'I just need you to stand guard. If anyone comes past, try to appear as inconspicuous as possible. But I doubt anyone will. No one comes past here unless they're heading for the hanger down there.'
Revan pointed down to the hall where the turn would lead to the hanger of the temple. The large windows lining the hall were trying to capture the sunlight that usually blessed the top of the temple, but because of the placement of the records archive, the halls were left to be lit by the wall sconces. With the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, the bottom floors of the temple were deprived. But for Ahsoka and Revan, the lack of natural sunlight and foot traffic was preferred for their current task.
'I'll tap on my commlink if things turn sour, but try not to take too long,' Ahsoka replied, and Revan nodded.
'Thank you for doing this, Ahsoka,' Revan put a hand on her bare shoulder. 'It means a lot to me.'
'Don't mention it. This is for Sol, as well, remember?'
Revan nodded before he turned to the door that concealed the Jedi Order records. Ahsoka tried to ignore the tingles that lingered on her skin and looked over her shoulder as Revan recited the code into the keypad beside the door. Using Galactic Basic digits, the Shan held a crumbled piece of paper with the code in his hand and slowly pressed the green keypad.
Ahsoka had been the one to eavesdrop on a conversation between Master Fisto and Master Secura, which had been influenced with the overindulging of alcohol, and the prompt about the records left strategically by Ahsoka. The situation had only been guided by the Togruta, as she decided to give some personal information to Master Secura in an electronic file, knowing that the Twi'lek would need to lodge it with her other records in the archives. But Master Fisto coincidentally turned up at the same bar (again, influenced by Ahsoka's little white lies about Secura wanting to meet with Fitso), and the two fell into a drunken rant about the archives. With a small use of a Jedi mind trick from Ahsoka, this was when Fisto let it slip that he sometimes forgets the code to the keypad. Master Secura wrote the digits down on a piece of paper and slid it across the table, which Master Fisto slipped drunkenly into what he thought was his pocket. Ahsoka used the Force to call the paper from the ground and into her hands, and she ensured that the two made their way back to the temple safely.
'Good luck,' Ahsoka said after the door slid open after a positive beep from the keypad. A dimly lit room was revealed with shelves of scrolls, files and books in their masses. A computer connected to the Holonet was also inside and Revan hoped that he wouldn't have to search for too long before he and Ahsoka could flee the scene. He glanced back to Ahsoka, and she smiled encouragingly and said,
'May the Force be with you.'
'Yeah... you, too.'
Revan stepped into the room and the door slid shut behind him. The keypad sounded once more, locking him inside and Ahsoka began her guard duty. With her head sweeping left to right, she kept watch of each corner of the hall. Every so often, there was a distant hum of a ship taking off from within the hanger, before a silence would ensue. The walls were thick and when there were no Jedi or clones roaming the halls, the temple grew quiet enough to hear a mouse droid rolling around some halls away. Ahsoka hoped that the hall she guarded would remain empty and that the Force would be on her side in this instance.
From inside the concealed room, Revan stared at the shelves that took up all four walls. He took a deep breath and tried not to be overwhelmed by the amount of electronic and traditional files. After spending his spare time in the library, Revan knew the time periods that he could look for to centralise his search. He decided to start with the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, which was marked above the electronic files on the shelf. As it was the closure of the Great Galactic War, Revan thought that it would be a good starting point to find the Shan name.
As he sifted through declarations and countless small events, Revan occasionally saw mentions of the last name Shan. He couldn't get too excited, as most led to events that Revan had already read about in the history books. What he was searching for was a file containing the Shan family in hopes that he could find how he ended up on Concordia, and how Sol, if she was a Shan, was found on Coruscant.
Revan closed a file that contained some notes on the end of the Galactic War and sighed. The next file was like any other and as he picked it up to sift through it, he was confused to find his full name written at the top.
Perhaps it had been misplaced, he thought. Why would his file be under the Great Galactic War when it was decades before he was born?
But as he passed the mentions of being part of the Jedi Order, Revan realised that it wasn't his file at all. Although it contained mentions of Mandalorians and the journey of being a Padawan, when Revan saw the title 'Darth Revan', he knew that he had found more than he had anticipated.
A flare in the Force alerted Ahsoka of a new presence. She looked to the right and saw an individual turn the corner, but they were too far to be identified. To not appear conspicuous, Ahsoka looked down to her feet when the person was within metres of her and she hoped that they wouldn't spare her a glance. She didn't want to stare enough to identify them, but judging by their Force signature, Ahsoka knew that it wasn't a Council member nor a clone.
'Ahsoka! What are you doing down here?'
Much to her relief, the Tano looked up to see a close friend of hers. Barriss Offee was Mirialan and had a yellow tinge to her skin. She dawned black robes that left only her face visible, and she gave a kind smile to almost everyone. Ahsoka was known to her, so her smile was no different from usual, and Barriss seemed glad to see her friend despite her unexpected presence in the hall.
'I'm waiting for Revan in the hanger. Droids are fixing his ship, so I thought I would wait,' Ahsoka made up on the spot. She was proud of herself for keeping her tone even and without a stutter from her nerves. She did all she could to keep her breath steady and through a short meditation, Ahsoka asked the Force to calm her mind.
Barriss Offee was a talented Jedi. Still only a Padawan, Ahsoka had been on one of her first missions with her. Ahsoka knew that the woman was gifted with the Force and in her saber work, but knew that she was one to prefer learning the ways of the Jedi, as opposed to the peace-keeping side. Because of her experience with Barriss, Ahsoka made sure not to underestimate her sharpness. Ahsoka's Force signature needed to be calm, as one look from Barriss could alert her to her suspicious antics.
'Revan Shan? May I ask what's going on between you two?' Barriss raised her eyebrows innocently.
'What do you mean?'
'You two just seem really close as of late. That's all,' Barriss said with a shrug of her shoulders and her sweet smile still on her lips. Ahsoka felt a heat threaten to rise from her neck, but she was thankful for her burnt orange skin, which concealed the blush that made it to her cheeks. She had to remember that she was keeping guard and her forbidden feelings weren't to be prioritised.
'Have you just come back from a mission with your Master?' Ahsoka decided to ask to change the subject.
'Yes. I have to make a report, so I'll have to leave you, now. But it was nice seeing you Ahsoka. May the Force be with you.'
'And... with you?'
Ahsoka's eyebrows creased in confusion as Barriss Offee turned and continued on her way. The Padawan watched the Mirialan walk down the hall and turn the corner, making her Force signature fade from Ahsoka's radius. When she was gone, Ahsoka thought about Barriss' strange use of the common phrase of the Order. Jedi only wished for the Force's guidance with someone when they were embarking on something dangerous or threatening, and considering Ahsoka had said she was only waiting for Revan in the hanger, she was confused at Barriss's use of it.
As Ahsoka went to drop the thought that must have been an innocent mistake, she nearly lost her footing as she was thrown from her place. A rumble erupted throughout the temple and from where the hanger was located, clouds of smoke wafted through the hall. The walls crumbled from the shake and debris fell in piles. The light from the mounted sconces flickered before cutting completely, leaving the hallway in the minimal natural light it received from the city. The small fires that sparked from falling debris created addition lighting throughout the hall, but it wouldn't be appreciated by the Jedi that would soon come to the destroyed hanger's aid.
Ahsoka stabilised herself with her hands on the wall behind her. Her lungs erupted with coughs as smoke slid down her throat, and she attempted to use the crease in her arched arm to cover her mouth. She squinted at the crumbling hallway and looked the hue of hot orange that could be seen on the walls that lead to the hanger. Whatever had happened in the hanger had created a fire, and Ahsoka was sure that the hanger was no more.
'What in the Force-' Revan's voice cried as the hiss of the sliding door sounded. Ahsoka didn't bother to look at her friend who paused at the sight of the hall. He gaped at the damaged temple and let the new information he had learnt from the archives slip to the back of his head for later.
'What happened?!' he turned to Ahsoka in panic, but realised that they needed to leave the scene quickly. While Ahsoka kept her nose and mouth buried in her forearm, Revan took a hold of her shoulders and started leading her away from the destruction and the record archives. They still had an undercover plan to keep a secret, so he took charge and turned the corner with Ahsoka in front of him.
The further the two got away from the hanger, the more Jedi they came across. Medics and emergency responders rushed past them with first aid packs in hand and droids in tow. Extinguishing droids rolled in their groups and alarms blared throughout the temple. Revan and Ahsoka were able to stick to the sides and avoid being noticed, but it wasn't until Revan saw a group of Jedi that he had hoped to avoid running down the hall, that he cursed under his breath.
'Shan! Tano!' Master Mace Windu's voice placed a dread in both of their stomachs. The dark-skinned man stopped in front of the two with his brow stern and lips tight. By his side was the rest of the Jedi Council such as Master Unduli, Master Plo Koon and Master Gallia.
'What is the meaning of this? Why are you two down here?' Master Windu demands with a boom in his tone. Revan tried to get a word out, but the panic and fear got the better of him while in front of the Council. Ahsoka was able to clear her airways with a final cough before answering for the two of them.
'We were leaving the hanger, Master Windu, when there was an explosion. We were only just able to get away,' Ahsoka said, and she made sure to keep eye contact with the man who had a history with her own Master. She knew that if she appeared nervous for even a second, he would be on her case immediately.
'Where is your Master, Tano? I would like a word with him-'
'Right here, he is.'
Ahsoka had never been so relieved to hear Master Yoda's croaky voice. From beside the present Council members, the Grand Master appeared into view with Anakin by his side. While Master Yoda hobbled with the help of his walking stick, Anakin paused his stride with a look to Ahsoka that could only mean trouble. With his brow heavy over his eyes, Ahsoka knew that her Master was unimpressed with her presence.
'Skywalker, your Padawan was the first one to be seen leaving the lower floors of the temple. Along with Shan, the two were the only ones leaving the scene, as opposed to running towards it,' Master Windu said to Anakin, and the man's unimpressed gaze moved from his Padawan to the Council member.
'And? She said they were leaving the hanger when it exploded. Who's to say that it had anything to do with them?' Anakin challenged. 'An investigation needs to be conducted before the pointing of fingers can be done. I'll contact Master Obi-wan. Is that alright with you, Master?'
Ahsoka knew that Master Windu grumbled internally. Without waiting for an answer, Anakin looked to Ahsoka and Revan and gave them a look that told them to follow him. While she was his student, she could leave the scene with him while the Council investigated. Revan was free to stay or leave, but felt safer following the Skywalker who didn't appear afraid to talk back to the intimidating Master Mace Windu.
'I hope you know the seriousness of this situation, Snips,' Anakin said after he and the pair were away from the Council. Ahsoka looked to her Master whose blue eyes were stony and dared to ask,
'What actually happened, Master?'
'Isn't it obvious? The temple's hanger was just bombed, and it's come from inside the Order.'
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