Kong VS Ramarak
Last Time on Academy City Kaiju............
Destroyah saw this and was about to fire another attack from his horn by the dragon head latch his jaws onto the horn and ribbed off his horn.
Soon, 7 more heads, each has a different body appearance, came out Touma right arm stump and came straight at the soon to be dead kaiju.
Each head grabbed a piece of Destroyah flesh and begin to tear it off. Every time Destroyah tries to run away, the heads just headbutts him to make him stay still.
'How... how can this be?' Thought Destroyah as he felt his legs were teared off from his body.
'How can a human hold this monster inside of him?' Thought Destroyah as his arms are now gone.
'I am the all mighty Kaiju of death. It can't end like this for me! No!' Thought Destroyah.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Yelled out Destroyah as that was his final words before he was completely teared off.
By the time the Dragon King was done, there was nothing left of him. Just small pieces of Destroyah flesh and bones were on the streets of Academy City.
Once this foe was gone, all the heads of the Dragon King, went back inside Touma and his right arm was completely healed and was back.
"You okay?"asked Mikoto as she looked at Touma for concern.
"I am okay. Still not use for my right hand being chopped or sliced off." Said Touma as he flexed his right hand.
"Good. Whats say lets get out of here and find some place to call for help or some place to take shelter? " Asked Mikoto. Touma quickly nodded. Those two then quickly ran out of there, just encase a Skullcrawler decides to pop out of nowhere.
The Kaiju of death, Destroyah, was defeated and killed by the thing that lives inside Touma right arm. Mikoto was able to see it again, this time got to see it right beside Touma. Ghidorah will notice again that he is losing allies quickly than his three heads can count. How much longer until Godzilla friends take care of the others?
With Kong..........
"And your finished!" Said Kong as he stepped on the last small Skullcrawler that was in Academy City.
After hunting all the smaller ones in Academy, along with the help of Zilla, both of those two are sitting down to catch their breath.
"Hey. I notice you were angry at those small creatures. Did they do something to make you angry?" asked a tired and concerned Zilla.
"They took my parents away from me." Said Kong. "When I was born, I got to see my mom for a moment. For one moment in her arms. She then placed me in a cave and barricade it up so it can protect me. I was able to peak through the cracks to see my parents fight those things. In the end, they were able to defeat all of them but Ramarak who is still out there. I was brought into this world, to see my parents get killed."
Kong took a second to stare at the ground. "From there, I promised as long as I lived, I will make sure no one loved ones get killed by those Skullcrawlers again. I also made a promise to get revenge at the Skullcrawler who was there who was responsible for my parents death. Ramarak." Kong said.
"I am sorry to hear that." Said Zilla.
Two loud human screams reached his ears. Kong turned his head to the where the screams were coming from.Those screams belonged to Touma and Mikoto. And what came after those screams was a Skullcrawler roar. This made Kong narrow his eyes. He then stood back up, ready to fight again.
With Touma and Mikoto..........
"RUN!!" Shouted Mikoto as she and Touma were running.
Why are they running for their life you ask? Well, it would have something to do to the fact their is something behind them. It was the Skullcrawler known as Ramarak.
Ramarak was chasing after those two without letting them get a chance of escaping. Ramarak is a lot smarter than the other Skullcrawlers. He knows when someone is too dangerous. He is planning on eating those two because they pose a problem of stopping the destruction of Mankind.
He continue to chase after them, until Touma and Mikoto ran into a dead end. A collapsed building was blocking there path on the street and their was no other way to get around it.
"Rotten luck." Is all Touma said.
They turned around to see Ramarak slowly making his way over to the two humans. He slowly opened his mouth, ready to eat them.
"No where left to run prey!" Yelled Ramarak
But he was stopped when he heard a familiar roar. He turned around to see Kong carried a chuck of a destroyed building in his hands in the air. He then smashed the chunk he was carrying into the Skullcrawler head, which causes him to fall down.
"GO!" Said Mikoto as she and Touma took this chance to get out of there.
Ramarak recovered from that attack as he roared at Kong for interrupting his about to be meal.
"Well well. If it isn't Kong. Tell me, how is life without your mommy and daddy?" mocked Ramarak.
This causes Kong to tighten his fist. "You are going to pay for killing them you monster." Said Kong.
"Oh are you sure? You might have been able to handle the small ones of my kind, but you will never kill me!" Roared Ramarak.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ramarak jumped at Kong. Kong was able to grabbed the Skullcrawler and tossed him away from him. Ramarak then did another jump attack with opening his jaws at Kong neck.
This causes Kong to get up against a tall building. Kong then punched Ramarak into his stomach causing him to loosen up the jaw strength. He then grabbed the top of his head and bottom jaw of Ramarak mouth and opened up wide as he could. This was causing Ramarak to feel pain in his mouth.
Kong then slammed Ramarak head into the building he was up against and try to elbow attack him but Ramarak dodged it.
"Nice try. I am quick on my feet." Mocked Ramarak.
The monster then bite Kong left arm which then left him open enough for Ramarak to pull him to the ground. Ramarak then try to bite Kong head but Kong was using his left arm to keep him back.
From afar, Mikoto and Touma were both watching this fight from a building that is just close enough to watch it.
Kong then sent Ramarak off of him as he took a few steps back. He saw a large Radio Tower behind him. Kong pulled it out of the ground. He then twisted it around until it almost looks like a tree log. By the time he was done, Ramarak got back on his feet.
The two kaijus charged at each other. Kong the swing his weapon just as the Skullcrawler got close enough.
The moment it hit Ramarak, the weapon that Kong had broke into pieces. Ramarak himself, he got knocked the ground as it hit him pretty hard in the head.
Ramarak slowly got back on his feet, still dizzy from that attack. "Okay. That does it!" Yelled Ramarak.
Ramarak jumped at Kong as he wrapped his tail around him and launched him into the air. Kong crashed into multiple old warehouses. His body is wrapped in chains. Kong tried to get himself out but Ramarak appeared as he stepped onto Kong chest, knocked him back to the ground.
Just before Ramarak could kill him, something zapped him on his back.
"HEY!" Yelled a familiar female voice.
He turned around to see Mikoto was the one doing that. Touma was right beside her as well.
The two humans then made a break for it as Ramarak begin to chase after them, forgetting about Kong at the moment.
With Mikoto...........
Mikoto and Touma were running away from Ramarak again but this on purpose. They were letting this kaiju chase after them until Kong is back on his feet.
Ramarak tried to snap his jaws at Mikoto but she dodge it. When he turned his head towards Touma, that give Mikoto a opening.
With a arcade coin in her hand, she fired her Railgun attack at Ramarak Right eye. Ramarak was too distracted by this strange light that he didn't get the time to dodge it.
The moment it hit his eye, a explosion was created, it also taken out his right eye in the process. Making him go half blind.
Ramarak roared out in pain as he tried to claw out the pain where his right eye used to be. But no should attempt will work.
With Kong..........
Kong slowly stood back up, breaking off the chains that are around his neck and body. Once those were broken, he tried to break the last chain that was on his right hand but when he tugged on it, he saw that the chains that are wrapped around his right hand, they were also wrapped around an large old ship propeller.
"Hmm." This got Kong thinking of an idea.
With Mikoto and Touma.................
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! The pain! It hurts. It hurts so much!" Yelled Ramarak as he is still trying to deal with the pain that he is experiencing right now.
"Um Mikoto? Do you really think that was the best idea?" asked Touma.
"Hey. After what this kaiju did, he kinda had it coming." She said to Touma.
Ramarak finally felt the pain go away. With his remaining eye, he saw the human that was responsible. With anger filling up in his body, he was planing to give them payback by eating them slowly.
Kong was back with a new weapon on him. With a mighty tugged on the chain on his right hand, he launched the propeller at Ramarak which landed on his left side.
Ramarak roared out in pain as he felt something damaged him on his left side. Kong jumped over to where Ramarak is. He pulled out the propeller as he slammed it on top of Ramarak head, creating a loud banging sound from where metal strikes something hard.
When Ramarak stood back up, Kong swing his weapon straight up, causing a huge slash wound to appear on Ramarak neck.
Ramarak fell to the ground on his back. He was not moving. Kong let go of the weapon he was using.
Kong went over to where the two humans are and gently placed him in his right hand to see if they were okay. Both Touma and Mikoto smiled at Kong.
Suddenly, Ramarak came back to life as he bite on Kong left arm. Kong quickly covered up his right hand so the humans will be okay. Both Ramarak and Kong fell to the ground because of what Ramarak attack just did.
Getting a good look at Ramarak, he notice that the slash he created on Ramarak neck is not there anymore.
Smelling the humans that are Kong right hand, Ramarak went to attack where they are. Kong grabbed him by his left hand and was trying to keep him away form his friends.
Ramarak opened up his mouth as he launched his extendable tongue to be wrapped around Kong right hand. Kong tried to keep his hand away from Ramarak mouth.
With one powerful tug, Ramarak had Kong right hand in his mouth. Ramarak tried to chop on his foe arm so he can sallow up the humans.
Kong wasn't going to let that happen. With all his strength he pulled his arm free from Ramarak mouth as he also pulled out his tongue as well. As well as any organs the tongue was connected to.
He let go of his foe as he flopped onto the ground, completely dead this time. Kong finally got his revenge on the monster that took his parents.
"Try coming back to life like that!" Roared Kong. With his left hand, he pound on his chest as he roared into the air that he has defeat Ramarak.
Getting onto his knees he slowly opened up his right hand to see that the two humans are okay. They opened up their eyes to see that they are okay.
Kong gently placed them back on the ground. Once they were on the ground, Kong let out a tired breath. Kong then leaned his back up against some debris as he was tired.
"Thank you big guy. Just rest while you can." Said Mikoto. Kong just smiled at her.
Kong can take it easy now. After years of waiting for this, Kong has finally took care of the creature that was responsible for his parents deaths. Another one of Ghidorah allies bites the dust.
To Be Continued...........
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