The fellow feeling of the human race
Is the portrait of his divine face
Your fellow traveller can feel your pain
He shares with you the sin and mark of Cain
- Rumi, Fly
Adelia walked down the stairs hesitantly as her eyes roamed around the walls of the manor, the diamond sitting heavily on her fingers.
She looked at her feet nervously as the black garb felt itchy on her skin. As the witch entered the dining room, the hushed conversation fell silent.
Sharel took a deep breath and went back to chewing her food as Arnold looked away immediately.
"Where is Raffie?" She asked the occupants when the said man entered with a skip in his steps.
"Oh, you're up!" The Desmond exclaimed and patted her head. "You gave us quite a fright, asleep for almost a week."
"Were we departing for Seattle?" Adelia enquired, confusing the lad.
"Seattle?" He chuckled, "Did the plans change without my knowledge?"
"Adelia, darling. You are not supposed to venture out," Sharel spoke from her place.
"Yes," he said, rolling his eyes and continued, "locked up in the tower."
"We will ponder over our departure when her mourning period passes away," the matriarch answered.
"Mourning?" Rafael asked, genuinely confused, noticing her black gown for the first time. "Mourning whom if I may ask?"
"Raffie! How can you speak ill of your cousin?" The younger witch exclaimed as a tear slipped past her eye.
"Jasper?" The man was dumbfounded at the mention of his cousin who had passed away more than a year ago. "Your mourning period for him has ended a while back."
"Are you making a spectacle of my grief?" Adelia sniffed, looking at him. "Grandmother has told me how devastated I have been since his passing," she uttered and slowly continued, "How utterly disgraceful of a wife I am that I do not even remember my husband."
Rafael's eyes widened as he turned to look at Sharel.
What was happening?
"It's trauma, my love," the matriarch impassively replied, cupping her cheek. "You will remember them as you settle."
Desmond glanced at the patriarch who seemed to have not heard such blasphemous statements come out of his daughter's mouth, least of all his mother's.
"Wife?" He asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "Jasper? Is there something I have not been made aware of? A plausible joke perhaps?"
"You are the one making a mockery out of me and my husband and our child." She glared at him as Rafael stopped at her words. "How insensitive have you become?"
"Child? Husband? Jasper's child?" Desmond laughed out loud while taking deep breaths. "Do you need an exorcism, you mad girl? What are you spewing? Should I call a priest to bless your soul and cleanse your idiocy?"
The young witch's face crumbled into despair at the harsh words directed at her and she hit his shoulder roughly. Her only hope out of this place was making a mockery out of her.
The tears trickled out as she let out a sniffle.
"Adelia, retire for the day," Sharel instructed as a maid started ushering the heir out of the room.
"How can you stand there and watch him deplore me?" The witch stood her ground, her fists clenching in anger at Rafael's fake ignorance.
"Adelia," Arnold's voice boomed as she got startled, turning to look at him "Listen to your grandmother and retire."
"Father," she uttered softly.
"Do you not listen?" He continued and stood up from his chair, "Go upstairs."
Adelia nodded stiffly and let a maid usher her out. As she moved away, Rafael's eyes fell over the portrait of Jasper and Adelia, the one his cousin had commissioned for their new abode in Seattle. The physician had named it Lumiere.
The young man turned to glare at the Laurentis elders, despite his age. "What have you done?"
She felt his calloused fingers roll down the strap from her shoulder before a pair of lips touched her nape and she turned her head. His hand sought hers as he intertwined their fingers to hold it above them as her foot slid up his calf to wrap around his waist.
"Wake up, my love," Elijah whispered, his other hand caressing her hip.
Adelia slowly opened her eyes and blinked as the light reflected off the chandelier above them, blinding her senses. When had Klaus changed their ceiling?
Her vision slowly adjusted to Jasper hovering over in the bright daylight and she stiffened.
The witch immediately looked around and found herself in Jasper's chamber in Lumiere. A soft caress on her cheek brought her back to face the dead man who was frowning at her.
She sat back up startled against the headboard as his fingers carded through the fluffed hair sitting atop her shoulder gently.
He was always so gentle with her.
"You look startled," he gazed at her softly. "Have you been feeling well?"
"What is happening?" She asked him, catching a glint of diamond shining upon her fingers and her stomach fell into a pit.
Jasper touched her forehead with the back of his palms as she recoiled. He ignored it with a soft glare, diligently looking at the clock on the wall and took her wrist in his able hands.
She snatched her hand away and he looked at her in confusion.
The smell of bergamot in air was hindering her sense of self. It was all Mr. Reynolds.
"Adelia," he started, "do you not feel well? I won't pester you if you wish to rest."
The witch gulped and hurriedly got up, throwing off the bulky sheets. Her feet touched the cold floor and she staggered at the sudden heaviness in her movements.
"Mrs Reynolds, be careful," Jasper approached her in an instant and Adelia went numb as she looked down, the title a mere buzz in her head now.
A protruding stomach greeted her as the breath left her body. She hesitantly looked into the floor-length mirror to find the same outgrowth on her being.
Adelia stared at it in horror as Jasper appeared behind her with a worried look on his face. He wrapped his arms around her figure and rested his chin on her shoulder, beard tickling her skin. The sleeve fell off one side as his lips trailed up her nape.
"Is the little miss troubling you, my sweet?" The man tsked at her and picked up her numb hand to place it over her belly. The skin under their intertwined hands moved, surprising her as he chuckled while kissing her head lovingly.
"I shall let my mother know you are awake," Jasper hummed into her neck as the coldness of ring seeped into her warm skin.
Adelia stared at their reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath, squirming in his arms.
A tear slid down her eye and the witch abruptly turned around to directly stumble into Elijah who instantly held her shoulders.
"Careful, my love," the Original stared at her frazzled state in confusion.
She looked at her husband in shock and glanced around to find herself back in the Mikaelson manor.
Where was Mr. Reynolds?
"What's the matter?" Elijah enquired while furrowing his brows as she turned her head to stare at the mirror. "Adelia," he called softly.
The witch did not say anything but tightened her arms around his waist and burrowed herself deeper into his chest. The Original gently caressed her head as she refused to say a word.
A quizzical look appeared on his face when his fingers came out of her hair wet. He stared at it in the morning light to see blood on his fingers.
Elijah gulped and discreetly looked down to see blood coating the inside of her ear. He fisted her nightgown tightly and closed his eyes as red filled his vision.
Klaus took a deep breath and his eyes travelled around the empty living room, his nerves acting up. It was too quiet for his liking. He saw Elijah exiting the kitchen and smiled to himself.
"Are you two still on the outs?" The hybrid initiated the conversation.
The elder brother turned to look at him. "Pardon," he said, furrowing his brows.
"Maeve is not eating my brain for breakfast," he replied, knowing how to rile up his brother. With a pout, he blinked up innocently. "That is certainly new."
Elijah rolled his eyes and huffed to himself. "Something is not right, Niklaus."
"Will you give it a rest?" Klaus said, tired of his brother's suspicious behaviour.
"Have you seen mother? I will go see her," he answered, already moving upstairs.
"I am sure mother would appreciate your concern," the younger brother shouted after him. "Maeve!"
"Do you not recall anything?" Rafael asked her as she sat by the window, looking out at the chirping birds.
"Grandmother said it happened since I have been unable to deal with grief," Adelia answered softly, fiddling with the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly.
"I do not wish to know what she has told you. I want to learn what you know," he said, looking hopeful and continued, "the past year? Klaus? Elijah? New Orleans?"
She opened a drawer beside them to pull out some letters and held it in front of him. "These are written by me but I do not remember writing them."
Rafael opened them to see the unfinished letters, most of them addressed to Klaus. "And Elijah?" He enquired, not blind to the tension between the Original and Adelia.
"What about him?" She frowned at the mention. "I recall meeting him when we rescued Jasper and yourself in Alexandria. When was it? Two summers back?"
He pointed towards a set of books on the table. "Who gave them to you?"
Adelia looked at them, confusion slowly setting in. "I do not remember," she confessed in an annoyed tone. "I only recall Jasper bidding me goodbye and then this darkness settles in. It resembles walking into a fog, trying to navigate and everywhere I go, I end up watching Mr Reynolds leaving that night. He was smiling."
Rafael stared at her for a long moment as he contemplated everything. He took a deep breath as she kept smiling to herself at the memory of his late cousin.
"I'd have brought a witch to look into this but I do not think in your present state it is the most viable option," he offered, taking a glimpse of her belly which according to Sharel was occupied by a two-month-old foetus. "Once this child arrives, we can do something about your pesky memories hmm?"
"I'd love that Raffie," Adelia said excitedly. "I want my child to know everything about their father."
"So do I," Desmond kissed her head. He doubted the Laurentis would tell him anything more. All he had to do was look for the child's father.
"Jasper would have been ecstatic," Adelia looked at herself in the mirror with a giggle, stretching her palms over her stomach as the ring shone in the light.
Rafael's smile disappeared, gulping his words. "Jasper indeed," he offered stiffly.
Who could be the father?
Adelia looked through the papers scattered on the table as she picked up one and read it thoroughly. Dialling Rafael's number, the witch heard the phone ring as the man on the other end picked it up, clearly sleep-deprived.
"Had a good night's sleep?" she humoured.
"You tell me. I was busy in a conference with an author who lives on the other end of the southern hemisphere," he replied in a tired tone.
"You are not up for a task I have in mind," she sighed.
"What do you need?" Rafael enquired.
"The land we have been trying to acquire? Mr. Castle has agreed to help us," Adelia said into the phone.
"That's why he was here?" He facepalmed. "Couldn't meet us anywhere else?"
"I need a check on the information he has gathered."
"I'll meet you once I finish my beauty sleep. We'll talk then. Good night," he said before hanging up.
Adelia stared at her phone and sighed. "Good morning," she murmured to herself and started gathering the papers.
"Thank you," his voice echoed in the room and she instantly looked up to see Jasper leaning against the shelves. "For saving him."
Her fingers gripped the edge of the desk tightly as she desperately called out for her husband, " Elijah!"
"I know it must not have been easy for you," he smiled and continued, "sacrificing your hope so he could live."
"Elijah!" She got up slowly and made her way towards the door when he held her hand, surprising her.
Bergamot filled her senses again as he towered over her. The old human part of her wanted to reach out, touch his stubble and ask him if he was at peace. If his death had been painful, and if he hated her for what she did to him.
She knew he would say everything she wanted her hear. He always did.
"I will forever be grateful for it and I know Rafael is as well." He gave her a sad smile as she struggled against the grip.
Why did Jasper have to be so kind? His kindness meant he was real. She did not want him to be real. It would break her.
"Adelia," the Original appeared at the door, watching her scratch her wrist as she stared at the shelves. "Miss Laurentis!" He walked towards her and grabbed her arms to stop her.
The witch turned to look at Elijah and then stared back towards the shelves to find no traces of Jasper. She froze in his hold and looked down at her hands.
"He was hurting me," Adelia mumbled to herself and immediately left the room in a daze.
"Adelia," the Original sighed, meaning to follow her but then stopped. He closed his eyes in defeat and brought his hands up to see the smudges of her blood. Moving to pull out tissues, he cleaned his hand harshly when he felt a figure move behind him.
Hesitantly Elijah turned to look at them when he noticed his wife's eyes staring back at him.
A nineteen-year-old Adelia looked up in amusement, the same twinkle in her eyes apparent as she discreetly fixed the red roses in her hair, the hem of her blue gown gliding past his polished shoes.
The same dress his wife had been wearing when they first met.
He took a step back.
"My love. This is not the time to showcase your witchcraft." He pinched the bridge of his nose.
She ignored him and moved to touch the objects present in the room with utter fascination, the same curiosity in her eyes hurting him.
"Miss Laurentis," he tried to no avail as she remained silent, lost in her world.
Elijah frowned at the scene.
She came to stand in front of him and watched him carefully, tilting her head to assess him. Touching his fingers gently, she gave him a shy smile and stepped closer to him as he withheld a flinch at the gesture.
The smile on her youthful face suddenly disappeared.
Her touch felt strangely wrong to Elijah. It seemed familiar but something about her just unnerved him, a thing inside of him wanting to crawl out.
Elijah knew his Adelia and while this one looked like her, the innocence in her eyes made her a stranger.
This girl might be Adelia but she was not his wife.
What was happening?
From downstairs he heard the sounds of his siblings bickering as his eyes narrowed onto a burnt sage. The Original turned his head to see Adelia had disappeared and breathed a sigh of relief.
He needed to know what was going on. All this was no coincidence.
"Maeve!" Klaus called out to her as the witch stopped in her tracks and turned around.
"Yes, Niklaus," she answered softly, seemingly lost as he frowned at her lack of retort.
"Did Elijah talk to you?" he asked.
"No," Adelia replied, "do you wish to tell me something?"
"Is everything alright?"
The witch gulped and gave him a little smile. "It's nothing your hybrid brain needs to worry about," she answered.
Asher came running up the stairs and climbed her legs. "Hey, darling. Did you have fun outside?"
"Fun for him," Klaus commented while rolling his eyes. "My brother has a man to look after that dog barking at birds. What nice little caretakers that menace has."
"Oh Nik, have you forgotten your attachment to the pony that dear father slaughtered?" Kol strolled in, taking a seat across from him. "On second thoughts, if not for the brave sacrifice, Adelia wouldn't even be here with us."
Elijah joined his wife as Asher wagged his tail at him, wanting to be picked up.
The Original suddenly felt a tug at his fingers and he looked down to see the younger Adelia playing with his knuckles. She glanced up at him and he pulled his arm away.
He gulped and looked at his wife who was looking as troubled as he felt.
Was she seeing the same thing as him? Another Adelia standing beside him?
Downstairs, Rebekah entered the living room and moved to go up to her room.
"Well, well, well, there's our girl!" Kol commented and stood up to block his little sister's path.
Get out of my way, Kol," the female Original commented.
"Out all night. What a scandal!" he tsked and continued, "I trust you did better than that commoner? Matt, was it?"
Rebekah glared at him, already annoyed at him for trying to hurt her crush. "If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth Kol," she commented angrily and Klaus grinned from the sidelines, not looking up from his book.
"Don't start, Nik!" She narrowed her eyes at the hybrid.
"Rebekah," Elijah admonished from upstairs.
"I didn't say anything," Klaus justified as he watched his sister climb the stairs.
"I'm bored," admitted the notorious Original. "Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment."
"What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it," Klaus answered, not having a bit of his brother's nagging.
"It's not fun to go alone," Kol said and offered, "join me, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart."
Klaus stared at him for a moment. "Okay. Why not?" he sighed. "I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date."
"Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around it in," the concerned Original shouted from upstairs, coming to stand beside her elder brother and his wife.
"Just like you, Bekah," Kol laughed at her and dodged a flying heel soon after.
"Good riddance, both of you!"
Elijah glanced at his sister, still holding the burnt sage.
"Sister," he greeted, ignoring her ruffled state of appearance.
"Not you too, Elijah," she whined.
"I'm worried about mother. Have you not noticed her strange behaviour?" He started.
"She's been dead for a thousand years. What's strange for her?" The Original frowned and shrugged her shoulder.
"Burnt sage," he handed it to her. "Adelia did not use it. It was mother. She was doing a privacy spell."
Rebekah rolled her eyes. "You know she fancies such things. Why don't you ask Finn? He's been doting on her."
Adelia stood up and frowned. "They weren't in their room when I went to call them for breakfast. They haven't returned since morning," she informed them.
Elijah sighed and replied, "I don't trust Finn. He hates what we are, he always has."
"That's not true," Rebekah chuckled nervously, "and as for mother, she returned for one reason, to make our family whole. She loves us." She looked at the pair as a pit formed in her stomach and looked at her brother. "What trouble are you looking to find?"
"I will not allow you to do that to my little girl," Arnold said furiously.
"Your daughter is with a child whose father is an Original. There is a prophecy surrounding this. We have to protect Adelia!" Sharel exclaimed.
"And erasing her memories, risking her sanity is the best you can do, mother?"
"Do not implore me when she went on her own accord into Elijah's arms," she glared at him. "If he gets to know, if Klaus gets to know... you very well know he will not spare her. Elijah's heartfelt proclamations wouldn't move the storm Klaus is."
"She has disappointed me." He looked at her. "How can I fathom that my daughter has broken my trust and you mother, expect me to accept the fruits of her insolence," the patriarch stated with deep resentment.
"That child is your blood," Sharel sternly declared. "I can understand your disappointment, but do not endanger the bonds by being callous."
"Her petulant actions are only the beginning of her misery."
"Actions?" The matriarch laughed. "My granddaughter for the first time in her life was whimsical about her fancies and desires. She was allowed to act like a girl her age. So if she sought refuge in an Original's arms, I will not punish her." It poured out of her. "We failed her, Arnold. She didn't," she finished.
"I have never stopped her from attaining what she desires," Arnold politely informed her. "But was she not aware of the consequences?"
"No," she stopped him and continued, "but your daughter loves you very much that she will do whatever you desire. Your overprotectiveness in her young days alienated her from people. She did everything you have ever asked of her. You never wanted her to practise witchcraft, she did not. From suitors to your politics to your distaste for magic. You raised Adelia the way you saw fit to appease your fears."
He looked away from his matriarch. "I am her father."
"And still you fail to understand your daughter," Sharel continued, raising her voice as the situation slowly started suffocating her.
"I choose not to understand her relations with a Mikaelson. They will tear her apart like vultures." He turned towards her with a glare and added, "They have already torn apart her future."
"Adelia needs you," she stated, "and you will not bring up any of your morose opinions in front of her."
"And you think her memories will only hinder her?"
"She has to have a future, son, as you said. Adelia was fortunate to have a man who truly loved her and Jasper will be her past, present and future."
"Jasper's father might have some unsavory demands to accommodate Adelia's transgressions," he told her with his mouth set firmly. "I will begin the correspondence, but under the condition that you never justify Adelia's actions to me. My disappointment is to be her penance for the rest of her life."
"The child's arrival is a burden enough for her," she admitted softly.
"I do not wish to speak out of turn anymore for my own blood," he said and continued, "and Elijah must never know."
"I only want Adelia and her child safe," Sharel answered with resignation in her eyes. "If his absence from their life keeps them safe then I am willing to do anything."
"I am not forgiving Adelia, mother," Arnold declared.
"You do not have to. She will survive without your forgiveness."
A/N: This chapter is a bit slow. Setting up the elements for the next chapter.
last edited: 05/2024
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