"Wake up Jean! Answer your damn phone!" I woke up to the screams of Eren Jeager. "Gosh let me sleep Eren" I said to the clearly exasperated boy. "NO! Answer the phone Jean!" he said loudly. I finally decided to wake up and check my phone.
Shit! Marco is waiting on me I thought. I quickly pushed Eren out of my way to get to my closet and throw on the first outfit I could find. As I was running out of the room all I could hear was Eren saying "Don't wanna make your boyfriend wait!". That comment would have bothered me if I actually had the time to overthink it. I jumped in my car and drove for what felt like an eternity.
When I pulled up to 929 Trost Street all I could see was a giant three story house with marble columns and a beautiful garden. I glanced over at the garage and saw three very expensive cars parked there. I was not quite sure I was at the right house. I got out of my car and slowly walked up to a massive dark oak door and gently rang the doorbell. The door opened slowly and on the other side of it stood a very petite yet assertive looking woman. "Oh you must be Jean" exclaimed the woman "I'm Marco's mom. Please come inside". I walked into a massive living room that had an array of regal furniture and family portraits. "Marco, your guest is here!" his mom called up the stairwell "Please have a seat. He will be down in a moment." "Thank you Mrs. Bodt" I said in a shaky voice. Soon after, Marco made his way down the stairs and into the mesmerizing living room. "Hey Jean" he said with little enthusiasm. "Hey man, sorry I'm late. I didn't get to sleep until this morning I was up all night watching tv" I chuckled. "It's okay" he said with a warm smile "I thought you were gonna bail today. Come up to my room". I followed the freckled boy up the winding staircase into a large bedroom that could easily sleep 20 people. After closing the door, marco motioned for me to take a seat on yet another regal couch in his room. "I'm sorry if my mom bothered you too much. She's a bit of a talker" he said with a forced laugh. "No, she seems really nice. Let's get started."
After about an hour of doing homework, I heard the yell of a deep-voiced man come from downstairs. "Dinner. Now." Marco instantly stood up and said, "Are you hungry?" I quickly responded with "Not really. I can go ahead and head out if you want." "No" he said "why don't you have dinner with us?" I nodded and walked with Marco downstairs. We walked into a massive kitchen with a table that could seat 15 people or more. I noticed Marco's mom sitting on the side while a grown man sat at the end of the table. "Pleased to meet you young man" Marco's dad said in a stern voice while extending his arm for a handshake. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. "Nice to meet you as well. I'm Jean" I said in an overly masculine way. "Please take a seat" Marco's mom said to me in a polite tone. Marco sat across from his mom and beside his dad. I quickly sat beside him. "So tell me, how long have you known Marco?" His dad said to me as we began to eat a meal that I could never pronounce. "I just met him this semester. We are suitemates." I said. "Hmmm" his dad mumbled "Marco has never mentioned you. But all we ever hear from him is band this and band that." "Dad!" Marco exclaimed "Stop." "Well we never really get the chance to talk because while he is at band practice, I am usually at football practice" I said, trying to lighten the mood. "You play football?!" his dad said excitedly "Marco has a friend who is actually athletic?" Marco began looking notedly uncomfortable. "Dad.... Please stop" Marco said quietly. "What position do you play?" Mr. Bodt asked, avoiding Marco's remark. "Quarterback" I answered. "Wow! I wish Marco would play a decent sport like that and not one full of fags like band." Marco began to shake. Mrs. Bodt even started to look uncomfortable. "Marco, we're gonna be late. We need to get to my house before my mom leaves for work!" I lied. Marco, quickly understanding that I was not being honest, said "Oh yeah. I completely forgot. Dad. Mom. I'll be home later."
We stood up and quickly made our way outside and into my car. Before I could even say anything I noticed tears streaming down Marco's face. "Marco..." I muttered quietly. "I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting him to be that big of a douche tonight" he said, trying to stop his tears. "Why did you get so offended?" I asked "Marco, are you gay?" With a simple nod, he said, "yes".
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