The Fall Of Godzilla
Last Time On Academy City Kaiju.............
All three heads of Ghidorah released their Gravity Beams at Godzilla which knocked him to the ground. They continue this attack as it pushed Godzilla into the massive hole that Ghidorah climbed out of.
"GODZILLA!" shouted at the girls as they just watch how Ghidorah was able to do that to him.
"Darn. That three head dragon is just toying with him." Mikoto said.
"If that thing was able to handle Godzilla, what do we do?" Saten asked.
Ghidorah turned his attention to the girls but before he could kill them, someone just punched the middle head of Ghidorah hard, causing him to get dizzy.
That someone is James as he is now in his Werewolf form. He landed infront of the girls.
"James!" said the girls. "Hey kiddos. Sorry we are late to the party. " Said James.
'We?' Thought Mikoto.
A talisman was thrown into Ghidorah left and right head, and creating a small explosion, making it go blind for a few seconds. That person who throw that was Sakura as she landed right next to James in her Yokai form.
"And Sakura!" Said Mikoto. She was happy to see these two ever since the Wendigo incident.
"Sorry we were late. We had to bring a few party crashers with us." She said. Suddenly, fighter jets along with a flying ship with a massive drill attached to the front came out from the clouds. The Gotengo.
The Gotengo and the fighter jets both released a bunch of missiles at Ghidorah. Ghidorah used his left wing to block them.
Ghidorah turned around to see Godzilla climbed out of the massive hole. Having enough of this fight for now, Ghidorah took to the air and flied into the clouds, escaping from Godzilla.
Godzilla roared in anger as his foe ran away. He then ran back to the sea as he fast as he could so he won't lose track of Ghidorah.
"Girls, come with us. You can hitched a ride in the Gotengo."Said James. The girls nodded as they don't want to be left behind.
Mikoto and the others were then picked up by a helicopter and was transported into the Gotengo. Godzilla was now swimming as fast as he could to follow his arch rival.
With Ghidorah now released into the world once more, the people of this planet won't be able to deal with this. Can everyone stop this mysterious kaiju before it is too late?
Inside of a Volcano.............
Deep within a dormant volcano, a kaiju was sleeping inside of it for years. The creature was having a peaceful life. It has adapted its body to live inside of the volcano.
That is until it sense the presence of a unmistakable kaiju from the Antarctica. The creature has sensed that Ghidorah is free. This made the creature to stir in its sleep.
'After a long of peace, that kaiju is now free. And he is on his way here. Even though the tribe that worshiped me as their guardian is gone, the people on this island are my responsibility to protect. I will stop him as long as I can until the people evacuate.' Thought this creature. A yellow cat-like eye slowly begin to open.
On Gotengo............
The Gotengo was hovering over a small island off the cost of Mexico. This island as a city that is right next to a dormant volcano. The military was getting all the people to evacuate the island as quickly as they could.
"Can someone explain to me why Ghidorah might come here?" asked Mikoto as she was looking at a monitor that is showing the evacuation. Before coming here, they try to located Ghidorah but they lost him around the same time a category five hurricane appeared over Brazil in South America.
Along the way, the girls found out that this ship belong to a secret organization, the same organization that sent out James and Sakura to Academy City during the Wendigo incident, that was created to combat evil kaijus. The Earth Defense Force.
"Because that is the first thing he will do." Said male voice that is sitting in the command chair. Mikoto turn her head around to see the man with a military like trench coat with commander hat on his head. Douglas Gordon
"When something that evil is free, the first thing he will do is to destroy a city to let the world know he is back." Said Gordon.
"Yeah but we don't know where he is. He could pop out anywhere!" Said Saten.
"Saten has a point. Even though we can located him, I am not so sure that this sip has enough fire power to make him even flinch." Said Uiharu.
Before he could respond back to her, their was beeping on the monitors. "Whats happening?" asked Gordon.
James walked over a seat and had a look at the monitor. "I am detecting movement from.....the volcano?" said James as he was confused.
Suddenly, a bird like cry was heard from within the volcano. All the people down below stop advancing to the transportation to evacuate and looked at the volcano. A small stream of smoke was leaking out.
Then the top of the volcano exploded. Lava was starting to come up. All the sudden, a large two finger and one thumb claw came out of the volcano and latches itself on the edge of the volcano.
Another claw came out of the volcano and latches on the edge of the volcano. Te creature then slowly pulls himself out of the volcano. It fully climbed out as it shock off any lava that was on its body.
The creature has magma like armor all over its body. It has large wings that can be folded up like a pterosaur. The tips of his wings are glowing red. His leg stance are like modern day birds. Its feet are similar to a hawk or a eagle. It has a two horns that curl inward. It has serrated beak that makes him look like he has teeth. It has a spiky chest. Rodan.
As soon as Rodan roared, all the people quickly being run away from the creature and to get off the island as fast as they can.
"Any idea of who this guy is?" asked Kuroko
"I studied everything I can about this kaiju due to ancient scrolls about a fire bird that lives in a volcano. His name is Rodan. The Ruler Of The Sky." Said Sakura.
"Well that's good to know." Said Mikoto as she stared at the computer monitor that is displaying a live feed of Rodan.
"Uh.. Guys?" Said Uiharu. "Remember that hurricane that were he last Ghidorah. Well it just changed course and its coming here." As she points to the screen of the hurricane changing its path
"Okay that is impossible. No storm can move that fast let alone change its course." Said Gordon.
"Unless that is not a storm." Said Kuroko as she theorized that is not a normal storm. The scans then picked up Ghidorah inside of the eye of that hurricane.
"Oh no." Said Saten.
"How much longer until the evacuation is complete?" asked Gordon.
"It is about 80% complete sir. Unless we can distract that dragon, we won't have more time." Said Sakura.
As they were talking, Mikoto was tarting at the monitor that is showing Rodan looking towards the sea. Specifically the hurricane storm that he notice.
"Guys. It is not a coincidence that Ghidorah is coming here. He is reacting to Rodan roar. That means it is going to come here to fight Rodan." Said Mikoto
"What to do you suggest?" Asked Gordon.
"We lure Rodan to Ghidorah and while those two are fighting, the city will have more time to evacuate everyone." Said Mikoto.
"I don't think we are going to need to lure Rodan. I think he is waiting for us to lead him to Ghidorah." Said Saten
She was right. During the entire conversation, Rodan was starting at the Gotengo like it was waiting for something.
"Alright. All fighter jets follow our lead. Crew, turn this ship around and get the engines at maximum. Lets get this kaiju straight into Ghidorah." Order Gordon as the entire crew on the Gotengo and the fighter jets turned their vehicles around. This got Rodan attention as he begin to take a take-off position.
Once the flying ships begin to fly at their maximum speed, Rodan flapped his wings until he was high into the air. He then begin to follow the ships. As he flew over the city, the remain citizens were amazed of how this creature is not attacking them.
The Gotengo and the fighter jets break through the clouds as Rodan was flying right next to them as they lead him to Ghidorah hurricane. As they get closer to the hurricane, lightning blots came out of the storm and took out three fighter jets.
"How is Ghidorah doing this?" Asked Mikoto as she was sitting in a advance high-tech seat, along with her friends, as they were experiencing this crazy mission.
"Don't know but I... LOOK OUT!" Said Sakura. They Gotengo had to lean to the left as three golden lighting bolts took out the rest of the fighter jets.
Rodan was still behind them, ready for this fight.
(Just pretend that Rodan is following the Gotengo in this picture.)
Rodan suddenly roared at something in the clouds. All the people in the Gotengo were scared of what comes next. As Ghidorah fly ever more closer to the Gotengo, lighting was striking the background, giving him a terrifying look.
Ghidorah then flew over the Gotengo and spread his wings out as the lighting behind him made him look even more scary. Just like how Mikoto saw Ghidorah in her vision.
"Get us out of here!" Shouted Gorgon. The Gotengo dived out of Ghidorah way. Ghidorah was now charging at Rodan who at the same time was charging at him.
Once Rodan was close enough, he clapped his wings together which created a loud sonic boom. This knocked Ghidorah off balanced. Rodan then slammed his head into Ghidorah chest, causing Ghidorah to begin to fall out of the sky. Rodan was not done just yet.
With Gotengo, they are hovering about 50 feet above the ocean. James was watching the fight from the monitor he was observing from. He watched Rodan landed on Ghidorah and begin using his beak to peek at him like hell.
"Geez. Rodan is not letting up with his attacks. " Said James
"That may be for now. But remember, if Ghidorah was able to go toe to toe with Godzilla that that stands to reason that Ghidorah is just playing around with Rodan at the moment." Said Sakura.
Rodan then flied at ridiculous speed, every time, he zoomed right by Ghidorah, he leaves scratches marks. This causes Ghidorah to get angry. Rodan then latched his talons on the center head and was trying to tear it off. But the only that attack was doing, was just making Ghidorah even more mad.
Having enough of this fight, the left head and the right head latched their jaws on Rodan wings. The middle head released a Gravity Beam, causing Rodan to fall into the sea.
"That stupid dragon is getting on my nervous." Said Mikoto as her bangs were sparking. Before Ghidorah could full destroy Rodan, he picked up electricity from the ship that went past him. This causes him to fly after the Gotengo.
Mikoto and the girls ran into the very back of the ship to look through the giant window to see Ghidorah coming towards them.
"Oh my god!" Said Mikoto as Ghidorah was getting closer as each head of Ghidorah was showing his teeth as it was a sign that he was about to kill them.
Just before he could Godzilla leaped out of the water and grabbed Ghidorah.
"Whats Godzilla doing?" asked Uiharu. As she watched Godzilla trying to keep Ghidorah from getting out of his grip. All the heads were roaring out in anger of what Godzilla is trying to do.
"I think he trying to drown him." Said Kuroko.
Godzilla may not have the advantages in the air but he does in the ocean. Ghidorah was not built for swimming.
As Ghidorah continues to struggle, Godzilla, using his mouth, he ribs out the left head before blasting it away with his Atomic Breath.
Godzilla continues to drag Ghidorah deeper and deeper into the ocean until you couldn't see them anymore. All seem too quiet at this point.
"Are they okay?" asked Mikoto.
A golden flash of light was suddenly appearing from deep within the ocean. All the fish in that area appeared on the surface as they showed signs of being burned by something. Suddenly, Ghidorah came out of the ocean. With all two remain heads, he was able to beat Godzilla and possible killed him.
Mikoto and the girls went back the control center. The looks on the crew members faces told them already what they need to know. They can't detect Godzilla signature anymore. Mikoto begin to cry a lot of tears. The girls hugged her for support as they were crying as well. With Godzilla gone, their is no more hope left.
With Ghidorah..............
He fly's all the way to Rodan Volcano as he landed on the top of it. From their, something bad was happening. The middle head was not roaring out in pain but encouragement as he removes a gel like substance from where the left head was originally was. Before he removed it, a tongue was sticking out of it.
From their, the left head was slowly regenerating. First the bones, then the muscles and then the scales and horns and the spikes.
Once the head was full regenerate. Ghidorah slowly spread out its wings as each head roar one after another. Every time one of Ghidorah heads roared, lightning bolts were striking.
Across the world, some of the kaijus that were sleeping heard Ghidorah call and begin to wake up. Some refuse to listen to him because they are waiting for someone else to call for their aid. In other words, they are waiting for a true Alpha to appear. Rodan came out of the ocean and he heard Ghidorah call but he did not answer it. Instead he flew away as he slowly let out s single tear of that Godzilla is now gone.
It has finally happened. Godzilla is defeated and now Ghidorah is now the Alpha for the kaijus that obeys hims. The worlds fate is now doomed. Ghidorah is going to destroy everything.
To be continued........
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