Chapter 39
× Lucy POV ×
I slumped forward and sighed loudly in boredom. Sting hasn't come to visit me yet, it's been a week and a half already and I still haven't seen him. "Hey Lu-chan!" Levy smiled and took a seat next to me. "Hi Levy." I beamed a smile back at her. "No Sting again?" Instantly, I frowned and nodded. "You don't think.... you know what, never mind." I shook my head. "No no no. Tell me whats on your mind Lu-chan." I sighed loudly, "You don't think Sting would back out of the proposal right?"
"What? No way! He's a good guy Lucy, don't lose faith in him." she winked making me giggle. "You're right."
× Sting POV ×
"Jeez...." I rubbed my aching neck. 'I hope this is enough'.
When I got back to the guild I headed over to the bar and ordered a mug of booze. "Its past midnight where have you been?" Rogue asked but I just shrugged. "Ya' know, I was here and there. Just took a walk." He stared blankly at me, "A walk that took 10 hours? Are you drunk?"
"What? No. Well not yet." I started drinking more booze from my mug, he simply sighed and shook his head. "Hold on.... is that a bruise?" he started to reach for my shirt but I whacked his hand away. "No," we stared at each other for a split second then I huffed, "I need more booze."
× Lucy POV ×
The next day I went over to the guild and saw Natsu looking at the mission board. "Ohayo Natsu!" I greeted. He looked at me and smiled widely, "Ohayo Luceee!" he ran and dragged me over to where he was. "Lets go on a mission yeah? Just me and you." he grinned while picking one out. "Just me and you? What about Erza and Gray?"
He shook his head, "Nah, they're all busy. Ah-ha! This one." he handed me the flier. 10,000 Jewel to take care of a couple of bandits. "Seems easy enough."
× Sting POV ×
I blinked a couple times and sat up. "Ohhh..." I groaned, rubbing my head. Jeez, how much mugs did I drink last night? I was about to get out of bed but I noticed someone under the covers . Oh hell no, I did NOT do anything. Right?
I inhaled loudly and took the covers off the figure. When I saw who it was I exhaled in relief. "What the hell are you doing in my bed Rogue?" But he didn't answer and continued to sleep. I got out of bed and threw a shirt on and left my room. I called Lector over and we exchanged our greetings then we were off. "You ready Lector?"
"Yosh!" I grinned at him causing him to frown a bit. "Are you okay Sting-kun?"
"Of course, don't worry Lector. Sorry to drag you along."
"It's okay Sting-kun! I'll always be here for you!"
I just chuckled softly, "Thanks." We were walking through the town then all of a sudden Lector shouted, "Fish!! Can we get some Sting-kun?" I turned around but someone bumped into me causing me to hiss in pain. "Watch where you're going!" They apologized and hurried off. "Sting-kun! Are you okay?" I held my shoulder in pain for a few seconds then exhaled heavily. "Yeah. Don't worry."
"Maybe we should go back Sting-kun. You should get rest." But I shook my head. "No, I can't. We have to go Lector, c'mon. We'll get fish after. I promise."
We started walking but my body still ached really bad and Lector was on to me.
× Lucy POV ×
Me and Natsu sighed loudly. "Well that was a fail." I nodded, "That was horrible."
It was quiet for a couple of seconds but then we bursted out laughing. "Haha! You were such an idiot Natsu! I can't believe you let the bandits get away! They totally tricked you!" I laughed. "Idiot? Me? You were the one who fell on their face when we were running after them!" Natsu laughed, pushing my shoulder lightly. I smiled at him then sighed, looking up at the stars. Again, it was silent for a bit but it was a comfortable type of silence. We were sitting in the small town where the mission took place. It was kinda chilly out but the stars were really nice tonight.
"Ne, Luce..... Are you really gonna marry Sting?"
I looked at Natsu then back up at the sky. It took some time for me to gather my thoughts but I eventually replied to him. "Yeah. Yeah I am. Why?" He didn't answer but when he did he just said. "Just was wondering. I'm happy for you two by the way."
"Thanks. Maybe we should start heading home." He looked at me then laughed. "Alright! Lets go!", then he yanked my arm and started running. I noticed how he smiled, I haven't seen that in awhile. I really missed it. I missed this side of Natsu.
× Sting POV ×
I sipped some booze and exhaled, "What the hells going on with you?" Rogue sternly said, gazing down at me. "Scuse' me?"
"You're hiding something."
"Am I?"
"Don't do that Sting. Don't play dumb."
I just rolled my eyes and stood up and was about to walk past him to leave but he pushed me back. I glared at him and got into his face. "What the hells your problem, huh?" I practically shouted. "God Sting, your breath reaks of booze."
"Get out of my way." I was about to push past him but he pushed me back again. "Don't leave Sting. You're not in the right state of mind. You'll do something stupid just like the last time, and the time before that and before that and the time before that."
I shoved him hard causing him to stumble back a bit. "Sting!" He walked up to me but I shoved him again. "Leave me alone!" He stood there looking at me then sighed heavily, "Fine. Go."
"Finally." I spat and left.
× Lucy POV ×
I made some finishing touches to my current chapter in my novel then stretched. It was about me and Natsus mission today and all the funny moments we had. "That looks good." I put it away in a safe place then started heading to bed, I snuggled my face into my pillows and curled up under my blanket then drifted off to sleep.
But suddenly I heard a loud banging on the window. I was terrified, but it stopped. A wave of relief washed upon me but it started again. I crawled over to the window and breathed before I opened it but when I did I was surprised. When I opened the window he fell on me causing me to let out an 'eeek.'
"Sting?" He lifted his head to look at me, he smiled then rolled off. "Heyyyyy Lucyyyy." he sang. "Are you drunk?"
"Hahaha! You're funny." he laid his head on my shoulder. "My head hurts Lucyyyy." he whined. I could smell the booze all over him, "No c'mon Sting. Take a bath first then we can go to sleep." I helped him off the bed and into the bathroom. Sting watched me as I made a hot bath for him, "I'm gonna wait outside okay? Just take your clothes off then go in." He looked at me then nodded slowly.
When I left the bathroom I grabbed some of his clothes out of my closet that he left here from before and set it on the bed. "Lucyyyyyy!" I peeked inside and saw that he was sitting on the ground with his clothes still on. "Sting? Whats wrong?"
"I can't take my shirt off..." he frowned. "Can you help me?" He stood up and raised his hands up making me giggle. I pulled the hem of his shirt up and off of him. But when I saw his body I gasped, their was cuts and bruises all over. When I touched it he flinched in pain. "My god Sting, what the hell have you been doing?"
I looked over at his face but he just stared at the ground, he looked a bit sad. "I'm sorry Lucy."
"Huh? For what?"
"For not being the perfect guy you want. If I was, you would be happy and have everything you want. I wanna give you everything. If I was perfect you would still have the baby and --"
When he said that I did feel sad inside again, just like when I first lost the baby. But Sting was the one who helped me through it all. "Its not your fault Sting. Now hurry up, take a bath then we'll take care of all your wounds then we can go to sleep. Does that sound good?" He nodded in response which made me glad we didn't have to go through a bunch of depressing memories.
"Hurry up, take your clothes off. I won't look." I turned around. Then I heard him taking it off, "You can look if you want."
"You're funny Eucliffe."
I heard some splashing and when it was quiet I turned around. Sting was sitting in the tub but he looked a bit uncomfortable. "It hurts."
"Its okay. Just wash up real fast then it'll be over with."
"Can you come in?"
"Can you take a bath with me?"
I shook my head. "Hurry up you doofus." I splashed water onto his face then I giggled but he just pouted. "Pleaseeee!" he whined even more. "NO, now hurry up! You smell like booze and look like crap."
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