Other than the great hair thing, Cage Vickers was more like some kind of chemically engineered monster that was created in a laboratory by evil scientists to take over the world. Kinda like Frankenstein but more...attractive. Cage Vickers had no emotions. No feelings, no mercy. That's what made him to dangerous. He lived without a conscience.
As we drove further and further from Ivey, my hope of escaping lowered. Soon I was just glaring out the window, watching the trees blur past as a sense of dread became thicker. No one spoke and it helped just a little bit. Maybe they would let me go. There had to be a way to get back to Fern and settle this without any, you know...deaths.
The mere fact that they hadn't killed me was still something I was trying to comprehend. The Crows, so dangerous, so many deaths and blood of others on their hands. And yet here I was, sitting in the backseat of my car like we were going on a road trip. I didn't even like road trips, dammit. Too much roads and not enough ice cream.
Do you get it? Like rocky road ice cream because road trips involved roads and I said there wasn't enough ice cream because rocky road ice cream was a type of ice cream that had the word roads in it- never mind.
"Excuse me." I said loudly. Everyone except Cage, who was driving, had been trying to sleep until now. Jerking to attention, I found three very angry men glaring at me. Ha. If they were going to do this to me, I'd annoy the hell out of them until they paid me to leave. "Mr. Gangster, I need to pee."
"No, you don't." was Cage's deadpan reply.
I leaned forward and frowned. "What? How would you know? You don't have my bladder. My bladder is the size of a pea. A pea is honestly the size of my bladder. One time, I drank a Capri Punch, strawberry-flavored just so you know, and I kid you not, like five minutes later I had to pee. It wasn't even a full Capri Punch. There was about half of the drink left because my sister didn't want it anymore. And I didn't want to waste a Capri Punch, strawberry-flavored. Man, those things are delicious."
"Cage." The bald man muttered.
Cage didn't answer him.
I glanced around and smiled. "Hey, do you guys want to play a game? I know some great games."
"Are you fuckin' with me right now?" The bald man glared at me through the rear view mirror. "This girl can't be serious."
"Do you wanna build a snowman?" I offered nicely.
"Oh my God, I love that movie!" Micheal shouted with excitement. Catching the glares of his friends suddenly, his grin went away. It's like he just remembered he was a Crow, a skilled killer that most certainly spent his time doing illegal crimes, not watching Disney movies. In a more careless tone, he said, "I mean, that movies sucks."
There seemed to be a lot of silence around them. I suppose it wasn't very gangster-y to sit around and gossip about stuff.
I almost nodded off to sleep slumped against Micheal's arm until a watery image of Fern floated into my head. Time to increase the insanity. If they thought I was insane, they'd probably let me go. No one wants to deal with a crazy seventeen year old girl, especially not members of one of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the world. They had more important things to do. I poked Micheal's arm. "Hey, ask me how my wheat fields are doing."
"How are your wheat fields doing?" Micheal replied.
"I don't have wheat fields." I looked at him like he was crazy. This was so stupid, but at least it got Cage's attention. He watched us through the rear view mirror, his lips in a thin pressed line.
Micheal was a little more than befuddled. It was almost funny. "What?"
"I'm not a farmer." I shrugged.
"Cage, you should have left her." The bald man said angrily. He seemed to hate me more than Cage did. I shrunk back in the seat, frowning. Cage's eyes flickered back to the road. He still didn't say anything. I didn't know what time it was but the sky was beginning to lighten. Fern would absolutely murder me if I went back home. We continued to drive for about ten more minutes.
We were out of Ivey. I didn't know where we were or what they planned on doing with me. Trees were all I could see. Cage drove the car down a rocky gravel path near a few evergreen trees. When he stopped the car right in the middle of the road, I was more than confused. There was nothing there. Not a house or even a sad little shack.
I stepped out of the car with them as we gathered in the front. "Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked curiously. My fear was dying down now that they weren't going to kill me.
All I got in return was a dirty look from Cage Vickers, who was still sitting in the driver's seat. To my utter disbelief, he began driving off into the woods. I turned to Micheal, looking for an answer.
"He needs to get rid of the car." Micheal answered, licking his thumb and rubbing it on the tip of his gun.
"What's he going to do?" I panicked. It was a present from Fern. Cage Vickers couldn't just drive away with it. It was my car, dammit! My car that got me into this mess. Why couldn't I just have ran away when I saw them coming? Why did I have to get into the backseat instead of driving away? Stupid, November.
"He's going to blow it up, of course."
"What?" I squealed, utterly aghast at the thought. Now how the hell was I supposed to make my great escape?
Micheal stared at me. "I'm kidding. He'll just drive it into the river. We have to get rid of the evidence somehow."
We waited in tense silence. After five minutes and 23 seconds (yes, I was counting) Cage emerged from the treeline, his face grim. His hand was bleeding from something. Annoyed, he wiped it on a handkerchief as he walked back to where we stood.
I didn't understand what we were doing here. What I was doing here. I should be back home, taking care of Fern, not hanging out with a bunch of Crows and their infamous leader like we were best buddies.
Cage Vicker's face was in the news before, but it was always the same picture. In all of the CIA, they managed to take only a single picture of him. He didn't exist anywhere on the Internet. No one knew anything about Cage except for a certain few, which I was guessing was Micheal and Nick and the bald guy. Even with advanced technology, Cage Vickers remained anonymous.
It was his actions that was broadcasted to the world, never his face. His name, but never what he looked like except a blurry picture snapped five years ago.
And his face was one I was not likely to forget. In the growing lightness, I could make out the basic features. Short black hair, dark green eyes, pale skin with cherry red lips. His eyebrows were thick and straight, his sharp jawline stubbed with little black hairs. He had a no-nonsense look about his face and towered over with a six foot frame over most of the guys.
"Cage, let's not bring her any deeper into this." The bald man said, loud enough to let me hear it. "She's already seen your face. What are you doing, Cage? You've never let anyone get this close to you before. She has enough information to bring everyone down. Are you really going to take her into-"
"Watch your words." Cage cut him off, his voice assertive. "I don't need your opinion, Heath. I know what I am doing. Do you? If you know what's best, you'll shut up and you will do as I tell you. This girl does not concern you. This girl will be taken care of. I've had a long night, Heath. Don't step where you don't belong."
The bald man glared at me for a second before turning back to Cage, defiance swimming beneath his dark eyes. A single look from Cage's dead face instantly smothered any flame of thinking otherwise. Looking down, he stepped away, admitting defeat.
I bet the CIA would have done anything to be standing where I was. They've been searching far and wide for Cage Vickers and the Crows for ten years without getting any trace from them. And here I was, accidentally kidnapped by him and his friends. I had more information about the Crows in one night than some of the most skilled trackers in the world.
It was like stumbling over a rock, but in this case, it was stumbling over one of the most wanted criminals in the country. I'd rather stumble over a sponge to be honest. Then I could clean the sidewalk or something. Wow, not sleeping for over 24 hours was a very strange experience.
Micheal bent down and removed a sewer lid from the ground that I hadn't noticed before. My mouth dropped open. "Oh my God, your lair is underground? That is such a smart thing to do! No wonder the government couldn't find you."
I peered over Micheal's shoulder. The hole was big enough to fit everyone down easily. Only darkness looked back at me. Micheal moved away and sat down on the ground, his feet dangling into the hole. A moment later he jumped and we heard a faint thud from inside, and then footsteps walking away. Nick went after, jumping in quickly and effortlessly. The bald man went next, carefully easing himself through without a sound.
I stared at the ground. Only Cage and I were left. I really needed to get back to Fern but I didn't know how I could without letting them catch me. This wasn't going like a normal kidnapping would. I mean, at least I wasn't gagged and bound with duct tape. I could still walk and talk freely but I was reluctant to go any further.
Cage's dark eyes watched me carefully. "I'm very sorry about this."
I smiled. "That's okay. You know how you can make this up to me?"
He played along. "How?"
"You can let me go."
His fake smile did not diminish. "Even if I wanted to, princess, I can't do that. You know too much. I've built an empire and I can't have a little girl running to the cops and wagging her tongue around. Rumours are a very dangerous thing, sweetheart. I hope you can understand why I am doing this. Now be a good girl and jump in before someone comes along."
"No thank you."
Cage smiled nicely before pulling out a gun from his coat pocket. My grin crashed into a million pieces onto the cold hard ground. "I'll go in first. Jump in after me, I'll catch you." He said casually.
"What makes you think I wouldn't just run away after you went in?" I raised my eyebrow, or rather, the fake makeup filled eyebrow because my real one was gone (still couldn't get over that, by the way) with speculation.
His answer was as cruel as his voice. "Because there are ten land mines surrounding the area within ten miles of where we stand. Princess, I dare you to run away without blowing yourself up. If that's the case, then I wish you the best of luck. Your other option is to come in with me and we can talk in the morning about a compromise. With me, at least you will be safe. Your choice."
And with that, Cage Vickers jumped.
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