Chapter Twenty Nine
After our LA lovemaking, Rhys wanted to go and see his mum and Maci again. I think it's his way of showing them both that he's now here for them.
I stayed back at his place because after a few days of us being here in Porter Ranch and choosing to still be discreet about our relationship, he wants to invite some close friends over tonight.
I think Rhys has been going a little stir crazy. What with all that has been going on with his sister and trying to keep our being together on a low profile, having Will and everyone else over this evening will do him a world of good—it will do us both a world of good.
As welcomed as Carol has made me feel and as great as Maci has thankfully been doing, I just kind of need to blow off some steam, if you know what I mean. So I am here, getting ready for some fun and frolics with my very sexy man. Feeling like I am literally on top of the world, I am taking my own and very girly time. With vodka and cranberry and Iggy Azalea's funky songs for company, I'm in my pre-going out happy place. I have already had a long and lovely bubble bath. I have painted my fingernails and toenails a fabulous shade of teal to match my sparklingly happy eyes and I am wearing a little black dress, minus the underwear. I just want to see whether Rhys actually notices or not. I know, I know...kinkaliscious or what?
When Rhys finally gets home, I am excited to see him. "Hey!" I almost run towards him to welcome him back with the squishiest of hugs I can give him. "How is Maci and your mum?"
Looking slightly troubled, he frowns with his head held low. "Mom is okay. Maci, I'm not so sure."
For him to say that, I am deeply surprised. For the past few days, I have been seeing with my own eyes just how well she has been doing. Rhys has the very best doctors, nurses and even his own nutritionist taking excellent care of her. With Carol's nurturing love and support as well, she's in very safe and caring hands. "What's wrong?" My hand strokes his back, wanting to somehow make him feel better.
His disturbed eyebrows pull together. "I'm not sure, Clara. Today, she just seemed off to me. Mom thinks it's just the hormones. The doctor thinks it's a combination of her taking no drugs and her pregnancy. I just don't know, I think it's more than that."
Now he has me deeply concerned. "Why do you say that?"
Rhys holds me. Holds me because he needs it. "I'm worried she's going to run, Clara. She was on edge today. There was no humour or happiness coming from her this afternoon. Maci was preoccupied, something was going on inside of her head...I could see it in her eyes."
With dread coating my reply, I quietly answer Rhys. "Oh god, I hope you're wrong."
Squeezing me tighter, he rests his chin on the top of my head and blows away a despairing breath. "So do I."
"Did you speak to your mum about it?"
"No, I didn't want to worry her but I've got extra security keeping an eye on things for me. They're going to discreetly sit outside mom's place, should Maci try to slip out."
My stomach now rolls with my dread deepening further. "Do you really think she will?" I ask, nervously swallowing.
Rhys's gaze flits around the room, unsettled just as he is. "I'm not taking any chances. If she tries to bolt, my guys will be waiting."
Bringing my arms around his back and his waist, I hold tighter still to Rhys. He is visibly worried and rightly so. Although Maci has been getting better and telling us all that she wants to turn her life around now that she is pregnant, she has an addiction to drugs. Drugs have become a way of life for her. According to many professionals, she has what is called an 'addictive personality'. When we were in Echo Lake, Rhys really opened up to me about his sister. He feels as though he has aided her addiction by ensuring that she always has money in her bank account. He told me that the reason he did that, was so Maci would never sell herself to get drugs. He couldn't bear the thought of his sister having to use her own body in order to get high, so he always keeps her bank account topped up with enough cash to buy her own drugs. Doing that for his sister deeply conflicts Rhys. He feels as though he is helping her to stay on the drugs. He is often told that by all of the many professionals who are also trying to help her. On one occasion, Rhys did empty her account. His guilt simply got the better of him about making it all too easy for Maci to buy drugs, so he decided to stop funding her addiction. Maci ended up being found by Don, trying to steal a load of Carol's expensive jewellery. That was to be the one and only time that Rhys pulled his financial support. For Maci to be that desperate to steal her mother's own treasured and sentimental jewellery was enough reason for Rhys to keep his sisters bank account topped up, but not before sending her to yet another rehab.
The constant worry about his sister completely exhausts Rhys. I can't imagine how it must feel to be him or Carol. To be constantly fearing what Maci might do next, it must be so terribly hard. I have only been here for a few days and I find the constant concern for Maci a total drain on my energy. How Rhys and Carol cope, God only knows.
Even Don, must find it hard as well. Maybe for entirely different reasons, but he must still find it difficult. There is clearly no bond between himself, Rhys and Maci, but he loves Carol. To see all that Maci puts his wife through, must be extremely hard to watch. As an outsider to the family, I really can see things from all angles. I can see how much hurt they are all having to push through each and every day. I honestly don't know what the answer is for the Ryan/Rivers family, I just know that I am here for Rhys. My fingers caress his tired face, thinking that the last thing he probably needs right now is to get ready for a party. "Why don't we cancel tonight?" My eyes look back at him with the sweetest of sympathy settled within them.
Rhys actually looks relieved at my suggestion. "But you've got all dressed up?"
Smiling, I jovially shrug. "It doesn't matter. You look like you just need a chilled night in. Besides, this is all for you and you alone." I'm now glancing down at my little black dress and my golden high heels, trying to make light of us cancelling the party tonight.
Rhys's hands slowly trail down the curve of my clothed back, swaying with me in his arms. "I like that it's all for me." His sage spheres dilate with a darkened yearning. "A chilled night in with my girl is just what I need." His slow-moving hands then lift the bottom of my dress, moving seductively across my butt as he still sexily sways with me in his hold. With his palms roaming amorously all over my skin, he suddenly stops. "Are you not wearing panties?"
Elevating my chin, I gaze at him with a sinful smirk. "Nope."
His eyes boldly widen with a spark of desire. "Bedroom, now!" He playfully keeps tapping my butt, forcing me in the direction of his luxurious bedroom. Sex isn't the answer to everything, I know—but it sure is fun trying to make it the answer to everything. It's good to hear Rhys laughing behind me, free of the burdening worry that he brought back with him after going to see his sister. I'm just glad I can do that. I am happy to do that. I am simply helping Rhys to forget about Maci and about all that might be going on with least just for a little while.
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