Wendigo City Part 3
Last Time On Academy City Kaiju................
'They can't be. They have to be alright. Right?' thought Danny as he was having a hard time being confident Mikoto and the others were okay. Danny then landed in front of a Judgement Branch office building.
Danny then went to the second floor. Once he opened it up, he notice that the lights were off and the area was trashed. Stuff scattered everywhere and claw marks where on the walls.
Danny saw a shadow figure sitting on the floor with their back facing him. "Mikoto. I know that is you. Why are you sitting here?" asked Danny.
"Danny? Is that really you?" asked the figure which is Mikoto now standing up but not moving to were Danny is for some reason.
"Yeah it is me. Where are the others?" asked Danny.
"They got turned. What ever those things are, they turned Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu into just like those creatures." Said Mikoto with a sad voice. Danny notice that something was off. Not one point of their conversation that Mikoto moved closed so Danny can see her.
"Mikoto. Why are you hiding in the shadows? Here let me turn some lights on." Said Danny. Before Mikoto say anything to stop him, he found the light switch and turn it on. "There, now whats so........" Danny paused when he saw something that is shocking him to his core.
Mikoto Misaka now has small black horns that are growing on her forehead. Her finger nails are a little bit longer and sharp. Some of her hair bangs are now white and chestnut hair color. She has white fur on her hands and knees. Her once brown eyes are now red eyes.
"I..I..I got nicked by one of those things. Danny, what is this? What is going on?" asked Mikoto as she is showing signs of turning into a Wendigo. Danny was speechless at the moment.
The stakes of this was bad but now it is much worse than before. Danny will need to find a way to stop the Wendigo curse before Mikoto turns into Wendigo completely.
"Mikoto. We need to get you out of here." Said Danny as he tried to get closer to her.
"Stop!" Said Mikoto. Danny paused when he was about half way to her. "Don't you get it? If I turned when you are taking me somewhere, I won't be able to stop myself from hurting you." Said Mikoto
Danny only response was just a simple punch to her head. "OW!" Said Mikoto as he rubbed the top of her head where Danny punched her.
"Come on Mikoto. You know it takes more than a simple slash to hurt me, let alone kill me. Mikoto, you are my friend, I won't stop until you are free from this Wendigo curse. You don't need to be afraid. Because I am back and here to stop the threat here and now! So lets stop this curse together Mikoto." Said Danny as he held out his hand for Mikoto to shake.
Mikoto smiled and shakes Danny hand. Suddenly a growl was heard from behind them. They turned around to see a Wendigo just popped out of thin air. Danny wanted to attack but Mikoto held him back.
"Danny wait. That's Kuroko!" Yelled Mikoto as she just revealed that the Wendigo in front of them is Kuroko.
"What?!" Said Danny. The now Kuroko turned Wendigo somehow used her Esper ability to teleported above Danny to squish him. Danny raised both arms to catch her and throw her to the wall. Once she crashed throw the wall, Danny grabbed Mikoto by the waist and open the office window and jumped out of their as fast as he could.
"Danny? Where are going?" asked Mikoto as she held tight on Danny as he continue to jump from building to building.
"Hopefully to place that those two are still there. Yes. There they are!" Said Danny as see those two as they are still where he left them.
James and Sakura looked up to see Danny returning with a not fully completely transformed Mikoto Misaka.
When Danny landed. James and Sakura were on guard. "Are you nuts?" asked James. "You brought back a person that has being infected with the Wendigo curse?" Asked Sakura.
"Yes I know but she still has time before she completely changes. James, can you see how long she has got? Please" asked Danny as he gently placed Mikoto on the ground and let his arm off her waist.
James slowly walked over to Mikoto. He widen her mouth to look inside. He then inspected her eyes. He poked the small horns on her head. He then examined the long finger nails. Then he felt the fur on her hands and knees.
"I say she is lucky. She is only got about a day or so left before she completely turns. But we need to hurry. If you want to cure her, we need to kill the leader of the Wendigo's." Said James as he reminded Danny what they need to do.
"Okay but we got a new problem. My friend Kuroko is turned into a Wendigo but the strangest thing is, that she can still user her esper powers while in her current state. The Wendigo's you, me and Sakura face before didn't use their Esper powers. So what's going on?"asked Danny.
"Hmm. Its possible that the ones we face were Level zero. Meaning they were the weak ones. But if what you are saying is true, then their could be some Wendigos out there that can still use their Esper ability while still in their transformation state." Said Sakura as she concluded what is happening. Danny whispered everything about the Wendigo's origins and how one got here in Mikoto ears.
"Then that is why the Wendigo leader came to Academy City in the first place. To create an army. With powerful Espers by his side, no one can stop them. The Wendigo's could take over the world easily." Said Danny.
"Then we need to find the leader now. But we don't know where to start looking. This could take forever and I am sure that the world doesn't have time for that." Said James.
"Maybe you guys are looking at this the wrong way. Instead of thinking where he could be, maybe try to think what place would he be the most comfortable setting up his home here in Academy City." Said Mikoto. When Danny heard Mikoto said that, a though went through his mind.
"I might have a theory where the main boss is but I need everyone to hand on." Danny then turned both arms into Godzilla arms as he grabbed everyone and jumped a very far distance. Danny landed and let everyone go as they are in front of Nature Park.
"Nature Park. If this Wendigo came from a forest in Canada, then I would bet that he would choice this place because it might feel at least somewhat home to him." Said Danny.
"Alright kid. Lets split up. Me and Sakura will take this way, you two take the other way." Said James. The gang split up to find the leader.
Danny and Mikoto continue to look around for the leader or at least a sign that they are close. Suddenly they were sound by a punch of Wendigos but the Wendigos were not attacking them.
"Welcome. I am shocked. I would have thought that hunter and that shrine maiden would have taken a few more days to find me. But you are those two scientist son. I guess it runs in the blood." A new voice echoed everywhere as it congratulated Danny for finding him.
'Two scientist?' Thought Danny.
Suddenly in front of them, came the leader. It was larger than the other Wendigos as it has pure white fur. Its horns are longer and larger than the others. It has a red eye crystal for a necklaces round its neck. The Wendigo King!
"Welcome Danny, and of course the famous Railgun, Mikoto Misaka. Let me introduced myself. I am the Wendigo King! And this worlds demise!" Said the Wendigo King.
With part of the Wendigo leader discovered, Danny, James, Sakura and Mikoto have found the den of the Wendigos. Now Mikoto and Danny are facing the leader the Wendigo Kind. The strange thing is, how does this Wendigo King know so much about Danny?
To Be Continued................
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