Mating Louis
"Where is Louis?" Niall asks, putting his phone in his pocket.
"No idea," Zayn replies. "He said he wouldn't be long."
"He's coming by himself?" I ask, concerned he would attempt to traverse an airport alone being an unmated Omega.
"He refused to have someone come with him," Zayn says, looking out into the crowd of unfamiliar faces. "Typical Louis."
'Typical Louis' would get him hurt if he wasn't careful. I'd have to make sure Zayn just ignored Louis next time.
"Oh, there he is." Liam says, pointing to the crowd.
I look, confused for a moment because I can't see him, but then I recognise someone else, the girly Louis. I'd been stupidly looking for bearded, tattooed Louis.
He standing there in the middle of the crowd of moving people, talking to a tall Alpha, blushing away naturally. The Alpha looks so attracted to him, but of course he was. Louis was pretty.
"Should we go over?" Niall offers.
"Nah," Zayn replies. "This is an airport. He'll be fine."
Why are they talking for so long? And what are they talking about?
The Alpha leaves him, leaving Louis in the middle of the crowd, looking bewildered for some reason. He's clearly in his own world again.
"Okay, I'll go and get him." Zayn laughs.
I watch as Zayn goes over, making Louis jump, his many bags dropping in the process. It clearly angers Louis, because he shouts at Zayn, blushing when he does because he doesn't like being rude. So new.
Zayn helps him pick up half of his stuff, Louis taking his bag, and they walk over to meet the rest of us at our gate.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Louis' voice snaps at Zayn, reaching us.
"Nothing." Zayn smirks. Louis moves to get in front of him, walking backwards.
"No, you don't get to say that and pretend you didn't, Zayn," Louis argues. "What do you mean 'apparently'?"
He walks right into me, filling my nose with his scent, and it's so nice. He feels like nothing, like he weighs nothing. I mean, I could take a lot, but wow. That's new.
"Oh God," He turns, blushing hard because he's realised it's me. "I'm so sorry. Have I hurt you?"
I laugh, looking down at him. He'd have told me to get out of his way normally, his concern for me is cute.
"You weigh nothing," I smirk. "Hurting me would need you to weigh something, Louis."
He flushes, turning back to Zayn.
"It's his fault anyway," He says. "He's being horrible to me."
"Stop being grouchy," Zayn smiles, making Louis blush. "He's upset because he's been tailed by four different Alphas since he's walked into the airport."
Four Alphas? I know I am one, but fucking Alphas.
"I'm grouchy because I've seen your face." Louis snaps, turning around and walking straight into me again. "S-Sorry."
He blushes as he turns again, walking away. He's clumsy, is this because he's an Omega?
"Are you forgetting I'm holding your things?" Zayn calls, and Louis turns back.
"No," He smiles. "Are you going to keep up with me?"
"Prick." Zayn says, and we all head to the gate following Louis.
"Four Alphas?" Niall says beside Louis, making him jump.
"Can we please stop talking about Alphas?" Louis sounds annoyed.
"Ouch," I say at the back. "I'm offended."
I don't get to see his reaction, but Zayn and Louis chat about some air hostesses who pass, some clearly giving me the eye, but I was only aware because I was looking too. They were hot.
We get onto the plane, Louis sitting next to Zayn, Niall next to Liam and me by myself. We're sort of secluded to ourselves, being that we were famous.
"I can't wait to get to France," I hear Louis, buckling himself in. "I love France. Are you excited? Because I'm excited."
Liam laughs at him, and I smile to myself. This isn't Louis. He's never like this.
"What's got into you?" Liam sounds amused. "You're not usually this excited."
"Yes, I am," Louis answers, and I could bet he was blushing. "I love flying. You love flying don't you Zayn? Zayn. Pay attention to me."
How oddly cute of him.
"Louis," Zayn sounds exasperated. "If you're going to be like this the whole time, you can go and sit by yourself."
"Please don't make me sit by myself," Louis' voice comes out, panicked. "I'll be quiet. Sorry."
Well, I've never heard Louis sound like that before. How odd.
"Okay," Zayn replies slowly, voice concerned. "You can stay."
True to his word, he stays quiet, even during the plane lifting off. When we reach altitude, I stand, needing the toilet.
Louis stands too, and we both look at each other, knowing we need the same thing.
"You can go," He offers, stepping back. "I can wait."
"No," I sit down. "You go."
He hesitates, annoying me, and he obviously senses it because he rushes past me to the toilet.
I play around on my phone, waiting patiently, until I realise he's taking far too long. What's taking him?
I stand up, moving to the back of the compartment to check up on him, but I freeze at the sight before me. Louis' against the door, an Alpha in his neck, panicking. He's clearly been forced to submit, his neck fully exposed. Anger thrills through me so quickly, needing to protect my friend from being forced to mate.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I voice, challenging the Alpha.
The Alpha growls into Louis' neck, who lets out panicked whimper.
I pull the Alpha off with surprising ease, maybe from being so angry. It leaves Louis against the door, in near full submission, eyes away and pliable, his neck fully exposed.
"He's mine," The Alpha growls at me. "I saw him first. Don't stop me."
"He's belongs to no one," I snap back, voice deeper. "Back off before I hurt you."
The Alpha goes to hit me, and we scrap, growling and swearing, him releasing sounds of pain when I manage to hit him harder. I'm so fucking angry. I haven't fought in years. I throw him away, his head hitting the wall, moving so I'm in front of Louis. If he wants him, he'll have to get through me.
"Leave." I growl at him. He looks, but he submits, rushing away.
Good. I'm in fucking charge. I'm always in charge.
I turn around to see if Louis was okay, but all thoughts leave my mind seeing him against the door, neck exposed, scent freely flowing. It scares me how badly I'm reacting to it. He's submitting and he can't even stop. I can see how hard he's breathing, he's still scared. I'm still so angry, and it's bad because I just fought for him. He's an Omega, and that's all I can see.
"Louis," I panic. "You need to - you gotta stop."
He doesn't move at all to hide his neck, he so clearly can't.
"I'm - I'm trying," His voice is gentle, only making it worse. "I can't."
I can't stop myself, and before I realise, my face is in his neck to sniff at his scent. It's worse this close, and by worse I mean so fucking nice. He gasps out, clearly shocked I would do this. It's too strong though, the need to stay, the need to sniff, the need to mate.
"Fuck," I panic. "I'm struggling."
I'm an Alpha, and he's a fully submitting Omega. This is what we are, what we're supposed to do, but not us. We shouldn't.
"Louis," I gasp. "You smell too good, you need to stop."
He whines softly, being such an Omega it hurts. Why isn't he stopping?!
"I'm - my legs," He breathes. "I'm gonna fall."
No, he wants to fully submit! Why? He can't do that! I grab at his shoulders, hoping it would stop him.
"No, no, no!" I whine through clenched teeth. "You can't."
But he's limp, I can feel I'm the only thing holding him up, and my head is screaming to bite him. To take it because his body is willing me to.
"Harry, I thought I heard-," Someone says behind me, and I panic, my Alpha taking over because I feel threatened.
That's when I bite him hard. That's when I mark my friend, my straight Omega friend as mine, breaking through the skin. A sharp wave of pure undiluted pleasure rushes from my neck down my body. Louis cries out, finally reacting to grab me, hands gripping into my shoulders and I realise I was only feeling what I was doing to him. It's the best feeling I've ever felt, but it's underlined with the horrible realisation of what we're doing.
I pull sharply away, panicking, seeing the blood at his neck, hiding my mark, our mark. What have I done? I've taken this away from him. We'll never mate properly now. I don't want this. I wanted a girl. A female Omega.
I suddenly become aware of his emotions, his severe shock, how he wasn't ready for this, how he didn't want to be mated.
I can feel what he's feeling?!
"Harry, what the fuck?!" Liam shouts from behind us, making me jump and panic, my heart racing in my chest. I was just thinking about how bad Alphas were, and look at me.
"I - I didn't mean to," I rush to defend myself. "This guy, he tried to mate with - and I fought him because I was just trying to protect-,"
I can't look at him, I can't even say his name. He's mine, and I don't want him. Fuck!
"Which guy?" Liam asks. Louis' so shocked from it all, only just realising Liam was the one talking.
"An Alpha," I reply, fisting at my own hair, and I realise Louis has picked up on my pain, even if he isn't looking. What the hell is this? "He had him pinned to the wall."
"Where did he go?" Liam frets. Does it matter? It's done now! Louis wants to be alone. He doesn't believe it, he wants to see he's mated even if he can feel my emotions.
"I don't know," I reply. I need to get away from Louis, we can't be mated. We can't. "I just - I threw him back."
I slightly remember my anger, then my sudden need, but I cut it off because I know Louis can feel it. He's trying to ignore me.
"Right, let's go and look for him," Liam offers. "Zayn, you stay with Louis."
Looking for him is going to do nothing, but I need to get away. I can't believe this. I've never felt so bad in my life. I want to apologise but what do I say? It's too late. This is forever.
I feel Louis' strong disbelief as I leave, panic and shock in his mind.
I'm just freaking out, getting angry as I walk away, getting upset because I'm never going to have children or anything like that, before getting angry again. Louis fucking submitted. This is his fault. He's taken that from me.
Louis clearly gets his wish to be alone, to look at himself in the mirror, because horrible panic and fear stabs at his chest. I feel concerned for him for a second before remembering he submitted and I'm so angry at him.
"Harry," Liam calls to me like he's been trying to get my attention. "Come on, lets go and sit down. We can't do anything."
I want to growl at him, I actually want to go and find that Alpha and actually kill him for what he's done.
Walking back, I gasp out feeling a huge wave of pleasure drop from my neck down my body, and then it leaves, leaving only Louis' panic. What the hell was that? Did he touch it? Is that what happens when he touches it?
He won't do it again. He doesn't want to look at it. He doesn't want it.
I feel his wave of sadness as I get to the guys, clearly all ignoring me and I'm glad because I would snap. Louis is pulling his hair, and then he cries. I feel the pain of it, and I hate it. I hate him for making me feel him cry.
I don't want to be near him, I don't want to be on this plane. Hell, I don't even want to be in this band at the moment.
We reach France, and Liam takes it upon himself to retrieve the Omega from the toilets. He isn't crying anymore, just sitting there, upset.
I try to ignore it, but I feel how he jumps when Liam obviously knocks, and how he gets angry at himself for crying. Telling himself to man up. It would've been amusing if I didn't hate him right now.
I'm aware of when he comes in, because he notices my scent from how angry I'd been and I hate it. This is all his fault. If he wasn't pretty, that Alpha wouldn't have touched him.
I feel his anger as he sits, blaming me for biting him. He was in submission, how is it my fault? He wants to argue with me, but I'm thrown off that he's scared of me as well. It hurts my feelings for a second, before getting angry. I don't care.
This internal feeling battle between us was almost exhausting. Is it always going to be like this?
Everyone's buckled in now, and the plane starts to descend. I guess the worst bit about this is we all have to exit the plane, knowing our fans are going to be out there. Expecting our happy faces, excited to be back on tour, not knowing how fake we would be.
We land, and I'm the first to stand, fuming and ready to just be alone. He couldn't agree more, and I get annoyed at him paying attention to my emotions. I almost feel his inner sarcasm, pointing out I'm doing the same thing.
I almost turn to glare at him, but I don't even want to look at him. He bristles at my feelings, returning the emotion. I feel his nails press into his hands, and I know he feels mine do it, too.
We're given the go, and I rush out, and the rest get off, Louis last. We get into the airport, fans screaming and I force a smile on my face, pausing to sign a few pictures and take some photos, before continuing on.
Me and Louis are separated, one car for me and Liam, one for the rest of them.
"So," Liam actually dares to talk to me when we're alone and driving. "That was weird."
"I can't believe that just happened," I growl, finally venting. "What the fuck! Why would he submit?!"
"Because of that Alpha-,"
"I'm fucking mated for life with a man, with Louis fucking Tomlinson," I continue, not wanting Liam to defend the man. "And I can feel what he's feeling. God, I'm - I'm so angry."
Liam lets me just ramble furiously to myself, humming every now and then, clearly recognising he won't get a word in.
Louis isn't talking, he doesn't want to. He's told Zayn off for even trying, getting embarrassed over his anger, wanting to apologise.
We get to the hotel, and I just go ahead, needing to be alone, to fall asleep and wait for the rest of my life now I was mated to Louis.
I know Louis is alone because he's thinking about mating, and what it meant. Then he thinks he should kill himself to relieve me. So I could mate again.
Don't be so over the top. It makes me angry he'd even think that. He feels my anger, trying to ignore it.
I feel like I have no privacy now. Everything I feel is relayed between us, and his too.
Like how he gets angry at the Alpha finally, wondering what he could've done to avoid this. How he'd just been walking and suddenly getting attacked.
And how exhausted he is, and how much he liked sleeping and being warm.
And finally how much he hated being an Omega. How he'd hated it as soon as he presented.
He falls asleep, because I feel nothing but my own emotions.
I fall asleep too, tired from all that had happened today, wishing it never happened, and I could go back to just having Beta Louis as my friend.
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