seven || another love spell
The pinkette swiftly turned around and stared at Taehyun who was running after him, tilting his head he waited for the male who panted loudly. "Hyung, what do you need?" Sunoo asked a bit confused, usually, the two would see each other after school or during class so seeing one another during break time was a bit confusing.
"Sunoo," Taehyun slowly repeated himself, putting his hands on his knees he bent down slightly trying to catch his breath. He wasn't one to run, he would be the type that could run fast for five seconds and immediately collapse after. "I-I need your help okay?"
"For wha- HEY!" Sunoo yelled out after his wrist was pulled so he was forced to follow Taehyun to a more secluded area. The pinkette was so confused, all he wanted to do was go to the little garden area their university has with his friend who was waiting there for him but now he was being dragged along by the ombré head who looked crazy. "No- No I need you to help me find someone, do you know someone named Yumi Kojima?"
"Yumi Kojima??" Sunoo asked tilting his head slightly, a small yelp left his mouth after being pushed forward and stumbling a little. Taehyun nodded quickly, he had heard rumors about a third year named Yumi who might've had a crush on Sunghoon and it was perfect for his plan! "I-I heard of her but I haven't—"
"Perfect! Okay, so I need you to help me find her so we can give her this!" Taehyun said and pulled out a small glass bottle that contained some sort of soft pale pink liquid. Sunoo scrunched his nose and looked up at the elder. "Are you okay hyung? Are you on drugs?" He asked a little bit concerned.
Taehyun's smile faded as he groaned loudly. Looking around to make sure there weren't many people around he backed up from the younger. "I made this last night, it's a new milk tea flavor and I heard that Yumi was one of the top culinary students so I need her to taste test this," Taehyun said, lying through his teeth. In reality, it was a love potion that he successfully cast this morning. In the spell book, it had stated that the one who drinks it will be so in love with the person they desire they would never leave them alone and that was just a perfect spell!
"I can taste it, hyung. You don't have to waste your time looking for her." Sunoo frowned, finding the ombré heads behavior a little odd. Taehyun shook his head, as desperate as he was to make sure Sunghoon was officially out of the picture so he could make sure Yeojin fell in love with him instead once the spell wears off on Beomgyu, he wouldn't put his friends at risk because of the spells.
Beomgyu... Taehyun thought for a second, the name lingering in his mind. Lately, he's been thinking about the elder a bit, perhaps he was just curious about the male but that was beside the main point. Shaking his head he huffed. "No, no I need her to taste this okay?"
Sunoo pursed his lips and nodded, he didn't want to make Taehyun angry so he just let the elder be. Looking to the side he pointed down the hallway, "She's over there." He said as Taehyun eyes followed the direction of where the male was pointing. Looking down the hallway he saw a girl with short brown hair happily offering someone some cookies. Perfect.
"I'll see you later Sunoo!" Taehyun said and quickly ran away from the male leaving him shocked. The pinkette puffed his cheeks out and rolled his eyes, walking out of the school to go meet up with his friend who was probably wondering why he took so long.
Taehyun walked up and over to the brunette with some half-ass confidence, this probably wasn't the best idea...If he had told Huening Kai about this he was pretty sure he would be strangled to death on the spot, but this is all he could think of right now. He had an advantage and that was making someone fall for Sunghoon so he can stay away from Yeojin. It was all he wanted.
"Yumi?" Taehyun spoke up to gain the brunette's attention, after a few seconds the girl finished her conversation with the student she offered cookies to and turned over to Taehyun with a warm bright smile. "Taehyun! You're from the music department right?" She asked, earning a small nod from the male
He had noticed that Yumi was shorter than him, just up to his shoulders and that she was a very positive person, her soft-colored brown eyes shined with happiness as her shoulder-length hair was neatly done. This was his first time meeting her so he was a little bit surprised that she already knew his name. There were rumors about Yumi having an interest in Sunghoon, so if it was true. He just hoped this worked out.
"I am, I also heard you're one of the top culinary students in the university?"
A small red hue bloomed across Yumi's cheeks as she gave a giddy smile. Tucking a few strands behind her ear she looked up at the male. "I-I wouldn't say I'm one of the top culinary students!" She said nervously as her tone weakened slightly.
Taehyun brushed that aside and grabbed her wrist, completely missing the bright shade of red covering the girl's whole face as he did. "Yumi-ssi. I made this last night and I needed someone to taste test it. My friend Soobin has been very busy with his boyfriend lately and the first person who came to mind was you," Taehyun said.
Yumi's face flushed deeply, she nodded nervously as some of her bangs loosely fell in front of her eyes. Covering some of the red hues that were so obvious in the light. "O-Okay!" She squeaked out, a bright smile making its way onto her face.
"Thank you, Yumi," Taehyun said softly and gave her a warm small smile before pulling the pink liquid out from the side of his bag, carefully handing it to the shorter girl he smiled widely. If this potion did work then he wouldn't have anything to worry about, however, he was a bit worried because he didn't read if there were any side effects or anything.
Was he selfish for doing this?
Shaking that thought away he watched as Yumi stared at the bottle as she opened the cap. The instant smell of strawberries flooded the hallways once it opened, which could cause a headache because of how strong it was. "It smells great! What did you put in it?"
"Uhm...Strawberry...Milk...Sugar....magic....?" Taehyun said absentmindedly, he scrunched his face up due to the heavy smell of strawberry flooding his senses. He was a huge strawberry fan don't get him wrong, but this was way too much.
"Magic?" Yumi giggled making Taehyun's eyes widen. The male quickly cleared his throat and nervously smiled. "Uh- Like cooking magic! You know that saying you put magic in food and that's how it's so good- yeah that!" what the fuck are you even saying.
However, it seemed to work as Yumi giggled even more. "Alright!" She said and happily started drinking, by the time she was done nearly half of the bottle was empty which made Taehyun feel so delighted. The brunette brought the bottle away from her lips as she wiped her mouth, "It's very sweet! I like it!"
Taehyun stared at her for a few seconds making sure something would happen, but unfortunately, nothing. A small sigh came from his lips giving her a weak nod. "I'm glad." He said before the bell exploded through the halls notifying him that break time had now ended.
"I'll see you later Yumi," Taehyun said after checking his food, he had chemistry next with Sunoo and he was pretty sure he had forgotten to do the homework. Shit, he was a dumbass for not asking when he was talking to the pinkette earlier. Quickly readjusting his bag he walked off not sparing Yumi a glance.
As he walked away, he failed to notice the dark red color replacing Yumi's brown orbs.
The ombré head slowly looked up after hearing his name being called, it was currently after school hours and he was exhausted from the amount of work his professors had dumped on him. Like seriously- who the hell assigns a huge five-page packet as homework and thinks 'oh yep that's good!'.
The male took his headphones out and looked up face to face with that familiar redhead who stood at the gate waiting for the male. Taehyun's eyes widened seeing Beomgyu standing there, why was he here? Did anybody recognize him? Oh gosh, he couldn't imagine what others would say if they found out that a famous CEO was meeting with him, oh how grateful he was for being the only one outside right now.
"Hyung, why are you here? Don't you need to do...I don't stuff?" Taehyun asked and walked up to the male who stood there with his bright pink eyes staring at Taehyun as if he was a golden trophy, he had also noticed that the elder was dressed in casual clothing rather than his usual formal attire. "I just missed you so much, darling."
Taehyun's expression went flat, holding back a scoff he quickly replaced it with a loud bored sigh. Today was absolutely exhausting, he just wanted to go home and lay down on his bed — perhaps blast some music and just knock out. "What do you want Beomgyu hyung? I thought you'd leave me alone."
"I never said that!" The elder gasped in shock as if he was just offended greatly. "It's just that...I cannot stop thinking about you, it's so hard to focus on my work when you're away." Beomgyu confessed making the youngers jaw drop. He wouldn't lie, Beomgyu was very confident. However, he doesn't know if it was the love spell making him confident or if it was just his natural personality.
"So...I need a break from work, handsome guys like me need breaks to maintain their sexiness-"
"I don't think that's how it works-"
"So anyways!" Beomgyu said interrupting Taehyun, throwing an arm around the male's shoulder and effortlessly dragging him towards his car. "I'm bored in the office so I had an amazing idea and that idea was to bother the love of my life! Taehyun spend the day with me please?"
The younger took a few minutes to think about his decision. He didn't have anything planned after school, Huening Kai was with Soobin all day and probably drowning himself working on his project, and Yuri was probably at work for most of the day. I mean if it's the only way to get out of doing homework.
"Alright hyung, I'll hang out with you- but don't try to hold my hand or anything!" Taehyun said and pushed Beomgyu's arm off, walking over to the car to get inside. A joyous bright smile plastered itself on Beomgyu's face, the male was so delighted that Taehyun agreed it was almost like he was floating when walking to the car.
"A movie theatre?" Taehyun asked in confusion after seeing the place Beomgyu wanted to hang out at. It was one of the popular movie theatre spots in Seoul and he knew a lot of people that loved coming here which made him slightly worried knowing how big Beomgyu's reputation was.
"I already got us two tickets to see the movie Five feet Apart, I hope you don't mind," Beomgyu said while styling his hair with the mirror. Taehyun gave him a dull look, shouldn't some famous people usually care about what they do in public? He doesn't know much but he was pretty sure if he and Beomgyu were caught hanging out together there would be some odd rumors going around. He was honestly surprised there was nothing yet ever since they both hung out at the aquarium together.
"I don't mind, I like any movie," Taehyun said, looking over to Beomgyu who had the brightest expression on his face. "I'm bored okay? Don't get too excited." He stated bluntly and got out of the car.
Shortly after, the two walked over to the building while have a small talk. Beomgyu quickly walked faster and grabbed onto the door handle and swung it wide open, holding it with his foot so Taehyun could walk in first. "Hyung i'm pretty sure you just wasted three seconds of your life doing that."
"I wasted three seconds taking care of my lovely Taehyunie!"
That didn't even make sense. Taehyun sighed shaking his head, walking inside of the building with Beomgyu following shortly after the two walked up to the front desk where a worker smiled at them widely. The male had noticed how her attention quickly diverted to Beomgyu, completely ignoring his existence. He couldn't help but think whether she might've recognized the elder or not.
"Hello! I'm here for the movie five feet apart for me and my beloved! I had brought tickets a few hours ago." Beomgyu said and pulled his phone out showing the screenshot of his successful purchase of the tickets. The worker nodded and typed into the little iPad in front of her, a suddenly confused expression flushed over her face as she looked up at the male again. "I'm sorry sir, it seems that the whole room was purchased."
The color in Beomgyu's face drained quickly, scratching his head he nervously chuckled as he glanced at Taehyun who shared the same shocked/confused expression as the worker. "A-Are you sure? I don't think that's possible so could you double-check?"
The worker nodded and typed something onto the iPad for a few seconds before confirming that the whole room was sold out. Beomgyu stood there in shock, a bit of disappointment showing on his face so obviously.
"Hyung it's okay, we can watch another movie," Taehyun spoke up calmly trying to get rid of the disappointment on the elder's face. He doesn't know why, but seeing Beomgyu upset made him a little bit upset. The elder looked over at him and just smiled, "Alright what movie would you like to watch?"
Taehyun took a moment to scan the posters that showcased what movies were going on. After a few minutes, he finally chose the movie he wanted to watch and tapped Beomgyu to gain his attention. The elder hummed softly as Taehyun pointed over to a poster. "The minions?" He asked tilting his head.
"Yeah, why not? They look cool." Taehyun shrugged, he was happy with his choice.
"Alright, then two tickets for the minions please," Beomgyu said and pulled out a black card, handing it over to the worker. For some reason, Taehyun had an odd uncomfortable feeling form in his stomach, looking over his shoulder he couldn't help but feel the sense of someone watching the two.
"Come on Taehyun," Beomgyu said making the male snap his head back over to him, he nodded nervously and followed Beomgyu to the room, shrugging off the uncomfortable feeling.
It had been three hours since the two had left the theatre. They both agreed that the movie was good, there were a few moments of giggling and laughter but it was still funny and enjoyable enough for the two.
Taehyun wouldn't admit it out loud but he genuinely enjoyed Beomgyu's company. The male was energetic and talkative- like really talkative but it was the good kind where you would want to listen to him talk all day! So that's why he agreed to hang out with Beomgyu for a few more hours.
During their time together, Taehyun hadn't failed to notice the strange things happening to Beomgyu ever since they left the movie theatre. For example, the moment they left Beomgyu suddenly somehow tripped on something that made him fall face first down the stairs, leaving the elder with a huge nasty cut and bruise on his cheek. Perhaps it could be Beomgyu just being clumsy but other strange things kept happening.
Like the moment the two went to a nearby café and got strawberry crepe cakes together but somehow there ended up being a mixup on Beomgyu's order so instead, he had gotten a raspberry crepe cake and he had learned that Beomgyu was deathly allergic to raspberries! So the two had just shared Taehyun's strawberry crepe cake, which he didn't mind much at all.
Then after the two had headed over to the park to walk around and talk to each other somehow Beomgyu had gotten duck food in his shirt and had ducks chasing him for thirty minutes when the two were there. The scene was hilarious for Taehyun, yet traumatizing for the elder who was exhausted after successfully getting the ducks away from him.
Then, the two went over to the lake to see the sunset together which shouldn't be bad at all. But somehow some person in a hoodie (taehyun couldn't see who it was) had roughly pushed Beomgyu aside while walking and nearly made the elder fall into the water. But thank god Taehyun was there and quickly caught the male who seemed shaken up.
Finally, on their last adventure together the two had gone over to the downtown area of Seoul to buy some stuff for the both of them since Beomgyu had offered to purchase anything for Taehyun — which took everything in him not to ask for a whole new apartment.
The moment the two walked into an art store a bucket of opened paint immediately fell on Beomgyu, splattering him with bright yellow color everywhere. Taehyun was in shock when this happened and it seemed like the store owner had gone into a frenzy when apologizing to the elder. Somehow, Beomgyu remained calm and told the owner that it was okay and that it was a simple mistake.
But something didn't sit right with Taehyun, not because the elder had just forgiven what had happened so easily. But the fact that familiar uncomfortable feeling never left him ever since the movie theatre.
So during the ride home with a paint-scented car and a yellow Beomgyu, the two sat in silence until the movement of the car started to slow down more and more until coming to a complete stop. The two were confused about what had just happened, the elder was worried as well and not just for his car but Taehyun. He had wanted to get the younger home before midnight to make up for their unfortunate time together.
So checking the tire, the elder had found out something or someone had slashed his back tire, making it completely flat. He was so grateful that they were on a dead road right now just near some neighborhoods and houses but he was still upset about this.
So that's how Taehyun ended up in a very heavy tensed car as Beomgyu's assistant, Yeonjun, drove them home and a tow truck took Beomgyu's precious car away (the elder had stated he had three more at home so it wasn't a big deal)
"Taehyunie," Beomgyu said softly as he walked up to Taehyun's house with him. The younger could sense the sadness and disappointment laced in his voice, so looking over at the elder who had dry yellow paint on his face and hair and everywhere he couldn't help but just feel bad that it was only Beomgyu who experienced these unfortunate events while nothing happened to him at all. "I'm sorry, I think I was being extra clumsy today...I probably ruined our hang-out day together."
"It's okay hyung! Don't worry about it, I had a lot of fun." Taehyun said honestly and grabbed the male's hand he stared up at him with a wide smile as Beomgyu's pink eyes stared into his brown ones. "Thank you, now make sure to clean up! And try not to die?"
Beomgyu nodded as Taehyun slowly realized what he had done, quickly letting go of the elder's hand he stepped back and waved goodbye to the redhead before running inside his house.
Slamming the door shut Taehyun leaned against the door and slid down in shock, he doesn't even know why he would hold onto the elder like that. Lightly slapping himself he huffed loudly after hearing a car engine go off and faintly fade away.
"Hey how was hanging out with your boyfriend all day?" Yuri said sleepily from the couch, Taehyun frowned slightly hearing his sister awake. His sister would usually stay up late whenever Taehyun would be out late and he didn't enjoy that at all. She was giving up her precious sleeping time to make sure her brother got home safely.
"He's not my boyfriend noona, we're just friends."
The title that both Taehyun and Beomgyu agreed to call themselves. Taehyun had stated he just wanted to be friends with Beomgyu and get to know each other more as friends. The redhead was saddened by that but agreed nonetheless since he was just wrapped around Taehyun's finger and wanted to make the male happy.
Lazily getting up from the floor he stumbled over to the couch and plopped down next to his sister who was focused on some random tv series she was watching. "So how was your date with Beomgyu?"
Taehyun grumbled softly brushing off the word Yuri used to describe his and Beomgyu's day together. Shuffling closer to his sister he rested his head on her lap and sighed, "It was fine. For some reason, Beomgyu hyung had terrible luck today, as the world hated him for just breathing." Taehyun said.
Yuri hummed and nodded, completely blanking out so it was useless telling her anything else. Laying there comfortably in silence Taehyun flinched slightly from the sudden tingly feeling coming from his wrist. Quickly looking over at the clock he realized it had just hit midnight, so lifting his wrist he watched as one of the hearts slowly faded away. "Woah that was cool, what was that?"
"Hyuka told me the hearts represents the number of days left until the love spell that was casted on Beomgyu hyung will end."
"That's cool, how many days left?"
Taehyun pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows slightly.
"Twenty-six more days."
a/n : incase you were wondering this is what Yumi would look like! If you're wondering who she is, her name is Minami Hamabe and she's a Japanese actress!
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