Seeing Louis
I wake up, body feeling so relieved it's insane. I check at Louis' emotions to see what I believe to be true, and it is. He's not in heat anymore.
Oh thank fucking God.
He is however freaking out in his room, and he's talking to someone. Probably Zayn.
I'm starving. Absolutely ravenous.
I decide to have a quick wash and get dressed, my need for food paramount in my head. It's all I can think about. I need so much food.
I rush out, and stop the lift which is closing, pushing in quickly.
Zayn stands there, and my eyes graze straight over to what must be Louis. He drops his eyes so quickly, cheeks burning. He tells himself off for doing it, bringing his eyes back up.
How is it possible that he looks even prettier after this heat? His hair is longer, thicker and shinier, flicking up at the backs, curling round his ear into his pink cheeks. His eyelashes are darker and longer, skin softer looking. He looks slimmer, his usually skin tight tshirt looser around his waist. He's absolutely gorgeous, and I hate myself for thinking that.
He's picked up that I realise he looks different, and he's embarrassed by it. He hates how he looks. How? It's even better. He almost glows with how immaculate he looks right now.
"Hey, Harry," Zayn says to me, taking my attention. "How you been?"
"Yeah, better now." I reply honestly.
Louis looks at me, wondering if I'd been ill. I knew he was completely oblivious, but he must have realised I felt it too.
I pinch my arm, and I know he felt it hurt me. His huge wave of embarrassment gives away that he has realised I went through it with him.
He blushes hard, cheeks all but filling with red, looking away to the wall and playing with his tshirt. He's so completely an Omega.
Completely gorgeous and so unaware of it. It's insane. I wonder how long it would have taken him to mate if he wasn't already mine. Days? After this heat? I'm sure someone would've pounced on him the second he walked out the lift.
I'm thrown off by his huge wave of need. He needs to be alone. No, he wants us to be alone.
He needs my scent.
He's trying hard not to think about it, but his need is screaming in my head.
I need it. Oh fuck, I need it so badly now I can smell it. It's been a week, a whole week.
He's picked up that I need it too, and I'm thrown off by his great need to submit to me. I have to look, and his head is already dropped forward, worrying about his legs.
"Zayn. You need to go," I tell the man. "Get out at the next level."
"What?" Zayn sounds confused. "And walk?"
"No, just get in the next lift," I argue. "Just do it."
I push the button for Zayn who is obviously looking at Louis, who doesn't even care that he's there. That he's even submitting in front of him.
He gets out and the lift moves down slightly until I hit the stop button frantically, moving straight in to sniff at Louis, dipping in to push my face straight in his neck.
He does the same, gasping out at how badly he'd obviously needed it. He tip toes to do it better, to press his nose under my nose, head screaming with how badly he likes it. I sniff hard and I struggle with how good it is, reacting to slam him back into the lift wall.
The worst bit about it is how he barely reacted what I just did, he weighed nothing. He knew I needed it, and he was willing to let me have him this close just to sniff it.
Jesus. It smells better. Is it different because he's different? It's the same smell, just more forceful, more gorgeous.
I don't care. It's mine, and so I'll stay to enjoy it. And fuck me it's good.
"I'm sorry about last week," He says, worried he'd upset me because of his heat. "Are you okay? Was it bad for you? I'm really sorry."
His concern is funny, making me laugh.
"I'm never underestimating heats again," I reply. "It was awful."
He's still worried.
"I'm sorry," He panics. "Are you okay now? I completely forgot it would affect you."
I'm touched he would be worried about me like this. It's cute.
"You couldn't help it," I say. "I'm not looking forward to that every month."
"Sorry." He apologises, sniffing at me.
"You look different again." I say, sniffing at his scent, thinking this had slightly changed too.
He's embarrassed about it.
"I know," He whines. "It's really bad and girly. All of it."
It's not bad at all. It's gorgeous. Why doesn't he see that?
"You're meant to look girly," I point out. "You're an Omega."
I feel him frown into my neck.
"But not me," He sounds upset. "I'm meant to be Louis. Who plays footy and has my facial hair. Tattoos and stuff. I just - it's all so new and my body is so different, and Zayn said its okay to be pretty but I - I just - why so girly?"
"You're meant to be attractive enough for an Alpha," I tell him. "So you can mate."
"But I'm already mated so why is it still changing?" He grumbles. "I'm just - I'm so confused."
"Was that why you were freaking out earlier when I woke up?" I ask him.
"Yeah," He sighs. "I went for a shower and it was like - it was just there. I mean, I can hide my groin and I'm a woman. I mean, apart from boobs. I miss having muscles. Body hair. It's so weird."
I'm not sure, I think he looks better like this. I could understand though. It was a huge change.
"I guess that would be odd," I laugh and sniff again. "You smell better."
So much better, and it's mine.
He blushes at my compliment, and I only know because he's worried about me noticing.
"Thanks." He replies.
"We're going to have to meet up with Zayn," I point out. "We can't stay here all day."
I think he knows that I probably would, and it scares me. Being mated is weird.
"Okay." He says, letting me pull away from him to hit the lift button.
I grab my phone from my pocket, worried because I hadn't been able to text this whole week. I'd been so preoccupied.
"I bet Kendall has been freaking out," I say to him. "I haven't text her back in a week."
"Sorry," He offers, still worried. "Just blame it on me."
Who else's fault was it? His offer makes me laugh.
"I was planning to." I grin at him.
The lift calls at the bottom and we walk out, meeting up with Zayn, who grumpily types on his phone until he sees us.
"About time," He snaps. "I almost left without you."
"Shut up," Louis replies. "Actually sorry, that was rude."
Zayn immediately changes his mood, laughing loudly.
"You're allowed to be rude, Lou." Zayn smiles.
I follow at the back, feeling weird because I know Louis looks better and I need to make sure no one else looks at him. Is this because I'm an Alpha, or because I'm his Alpha?
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