West Hacoda in Shinki Grove
Kaori and Zandai are fighting over the TV remote.
Zandai: The Dino Field is on in 3 minutes!
Kaori: It's a dang rerun man! You act like missing it is gonna kill you!
Kasumi walks into the living room and takes the remote.
Zandai: Hey!
Kaori: What are you doing?!!
Kasumi: The two of you are so loud I can't even hear myself think! And it's over something stupid like a TV remote!! I mean who does that?!!
Kaori gives Kasumi a look.
Kasumi: I'm changing the TV to a channel and you'll have to watch whatever is on! I'm taking the remote
Kaori: What are you? The control lady?
Zandai laughs. Kasumi goes back into her room. Meanwhile Abuza is with his grandfather demonstrating what he learned while with his uncle.
Hikaru: Impressive. I never thought you would advance so quickly
Abuza: All that time away I also mastered the art of patience
Hikaru: Now that was a lesson long overdue for you grandson
Abuza and Hikaru go inside of their clans den. Abuza goes to the back and starts looking their his clans old scrolls. After minutes of looking he finds a notebook filled with documented events. As he reads he finds out that his parents fought together in the first Akuma Sensou. Hikaru walks into the room.
Abuza: Grandpa, you never told me my mom fought in the demon war
Hikaru: She was a strong willed woman. She fought in the beginning but was sent home when she found out she was expecting
Abuza (In His Mind): I wonder if the Akuma Sensou was the reason my father turned out this way
Later on that day Kaori goes into the city to find a store to get some food from. He goes into the store and gets a few snacks before going to the register. As he leaves the store he sees a boy with his mother and father. The sight reminds him of something he always wanted but never had. At sunset Abuza returns home and goes to bed. Kaori goes into his room and lays in his bed. He then hears squeaking. He looks down and sees rats on the floor. He jumps out of bed and runs into Abuza's room. Abuza turns over and sees Kaori standing in the doorway.
Abuza: Kaori? What are you doing?
Kaori: I got a bit of a problem
Abuza: What?
Kaori: Got a rodent infestation
Abuza: Huh?
Abuza and Kaori go into the room. Abuza turns on the light and sees rats and bugs surrounded around a sticky bun and a few other things. Abuza turns and looks at Kaori.
Kaori: What?
Abuza: What do you mean what? It's called a trash can. Maybe you should pay it a visit every now and then
Abuza leaves and walks back to his room.
Kaori: What don't leave me in here with these pests!
Kaori grabs his blanket and pillow and runs out of the room and shuts the door behind him. He then goes into Abuza's room to sleep on the floor. Abuza lies on his bed awake while Kaori is on the floor awake.
Kaori: What time do you go to bed anyway?
Abuza: I don't know, it depends I guess
Kaori: How long have you been living here?
Abuza: Years. Well really about 2 in a half years, I left 2 years old to live with my uncle
Kaori: And you put up with Miss Captain Grapefruit and prickle nickel for that long
Abuza: Captain Grapefruit?
Kaori: Yeah, Miss Captain Grapefruit because grapefruits look sweet but they're really sour and nasty on the inside
Abuza: Kasumi isn't always like that it's only when you get on her bad side. But she's never been like that to me before
Kaori: You ever got on her bad side?
Abuza: No
Kaori: Then that's why
Abuza: Living here isn't as hard as you're making it seem. You should have seen what I went through when I first came to this city
Kaori: Knowing your kind of luck I bet it was all peaches and cream
Abuza: No it was actually the complete opposite
Abuza starts to reminisce and flashes back to when he first came to Shinki Grove.
Abuza: When I first came here I was on my own. To be honest I thought coming to this city would be a complete disaster
Kaori: I bet it wasn't and you walked into a dream come true
Abuza: Can I just finish the story with no interruptions?
Kaori: Fine.....Well? Go on
Abuza: As I walked through the city I heard an angry store owner yelling at a boy who stole something from his shop. That's when I met Zandai
Zandai runs with food in his hands and runs right into Abuza knocking both of them over.
Kaori: Wait so you met him because he jumped on you with a pile of food?
Abuza: I thought I said no interruptions!
Kaori: It wasn't an interruption it was a question
Abuza: Questions count as interruptions!
Kaori: *sigh* Continue
Abuza: Yes he jumped on me with a pile of food then the shop owner thought I was his partner in crime and sent the authorities after both of us. That's when Zandai took me to his homeless shelter
Zandai: Homeless shelter?!
Zandai walks into the room.
Zandai: If you're gonna tell the story tell it right
Abuza: I am telling the story right
Zandai: I took you to a homeless shelter?
Abuza: What's your point?
Zandai: The point is it wasn't a homeless shelter it was our hideout
Abuza: It was tent made of sticks, trash bags and cardboard with bugs in it. Like I said it was homeless shelter
Zandai: We had beds and food supplies and our own space! No one could even find us
Abuza: Just because you turn an abandoned space into your own doesn't make it a hideout. Trash bags for walls and cardboard boxes for a tarp? Better yet it wasn't a homeless shelter it was just a pile of garbage that the trash men forgot to pick up
Kaori: Okay! Homeless shelter, hideout whatever! Let's just get to the story. And where did you come from anyway? Last time I checked your bed was up there pass that corner
Zandai: I came out of the bathroom and I heard the conversation
Kaori: So you're ease dropping now?!! Boy I should come over there and flatten all them pine needles on the top of your head
Abuza: The story!
Kaori: Oh right
Zandai: That's when you met Gretanzu and I then we introduced you to Kasumi
Abuza makes a cartoonish face.
Abuza: Ah! Better yet why don't we skip that part
Zandai: *Yawn* It's getting pretty late anyway we'll continue this tomorrow
Kaori: Ooo introduced you to Kasumi now that sounds juicy
Zandai: And by the way I'm not skipping the Kasumi part
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