Freezing. That is what I am right now. It seems like the cold water has infiltrated my skin and is chilling me to the bones. I have goosebumps all over, and I'm pretty sure that the other side of the country can hear my clattering teeth.
We are now on our way home from the beach with Grey driving and Roman and I in the backseat. After the Irish twins dumped us in the water, all hell broke loose. I am certain this was the biggest water fight that I was ever a part of and that is saying something once I live with a bunch of hormonal boys.
Because we were not planning on getting wet, no one brought a change of clothes with them nor a towel, so now we are in the car with the heater on full power. We have been on the road for quite a while so the boys' clothes are just a little humid, but with my dripping wet hair, mine are still soaked.
"Come here." Roman's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, his arms opened in a hugging motion. I look at him, my eyebrows furrowed in question.
"Anyone can tell that you are freezing your pretty little ass over there and I don't want you getting sick. I'm already mostly dry so I can warm you up." He explains, sending me a warm smile.
I quickly contemplate his answer in my head. What's the harm? I mean, he is offering warmth and I am chilling in here. Embarrassment be damned because I am not about to pass up this opportunity.
I slowly slide along the backseat until I am next to Rom, our legs touching. He throws an arm over my shoulders and pulls me to his chest while his other hand is rubbing my arm in the hope of warming it up. I lay my head above his heart, and sigh in content, enjoying his warmth.
Being near Roman gives me a sense of peace. His presence is very calming, and as his body heat starts to seep into my skin, sleep starts to creep its way into my brain. His steady heartbeat only adds to my drowsiness and in no time I am falling into a deep abyss.
The last thing I make out before being engulfed by darkness is Grey and Riley smirking at Roman from the front seat. With the last of my consciousness, only one thought pops into my head: Why are they smiling like that?
Such a peaceful sleep... No memories. No nightmares. Not a single worry. I wish all my periods of sleep were like this. It is just me, myself, and I, floating in the calm deep sea with the tranquil sounds of-
"Lu." A voice whispers. Who the hell is that? Go away weird voice. I want to sleep.
"Luna" A poke. Someone is trying to wake me up. There is only one person insane enough to even think about disturbing my sleep.
"Man, you have a death wish." I hear Greyson's voice say. I can practically see him shake his head with a smile on his face. Smart move, buddy. You know better than to mess with the sleeping dragon.
"Luna" poke "you" poke "have" poke "to" poke "wake-
"Riley, if you poke me one more time I will bite your finger off." I threaten him, being completely serious about it. I hear Rom and Grey's chuckle and Riley mumbling curses under his breath. At least he stopped poking me. I snuggle more into my source of heat and let out a deep sigh, enjoying the comfort.
"You do it then! You are the oldest so it's only fair" Riley complains, urging Grey on.
"Are you kidding me? I want to keep my life, thank you very much." The 21-year-old answers. I swear they are like little children. While those two bicker with each other, I feel a hand softly pushing my hair behind my ear.
"I know you are awake..." Roman's gentle voice whispers in my ear, making shivers go down my spine. I just softly groan in response and nestle into his furnace-like body. He chuckles at me before tenderly rubbing circles on my arm.
"You know that is just lulling me back to sleep, right?" I mumble to him and in response feel his chest vibrate from his quiet laugh.
"I'll make you a deal" He proposes, still speaking in a low and deep voice.
"What kind of deal?" I murmur back, my eyes still closed.
"If you wake up now I'll give you chocolate." He bargains, and I can just see the mischievous smile on his face. He knows I can't resist chocolate. It is one of my weaknesses. Hearing his words, I peek one eye open looking into his sly green eyes.
"How much chocolate...?" I drawl out, interested in this new proposition. I am basically awake now but I'm just too lazy to move. It is a win-win deal so why not make the best of it?
"A whole bar" He responds with a knowing look. At this point, all the laziness fades away and I know I am a goner.
"Deal!" I exclaim. He chuckles and the corners of his eyes crinkle, giving his handsome face a more laid back look.
He opens the backseat door and gets out, holding it open for me to step out as well. We go around the car that is parked in their driveway and meet up with Grey and Riley that are already out and standing on the other side, who are still bickering. We stand there just watching them argue for a while until Roman clears his throat. Both their heads spin around so that they are looking at us before Riley's eyes land on me and widen.
"How come he gets to keep all his fingers!?" He exclaims in disbelief, pointing at a smug Roman.
"He woke me up nicely, that's why" I sass, giving him a dirty look. "And he is going to give me chocolate!" I add, a beaming grin now on my face. Greyson laughs while Riley mumbles something under his breath.
"Favoritism..." He mutters with a slight scowl.
"Anyways, you guys go ahead and take a shower while I drop Luna off. Don't want her brothers killing me just yet for thinking I left her alone." Greyson jokes, ushering his brothers inside and guiding me towards my house.
We make our way up my driveway and onto the porch. As we start nearing the door, we can hear a loud rocus on the other side. We hear grumbling voices and angry stomps, almost as if someone is pacing. Grey and I look at each other, bracing ourselves for the mess we are about to step into. I decide to take the lead and open the door, walking inside with Greyson in tow.
As I near the living room, the voices get louder, and I swear that the ground is lightly shaking. We now stand near one of the sofas, confusingly taking the sight of my three older brothers running around like rabbits on steroids.
"Luna! Where the hell were you!?" Ezekiel shouts, angrily making his way towards me.
"What do you mean where was I? I sent you a text telling you we were going out for ice cream." I tell him confused, tilting my head to the side with my eyebrows scrunched.
"That was five hours ago!" My brother counters still shouting. I didn't know I was out for that long. Time sure flies.
"Do you know how worried we were?" Evan asks, anxiousness still evident on his face, but still scolding. I could just hear the underlying tone of anger, it was subtle, but there. I guess I really must have troubled them...
"And why didn't you answer your phone!? We've called you a hundred times!" Alex fires just after his older brother, not even trying to conceal his frustration.
The familiar blanket of sadness starts to creep in as my brothers shout at me, not even waiting for my answers. I point my gaze to the floor and fiddle with my fingers, trying to find a way to change my line of thought, not wanting the tears to start spilling. I know I am weak, a cry-baby if you will, but I can't help it. Every time my emotions go haywire, tears are bound to follow, let these be from happiness, sadness, anger, you name it.
"Chill, guys. She was with me and, as you can see, she is perfectly safe." Greyson cuts in with a laid-back tone, pointing at me for extra emphasis. My brothers' gaze is torn from me and is now directed at Grey in sharp glares. Not again... This guy has got to stop riling them up.
"Don't tell us to 'chill'. Our sister was missing for five hours and wasn't picking up her phone! Any sane adult would be beyond worried! But, again, what do you know? You are just a child stuck in a body that has grown too fast" Ez shoots at him snarkily, an ugly scowl adorning his face. I don't think I have ever seen him like this, and it is honestly scary.
"Don't patronize me," Greyson growls. His chill attitude is long forgotten now that his eyes are narrowed into slits and his hands formed into fists. "What are you, two years older than me? At least I don't act like a 40-year-old. I know exactly how to look over someone and still have fun at the same time, grandpa." He sasses.
"Then why the fuck is my little sister's lips blue!? Why is she wet in the first place!?" Xander shouts suddenly, making me jump almost ten feet in the air.
"We had a little bit of a water fight, no big deal." Grey answers, shooting his concern down.
"No big deal? Are you insane or straight out stupid!?" The usual kind Evan roars.
"Have you forgotten how weak she is? Her immune system!? Expose her to a little rain and she's sick for a week! We are the ones who have to take care of her every time she is feeling under the weather! We all put our lives on pause just so we can be there for her, and you call this not a big deal!?" Ezekiel exclaims, his words stabbing me in the heart so strongly that the pain feels physical.
By now, all of my brothers are already in the living room with us, no doubt wanting to know what the shouting is all about. Unfortunately, that last comment was the drop of water in Grey's cup, and just like that, he burst.
"Oh, you think you are so high and mighty," He chuckles humorously, range shining in his eyes "Where were you when kids gave her shit about her eye color? Where were you when she hated herself to the point of wanting to get eye surgery? Where were you when she fucking tried to kill herself!?" He booms.
His words make my blood run cold. They didn't know that. They were never supposed to find out either. It was pin-drop silence for a few seconds before the room burst, once again, into chaos. Tears were streaming down my triplets' faces, while I could easily make out blame on the others' eyes. Guilt. Such a self-destructing emotion. Their shouting is getting unbearable and I feel like my head is about to explode.
"ENOUGH! I can't stand you guys arguing anymore! You are always riling each other up, waiting to see which one breaks first. Well, I won't have any more of that! Greyson Morgan, it was not your place to tell them. How could you!? I trusted you to keep my biggest secret, and you let me down like this!?" I yell at him. He puts his head down, regret crossing his face. I am about to continue my rant when Alex's snickering interrupts me.
"And you guys! I didn't know I was such a burden to you. You should have put me up for adoption the moment our parents died. It was my fault they did anyway. If I am that much of an inconvenience, then why am I still here!?" I question at the top of my lungs, but I don't give them time to answer me. Their time to talk is over. They have already done plenty of damage as it is "You know what? Don't answer that, as long as you four keep butting heads, I will be someone else's dead weight. You won't need to 'put your lives on pause' for me anymore" I snap at them, sending Ezekiel a dirty look. I turn around and, with determined strides, start making my way towards the front door. I can't be in this house right now.
"Lu, wait! We didn't mean-" Ev tries to smooth over my anger, but I don't give him a chance, speaking for the first time since I can remember in an emotionless and cold voice.
"I don't care what you meant, Evan" I can see him flinch at the use of his hole name. I guess I rarely ever call him that. "I'm tired of being the little girl who cries every time she sees people arguing. I know you want everything to go back to normal, but until you sort things out among yourselves, that is not going to happen." I explain, giving them an ultimatum. It's either me or their petty arguing.
"Wait-" Grey tries his luck but to no avail. I now stand with the front door open next to me. I turn around and take a turn looking them in the eyes.
"Goodbye." I say with a detached voice. And just like that, I turn around and close the door behind me, not even stopping to look back.
Author Note:
Hi everyone! How are you? I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Luna finally stood up to her brothers! I did my best to update today even though it is Christmas Eve. Consider it my gift to you!!
Question: What do you think of this newfound information Grey gave us?
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) and I'll see you in the next chapter!
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