Welcome to Shinki Grove
Weeks later after Abuza met Fujena he continues his quest on finding a home. He stumbles across one of the most known cities in Motoharu and most known in the Inochi clan.
Abuza: Wow this place so much more different than the other cities I came across
Abuza walks through city and sees a homeless looking boy with spiky hair running with a bag of food in his hand.
Shop Owner: Hey! Get back here you thief!
The boy runs through a crowd of people and runs right into Abuza. They both fall on the ground.
Abuza: Ow!
Mysterious Boy: Watch where you're going you're lucky I'm in a good mood today
Abuza: Watch where I'm going?! You're the one who ran into me like a maniac
Abuza picks up the bag of food and gives it back to the boy.
Mysterious Boy: Thanks but the bag is all dirty now because of you. Oh well it's the only food I've got it'll have to do
The Law Enforcements show up.
Shop Owner: That's them they're the ones who stole that bag of food from my shop!
Abuza: Them?! But I had nothing to do with this!
Mysterious Boy: Just run! Follow me!
One of the authorities throw a capturing net at Abuza but he uses his power to cut it. Abuza and the boy run to an nearby ally and into a hiding spot where the authorities couldn't find them.
Abuza: *Pant* Great, just walked into this city and already I'm getting chased by police officers
Mysterious Boy: Oh you need to worry about them. Those guys are pretty lousy at their job I steal food all the time and they just forget after you lay low for a couple days.
Abuza: Really? At a city like this? Wow I guess you really can't judge a book by it's cover
Mysterious Boy: I seen you back there shooting blade cuts out of your hands. You got some skills the way you gave those goons a run for their money. What's your name?
Abuza: Abuza
Mysterious Boy: My names Zandai.
Abuza sits by the fire lamp with Zandai.
Abuza: So this is where you live?
Zandai: Yeah, I've been living in this city for a while, after my parents were killed by demon soldiers when I was 8 had no one to turn to, stealing food was the only way to get by.
Abuza: That must have been so awful. But wait there are two sleeping bags in here. You're not the only one that lives here?
Zandai: No it's me and an old friend of mine, his names Gretanzu. His father got sick and passed away when he was 9. He came to this city and people treated him like dirt because he was an orphan. I met him and we did a couple of robberies together and we been the best of friends since.
Abuza: Where is he anyway?
Gretanzu walks in.
Gretanzu: Those Law Enforcements are all over the streets what did you do this time Zandai?
Zandai: Same old same old
Gretanzu: Who's this?
Zandai: Oh a guy the the Law Enforcements are also looking for
Zandai explains what happened to Gretanzu.
Gretanzu: Yeah this city's authorities are terrible. They don't even know how to do their job. So what brings you here?
Abuza: I heard that this city has a really good reputation and—
Zandai and Gretanzu laugh.
Zandai: Good reputation?
Gretanzu: I think you have this city mixed up with another Shinki Grove
Abuza: Well isn't it home to the Legendary Mesueka clan?
Zandai: You mean those stuck up sisters that live in the palace at the top of the city?
Gretanzu: How come you never liked them? Is it because of that time they said your hair made you look like a porky pine.
Zandai: Don't bring it up!
Abuza: Wait you guys know them?
Zandai: Unfortunately yes
Gretanzu: We met them through a friend of ours Kasumi
Zandai: HEY!
Zandai's shouting scares Abuza.
Gretanzu: What are you screaming about?
Zandai: That reminds me. Kasumi is visiting tomorrow
Gretanzu: Oh right I can't believe I forgot all about that
Zandai: Perfect timing right? Perfect timing for you to meet her Abuza
Abuza: Is she anything like you guys by any chance?
Zandai: No her parents are like filthy rich and she's always nagging about she doesn't like us doing robberies
Abuza: Oh okay just wondering
Zandai: Are you trying to say there's something wrong with us?
Abuza: No no I didn't say that
They all sleep on soft cloths and wait till morning.
Later on the day they head out into the city.
Gretanzu: So I haven't heard anything about your backstory. What city did you come from?
Abuza: Stone Valley
Gretanzu: That place is really far away how did you get all the way here?
Abuza: I have my ways
Gretanzu: Where are your parents?
Abuza doesn't respond but just makes a face and looks down to the ground.
Gretanzu: Abuza? Hello?
Zandai: Look there she is!
Zandai sees Kasumi with her long dark purple hair in the flower shop getting so medical herbs to take to the Healing Palace. Abuza, Zandai and Gretanzu walk into the shop.
Zandai: She's over there
Abuza: Where? I don't see her
Zandai: Kasumi!
Kasumi turns around and when she does Abuza sees her and blushes and his cheeks turn red.
Kasumi: Zandai, Gretanzu it feels like I haven't seen you two in forever.
Zandai: It hasn't been that long
Kasumi: 5 months and 6 days to be exact
Zandai: Man you really know how to keep track of your days do you
Gretanzu: Oh Kasumi we have someone we'd like you to meet
Kasumi: Who?
Gretanzu: This guy Zandai put up after robbing a shop
Kasumi: You're still robbing shops? One of these days you gonna locked and the warden is gonna throw away the key
Zandai: Shhhhh!
Kasumi: *sigh* So where is this person you wanted me to meet?
Abuza is hiding behind a bunch of flowers on the other side of the aile.
Gretanzu: I'll get him
Gretanzu walks to Abuza.
Gretanzu: Abuza what are you doing?
Abuza: I'm nervous. What is she gonna think of me? What if she thinks I'm weird? What if she doesn't like like me? She's gonna think I'm some homeless bum off the street like you two!
Gretanzu looks at Abuza with a cartoonish upset face.
Gretanzu: That's so offensive on so many levels
Abuza: Oh sorry
Gretanzu: But Kasumi isn't like that I promise she's really nice and kind and never thinks bad about anyone
Abuza: You promise?
Gretanzu: I promise
Abuza: Alright
Abuza and Gretanzu walk to and greet Kasumi.
Kasumi: Uh hi nice to meet you, what's your name?
Abuza: Abuza
Kasumi takes a look at Abuza's shirt.
Kasumi: You're wearing the Inochi clan's symbol? You must be interested in their culture
Abuza: No actually I'm from the Inochi clan
Kasumi: No way get out!
Zandai: What's got you all hyperactive?
Kasumi: The Inochi clan is extinct well at least that what was everyone thought. Amazing I have so many questions I want to ask you
Zandai: How do you know he isn't bluffing?
Kasumi: Well I am taking these herbs to Ankara and Maraza we can find out there
Gretanzu: Let's get a move on
Zandai: *Sigh* I am not looking forward to seeing those two nag faces again
Kasumi: Oh suck it up
Zandai: You better not be bluffing
Abuza: I have no reason to all of you
Gretanzu: Oh come on it's better than sitting in the
They all follow Kasumi to the home of the legendary healers and knock on the door. Their mother opens the door.
Their Mother: Hi Kasumi
Kasumi: Hi Tetsuya I brought these herbs for Ankara and Maraza
Tetsuya: Oh they should be right upstairs come on in
They all walk in.
Tetsuya: And who are these fine looking young men?
Kasumi: Oh a couple of old friends and a new one who's from the Inochi clan
Tetsuya: Inochi clan?! There's still members from that clan around?
Zandai: Allegedly
Kasumi grabs Zandai by his ear.
Zandai: Ow! Hey!
They go upstairs into the room the sisters are in.
Kasumi: Here I hope they're the right ones
Ankara: They're perfect thanks a lot
Maraza: I see you brought some unwanted company
Zandai whispers to Abuza.
Zandai: See what I mean
Ankara: Maraza there's no need to be so rude to our guests
Ankara looks at Abuza.
Ankara: Never seen him around here before, who's this?
Kasumi: This is Abuza I met him in the flower shop with Zandai and Gretanzu. He's from the Inochi clan
Ankara: Inochi clan?
Maraza: I've heard of them before but I thought the Inochi clan was extinct
Abuza looks at the sisters.
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