The Return Of Ghidorah
Last Time on Academy City Kaiju..................
They saw a golden tail with spikes on its ends. It shake off the ice and made a rattling sound just like a rattlesnake.
This caused the gang to back up slowly. It was good that they did because one at a time, three golden dragon heads with golden long necks came out. Another tail came appeared. The middle neck has two rows of spikes while the left and right neck only had one row of spikes. Each head has ten horns. Each head has red eyes.
The creature then climbed out of the hole to reveal its entire self. It had huge bat like wings. It had a muscular body with muscular legs. Its feet were avian-like feet. It uses its wings can fold up to be used as forelimbs when it is walking on the ground. Ghidorah is free!
The gang was in terror as they saw this giant creature infront of them. However, Mikoto was the most scared of it all as she can see that the only thing she can see in their eyes is evil and cares nothing but the destruction of civilization.
All three heads roared into the air as they just announced that they are free and no one is safe from their destruction.
With Mikoto............
The girls were frozen with fear as the Ghidorah is now free into the world. As Ghidorah was shaking off any ice that was still on him, the girls were to scared to run at the moment.
"You have got to be kidding me." Said Mikoto as she notice how crazy tall he is. Not to mention his wings are huge. From Mikoto point of view, she can tell that Ghidorah is a force to be reckoned with.
Ghidorah left head lowered himself towards the gang. The left head got a little too close to them as the left head accidentally knocked the girls down the ground.
"Hey look. I think these are humans." The left head of Ghidorah said. The left head is the one that is curious about things that he has not seen before.
"I don't care if these are humans or not, let me kill them. NO better, let me fight them. " The right head of Ghidorah said. The right head is always wants to fight something and will be ready to kill them if necessary.
The middle head slammed his head into the left head. "Knock it off you. Stop getting distracted. And you, pull yourself together, someone is coming." The middle head order the other two heads. The middle is sort of the big brother of the other two heads and the one that truly calls the shots.
Spacegodzilla then landed infront of Ghidorah. "Its finally happened. You are finally free. The Golden Demise Ghidorah, you are free from your icy prison." Said Spacegodzilla. While he was happy, Ghidorah on the other hand was not. In fact, one might say that he is not pleased about something.
In just seconds, Ghidorah used his tails to trip Spacegodzilla to the ground. Spacegodzilla was confused of why Ghidorah did that. The girls are just confused as he is. Why attack someone who just freed you from a icy prison.
"You think we are going to listen to you after you failed to kill Godzilla. And whats more, you allowed yourself to get weakened. Not to mention you have similarities that are similar to him." The middle head said as Ghidorah stepped on Spacegodzilla face.
"And that explosion from that crystal of yours could have taken us out in the process." Said the left head.
"Also taking into fact, you took your sweet time to free us. And that is something we can't ignore." Said the right head.
This made Spacegodzilla nervous. He spent his entire life trying to free him and now he is going to die all because of the things Ghidorah couldn't ignored. For the first time, his eyes let out tears of sadness. Mikoto saw this and felt sorry for him for some reason. She can't understand their language but she can still feel somewhat sorry for him.
The underside of each neck begin to glow yellow as their eyes begin to glow red. He was powering up for an attack. Once he was finished charging up, they released Gravity Beams at Spacegodzilla full blast. Within seconds, they completely destroyed Spacegodzilla.
Once they stop firing their Gravity Beams, their was nothing left of him. Anything that did remain, it was just ashes of his body.
"He just....he just completely destroyed Spacegodzilla like it was nothing." Is all Kuroko said. Ghidorah then turned his attention to the girls. He then slowly walked over to them.
Just before he could kill them, they suddenly stopped. All the heads where looking around as they felt something that was coming. Something or someone.
"Whats going on?" Asked Saten. "Ghidorah was at one moment about to kill us but now he is looking around for something."
"Something must have spooked them." Said Uiharu.
"What can spooked a giant THREE HEADED GOLDEN DRAGON!?" asked Kuroko as she yelled that question at Uiharu.
"Um.. girls? You might want to turn around. I think that is the reason he is spooked." asked Mikoto. They turned around to see a blue light coming from the ice ahead of them.
Ghidorah saw this and all the heads were hissing and snarling at this. The ground broke apart as Godzilla appeared out of the ground.
As Ghidorah took a step back, all three head begin to display anger and rage at Godzilla. Their horns flared up and they all roared at him. Godzilla just snarled back at him.
"Alright Godzilla here. He can take that sorry excuse for a dragon down!" Said Uiharu.
"Um, guys, I don't think Godzilla notice us." Said Mikoto as she was right. Godzilla was only focusing on Ghidorah at the moment. Kuroko teleported Mikoto, Saten, Uiharu and herself one at a time to about far away to be at a safe distance but close enough to watch the fight.
Ghidorah used his wings to help him stand straight up as he then used them to raise them above his heads to intimidate Godzilla.
Godzilla and Ghidorah roared at each other at the same time as they begin to charge at each other. When the two collided, it created a powerful shockwave that made a large booming sound.
Godzilla then bite on the right head and making the right head roar out in pain. The middle head bite Godzilla on his left shoulder but Godzilla was able to ignore the pain as he slammed the right head into the ground.
As the fight continue, the girls were shocked of strong Godzilla truly is.
"Is this Godzilla true power?" Asked Mikoto. She never seen strength like this power and she aid him against the AIM Burst and she believed that was his true strength back then.
"All the battles in the past, he must have been holding back. But why is he going all out?" Kuroko asked as she watch Ghidorah released a little bit of lighting from his body to knock Godzilla to the ground.
"Maybe there is some kind of history between them?" Uiharu suggested.
Godzilla back up as he roared at Ghidorah. He tried to go for another attack but the middle head released a Gravity Beam at him, causing him to stumble backwards. Godzilla dorsal fins, from the tip of this tail to his neck, begin to slowly glow as he was powering up his attack.
Godzilla unleashed his Atomic Breath in the form of a giant blue beam. But Ghidorah heads were able to dodge it.
All three heads of Ghidorah released their Gravity Beams at Godzilla which knocked him to the ground. They continue this attack as it pushed Godzilla into the massive hole that Ghidorah climbed out of.
"GODZILLA!" shouted at the girls as they just watch how Ghidorah was able to do that to him.
"Darn. That three head dragon is just toying with him." Mikoto said.
"If that thing was able to handle Godzilla, what do we do?" Saten asked.
Ghidorah turned his attention to the girls but before he could kill them, someone just punched the middle head of Ghidorah hard, causing him to get dizzy.
That someone is James as he is now in his Werewolf form. He landed infront of the girls.
"James!" said the girls. "Hey kiddos. Sorry we are late to the party. " Said James.
'We?' Thought Mikoto.
A talisman was thrown into Ghidorah left and right head, and creating a small explosion, making it go blind for a few seconds. That person who throw that was Sakura as she landed right next to James in her Yokai form.
"And Sakura!" Said Mikoto. She was happy to see these two ever since the Wendigo incident.
"Sorry we were late. We had to bring a few party crashers with us." She said. Suddenly, fighter jets along with a flying ship with a massive drill attached to the front came out from the clouds. The Gotengo.
The Gotengo and the fighter jets both released a bunch of missiles at Ghidorah. Ghidorah used his left wing to block them.
Ghidorah turned around to see Godzilla climbed out of the massive hole. Having enough of this fight for now, Ghidorah took to the air and flied into the clouds, escaping from Godzilla.
Godzilla roared in anger as his foe ran away. He then ran back to the sea as he fast as he could so he won't lose track of Ghidorah.
"Girls, come with us. You can hitched a ride in the Gotengo."Said James. The girls nodded as they don't want to be left behind.
Mikoto and the others were then picked up by a helicopter and was transported into the Gotengo. Godzilla was now swimming as fast as he could to follow his arch rival.
With Ghidorah now released into the world once more, the people of this planet won't be able to deal with this. Can everyone stop this mysterious kaiju before it is too late?
To Be Continued...............
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