49. Breaking Free
I stared at the building in front of me, feeling numb. It was almost surreal to be there, after all this time. It was completely silent in the car. Cole sat behind the wheel, not moving an inch, not saying a word. He wanted to give me all the time in the world, even though I couldn't just sit there forever.
There were so many things I wanted to say to him. I was scared. I couldn't do this. This was a bad idea, after all. Please start the car and take me home. I thought I was ready for this, but I actually wasn't. Not now, maybe never.
He knew all that, and he was ready to do whatever I told him. He always did. He always respected my wishes. Hell, I usually didn't even have to say anything, and he still knew exactly what to do. This past year had taught me that. I trusted him, and I loved him, and that was why I needed to do this.
The last step.
"Okay," I breathed out, reaching for the handle, but I still didn't open the door.
"It's not too late to change your mind," Cole said softly, taking my hand in his. "You don't have to go alone."
"I... I want to do it alone," I muttered. Lied.
"Okay." He didn't buy it.
I let out a sigh. "Well, I don't want to do it alone, but I have to. This is my step to take. And you'll just rip his head off if I take you with me."
"That I definitely will," he spoke with an unusually dark voice when he glanced at the prison in front of us. "I just hate to leave you alone with him."
"I'll be fine," I promised, and leaned in to kiss him. "I'll be back soon."
"I'll walk you inside," he said, and I knew there was no way I could convince him to stay in the car.
"Okay," I just said, and smiled at him.
It was easier to get out of the car when he came with me. I didn't stop walking until we were inside the building and reached the reception. I was afraid that if I even thought about stopping, I wouldn't be able to continue. Cole stayed right next to me when I introduced myself to the man behind the glass and went through the process.
To visit my old man.
Too soon, it was time for me to leave Cole's side. I tried to be brave when I followed the prison guard through the hallways and finally stepped into the visiting room. The cubicles were at the back; the glass separating the visitors from the inmates looking sturdy enough for me to trust it. Man, I did not trust my old man. I still couldn't trust I was safe from him.
The last time I saw him, he was trying to beat me to death, and even now, after all this time, those memories nearly got the best of me. Vaughn had tried to prepare me for this moment for almost a year now, but my bravery was growing thin. I was about to see the man who ruined me and my life so completely it was a miracle I'd stayed alive. And now I was going to face him.
"This way, sir."
I followed the guard, who eventually gestured for me to take a seat behind the glass. There were holes in the glass so I could talk to him. I just stared at them, trying my best to stay calm. There were so many things I wanted to say to him. So many things that still kept bothering me. So many things I wanted to shove in his face to let him know he hadn't defeated me for good.
And then the door opened, and a thin man in the inmate's clothes was led in. I didn't recognize him. I didn't recognize him even after he sat down in front of me. I wouldn't have recognized him if it weren't for his mean, dark eyes.
"Pig," he spat at me like it was my name.
My first thought? This man couldn't be my father.
Just... no. I kept staring at him. This wrinkly, hairless old man... The person I used to call my father. That fucking bastard who had brutalized my life. This was the same man...?
"So you got nothing to say, freak?"
I leaned back in my seat, but not because of his words.
"Huh?!" he spat in a harsh voice.
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"No, I don't," I said, and stood up.
I had a long list of things I had wanted to say to him, but now I understood there was nothing left for me to say. The monster from my nightmares was gone. There was nothing for me to be afraid of anymore.
Especially not this pathetic excuse of a human.
"Randall! Don't you walk away from me, you disrespectful whore!"
I stopped and after a moment, I turned around to take one last look at him – it was more than he deserved, but there was one thing I wanted him to know. "There is no Randall anymore," I told him calmly. "And by this time tomorrow, the person you created will be officially gone."
"So you gonna fucking kill yourself, huh?! Good riddance! One less fag in this fucking–"
The guards silenced him. Without feeling a thing, I just watched them drag him away. Then I turned around and returned to my new life. I was finally able to move on. I was finally able to let go of the past.
And my old man had absolutely no control over me anymore.
Our wedding the next day was beautiful. I'd been so unbelievably nervous and giddy the entire night, so I didn't get much sleep, but I was still full of energy during the ceremony. I was wearing white, while Cole wore black, and we both had rainbow-colored ties around our necks.
There were no separate sides for our guests in the church because Cole's friends and family had become my friends and family over the past year. My old boss was there, and a few cousins I had befriended again were there, but that was about it from my side. They all cheered us on when the priest pronounced us husbands.
"Cole and Tony Smith!"
I had a husband. My beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, protective, loving, caring husband...
Cole took my hand in his, and together we skipped to the door, smiling like lunatics. There was an old, white Dodge Challenger waiting for us at the bottom of the steps, with rainbow-colored ribbons attached everywhere.
Of course, our wedding venue was Cole's bar. Our bar, since I was no longer a mechanic, but a bartender. I loved that job more than any other job there was. I loved that bar probably more than Cole did. It was where my new life had started, after all, so it was a fitting place for an occasion like this. We had refurbished the place last winter, and it was gayer than ever.
Just like me.
The cake, the food, the drinks, the people, everything about that day was amazing, and I'd definitely cherish those memories for the rest of my life.
"Hello there, handsome. Do you come here often?"
I laughed at Cole when he appeared back to our table after visiting the restroom.
"I have a husband," I said, showing off my new ring.
"Aww, such a shame. But you know, I own this place," Cole continued, like he often did.
"So do I," I replied, pulling him to sit down next to me so I could kiss him.
"Would you like a drink, my husband, my love?" he asked when I let go of him.
"I think I'll have soda this time – I don't want to get smashed," I told him. "I want to remember every second of this day," I added quietly.
He leaned closer and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you so much," he whispered in my ear.
"I love you too," I muttered back. "Husband."
"We're married now," he said, almost in awe and with a boyish grin. "I got the hottest husband on the planet."
"Sorry – I have the hottest husband on the planet," I said, and got a kiss on the cheek.
He just laughed, but soon he fell silent. He rested his head on my shoulder and stared at me. I felt so loved...
"You once promised me I will be happy," I said. "When I didn't know what happiness was like."
"I can only hope you are happy," he whispered.
"I am, because you are here to make me happy. The happiest man on earth, remember?"
"I remember," he breathed out, hugging me tighter. "Making you happy is the one and only job I want and love to do."
"You're so cheesy," I said, but with tears in my eyes.
"I love you so much," he said. "You make me so happy... I need to pick up my slack because right now you're making me the happiest man on earth, and it's supposed to be me who's making you the happiest man on earth."
I chuckled at his words. "We'll just have to share the first place."
"I think we must," he replied, and I kissed him again.
And again, and again, and again.
The fifteen-year-old me finally got what he had dreamed of, and so much more. After years of living in denial, I had finally accepted myself and everything I'd been through. I was ready to start this new life as Cole's husband, as an out and proud gay man. I would always carry the memories from the past with me, but they no longer controlled me. I had finally broken free from the mold my father created for me.
I was me again.
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