Fight For What We Believe!
Last Time On Academy City Kaiju.............
Godzilla slowly turned his head around to see Mothra slowly climbing onto him. Mothra made a screech at Ghidorah. Ghidorah took a few steps back as he was spooked of who just appeared.
"You!" Said the middle head.
"As long as I draw breath, I won't let you hurt him or this planet!" Yelled Mothra.
Mothra position her wings over Godzilla. Her wings begin to glow.
Mothra then launch herself into the air as she then begin to fly towards Ghidorah to face him. As she got closer, Ghidorah was powering up his Gravity Beams. Once she got close enough, Ghidorah released his Gravity Beams at her.
Mothra was able to fight against it for a while but after a while, the Gravity Beams destroyed her. All that was left of her was her energy. Her energy was in the form a glowing like mist that Godzilla begin to absorb into his body.
Godzilla roared out in sadness that Mothra risked her life to save his. Ghidorah notice this and his heads begin to slither across the ground as he made his way over to the now fallen Godzilla.
Each head warped himself around Godzilla bite on onto his skin. Godzilla roared in pain. Each neck of Ghidorah begin to glow as he was draining Godzilla dry. Ghidorah plans to drain Godzilla all of his energy and was going to kill him.
Just before he could continue this, a blue lightning strike him into his back. This caused all three heads to roared out in fury as they were mad that someone dares interfere. He let Godzilla go as they turned around to see Mikoto on top of a building. She had tears in her eyes along with fury and anger in her eyes as well.
Mothra has sacrifice herself to let Godzilla absorb her remained energy to help him win this fight. Mikoto now plans to draw Ghidorah away from Godzilla as long as she can so Godzilla will get back up on his feet.
With Ghidorah.............
When Ghidorah got it by Mikoto attack , he thought it was some other kaiju that was allied with Godzilla. Like he thought it was Zilla or Gamera who did that. Not a human. This made him confused and angry.
"What... how... This can't be! Their is no way a human could have that kind of power!" Said the right head.
Mikoto bangs begin to spark as she gathered a ton of iron sand in the area and turn into giant cloud like thing made of iron sand above her head. The giant iron sand storm then turned into multiple giant iron sand swords that were floating in the air above Mikoto. As she was doing this, Mikoto was growling at Ghidorah.
"NO! IMPOSSIBLE!" Said all three heads as they their eyes were completely wide opened.
"TRY HANDLING THIS!" Shouted Mikoto. With a swipe of her hand, she launched all the giant iron sand swords at Ghidorah.
Normally, Ghidorah would have taken a attack like that head on but his gut told him to dodge it. When one of those giant iron sand storms zoomed by the right head check and left a huge cut. Even though it healed right away, it made him dodge each every one.
He was moving his head, necks and his body away from each giant iron sand storm. Just when he thought it was over, Mikoto released multiple huge lighting bolt at him which all the heads had to duck from it.
"YIKES!" Shouted all three heads before they ducked from that attack.
What he didn't see was that one of those lighting bolts hit one of Godzilla ample leaf shaped dorsal fin, specifically the big one and was absorbed into the dorsal fin.
When Ghidorah glared at Mikoto, she had her tongue out and had her hands right beside her head as she mocked him by flapped her tongue up and down. This strike a nerve to Ghidorah.
"WHAT?" yelled the right and left head. The middle head was gritting his teeth.
"What are you going to do now you big ugly golden three headed freak?" mocked Mikoto. She flapped her tongue again before turning around and mockingly patted her butt to taunt him to come after her. "Here. I will give you a target." She said that to Ghidorah in a taunting way.
That was the last straw. "WHY YOU! HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME!" said all three heads of Ghidorah as begin stomping his way after Mikoto.
Mikoto used her powers to launch herself from a nearby flag pole and it caused her to be launched into the air. Once she was right next to a building she used her esper powers to attach herself to the metal structure and begin running on the side of the building.
'I may not be as powerful as Godzilla, but I at least I can distract Ghidorah long enough for the big guy to get back on his feet.' Thought Mikoto.
As Mikoto continue to use her Esper powers to leap from building to building, Ghidorah was right on her tail, wanting to kill her for interference.
With Godzilla..........
Godzilla was still laying on the ground. Not only was in he pain, he was sad because he couldn't do anything to save Mothra from being killed.
"Are you going to give up?" asked a all to familiar voice but Godzilla was in too much pain that he can't tell who that voice belong to.
"No. I am just facing the facts." Said Godzilla as he weakly spoke to the kaiju that was talking to him.
"Then, what about all those other battles. Where they just a fluke that you won? You showed me time and time again that you will always stand up to those who would dare threaten to destroy your planet and your friends brother." Said the familiar voice.
This causes Godzilla to weakly open his eyes. He saw a ghostly like image that stands before him is... Spacegodzilla!?
"You?!" asked a weakly Godzilla. Spacegodzilla raised his left hand to tell Godzilla to wait.
"Relaxed. I am dead. I am just a harmless spirit standing in front of you. I can't do anything as a spirit. I can only do right now is communicate with you." Said Spacegodzilla
"The truth is Godzilla, when I was created by that mad scientist and ever since I was attached that space crystal, I all really wanted was for people to know me and acknowledged my power and fear me. But no matter what I did, all the civilization out there didn't so much as feared me." Said Spacegodzilla.
"That is when I decide to come to Earth to find the one Space Kaiju they feared that will return. Ghidorah. I thought by releasing him, he would accept me but I was wrong. I was not his ideal ally in his eyes." Spacegodzilla said. Godzilla then saw some tears coming out of his eyes.
Despite being a spirit right now, he is crying right now. "I let myself be blind my my desires and look were it got me. I am asking you right now Godzilla this. Please get up and fight Ghidorah!" Said Spacegodzilla as he was crying.
Spacegodzilla ghostly body begin to disappear into particles. "You are the only one that can defeat him. So please. Do it for everyone that was killed by that monster." As he said that, he disappeared completely.
"Okay... brother. I will. I promise you right now. No matter what, Ghidorah will pay! Today is his last day on Planet Earth." Said Godzilla as he accept his clone brother request as he turn his right hand into a fist. His eyes begin to narrow in fury. The ground around him being to have steam coming out of the ground.
Back With Mikoto.............
Mikoto released more lightning at Ghidorah heads as he got dizzy by that attack. Taking this chance, Mikoto launched her self towards Ghidorah middle head.
"CHASER!" Shouted Mikoto as she did a spinning kick at Ghidorah middle head. This caused the middle head to spat out saliva.
She then used her Esper powers to reeled herself to the top of a building and begin to run away from Ghidorah again. Ghidorah wasn't going to let Mikoto keep playing this little chase forever. It was starting to get on his nerves.
Having enough of this, all three heads fired the Gravity Beams at the building that Mikoto was about to jump to.
This causes her to quickly used her powers again to help her get launched to a street light and used her powers again to slow her speed until she crashed into the ground with not major injuries. She heard Ghidorah roar coming from above her. She saw that Ghidorah was hovering the air for a minute.
Ghidorah landed infront of Mikoto hard. He used his heads to lean down close to where she is. Mikoto doesn't have any other ideas of how to escape this.
As the heads got closer, all the heads horns begin to flare as each one were growling. Even though she can't understand their language, she knows that he is furious at her.
"This game of yours has gone one long enough. I don't know how you got those powers." Said the left head.
"You could have just slipped away and I wouldn't have to chase after you." Said the right head.
"But instead you decide to interrupt my plan to drain Godzilla of his energy." Yelled the middle head. Mikoto was sweating nervously.
"RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO KILL YOU UNTIL YOU ARE NOTHING BUT ASHES!!!" Yelled all three heads as they fired their Gravity Beams at Mikoto.
Just as they got close, Touma came out of nowhere and had his right hand touch the Gravity Beams. When they come into contact with his right hand, the sound of shattering glass was heard and the gravity beams were gone.
"Touma!? I thought I told you to leave this to me!" said Mikoto.
"Sorry. But I just couldn't stay back and let my friend get killed by that monster." Said Touma. Mikoto just smiled for his needs to help people
Just before Mikoto and Touma could do anything, they notice that their was a orange and red light coming from behind Ghidorah.
Both Touma and Mikoto smirked of who that might be. A all too familiar growl was heard from behind Ghidorah back. Ghidorah middle head notice this as he had a look of realizing something. His middle head begin to sniff the air as he growled who he knows that scent belongs to.
A tail figure was stomping his way towards Ghidorah. Every steps he takes, every times he moves body, everything around him begin to melt and being to be caught on fire.
It was revealed to be Godzilla! He has tons orange and red cracks on his entire body. This was his new temporary form. Burning Godzilla!
Godzilla is back up on his feet. He has used the energy from Mothra to not only give him back his strength but to also give him this temporary form. Mikoto plan of distracting Ghidorah was a success. Now all that is left if for Godzilla to put down this monster once and for all and put an end to this nightmare as well.
To Be Continued...........
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