eight || obsessively insane
"Oh hey, Sunoo." Taehyun greeted the younger who ran up to him looking quite panicked, he could see the fear laced in the pinkette's eyes. For some reason a strange bubbly fuzzy feeling began forming in his stomach, He had never seen Sunoo this scared before so something had to be possibly wrong.
"Hyung you- you need to go!" The younger said and grabbed onto the ombré head's shoulder, pushing him out of the classroom slightly. Yet Taehyun was a bit stronger than Sunoo so he barely budged a bit he was just staring at the male with a confused expression. "What? I just got here, are you trying to make me late?" Taehyun asked and gently pushed Sunoo aside so he could go to his seat before the professor came, he didn't feel like getting yelled at early in the morning at all.
"No- Taehyun hyung!" Sunoo called out for the male, but it was too late. The moment the ombré head walked into the classroom he was immediately met with the scene of almost every one of his classmates surrounding the table he and Sunoo sat at, all whispering amongst each other for whatever reason.
What the fuck. Taehyun thought to himself mentally groaning, he didn't expect to go through a large crowd of people first thing in the afternoon after a long ass class just to get to his seat. However, his curiosity spiked up when he heard his name being mentioned in the mess of whispers. Ignoring Sunoo's protests to just walk out of the classroom with him the male walked over to the crowd of people, gaining some of their attention making them instantly back away and run to their seats. Fortunately by the time he made it to his table everyone had scattered away like little mice.
"Have fun Taehyun~!" A classmate of his said before giggling and suspiciously walking away. The male eyed her suspiciously before he slowly looked over to his spot where he sat, and when he saw what was on it made his heart drop.
On his side were multiple words written in dark red ink, and most of the words weren't positive at all. Some of them were creepy, and how the word 'mine' was written all over them. Yet what creeped him out the most was the huge giant words in the middle that said 'KANG TAEHYUN IS MINE'.
Chills ran through Taehyun's body, hearing Sunoo rush towards the male he couldn't help but scoff and looked back at everyone who was staring at the male so intensely. "Is this a joke? This isn't funny, which one of you did this." He said annoyed, but only silence was answered back. Scoffing everyone off he looked back at the table as Sunoo handed him an extra wet cloth as they both started rubbing the words off of the desk. "When we came into the classroom your side of the table was just covered in this! I swear I didn't do anything or anybody else so-"
Sunoo suddenly stopped talking as Taehyun put a hand up signaling for him to stop talking, he didn't mean it in a rude way but he knew that Sunoo wasn't behind what had happened to his desk, the pinkette was way too nice for that. He wouldn't be surprised if someone in his class did it as a little class joke. Right after getting scolded by Mrs. Yoo, I'm getting hella annoyed. Taehyun thought to himself and frowned as he started to aggressively scrub the desk harder.
"Are you angry Taehyun hyung?"
"But your vein is popping out of your forehead..."
Taehyun stopped scrubbing the table and looked up at Sunoo who looked way too nervous after asking the question. Slouching his shoulders he breathed in slowly trying to calm himself down, it wasn't worth it to take his anger out on somebody else, especially those who didn't do anything to him. "I'll be okay, let's hurry up and clean before Professor Yang comes back." The male said and gave Sunoo a weak smile.
It seemed to have convinced him enough though as Sunoo nodded confidently and helped scrub off the words on the table, everyone else in the classroom going back to their own little thing as the two had small talks while cleaning up. After a few minutes of aggressive wiping, all of the words came off just in time as Prof. Yang came into the classroom.
"Sorry for running late, the printer was jammed this morning. We'll start the new lesson in just a few minutes." Prof. Yang said and walked over to his desk to start the computer up for the lesson. Taehyun gave the dirty cloth to Sunoo who went downstairs to throw it away. Slowly sitting in his seat that familiar uncomfortable feeling he felt yesterday with Beomgyu bubbled up in his stomach.
Picking at his lip he shook his head and looked up to the front to pay attention to the lesson as he tried to forget the uncomfortable feeling that just swirled around inside of his veins.
The loud sound of the bell echoed out in the classroom, interrupting Prof. Yang's lesson. With a long tired sigh, the professor walked over to his desk and wished the students farewell as everyone packed their things up.
If Taehyun was honest, he didn't learn a single damn thing in class.
He was paranoid, way too paranoid. That uncomfortable feeling that swirled inside of him only grew bigger throughout the two hours he had in class. His mind was clouded with one question: Who wrote on his desk?
"Do you want to join Riki and me for lunch hyung?" Sunoo asked the elder making all of Taehyun's heavy thoughts scatter. "No, I promised Huening Kai I would hang out with him today. It's been a while since I've seen him." Taehyun answered truthfully, he hasn't seen Huening Kai for the past two days since the male had blocked everyone (besides Soobin) out of his life to focus on his project, something that he always does on big assessments but Taehyun didn't mind at all, he understood how important Huening Kai focus on grades were.
"Alright, take care- and don't let what happened earlier get to you...It was probably another childish prank." Sunoo said and gave the male a soft smile before quickly walking down the stairs after seeing Riki walk into the classroom for him. Taehyun watched the two exchange a quick hug before happily walking out together, he saw the spark of happiness flash through Sunoo's eye which made him immediately think about Yeojin.
He slowly thought about the day before when he gave the love potion to Yumi, he wondered if it had worked at all. He hasn't heard any news about Sunghoon and Yumi yet so he was quite disappointed about that.
Picking up his bag he was one of the last ones to exit the classroom, he was so relieved that it had ended. All he felt was anxiety and nervousness, he knew it was because of what had happened to his desk, but he shouldn't feel so nervous since it was over now, right? His mind was just playing tricks on him to make him hella paranoid and he hated it.
"Hey Taehyun, haven't seen you in a while, oh my gosh you're growing wrinkles!" Huening Kai popped up out of nowhere in front of Taehyun, startling the male. "Hey stop it! I'm not growing wrinkles...Right?" Taehyun said and quickly checked himself out using a nearby window, to his relief no wrinkles were evident on his beautiful face at all. Looking over back at a cheeky Huening Kai he sighed and pulled the male into a hug, if he was honest he missed his best friend's company, it was a little boring for the past two days so he was happy Kai was back to his normal self.
"Do you have any more classes after lunch?" Kai asked as the two began walking towards the exit of the University, they would always go back to Taehyun's house and eat some home-cooked meal that Yuri would make by the time they got there.
The male shook his head no, he mostly had morning classes and by the time afternoon rolled around he was done for the day, though, there were times when he would have to stay over a class for an hour or so for extra help or a project. "Nah, do you?" Taehyun asked and received the same answer.
"Wanna hang out? I'm pretty sure we have nothing to do." Kai suggested which was accepted quickly by Taehyun, he knew that Kai would have asked him that since it's been two days (which is so long in their eyes) since they've been together.
Taehyun's thoughts slowly traced back to the event that occurred earlier, he had to tell Kai, he knew he would tell the male eventually but right now seemed like a good time.
"Kai?" Taehyun mumbled out, gaining the attention of his friend. "Yeah?" Huening Kai replied in a happy tone.
"While we head home...I need to tell you something..."
"You're finally over Yeojin?! Thank god! The day has come." Kai exclaimed in joy.
Taehyun scoffed and punched Huening Kai's arm harshly, making the latter groan loudly from the impact. "Hey! Don't assume that! I still love her so much." Taehyun said dreamily earning a loud gag from the male.
"Quit it!" Taehyun glared at the male and raised a fist, threatening to punch the younger square in the face. Huening Kai quickly pursed his lips tensing up slightly, "Okay listen I'm sorry! Don't ruin my beautiful face, I'll look like a gremlin!"
"You already look like one," Taehyun said rolling his eyes, a dramatic gasp leaving Kai's mouth which made him crack a smile. "Okay okay, what did you need to tell me?"
Taehyun's smile dropped quickly, nibbling on his bottom lip he nervously glanced up at Kai, preparing to tell the male what had happened earlier.
"Calm your voice!" Taehyun hissed and smacked the male on the head. When he was preparing to tell Huening Kai about what had happened earlier he completely wimped out and decided to tell the male after they had eaten lunch, which was better than telling him in the car.
"No- No! I can't calm down after what you just told me! Some random person who may or may not be in your class wrote weird ass messages on your desk Taehyun! That's fucking creepy!" Huening Kai said in a shocked tone, his eyes widened and he was gripping his hair as if he was about to pull it out at any moment.
"It was probably another stupid prank by one of the class clowns in my class Huening..." Taehyun said and watched his friend pace back and forth in the living room in heavy thought. "Okay, but what kind of person writes 'Kang Taehyun is mine' on a desk? That's creepy Tyun!" Kai exclaimed and stopped his movements to stare at the male with an upset expression.
"Listen, you might have like a crazy stalker on your ass, of course, i'm gonna be worried!" Huening Kai said before a hint of curiosity sparked through his eyes, slowly squinting his eyes giving Taehyun a stern look as if he suspected something. "You...Didn't do anything with the spell book right?" He asked, making Taehyun tense up.
"W-Whaaaaatttt?? n-nO!" Taehyun croaked out with a nervous giggle, his voice cracking slightly making the male even more suspicious. Kai opened his mouth to say something but was suddenly cut off by the loud thud at the door which made the two snap their heads in the direction. "Were you expecting mail?" Kai asked, brushing off his reply.
Taehyun shook his head no and stood up from the couch, heading over to the front door. Looking through the peephole to see if anyone was standing there, only to see no one. "Ding dong ditch?" Taehyun asked, only to hear a hum as a reply from the latter.
Taehyun sighed from the lack of reply and just opened the door. Instantly looking around he confirmed to himself that nobody was hiding around he looked down to see a small box that was poorly taped. "Did noona order another hamster? The last one came in a package...I don't know how it even survived." Huening Kai asked watching the male pick the box up.
Taehyun shook the box slightly to hear or feel if anything was in it, feeling something light inside shake he stepped back into the house and walked over to the living room with Kai trailing behind him silently.
"Whoever taped this did a horrible job," Taehyun said seeing only one line of tape holding down the box from opening. Usually, Yuri would give him a heads up if she ever ordered something so no neighbors or random person would steal the box, so perhaps she just forgot to tell him. Scraping off the tape with his nail he successfully got it off, he wouldn't lie to himself though, he felt a little bit uncomfortable, that one feeling swirling up in his stomach.
"Damn, bro, could you unbox it any slower??" Kai asked just wanting to see what the contents were inside of the box, but somebody was taking way too long to remove one single line of tape!
"I'm nervous okay?" Taehyun said and stuck the tape onto Huening Kai's forehead making the other glare at him.
Taehyun slowly opened the package, and once he finally saw the contents inside of the box made his eyes widen, and his heart drop down in horror. "HOLY SHIT!" He screamed out and threw the box to the side in fear.
"I didn't even get to see what was in it you dickhead!" Huening Kai sulked for a second but quickly changed his expression once he saw the terrified look on Taehyun's face.
Taehyun just ignored what Kai said and slowly stood up and walked over to the box, he didn't want to believe what he saw inside of it, perhaps he was just seeing things! Shakily picking up the package he opened it slightly, but all of his hope of just hallucinating things were shattered as he saw the same thing inside of the box.
Inside was a decapitated bear plushie with red liquid splattered all over it, and surrounding it was pictures of Taehyun and Beomgyu during their hang-out together — ones from when they were inside of the diner together, the movie theatre, the park, one with them inside of the car. But the one picture that made Taehyun fear the most was the one when Taehyun held Beomgyu's hand in front of his house.
"Holy shit..." Huening Kai gasped out from behind Taehyun after taking a peek at what he was looking at. The ombré head couldn't help but feel sick, he felt all of his lunch slowly rise in his throat as he dropped the box and ran over to the bathroom feeling like he was about to vomit.
He couldn't believe what he had just seen, someone was watching him and Beomgyu hang out together yesterday. He was 100% sure that the two were alone together most of the time, not only he was worried for himself but he was also worried for Beomgyu if he had gotten the same thing. He didn't want to imagine how that would impact the elder's highly titled image.
"This is a sick fucking joke, are you okay?" Kai asked rushing into the bathroom and seeing the male hover his head over the toilet in horror. Was it fear? Yeah, it was probably fear that he felt mostly right now. "I-I don't know! I swear I made sure it was only Beomgyu hyung and I alone together last night!"
"First of all, i'm so betrayed that you hung out with Beomgyu hyung last night and never told me- but that's beside the point. Do you think this might have to do with what happened earlier in the classroom?" Huening Kai asked softly patting Taehyun's back for support, Taehyun just shrugged his shoulders and slowly stood up, he was feeling all types of emotions right now.
"Go to your room and rest up, I'll bring you some tea so you won't stress even more. I'll throw the box away because god that's sick..." Huening Kai said and held onto Taehyun's shoulder gently helping the male walk upstairs to his bedroom.
It took some time for the two to walk up the stairs without Taehyun just collapsing back down but eventually they got there. Huening Kai felt horrible for Taehyun, he knew the male never went through these sorts of things so seeing the sheer panic on his face made him worried.
Setting the ombré head down on his bed Kai gave him a quick hug and rushed downstairs to throw out the box and make some tea for the male. Taehyun just sat there silently still shaken up, quickly grabbing his phone he unlocked it and went to his contacts, immediately calling Beomgyu.
The phone rang a couple of times before it automatically went to voicemail which made Taehyun a little bit frustrated. He knew the elder was busy but for some reason, it irritated him, but he didn't want to assume or think of anything bad. Tossing his phone to the side he rested his head down on the pillows listening to the heavy footsteps from downstairs of Kai running around. He could hear the latter's muffled voice, assuming he was calling Yuri about what had happened.
He was exhausted, so he slowly closed his eyes as his heavy thoughts faded as he faded into his dream world.
Taehyun instantly shot up from his bed in shock, his eyes widen as he quickly looked around his room which was covered in complete darkness. He had instantly woken up from the harsh loud sound of something breaking downstairs.
Quickly grabbing his phone he turned it on to check the time. Squinting his eyes harshly from the bright ass light upon his face, he was still trying to process everything the moment he woke up. It was currently past midnight, which made him concerned about how long he had slept. Lifting his wrist he checked the hearts and as expected, he had missed watching one of the hearts fading. So now he was at twenty-five more days.
Looking back at his phone he saw the three miscalls from Beomgyu, the multiple spams of messages by Yuri and Huening Kai, and one message from an unknown number.
The sudden loud crash from downstairs caught Taehyun's attention again which made the male flinch slightly. Was Yuri home? If she was, she had to be drunk if she was dropping so many things. Standing up Taehyun walked out of his room, the harsh cold air wrapping around his body making goosebumps rise on his arms.
"Noona?" Taehyun called out, squinting his eyes to see better from how dark it was. Receiving no reply he walked downstairs and to the living room to see if his sister was knocked out on the couch. "Yuri???" He called out louder after seeing no one in the living room.
Looking down he saw one of the broken flower pot vases Yuri got from her trip to France, which made Taehyun's heart shatter. He knew his sister had adored that vase so much and seeing it all broken made him panic. "Yuri noona what did-"
The male was suddenly cut off when he felt his neck being grabbed which made his eyes widen. Feeling himself being thrown back onto the couch the pressure of someone's hand around his neck made him croak out in fear and pain.
The male's shaky eyes slowly looked up as his hand wrapped around someone's wrist. Slowly, his eyes met up with a pair of familiar bright red eyes. "Y-Yumi?" Taehyun croaked out in shock seeing her.
The brunette did not look the same as yesterday. Her hair was more matted and tangled up, and the pure look of insanity and anger was clear in her eyes. Her once neat attire was replaced with a very wrinkled grey shirt and black jeans. But the most obvious thing about her was her bright red eyes staring down at Taehyun.
"Taehyunie! You never answered my text! I texted you I'd be coming over for a talk." Yumi said, her once calm tone was replaced with an angry harsh one as the pressure around Taehyun's neck tightened which made the male gasp out in pain. He couldn't believe what was happening right now, how did Yumi find out where he lived?
"You know Hyunnie, I was so so sad when I found out you were hanging out with that...Redheaded clown yesterday! I tried my best to ruin everything so you could be alone but it. just. didn't. work!" Yumi said each word was said with more and more anger each time as her eyebrows furrowed. "I left you messages on your desk this morning to show everyone you're mine but of course that pink-haired dumbass ruined it!"
Beomgyu? Taehyun thought when she said that, his heart dropped in realization, was Yumi behind everything that had happened yesterday? If so, then she was also behind the terrifying package from earlier. He couldn't believe it, how could someone so sweet turn into somebody so terrifying, but then his mind went towards the love spell he had given her, oh how much of an idiot he was! "W-What are y-you doing Y-Yumi? I thought y-you loved S-Sunghoon!" Taehyun managed to croak out as he tried getting her hand off of his neck which for some reason failed.
"Sunghoon...?" Yumi mumbled out as if she was confused. "Sunghoon? Me love him? Are you serious Taehyunie?!" She gasped out in shock as the disappointment was expressed on her face clearly which made the male confused.
"I love you Taehyun! I've always admired you from afar...But now...Today- Today you're mine! Nothing can come between us, not that redhead clown idiot, not those pests Sunoo or Kai...Not even Yeojin! We'll be together forever!" She said crazily, her tone was almost a joking matter yet the expression in her eyes was blank.
Taehyun's heart was pounding loudly, he had made a mistake. He shouldn't have listened to the rumors saying that Yumi was in love with someone else. He had to get out of here or find a way to make the love potion on her disappear before things could get worse. Think of something Taehyun- Think!
Slowly trying to remember anything from the spell book only one spell came to his mind, slowly trying to mumble the words out he saw how his hand slowly glowed with a faint purple. Feeling proud of himself he grabbed onto Yumi's wrist making the girl scream out in pain.
The tight hold around his neck was quickly released as Yumi fell back with a scream, two purple glowing ropes wrapped around her body and legs making her wriggle around trying to get them off. "Taehyun-ah! How could you hurt me? Don't you dare run! We're supposed to be together forever!" She cried out, her angry red-eyes glaring into his soul.
Taehyun sat there in shock, only staring at the loud weeping girl on the floor struggling to get out of the restrictions. His mind was racing with multiple thoughts as he tried to rub the pain around his neck gone.
His thoughts then scattered as the loud sound of a door opening echoed out, the lights suddenly flickering on making taehyun snap his head back, meeting eyes with his sister who stood there in shock after seeing what was happening.
and all Taehyun could think about was how much of a fool he was and how fucked he was.
a/n : what's your favorite disney movie? (^ヮ^) mine is tangled :]
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