Chapter 37
× Natsu POV ×
"What a job....." I slummed forward and kept walking. Since these past few days have been such a pain, I took my first job since then. Been taking a couple of jobs without anyone else which is pretty boring. But their really is no one for me to go with nowadays, of course theirs Happy and everyone else in the guild but I wanna go with Lucy.
It was pretty late cause it took awhile to get the job done alone. I was planning on stopping by the market to buy some fish for happy until I saw a familiar figure laying on the ground in the distance. "Is that....."
When it was more clear I saw Sting laying on the ground covered in blood and bruises. "Sting!" I ran over to him and saw him awake. Well, barely awake. "Sting! Sting! Oh man, c'mon get up!" But his eyelids started to fall heavy and eventually closed. Hurriedly, I rushed to Fairy Tail, as soon as we got inside I shouted, "Wendy! Mirajane!"
× Lucy POV ×
After Natsu told me what happened I sat on one side of Sting and stared at him, I tried to recall how this started. How I got involved with him. That's right.
My hand slowly traced up my neck and searched for it until I felt the Dragon scales. I looked down to my side and saw Sting in pain, "How did this turn turn my life upside down? I wanted to live my life for a little longer then maybe settle down. Now it was all rushed because of this."
"So you regret it all, huh?" I gasped and watched as Natsu walked in, "You made it sound like you regret everything you've been through with Sting. So let me ask you this Lucy, Do you wish Sting never marked you?" I looked at Natsu with disbelief, did he really ask me that? But on the other hand, how do I really feel? I mean I really had a lot of goals for my future but all I can ever think about nowadays is Sting.
"So how do you really feel Lucy?"
I blinked a couple of times and let my eyes dim down, yet again I felt the mark and memories of me and Sting came to mind. But then I looked down at my Fairy Tail insignia and mumbled, "Fairy Tail was my first priority..... I mean of course it still is! But my first priority isn't just Fairy Tail, now it's Fairy Tail and Sting."
He leaned on the wall across of us, his arms crossed over his chest. "I didn't ask about that."
I sighed, "I love Sting. If I never fell in love with him I would've said I regret it. But, I can't lie. I don't regret anything that happened. Things happened, but it was worth it."
"What a relief......"
I looked down at Sting who was smiling softly, his eyes closed. "I thought you would've regreted meeting me." He grabbed my hand, "Are you okay?" he asked. I grasped his hand, pulling it close to my mouth. "Are you crazy? Are you okay? Why are you worrying about me?"
"I asked if you were okay."
Tears streamed down my face, my voice not as strong and was breaking as I talked. "I-I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because I broke your heart for the millionth time."
I laughed through the tears. "It was worth it."
He sighed deeply, "I'm glad you're okay." I shook my head. "What were you thinking? Beating someone up. Are you okay?"
"Hell yeah I'm okay." I laughed hard through all my tears. I looked up at Natsu who was watching us with a smile across his face. I smiled at him to show my gratitude, he nodded and quietly left.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
I looked down at him with a sad grin. "No need to apologize anymore."
About two days later Sting was then able to get out of bed and remove only some of his bandages. We were currently sitting in the guild hall, watching everyone laugh and fight. "Don't you have to get back to Sabertooth? You've been away for waaaay to long." He shrugged. "Maybe you're right. Rogue can't handle all of that himself. Plus, he's not Master material like me." I giggled, "Yeah I hate to see you go but you're the Master of Sabertooth. You have to go back sooner or later."
He sighed, "I understand that. Guess vacation is over."
Me and Sting were on our way to the train station, he still had bandages wrapped around his head and around his stomach so he only had a vest on. Of course pants and shoes. That would be awkward if he was streaking and showing his..... yeah. Okay.
"Do you have to leave?"
"Yeah, plus aren't you the one who brought it up?"
"I remember no such thing."
While we were walking I noticed how we kept our distance, I'd hate to leave things on a bad note. He was walking about 5 feet away from me, I looked down at his hand then at mine, I was about to grab it until he spoke up, "I'll come visit you soon yeah? We're here."
I looked down at the ground in sadness. "Yeah...."
× Sting POV ×
I looked at Blondie and noticed how down she was, I grinned and put my hand on her head, "Come on now Blondie. I don't wanna see any tears." She looked at me with a shocked face then looked away. "Stop calling me that....."
× Lucy POV ×
I watched Sting get a ticket, I placed my hands on my head and remembered his touch. "Blondie? Ya comin to say bye to me?" I ran over to him and followed till we were in front of the train. "Well, this is where we say our goodbyes. So goodbye Blondie I'll be sure to visit you." he grinned sadly.
"Bye Sting. Hope you come back soon." I smiled widely to lighten the mood. He chuckled and flicked my forehead causing me to look at him in anger. "Ouchie! Jeez, what was that for?"
"Nothing, you just looked to cute." he chuckled then turned on his heels and into the train. He sat down by a window and stuck his tongue out at me causing me to do the same. Sting started smiling like a little child, then the train started to move making my heartache. Slowly, the train started picking up its pace and then it was gone. But I just stood there, hoping Sting comes back.
× Sting POV ×
I looked out the window in sadness, watching us leave the train station. "Sting?" That voice. I looked up and saw Rogue along with Lector and Frosch. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Well you've been gone for a long time and Yukino came back the other day and seemed really out of it. Although I know the cause of that. So we were gonna check up on you. But we saw you outside in the station so we just stayed on the train." Rogue explained. Lector frowned, "What happened to you Sting-kun?"
"Long story."
× Rogue POV ×
"So how is Lucy?" I asked, something was off when I said her name. "She's fine." Just as I thought. "How are things with Lucy and you?"
How depressing he is. As I sat down I could feel the depression already. It ticked me off. My eyebrows started to twitch in annoyance. "God dammit Sting, go back to her. Like right now."
"Just go. I don't care how but I want you back in Magnolia and don't come back to the guild until you get all that sadness washed out of you."
It took a few seconds for him to say anything but when he did he have an ear to ear smile. "Yosh! Arigatou Rogue." He jumped out of his seat and shouted, "STOP THE TRAIN!!"
× Sting POV ×
The conductor looked at me in confusion but stopped the train, they let me out and instantly I started running on the tracks back to the station as fast as I could. "Just hold on tight Blondie, I'm coming back for ya."
× Lucy POV ×
I was sitting on a bench in the train station and still I think I'm just getting my hopes up thinking Sting would come back. So I got up and walked home. The fishermen on the boats passing by yelled at me to be careful as I walked on edge of the river.
My eyes widened in shock but I shook my head. "I think I'm going crazy." So I continued walking but then I heard it again. I turned my head and there, Sting was running after me. "Hold on!"
"Stin- whoa! Eek!" I fell into the river, so I swam back up and watched Sting run. "Hahaha! Wait for me! Whoopie!" he cannonballed right into the river. Yup, official idiot right here.
He swam back up and was panting real hard. "How'd you get off the train? Why did you come back?" But all he did was smile, "I told them to stop the train so I ran all the way back."
"Cause you forgot something."
"Which is?"
"This." He pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips just like old times. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. When we pulled back he smiled. "Will you marry me Lucy?"
"Yea - wait what?" I gasped in shock. He chuckled and looked at me. "Will you, Lucy Blondie Heartfilia be my, Sting the awesome badass Eucliffe's wife?"
I couldn't believe any of this. "Are you gonna answer me or are you still swooned over my lips?" he smirked. I shook out of it, "Well well Eucliffe. That depends if I will become Lucy Blondie the awesome badass Eucliffe. Maybe I will if you stop calling me Blondie."
"Now now, don't get ahead of yourself. We're taking one step at a time." he said making me laugh. But I realized we were still in the river. "Here." he carried me up onto the sidewalk. We squeezed some water out of our clothes. "So?"
"So..... I think I might just say yes."
"You might?" he sweatdropped, I giggled and looked down at his hand. Oh how much I love holding his hand. "Now will you say yes?" he grabbed my hand. "Are you reading my mind or something?"
"Answer the question."
I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Yes. Yes Sting the awesome badass Eucliffe. I will marry you."
HAHA! Finally updated, but this chapter took time to gather all my thoughts on how I'm gonna end the book. But I would say maybe another 2 or 3 chapters till this book is completed.
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