The landing ramp lowered as the engines of the ship died with a cooling hiss. The city bustled behind the Jedi Temple with its usual speeders in their lanes, and spaceships descending to their respected ports. A warm orange covered the sky for the evening on Coruscant, and it would be a warm night in the midst of the late summer.
Master Obi-wan Kenobi waited as the 336th legion exited the ship and discarded their helmets. The same face repeated by the Jedi Master and each saluted him as they passed, earning a respectful nod that was no less attentive than the previous. With his hands in the sleeves of his over robe, Obi-wan spotted one of the Jedi he was waiting to greet.
'I heard it was a somewhat successful mission?' Obi-wan said once Anakin stopped in front of him. In his dark attire, the Skywalker looked at his previous Master and saw that he already knew about the details of the destroyed base on Scariff.
'Did the nerf-herder transmit that to you?' Anakin jabbed his thumb over his shoulder and the mentioned woman appeared on the landing ramp. Obi-wan frowned at the younger man's vulgar referral before his gaze flickered to Sol, who drew closer to the two at the sensing of her mention.
'You're back early,' Sol said as she stopped next to the two. She purposely avoided looking at Anakin, who peered down at her with his arms crossed over his chest. The heat of his gaze made her itch to turn and see the blue eyes that were solid in their colour, but she focused on Obi-wan, who didn't mention the obvious tension between the two.
'Yes, it was just a tip-off from the Quarrens. Something about some activity on the planet, Kessel. But it sounds like Master Adi-Mundi will follow that lead for now.'
Sol nodded and dared to look to her left, where she finally caved to the itch that invaded her side. Anakin was looking at Obi-wan, allowing her to see his set jaw and heavy brow over his eyes.
Being the slightly older age of twenty, Anakin was still a handsome man, and Sol couldn't deny it. He turned heads wherever he walked and the female Jedi Padawans that roamed around the temple with their Masters always stared with blushes on their cheeks. Sol would never admit that it infuriated her, and it didn't help that she would never be able to express or show her jealousy. When she would walk with Anakin to the cafeteria, and some young Padawans passed on their way to training, she cringed at the giggles they hid behind their hands and the fluttering eyelashes they sent Anakin's way. How much Sol wanted to alert their Masters that they were showing signs of endearment and attachment, just so she would know that they would run laps around the training grounds for their silly giggles and blushing cheeks.
'Well, I've got a report to write,' the sound of Anakin's voice broke Sol from her thoughts and she blinked three times when Anakin looked to her. 'And so do you.'
'Yes, and I'll make sure to include how the change of plans was at your discretion, and not mine.'
Anakin's face didn't change as he stared at Sol wordlessly, before walking away to head into the temple. Sol knew that she had irked him by the way his neck was stiff and how his stare was directed to the automatic doors that opened and closed for him. He was usually one to look down at his feet when he walked, but when he was conscious of stares on his back, Anakin would look out straight to appear confident and unphased. But it was in fact the opposite, and this lightened Sol's mood.
'I thought you two were getting along,' Obi-wan said and Sol turned back to the Master next to her. The man whose blonde hair was now short around his head and skimming at his ears looked down at Sol with inquisitive eyes. She still felt safe and relaxed around the Master, unlike how she felt around any of the other Jedi Masters she had ever met. Even after graduating into being a Jedi Knight, Obi-wan still ensured that Sol returned from missions safe and untroubled. As Master Yoda was rarely a sight nowadays, Obi-wan seemed to have assumed the fatherly role that Sol once yearned for as a youngling.
'We do get along,' Sol said as she and Obi-wan began walking the landing pad and into the temple. 'But we still clash on most things. We're just... very different.'
'Stubborn is more the term I would use.'
Obi-wan laughed with his words and Sol reacted with the same tone. The two walked the corridors of the temple towards the cafeteria, where they yearned for a meal before they would need to write their mission reports. Unlike Anakin, Obi-wan and Sol struggled to concentrate without their stomachs full. After a day of escaping droids and talking with the inhabitants of Mon Calamari, the Jedi were looking forward to a warm dinner amongst the safety of their fellow Jedi.
'He wasn't happy that he had to have someone accompany him,' Sol mentioned with a tray in hand. She served herself from the pots of warm stew and roasted meats, while Obi-wan headed for the starch-based dishes of potatoes and vegetables.
'I would have loved to have had a companion on my first few missions as a Knight,' Obi-wan pondered aloud. 'I don't see why Anakin is so adamant to go into these missions alone. These are dangerous times.'
Sol hummed in acknowledgement, and she turned to head to a table. The cafeteria was full of other Jedi who ate in groups or in the company of their own. She b-lined for a free table in the middle and settled her tray down with her steaming bowl of stew. Obi-wan occupied the seat opposite and the two sat with their meals ready to eat.
Ever since meeting Anakin and Obi-wan, Sol had never sat alone at mealtimes. When they were all available, the three would eat together on the insistence of the two men who she were now her close friends. When the men were on missions together, Sol would somehow have someone else sat with her. Sometimes it was Master Secura, or one of the Knights who she knew from her young Padawan years. Gone were the days of eating alone after Master Yoda would hobble off to the duties of a Grand Master. Sol now had co-workers, friends, people she took a liking towards; some more than others.
'Obi-wan,' Sol called after some time. 'Why is it that the Council always advocate to have someone with Anakin and I when on missions?'
Obi-wan's eyes moved up from his tray but his head stayed facing downwards. Wrinkles formed on his forehead and his beard moved as he chewed his meal. When he glanced down at his tray, as if to be thinking, Sol knew that Obi-wan was being careful with his words. He was the only informant that Sol had from within the Jedi Council. Not that he ever agreed to be, but Obi-wan was the only Jedi Master who would reveal small details about the Council's meetings. It's not that he was unaware that he was revealing confidential information, but Obi-wan was admittedly weak when it came to Sol. With her bright purple eyes and pleading face, Sol always reminded Obi-wan of how little she was shown guidance in her younger years. Master Yoda only ever guided Sol with the ways of the Force, but when it came to the nourishment of a child's desire to be guided in the adult world, the Grand Master fell short.
'Master Yoda won't tell us why, but judging by the events on Geonosis, I think he is worried about the Sith,' Obi-wan said in a low voice, glancing around the cafeteria with shifting eyes.
'About Dooku?' Sol tried to confirm.
'Possibly. But whatever Master Yoda is concerned about, I think it has to do with the ancient prophecy.'
Sol didn't have to ask for an explanation. She remembered Count Dooku's alluding to Anakin being the Chosen One and considering the fact that he is now with the Sith, it means that Anakin could be a hot target. The Order were still unsure of how many Sith there were, and since Darth Maul was killed, another had taken his place as the proof that the Sith were still at large. There was still the question on whether Darth Maul was the apprentice, or the Master, but the mention of the ancient prophecy from Dooku was indeed a worry. It would be wise to believe that the Sith's main priority was to destroy the one who is meant to destroy the Sith once and for all.
'So, they still don't know who it really is?'
'Hm, but they're taking into account what Dooku told you on Geonosis.'
At Obi-wan's lack of depth to his answer, Sol caught the hint that it was all he was willing to give up about the Council's concerns. With the finishing of her meal, Sol stood up with her tray in hand. She bided goodbye to the Jedi Master and headed out of the cafeteria to do her mission report.
The halls were lit by the sconces that lined the walls. With the sun having already set and the city darkening for the night, the temple was dimmed. Sol took her time with heading to the archives where she would write her report that would be added to the Order's database. In her slow stroll, Sol wondered about the Council's suspicions of the Sith's movements.
Anakin was unaware of their deliberate attempts to always assign someone to accompany him on his missions, and maybe Sol should tell him what Obi-wan had told her. If the Sith were seeking out the supposed Chosen One and any information regarding them, surely Anakin would benefit in knowing who and what to look out for on his missions. But then again, Anakin wasn't the most understanding of people.
'Now, can we leave, Commander Solaris? Or do I have to order the departure of your legion in place of you, as well?'
His words filled her head and Sol remembered how irked she was from Anakin's sarcastic tease. If she tried to tell him about Obi-wan's suspicions, he may react dramatically, or think that she was trying to continue her hostile attitude from their mission on Scariff.
Sol felt the return of irritation in her blood and her hands clenched at her sides. Although she grew jittery in Anakin's presence and yearned from the small touches he slipped when no one was looking, he still had the same irritating mannerisms that Sol disliked. He was cocky and thought he always knew best, even though she and him were equal in their positions as commanders of their own clone legions. It helped with covering the situation he and Sol had, as no one would suspect the two who frequently argued and mocked each other to be in some sort of affair. But since they had never talked or established what they had together, Sol wasn't sure if the way Anakin acted towards her was genuine or a cover-up.
Once she arrived at the library of Jedi archives, Sol was sure she would be relieved to retire to her quarters for the night.
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