Just as I thought my bad jinxes were wrong for the first time, a wave of static noise boomed across the mall like lightning on a clear day. A brief moment later, a fuzzy middle aged-man's voice came through the announcer:
"We are the Iron Fist! We are the last true stand for humanity!"
Iron Fist was the rebellion group, or should I say terrorist group we have combated against in our last battle. Though they claim their cause is against the government, their recent action over the years has only involved conducting terrorist attacks against civilians. Not to mention last time, they teamed up with this crazy psychopathic elemental just to make even with the military.
"People it is time to rise up! The government is not your ally! They are the true enemies of our people! They have only deceived you, but worry no more, we are here to free you!"
Ok, that part I can agree with actually. But honestly, when the hell was the last time, the government has not deceived its own people? To be honest in my personal opinion, this is all just some big conspiracy theory. And I do believe the government actually funded the 'Iron Fist', so that they can perform terrorist attack on purpose. So it causes this actual fear in people and gives the next presidential candidate a legit excuse to increase military budget, which I am sure a lot of corrupt military officials can benefit from this.
"Democracy is a LIE! And the price of blood must be paid for it! But all your blood will not be in vain, as all path of revolutions are paved with blood..."
Well, that part is kind of true, except for the fact that revolutions usually result in a worse living condition for people where they started off originally. Like how the Roshan revolution started with starving civilians, then the people formed a revolution party and overthrew the corrupt monarch, only to be replaced with a more brutal tyrant and more starving people.
"FOR IRON FIST!" that was the last sound from the announcer as a series of gun fire went off from below, accompanied by several shouts and cries.
My fist was clenched with frustration as I got up from my seat and began making my way over to the escalator in the center. Wordlessly, Kuro followed.
"There is 1 on the 3rd floor, 10 on the 2nd floor, and 30 on the 1st floor."
Kuro spoke from behind. I trusted she knew what she was saying, because her robotic eye has an x-ray vision and heat sensor built into it.
Dang, that tactical advantage...
"Got it, I will take care the right side, you get the left." I replied, as I stepped onto the escalator heading downwards.
"Very well." All I heard was her footsteps running, as I didn't even bother to turn around and look, since I can't afford the distraction anyways.
The knife shop is on 1st floor...Isa and Rumble are still probably there...Well I am sure they can take care of it themselves...
As soon as I arrive on the 3rd floor, I immediately ran into a young man in his early twenties, black cloth covering his mouth, rugged combat jacket, and machine gun pointing at me and yelling:
"The time of your judgement has come you capitalist parasite!"
I really don't have time to argue with all this...
"Rin. C.E.S (Condescend Energy Shield)."
A golden light immediately began to expand then solidify from my arm, a brief moment later, there was a light of golden aura attached to my arm in the form of a shield. The rebel guy appeared to be shock as he screams and lets out a spray of fire and screamed in horror:
I clenched my teeth at that word, as I rush towards him in rapid steps, with his bullets harmlessly grazing off my shield. And when I have finally successfully closed in the gap, the look of fear was evident in his face, and without having to look at that face twice, I slammed him sideways with my shield, knocking him several feet back onto the wall and out cold.
"Hmph." I turned away as I ran for the next escalator heading down.
I feel like I was beginning to have this sort of momentum at that time, I guess those couple months of training back then, has really paid off that time. Not to mention the previous battle and also the other events.
"Kard!" Rin's voice popped up.
"What?" I said, as I ran down the escalator.
"I want Stardelight vanilla mocha after!" a blue kaomoji popped up, which I barely looked at.
"I refuse. Go find some other billionaire play boy with robot suits to buy you one." I replied dully, as I landed on 2nd floor and immediately spotted 5 armed rebels right off the bat.
"You mean Tony Stank? I luv Tony Stank! The way how he flies in his armor, the way how he shoots out his laser..."
"It's just a movie. It's all CGI effects..."
I face palmed inside my head, as I dashed to the side and ducked behind one of the plants.
"You're lying Kard! You're just jealous because he's rich, handsome and actually has a GIRLFRIEND!"
"Rin..." I said with trembling lips: "I swear, the first thing I do when I get cross dimensional powers, I will find some rope, and tie you to the seat of my university lecture hall."
"Kard..." Rin's voice trailed off.
"Yeah, if you apologize now I can consider lessening the punishment."
"Shh...look at what they are doing..."
I peeked out from the side of the plants.
"Dammm! This chick is hot boss! Can we keep her?" the first rebel said.
"No, she is an elemental, she has to be put to death-" said the 2nd rebel, which I supposed was the captain.
"I call dibs on her first!" said a 3rd rebel, cutting off his captain.
"Curse yall! You all had your turn last time! This beauty is MINE!!!" said a 4th rebel, as he took a step forward.
"Now don't be afraid, if you cooperate with us, we won't harm you..." said the 5th rebel, as he slurping noises with his tongue.
"Do none of you understand? Her kind is the responsible for all the disasters in the world. Look, she is already causing quarrel among us brothers!" the 2nd rebel spoke again.
Witch hunting elementals? This is some deja-vu for sure...
I couldn't get a good look at the elemental, until suddenly one of the rebels moved slightly aside. With her long pure white hair and sundress, she stood out like an innocent lily in amidst of those lustful beasts. But for some reason her expression was rather one close to pity. As if like an angel feeling sorrow.
"You're right..." the first rebel said with a reluctant sigh. "I didn't wish it have to be this way sweet heart." He said as he raised and pointed his gun half heartily.
I didn't let it happen last time, I won't let it happen this time as well.
Without hesitation, I stepped out from my hiding spot, and ran towards them with the C.E.S. on. And it took them about a full second to realize I was charging towards them. Just like the previous time, all the bullets just harmlessly grazed off my shield. Seeing their guns do no effect on my shield, they began to go for my legs instead, but it was too late for them by then, as I leap into the air and pounce on the first rebel with my shield, slamming him to the ground and knocking him unconscious. One of the bullets hit my arm, but since all 4 of my limbs were metal, it simply ricocheted off from it. And with instinct as my steering wheel, I leaped about 10ft into the air with my empowered jump, and while still in the position of a mid-air falling cartwheel, I aim my arm downwards and yelled at the top of my lungs:
4 rapid succession of laser beams shot out from my hand, with each one of them finding and piercing through a different target. It was about a second later that both of my feet has landed on the ground. By then, only the lady remained standing at the center, with 5 bodies lying on the ground before her. Well, to be honest there was no way I could manually pull of such rapid and accurate shots while upside down in mid-air. It was Rin who actually managed to pull it off, by temporarily controlling and guiding my arm with a computerized aim bot. Anyhow, with my best straight face I could manage at the time, I looked to the lady and asked:
"Are you-u alright?" I bit my tongue.
"...Hmm." She nodded, her reaction a little bit slow.
"Alright, don't worry. Just find somewhere to hide, I will go take care of the rest."
Just like that, I turned and left the scene. Hoping that I didn't make too big of a fool out of myself.
Q: Have you seen any Iron man movies?
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