Izuku had school tomorrow.
The boy knew this yet he couldn't fall back to sleep.
It's been a problem for quite some time now and it was hitting him again this time. The same nightmare he's been having for who knows how long.
He tossed and turned in bed, trying to relax his beating heart yet nothing worked. Her face haunted his mind as he sat up in bed and pulled out his phone in a hurry.
He didn't know what to do or who to call since two names pounded the inside of his mind.
Mrs. Mitsuki or Katsuki? Or in this case sparky sparky boom boom man. His hands shook as he clicked on sparky sparky boom boom man.
Small boi: Hey are you awake?
Small boi: It's ok if you're not I just need someone to talk to
Small boi: Because I can't sleep
Boom💥: I have fucking school tomorrow! What the hell do you want weirdo
Small boi: Hi sparky sparky boom boom man
Boom💥: Don't give me that shit and tell me what the fuck you want
Boom💥: My eyes are fucking burning you know!
Small boi: Geez so mean :(
Small boi: Anyway I can't sleep
Boom💥: Go cry to your mom about that damn pervert!
Small boi: She's busy so I can't...you can go to sleep if you want it's fine
Boom💥: You're so fucking annoying. Didn't this happen before?
Small boi: Well yeah...but you didn't do anything and told me to leave you alone
Small boi: So uh you can go back to sleep I'll just try and call my mom again
Boom💥: Well I'm fucking up now
Boom💥: so what the hell do you want me to do?
Small boi: Are you serious?!
Small boi: You're actually willing to talk to me!!
Boom💥: Shut the hell up
Boom💥: Man this fucking blows I have school tomorrow and so do you
Small boi: You're acting like you never stayed up past 10:00
Boom💥: I have goddamnit! But unlike you I actually wanna go places in my fucking life
Small boi: it's one day. I think you'll be fine
Boom💥: Fucking whatever
Small boi: Well uh..this is the perfect time to learn more about each other
Small boi:
Boom💥: Oh fuck no
Small boi: it'll be fun!
Boom💥: There's no way in fucking hell
Small boi: Then how about...never have I ever?
Boom💥: Its better than truth or dare
Small boi: Ok! Since we can't video chat we'll just put 1 for no and 2 for yes!
Boom💥: Yeah yeah whatever let's just get this done and over with already
Small boi: Ok never have I ever.....Drank Alcohol!
Boom💥: 2
Boom💥: Stole it from my dad then I got drunk as hell at the age 9 it was amazing
Small boi: Wow
Small boi: I'm not surprised nor disappointed
Boom💥: What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
Small boi: Nevermind anyway ask me a question!
Boom💥: never have I ever....I don't fucking know...stole something
Small boi: 2!
Small boi: I stole test answers from my teacher once. He didn't notice so I took a picture real quick and aced that test :)
Boom💥: I thought it was gonna be cooler than that pervert weirdo
Small boi: I could've got detention!!
Small boi: whatever... Never have I ever....got into a fight
Boom💥: 2
Boom💥: In middle school don't wanna talk about it
Small boi: Ok whatever you say Sparky sparky boom boom man
Boom💥: This is more boring then I thought
Small boi: Yeah for once you're right
Small boi: But I think I'm calmed down and able to go to sleep
Small boi: Thank you sparky sparky boom boom man 🙇♀️
Boom💥: Whatever going to sleep
Small boi: Ok g'night sparky sparky boom boom man
Boom💥: Shut the fuck up pervert weirdo
Small boi: Geez so mean ☹️
Boom💥: Go to fucking sleep goddamnit!!
Small boi: Ok Ok I'm going I'm going!
ʀᴇᴀᴅ 4:56am
I want food
But don't feel like making anything
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