was part of a Jedi's power to be quick and have agile reflexes. Perhaps the reason Sol couldn't sense the clone's attack was because of the two growing children inside of her.
But then Sol remembered a certain Jedi who had found themselves in the same difficult situation she was in. Satele Shan had her child on a faraway planet before returning to the battlefield, all while the Jedi Order were unaware of her condition. Maybe Sol could get in contact with Satele again and seek advice. With Obi-wan away, Sol had to find help from someone else, and she couldn't live on the hope that the Order wouldn't notice her growing stomach and her retreat from her duties.
But how was Sol supposed to contact the woman? Satele never revealed herself when Sol most needed her. It was only on unexpected occasions that the Force ghost would speak in her riddles, before disappearing for months on end. But Sol couldn't help but feel that history was repeating itself, and the Force was directing events to meet to a certain destiny.
Falling inlove and falling pregnant as a Jedi wasn't common. In fact, Sol had never heard of the phenomenon until Satele made her existence known. It couldn't be a coincidence that this was happening to Sol all while being the descendant of Jedi Master Satele Shan, who underwent the same situation. She had to talk to Satele, and perhaps Revan, the only other Shan that Sol knew, could help her.
Padme was reluctant to drop Sol off at the Jedi Temple on her way to work, but at her insistence, the senator eventually caved in. With Captain Typho at the wheel, the transporter ship pulled away from the temple's hanger while Sol sent a small wave to her friend. In some new robes, Sol wore her over robe to cover the bandages that were wrapped around both shoulders. She wasn't completely re-energized and knew she would grow lethargic as the day went on, but she couldn't sit at Padme's deep in her worries of what to do about her pregnancy. She had to do something about it before it became impossible to hide.
Turning to head into the hanger, Sol was about to set off to find Revan to see if they could prompt Satele's ghost to reveal itself. But she barely made it into the hanger before she spotted members of the Jedi Council heading towards a carrier ship. Master Windu, Master Fitso, Master Kolar and Master Tiin were in their over robes, and Sol thought it was strange that they were leaving the Jedi Temple in a group. Without at least a handful of Jedi Masters in the halls, there was a threat to the security of the temple. Younglings were vulnerable and most Jedi were away from the temple on missions, and without Masters, an attack could be lethal to the Jedi home base.
Why would all four Jedi Masters be leaving the temple when their absence could be a danger to those who remained in the temple?
'Solaris? What are you doing here?'
Turning from the sight of the Masters, Sol saw Anakin heading towards her from inside the hanger. His steps were quick, and his face was solid, alerting Sol that Anakin wasn't in a welcoming or playful mood.
'I'm heading to the med bay. I might need some medicine to sleep tonight since I've slept so much-'
'You shouldn't be here,' Anakin cut her off. 'You should be resting, and Padme's is safe and far from the temple.'
'Safe? What could be safer than here?'
Anakin went to argue but caught sight of the Council members heading for their ship. He reluctantly moved away from Sol in their direction, and Sol's curiosity lead her to follow him. She knew something was up by the way Anakin took long and quick strides, and she struggled to keep up with his pace due to her injuries.
'Master Windu! I must talk to you,' he called and the four Masters turned around. At the appearance of Anakin, Master Windu could be seen resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
'What is it, Skywalker? We are in a hurry,' the man said. 'We have just received word that Obi-Wan has destroyed General Grievous. We are on our way to make sure the Chancellor returns emergency powers back to the Senate.'
'He won't give up his power. I've just learned a terrible truth. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord.'
Sol looked at the back of Anakin's head in shock. She stood far enough to be seen by Master Windu, who glanced over Anakin's shoulder at the woman who wasn't meant to be at the temple until the following days. But from her place, Sol was able to see an expression on the man's face that she had rarely seen.
It was the first time she had seen Master Windu without a bored look or a scowl in the presence of Anakin. It was a shock that made Sol forget why she had ventured to the temple and why she had been sobbing to Padme the previous day. The Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was a Sith Lord? The two terms were so different from each other that Sol and Master Windu thought they had heard incorrectly.
'A Sith Lord?' Master Windu repeated, stepping closer to the Jedi Knight.
'Yes. The one we have been looking for.'
'How do you know this?'
'He knows the ways of the Force,' Anakin answered, aware of Sol's burning eyes on the back of his head. 'He has been trained to use the dark side.'
'Are you sure?'
Sol couldn't believe it. She didn't like the Chancellor, and she could never explain the unease she felt when she was around him, but a Sith Lord? The Sith were full of hate and called to the side of the Force that valued the pain of enemies. They saught for the annihilation of all that was good and light, and the Republic was the very soul of these things. How could the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic have kept a visade for so long without detection?
'Then our worst fears have been realised,' Master Windu announced. 'We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive.'
'Master, the Chancellor is very powerful. You will need my help if you are going to arrest him.'
'For your own good, stay out of this affair. I sense a great deal of confusion in you, young Skywalker. There is much fear that clouds your judgement,' Master Windu turned his attention to the woman behind Anakin. 'And there is a hinder in your strength, Sol, that still needs to be regained. You two should remove yourselves from this situation completely.'
'But Master, I must go-'
'No,' he cut Anakin off. 'If what you have told me is true, you will have gained my trust, but for now, remain here.'
'Yes, Master...'
Master Windu turned to reach the ship where Master Tiin, Master Kolar and Master Fitso waited in confusion. As the ship left, Anakin and Sol stood in silence. Windu's dismissal of Anakin's involvement in the situation was nothing different to the Council's usual treatment, and Sol was prepared to listen to the Master's order without a challenge. She wasn't strong enough to go after a supposed Sith Lord and with the thought of Sol's ever-changing condition, Sol didn't want to risk another demobilising attack.
But Anakin wasn't aware of Sol's disinterest in being involved, and he turned to her with a face like thunder. With the same hard eyes that she had seen countless times, and the same tightened jaw that could cut through glass, Anakin was building up to another unavoidable rant, and Sol was trying to prepare herself for it.
'I can't believe this...' he said with ferocity in his voice. He looked anywhere but Sol to spare her his harsh stare, meaning the floor of the hanger was his new victim.
'How has the Chancellor been able to stay undetected? He's so close with the Order, and he was working with the separatists from right under our noses...' Sol said aloud in shock, before she looked up to Anakin with a series of blinks. 'But at the same time, it is what has been worrying the Order for so long. His call for executive power, his interference with the Order's affairs... we've been so blind...'
'I need him...'
'Sol, I need him,' Anakin stepped forward and reached out to take Sol's hands. She was surprised at his boldness while in the temple's hanger but didn't pull away. His stare was unwavering and Sol hoped that he wasn't alluding to what she thought he was.
'They're going to kill him. I know it, but I need him. He... he can help me save you,' Anakin almost grew a smile and Sol was confused to the point of being appalled.
'What is this about, Ani? What are you trying to save me from?'
'I have to go... go back to Padme's and stay there. Tell me on your commlink when you're there, and don't leave until I get back.'
'But, Ani-'
Anakin released Sol's hands. He brushed past her as he moved out of her way, and Sol turned to call for him, but saw he was rushing towards his starfighter. His over robe bellowed behind him and in his run, he was able to make it to his ship and into its cockpit before Sol was able to make it across the hanger. Her collarbone and shoulder ached at her attempts to run, making her slow and feel helpless as she heard the sound of engines powering up. Sol let out a light groan as she gripped her bandaged shoulder, and Anakin's ship rose from the floor and flew out of the hanger at top speed.
'Sol? Where's Master Ani going?' the beeps of R2 alerted Sol of his presence behind her, but she didn't turn to greet the droid. She stared at the mouth of the hanger where Anakin had left and felt the familiar ache of worry fill her stomach.
'I have to find Revan, Artoo,' she mumbled, before she turned and headed towards the temple. 'And I need to contact Obi-wan.'
'Why? What's going on?'
'I think Ani's about to jeopardise his future with the Order.'
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