Hello guys...hope everyone missed this ff. I know it's just for fun but who missed this ff here is the next chapter..
Pragya and abhi reached a place where aditya asked them to come. It's quite dark and pragya was in fear .She held his hand and both were searching for an entrance. Pragya's phone rang to which abhi screamed as if he saw a ghost.
" it's my phone..." Pragya tells while taking her phone.
' can't you put it in silent ..." abhi asked while he saw pragya looking tensed at the phone.
" who's that..." abhi asked and she shows her phone to him.
" aditya..." abhi stretched while pragya looked at him helplessly.
" today I gonna kill him for troubling you..." abhi gritted his teeth.
Pragya attends the call and nods her head. She kept the phone in her bag and asked Abhi to follow her.
Both reached near a room where bunty and bubbly were sitting with their hands tied.
Till now Abhi thought she is kidding him and was hell shocked to see both the kids suffering to untie it.
Abhi was about to move towards aditya but pragya stopped him as the goons surrounded them with the guns.
Abhi looks at pragya who was looking at aditya with pleased eyes.
" now I am here right...leave them..." Pragya tells while abhi looked at her in shock.
Aditya smirked at her and moved towards them but abhi steps before pragya .
She looked at him with tears as he is unaware that she gonna leave him forever.
" are you serious..." abhi asked turning towards her.
" you didn't informed him..." aditya asked shocking abhi
" what you are hiding from me pragya.." abhi asking holding her shoulders while pragya looked at him in pain.
" you are doing the same mistake again and again by not telling me .." abhi tells gritting his teeth.
" you always hiding everything from me and he is taking an advantage of that..." he tells while tightening his grip.
Fb starts
Pragya was sleeping peacefully when her phone starts to ring . She thinks it may be her alarm and ends it. Again it starts to ring and she then realised that it's a call. She attends the call without opening her eyes . She thinks it might be abhi as he used to call her in the early morning.
" what happened abhi ..." Pragya asked while smiling widely.
" it's not abhi. I am aditya..." She heard aditya's voice and gets up with a sudden jerk
She checked her phone and it's aditya. She mentally cursed herself and starts to speak with a hesitation.
" you are thinking about him in dream too" aditya asked with a little jealous.
" what's your problem...what you need now .." Pragya asked with an irritation .
" I need you ... " he tells which irks pragya.
" if abhi comes to know about this , sure he gonna kill you..." Pragya tells and was about to end the call but he stops her.
" he can't do anything... if i say one thing you will itself surrunder to me..." aditya tells while pragya ignores it.
" you can't blackmail in the name of ma as arjun is with her " pragya said.
"But what about abhi's relations..." aditya asked with a grin.
" what you are saying..." Pragya asked quite confused.
" come with abhi to the address i message you..." aditya tells while pragya heard bunty and bubbly's voice.
He cuts the call and pragya was shocked. She thinks what to do and calls arjun to say everything.
Fb ends.
" abhi ... take them from here and see how frightened they are..." Pragya tells while abhi doesn't get convinced.
"Chachu...we want to see ma and papa..." bunty and bubbly tells and pragya removes their ties.
" please take them...dont worry about me..." Pragya tells while bunty and bubbly moves to abhi .
" you are asking me to leave you here..." abhi asked with tears in his eyes.
" if we can't be together then why you are trying it again and again...let's leave it to Destiny...." Pragya tells while pushing him to leave.
Abhi stands there idle and aditya holds pragya's hands and they leaves from there.
" chachu..." bunty called him and abhi came back to his sense.
Abhi takes bunty and bubbly with him and they reached outside.
He called raj and asked him to come to the location. Raj was worried about the kids and he reached there. Abhi asked to take them and he will come with pragya. Raj tells he will help him but abhi denied to it.
Abhi gets inside and saw aditya forcing pragya while she was struggling in his hold.
" what are you doing here..." aditya asked while pragya looked at him.
" I mean I am here to clarify something... you know pragya from our college days right..." Abhi asked while sitting on the near by chair.
He looks at him who was standing there in confused look.
" tell me na..you want to marry her because you need to destroy my happiness... you very well know that we both love each other but you want to separate us ...so you provoked sarla ma and created a mess in my life...right..." Abhi asked and he left pragya.
" arey wow...you know Every thing and yes I did everything to seoerate you both...you snatched everything which belong to me and when I thought to propose pragya you proposed her. I could not withstand my defeat so I planned everything ...what you will do now.. if you say this to sarla ma she will not believe you..." adi said smirking at him.
" ha..you are right..She won't believe me but will believe you right ..." Abhi said and asked to look right.
Adi looked shocked as sarla with purab , riya and arjun comes there.
Pragya runs to abhi and both hugs each other.
" only you know how to give shock " abhi asked breaking the hug.
Slap !Slap!
Every one looks while sarla slapped aditya.
" you played with my daughter's feeling...you cheated me by your cheap talks.. I believed you more than pragya but what you did...because of you I hurted my daughter. .." sarla tells and moves to pragya.
She folds her hand before abhi and pragya but abhi holds her hand and asked her not to ask sorry.
" you should bless us and don't ask sorry...may be because of you ,we came to know that we cant love without each other and our love became strong .." abhi tells as pragya too nods her head.
Aditya sees them and takes his gun.all were busy in talking while he aimed at pragya.
" if you are not for me...then you belong to no one..." aditya tells and triggers it.
Abhi sees that and moves pragya aside and she falls on the floor.
the bullet hits abhi and he falls on the ground holding his chest.
Everyone looks shocked and screen shifts between their faces.
To be continued
By aditi..
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