Two Years Later
Two years have passed since Abuza left Shinki Grove to train and prepare for Yuzuki's Second Coming. Abuza is at an ancient training ground with the guru. The guru creates a special target for Abuza to practice his stream technique.
Guru: Excellent progress
Abuza: It's still not a 100 percent my aiming is still kinda off
Guru: It's not going to be perfect right away but you've advanced in this skill faster much than you should have
Abuza: Alright
It gets late so Abuza goes home to his uncle, aunt and cousins. When Abuza walks into the house he turns on the light to see Minoru sitting in a chair near the door.
Minoru: Well bout time you showed up. What took you long? Your dinners colder than Karamee's sense of humor
Karamee: Ha Ha
Minoru: You've been training with that guru a lot longer than you used to now. Why?
Abuza: Just to get a little better
Minoru: You're trying to get stronger than me and leave me in the dust aren't you?!
Karamee: What are you talking about? He already is stronger than you
Abuza: Don't make this into a competitive thing
Minoru: Relax I'm just kidding
The next day Abuza trains with the guru again. Abuza shoots a stream blast at the target.
Guru: Concentrate. Don't try to force your way through
Abuza manages to finally manipulate the stream blast, turning it into a blade.
Abuza: I did it?
Guru: I told you patience is key. I been noticing you expect too much from yourself too quickly. The power that you aim to acquire will come in time. I think that's it for the day
Abuza: Thank you
Each day as Abuza trained he got better and better. The day came with Abuza's training was complete, he was still far from becoming a master but it was the first step in the right direction. Abuza went back home to share the news with his uncle.
Shichiro: Completed?! I'd expect at least 3 more years for you to be completed. You've advanced so quickly. So what are you gonna do now? Go back to your friends in Shinki Grove?
Abuza: No I'm not ready to go back yet
Shichiro: Wait you're not?
Abuza: I want to explore the world a little more and find myself. Yuzuki doesn't return for another 7 months, there's no rush
Shichiro: By "Explore the World" what do you have in mind
Abuza goes through some of Shichiro's photo books from where him and his mother were kids. After looking and reading Abuza decides where he wants to go and shows Shichiro.
Shichiro: You want to go to the Glaciers?
Abuza: Isn't that the same place you, mom and grandpa went? I want to see it for myself
Shichiro: If you go we're all going. We're not letting you go alone
Abuza feels supported later he starts packing for the trip and so does the rest of the family. They head outside.
Abuza: How are we getting there?
Shichiro: That airship of course
Shichiro points at the airship by the estate.
Abuza: Oh right I'm still used to Ankara and Maraza's airship
They load their belongings onto the ship, Shichiro starts up the engine and takes off. The airship lands in a village in the glaciers.
Minoru: Ah! The windows are ice cold!
Karamee: Gee I wonder why, we've only just landed in the North Pole
Ginna: Everyone put on your coats and bundle up. And Minoru make sure you keep your ears warm
Minoru: I know mom
They grab all of the luggage off of the ship.
Abuza: Where are we staying?
Shichiro: This is the place that brings back all my childhood memories
Karamee: You mean the--
Ginna: Shh! Don't spoil the surprise remember Abuza hasn't seen it yet
The place that Shichiro is taking them turns out to be the place Hikaru took them when they were kids but it's surrounded by thieves trying to break into it.
Thief 1: We been at this for 30 minutes now this thing won't botch
Abuza shoots the thief with a power blast.
Thief 2: What was that?!
Abuza: Step away from the entrance! The door has a special seal on it only members of our clan can open
Thief 3: They're the Inochi clan?!
Thief 4: No way! I heard that clan became extinct decades ago!
Shichiro: You heard what he said. Step away peaceful and silently or we use force
Minoru: *Sigh* Dad you know that never works! They're not gonna just step away they're gonna want a fight
The thieves charge at them.
Minoru: See!!!
One of the thieves aim a punch at Abuza, he dodges it and elbows him in the stomach. Shichiro grabs one of them by the arm and knocks him out by jabbing him in the neck. Ginna shoots a spark blast at one of them and Karamee punches one in the face. The rest charge simultaneously. Abuza stands in front of everyone and creates a power shockwave knocking all of them into the wall.
Minoru: Woah.... When did you learn to do that?!
Abuza: It's complicated and it's still not complete yet
Later the authorities of the area arrest the thieves.
Minoru: Now can we get inside it's freezing out here!
Shichiro opens the door and turns on the heating system.
Minoru: I call the biggest room
Shichiro: No ones calling anything, I'm the one who decides who's sleeping where
Shichiro gives Abuza Tsukina's old room and gives Minoru and Karamee his old room.
Karamee: What are we eating? I'm hungry
Shichiro: There's are plenty of shops in town
Ginna: I'll make a list, Abuza I want you and Minoru to pick them up for me
Ginna gives Abuza the money and they go out into the village. Abuza and Minoru get most of everything on the list and head to the last shop to find the rest.
Minoru: This shop is nothing like the others, it's well....
Woman Shop Owner: Completely deserted. Is that what you were going to say?
The woman appears to be elderly and gives Minoru a creepy stare. Minoru makes a scared cartoonish face.
Minoru: No No No! That's not what I was going to say at all!
Shop Owner: You're a terrible liar young man
Minoru makes an even more scared cartoonish face.
Abuza: We're not here to bad mouth you of criticize this place we just came to see if you had, umm I can't pronounce this stuff
Abuza shows the shop owner the list.
Shop Owner: Hmm. Yeah we have it in stock. I didn't even know people still used this stuff
Abuza and Minoru look at the shop owner with uncomfortable looks on their faces. Abuza pays for the items and they head back to the house.
Ginna: Oh good this is everything. Too be honest I wasn't even sure they had this stuff don't here
Minoru makes a mad cartoonish face.
Minoru: You're telling us this now mom!
Ginna: Well I just had to make sure
The next day Abuza, Minoru and Karamee explore the glaciers. Minoru throws a snowball at Karamee.
Karamee: What are you 5 years old?
Minoru: Oh come on you don't want to have a little fun?
Karamee: Okay you asked for it!
Karamee throws a snowball at Minoru and makes it explode with her powers.
Minoru: Hey no fair!
Karamee: You forgot I got most of my powers from moms side. Now you're finished
Karamee throws more exploding snowballs at Minoru.
Karamee: Abuza you want in on this?
Abuza: No I'm good
Abuza hears a bear growling.
Abuza: You guys hear that?
Minoru and Karamee are too occupied with throwing snowballs at each other. Abuza runs closer to where the sound is coming from and sees a boy being chased by a polar bear while throwing rocks at it. The boy reaches a cliff and the polar bear has him cornered. Abuza jumps down and shoots a power blast at the bear. The bear turns around and attacks Abuza instead.
Abuza: Big mistake
Abuza uses a new move. He shoots power blasts at the Bear's feet and manipulates them to pick the bear up and flip it over and punches it in the abdomen sending it crashing into a mountain.
Boy: Daangg, you knocked it that far? What is you a monster?
Abuza: Well do I look like a monster?
The teen gives Abuza a look. Abuza walks closer to him.
Boy: Aye get back that's suspect
Abuza: Suspect? What are you talking about?
Boy: Suspect, meaning you trying to act nice but you could really be a murder in disguise trying to kill me
Abuza makes a cartoonish face.
Abuza (In His Mind): What in the world is wrong with this guy? First he was throwing rocks at a 400 pound bear then the street slang you'd expect to hear from the lowest level of a city now he thinks I'm a murderer?!
Abuza: I just saved your life, if I never came you would have either fell to your death or that bears dinner. Not even a thank you or small bit of appreciation?
The teen awkwardly saids thanks.
Minoru: Hey Abuza!
Minoru calls Abuza from the top of the hill.
Abuza turns around. Minoru and Karamee go down the hill.
Boy: Oh and you got backup? That's dumb dead!
Karamee: Why is he talking like he just fell off the west coast?
Minoru: Where are you from?
Boy: West Hacoda
Minoru: That explains a lot
Karamee: What's West Hacoda?
Minoru: It's a place umm
Abuza: Where bad sense of grammar comes from?
Boy: Bad sense of grammar? Well excuse me for not talking all sophisticated, maybe I should grow my hair long and tie it in a ponytail then workout at the gym till I got the power to lift trucks
Abuza: Are you trying to be funny? How about I start making jokes about why I shouldn't tear your face apart
The teen remembers what Abuza did to the polar bear and makes a scared cartoonish face.
Boy: No need to do that now!
Karamee: Minoru can we go home now I'm hungry
Minoru: Alright if you say so, let's go Abuza
Minoru and Karamee start walking home.
Abuza: Wait if you're from West Hacoda how did you get down here?
Boy: Story too long to be telling it out here in the cold
Abuza: What's your name?
Boy: Kaori....Kaori Sidosen what about you?
Abuza tells Kaori his name.
Kaori: Look I'll tell you what you wanna know but can we go some place warm first
Abuza looks at Kaori and feels an unexplainable feeling of pity for him.
Abuza: You don't have a home do you?
Kaori makes a scared face.
Kaori: Okay you a monster, a magician and a mind reader?!
Abuza makes a cartoonish face and puts his hand on his face in frustration. Abuza takes Kaori to the house he's staying in.
Abuza: My uncle and aunt aren't used to people that umm
Kaori: I get it. I get it. Be all sophisticated like the ponytail
Abuza puts his hand on his face.
Abuza (In His Mind): And I thought Zandai was complicated
Abuza opens the door.
Karamee: You brought West Side Slang Speaking Hacoda?
Minoru puts his head down on table laughing.
Kaori: What she just say?
Abuza: It doesn't matter. I brought him because he's.....homeless
Ginna: You can tell by looking at him, everyone show your manners and welcome our guest
Ginna makes dinner for everyone and they sit at the table.
Shichiro: You were just walking around the icebergs huh?
Kaori: Yep
Ginna: How old are you?
Kaori: 17
Karamee: When's your birthday?
Kaori: March 27
Ginna: So you're an Aries just like my husband
Abuza (In His Mind): My zodiac opposite, no wonder he gets on my nerves so much
Shichiro and Kaori bump fists.
Kaori: Team Aries, that's how we roll
Later night falls and Shichiro lets Kaori stay over for the night and gives him a room. Abuza goes into Kaori's room.
Kaori: You need something?
Abuza: No
Kaori: Okay then
Abuza pauses for a moment.
Abuza: How long has it been since you slept in a warm bed?
Kaori: Since the dinosaurs was walking on the planet
Abuza makes a face at Kaori.
Kaori: It's been a couple months. I was living with my dad but he died
Abuza: I didn't know I sorry
Kaori: No you don't need to apologize for nothing. I didn't mean that much to him anyway he had other stuff on his plate that he thought was more important than me
Abuza: How did you end up homeless?
Kaori: I didn't end up homeless.... I ran away from home. I was living with this old buzzard that thought I was his property
Abuza: Property?
Kaori: Yeah that man only took me in cause he thought I was gonna be his personal maid. And then his home was in the middle of nowhere, you know how depressing that is?
Abuza flashes back to when he was staying with Mai.
Abuza: I understand completely
Kaori makes a surprised look on his face.
Kaori: You first person that said that. Everybody else thought it was a joke, telling me I should have stayed
Abuza: I went through a very similar experience when I was younger
Kaori yawns.
Abuza: You're not only one tired. Well good night
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