The Lost Found
5 days pass after the battle with Satoshi and his gang. The people from the village and the people from Tonzuku hear about Satoshi's defeat and show Abuza and his friends gratitude. The village chief hires a pirate to sail Abuza and his friends home.
Abuza: So what are you gonna do about the little fuzzies?
Village Chief: We'll have them shipped back to Tonzuku we'll save you guys that trouble
One of them flies to Ankara and makes infant like sounds. Ankara then hugs it.
Ankara: Oh they're so cute!
Village Chief: Oh look there's your ride home now
The ship is seen sailing from a distance then it comes to the docks. The captain comes out onto the dock.
Captain: What is your reason for summoning me here?!
Village Chief: Oh nothing I just thought you needed something productive to do instead of sticking your boot in other people's booties
Zandai chuckles.
Kasumi: That's not what he meant when he say—
Zandai continues to chuckle.
Kasumi: Treasure booty means treasure
Kasumi turns around to see Abuza, Taaru and Gretanzu chuckling.
Maraza: They're so immature
Village Chief: Anyway I called you here because these delightful children here need a ride to Shinki Grove
Captain: Very well but neither of yee keep your paws off me parrot!
He walks pass Zandai and he continues to chuckle.
Captain: And if any of yee get sea sick and blow chunks on deck you'll all be dead fish!
They all laugh.
Captain: What's so funny?!
Pirate: I think you meant dead meat captain
Captain: Nobody asked you to comment matey!
Gretanzu: We'll be dead fish? Hopefully the smell of this guy's breath doesn't kill us off first
Kasumi: One thing about pirates their hygiene is deplorable
Everyone boards the ship and it sails off.
Pirate: Any of you guys want some sea chum?
Everyone makes a disgusted face.
Zandai: Gross get that stuff away from me
Gretanzu: And I thought the Captain's breath was rank
The ship sails into a dense fog.
Pirate: Oh no!
Taaru: What is it?
Pirate: Fog! I've heard rumors that ghost pirate ships show up whenever you sail into the fog of they area
Zandai: Oh wah! What are you 5 years old? Like ghost ships really come out of the fog. Who told you this story? Your mommy?
After a few minutes of anticipation the ship sails through the fog unharmed.
Zandai: See what I tell you
A long range blast comes out of the fog and hits the ship causing it to rock back and forth.
Kasumi: What was that?!
Pirate: Ghost ship!
Zandai: No dum dum it's an actual living non ghostly ship!
Taaru: Oh great we're under attack by pirates
Abuza: Those aren't ordinary pirates! Look! They have powers!
Zandai: Well so do we
The captain comes out.
Captain: They must be after me booty I steal from them
Abuza: You steal their treasure?!
Captain: That was over 6 months ago
Abuza: And out of all the times to find you they picked the perfect opportunity
The attacking ship catching up to them quickly. The start to shoot power blast at them. Abuza gets on the back of the ship and shoots power blasts back at them with even more force than theirs. Kasumi uses her power to manipulate the water around the enemy ship. Abuza and Kasumi's combined power is enough to tear the enemy ship into pieces. After the battle on the sea they finally make it back to Shinki Grove in one peace. Everyone gets off the ship and head home. Zandai is the first one to walk into the house.
Zandai: It feels like I haven't been home in forever!
Kasumi: I'm going to take a shower. You guys should too because you really stink!
Later on when night fall Ankara and Maraza are at home with their mother. Ankara is in her room getting ready for bed. As she is looking in the mirror she looks down at the hair bow Maraza gave her when they were younger and smiles. Meanwhile Kasumi puts her hair in a ponytail and gets ready for bed. Abuza, Gretanzu and Zandai are in Taaru's room talking about what happened when they were captured.
Zandai: So wait we were in gross pods?!
Abuza: *sigh* I told you this story days ago
Zandai: I felt like I was dreaming I didn't know what these things were
Abuza: How did it feel when you guys got captured? I never asked you that
Gretanzu: Like being grabbed with a chain and being hung from the ceiling
Taaru: To be honest I didn't really feel anything after they put us to sleep
Gretanzu: That was the most painful part
Abuza: What did they do?
Gretanzu: They injected us with some serum in the neck
Abuza: Ouch
Taaru: Ugh almost forgot about that
Zandai: Say how did you get to us all by yourself in that dark place?
Abuza: I actually have no idea. I was terrified of being all alone in that creepy place then they tried to suffocate me with poison gas
Taaru: You didn't tell us that
Gretanzu: How did you manage to escape?
Abuza: I shot a blast through the wall then after that was when I faced off against all three of them at once. Then that was when they fused and almost killed me but I felt something, someone pushing me, giving me strength then I annihilated them
Gretanzu: That couldn't have been easy
Abuza: It wasn't but I survived that's all that matters
The next morning everyone awake after sleeping in their own beds for the first time in weeks.
Zandai: Feels good to sleep in my bed again
They hear a knock on the door.
Abuza: I'll get it
Abuza opens the door and sees Hikaru.
Abuza: Grandpa? What are you doing here?
Hikaru: Abuza sonny I got some important things I need tell you. May I come in?
Abuza lets Hikaru in and they sit down on the couch.
Abuza: So what was it you wanted to tell me?
Hikaru: I received a letter from some of our about family. It's from your mother's older brother Shichiro and your cousins Karamee and Minoru
Abuza: Family?! Wait you mean there's more Inochi like us?! And my mom had a brother and she never told me?!
Hikaru: Because she didn't know he was still alive and neither did I up in till now
Abuza: Why did she think he was dead?
Hikaru: It's a long story
Abuza: Where are they?! It would mean the world to me to finally meet them
Hikaru: Hold it there grandson! I was just getting to that but they're not a walk in the park away from here they're pretty far away from here even we were to take a cruise there it would take forever
Zandai and Gretanzu stand in the hallway eavesdropping on Abuza and his grandfather's conversation.
Gretanzu: I didn't know Abuza's grandfather was still alive
Zandai: I didn't even know he knew his grandfather
Taaru walks behind them simultaneously as they're talking.
Taaru: What are you two doing?
Gretanzu and Zandai are startled and jump and make a frightened cartoonish face. Taaru grabs both of them and tosses them into the next room.
Zandai: Ow what you do that for?
Taaru: Abuza's having a private family conversation and he's going to have with out you two noisy birds eavesdropping! So you two are going to sit in this room in till they finish talking
Gretanzu: But what if I have to go to the bathroom?
Taaru: You just went 5 minutes ago
Zandai: It was a good try
Taaru: Now if I catch you two boneheads eavesdropping again I'm going to knock you both into next week. And I mean it
Taaru walks out and shuts the door and goes into his room.
Zandai: Boneheads? Who does he think he is anyway? I'll show him who's the real bonehead around here
Taaru (From the other room): I heard that!
Meanwhile Abuza and Hikaru continue their conversation.
Hikaru: Now it's impossible to get there on foot the city they live in is over the waters
Abuza: I know how we can get there. My friends have an airship we could use I think. Wait hold on I'll be right back
Abuza runs to Kasumi.
Abuza: Kasumi! Do Ankara and Maraza have a spare airship we can use by any chance?
Kasumi: Abuza you know both the airships were sabotaged by those dark creatures. I think they have anymore
Abuza: No no! I'll ask them myself but in the meantime my grandpa is in the living room so keep him company till I get back
Kasumi: What?
Abuza leaves and heads to Ankara and Maraza's house. Abuza knocks on the door. Tetsuya opens the door.
Tetsuya: Well hi there Abuza
Abuza: Hi Ms. Mesueka. Are Ankara and Maraza home?
Tetsuya: Why sure they're right upstairs. Come right in
Abuza: Thanks
Abuza runs upstairs and barges right into Ankara's room while she's doing her hair and while wrapped in a towel.
Ankara: AHHH!!!
Abuza: Sorry!! I just came to--
Ankara: Don't you know to knock when entering a girl's room?!! GET OUT!!!!
Ankara throws a brush and makeup supplies at Abuza and he runs out and she slams the door behind him.
Abuza: Eh how embarrassing!
Maraza walks in the hallway.
Maraza: Jeez. What's all the reckus about?
Abuza: Maraza! Just the person I was looking for you guys don't have a spare airship around do you?
Maraza: And if we did why do you need it? So it can get wrecked like all the others? You know my dad's company built those things and it won't be so easy to get them replaced!
Abuza: It's an emergency! Please Maraza!
Maraza pauses for a moment.
Maraza: Fine I'll ask my mother
Abuza smiles.
Abuza: Thanks so much!
Maraza goes downstairs to ask her mother.
Maraza: Mom
Tetsuya: Yes sweetie
Maraza: Do we have more airships in storage?
Tetsuya: You mean the emergency transportation storage? Why yes we have a few I believe. Why is something the matter?
Maraza: Because well.... Abuza needs to use one for something
Tetsuya: Those airships are for emergencies only and plus it costed me a fortune to get yours repaired at the industries department
Maraza: Well mom he said this is an emergency
Tetsuya: I'll like to hear the story from him
Maraza: Abuza! Could you come down here for a minute?
Abuza comes downstairs.
Maraza: My mom wants to know your reason for needing the airship
Abuza stands silently for a moment.
Tetsuya: Well I'm waiting
Abuza: It's my family
Tetsuya: Your family?
Abuza: My grandfather found my family. Other from the Inochi clan like me and the only way for us to get to them is on an airship. So if—
Tetsuya: Of course you can borrow one of my airships
Abuza: Really?
Tetsuya: But don't let anything happen to it you hear or it'll be coming out of your pocket!
Abuza: Alright. Thank You so much!
Maraza: I'll go get it and bring it over
Abuza runs back home to tell his grandfather.
Maraza gets the ship and flies it over to the house.
Abuza tells Hikaru the news.
Hikaru: It'll be a long trip but I don't know how to drive a airship
Abuza: I don't either one of my friends is driving us there. You don't mind if the rest of my friends come along too do you?
Hikaru: Of course not sonny they're more than welcome
Abuza goes to tell the others. Later they all pack their belongings.
Zandai: *groan* We just got home yesterday now we're leaving again!
Taaru: Out of everyone else why do you complain the most?
Zandai: Well no one else is going say anything
Taaru: Look were all going whether you like it or not
Maraza comes to the house with the airship. Ankara comes out of the ship.
Ankara: Is everyone ready?
Taaru grabs Zandai by his hair.
Taaru: Yup we're ready!
Zandai: Ow! Ow! Not the hair
Everyone boards the airship and it takes off.
Hikaru goes into the pilot room to tell Maraza where to go. Abuza and the others are in their passenger seats talking.
Zandai: So Abuza where are going? On another mystical adventure where we fight creepy weirdos with weird powers? Or maybe we're going to investigate the legend of the mystical unicorn
Kasumi: Zandai! If he doesn't want to talk about he doesn't have to!
Abuza: I'll tell you, I'm sure everyone's dying to know anyway
Everyone looks and listens as Abuza tells them.
Ankara: There's more of your clan out there?
Gretanzu: Now I understand why you're so eager to get there
Abuza: It's family I never met before, family I didn't even know existed
Gretanzu: Zandai you better be on your best behavior when we get there if you don't want Taaru to scold you again
Zandai: He doesn't control me I can do what ever I want!
Taaru is sitting in the seat behind Zandai and he grabs Zandai's hair.
Zandai: Ow! Ow! Ow!
Taaru: You can do what ever you want huh? With that attitude you're not going to get anywhere
Gretanzu laughs.
Kasumi: I think it was nice to get out of the house
Ankara: Yeah if I stayed home my mom would have forced me to clean the entire house
As they fly everyone falls asleep on the airship in till they finally reach the estate. The time it takes to get there is 9 hours.
Hikaru comes out of the pilot room and wakes everyone up.
Hikaru: We're here
Everyone wakes up except Zandai forcing Taaru to wake him up.
Taaru: Hey! Wake up we're here
Everyone exits the airship.
Abuza: I'm kinda nervous here
Hikaru: Don't be I'll knock
Hikaru knocks on the door, moments later Shichiro opens it.
Shichiro: Dad it's been a while
Hikaru: Hello son. May we come in?
Shichiro: Oh sure. Come in welcome
Everyone walks into the house.
Zandai: This place is fancy
Taaru: We'll give you guys some room to talk me and everyone else will sit in the other room
Abuza, Hikaru and Shichiro sit in the living room and talk.
Shichiro: So you're my long lost nephew Abuza right?
Abuza: Yes
Shichiro: What happened to Tsukina?
Abuza looks down and doesn't respond.
Hikaru: Shichiro!
Hikaru looks at Shichiro and nods his head in a way to tell him to not ask that question.
Shichiro: Oh I didn't know sorry!
Abuza: It's alright
Shichiro: But to get to the point I'd like you to finally meet your cousins I'll get them. Minoru, Karamee can you guys come in here
They walk into the room and Abuza's eyes widen.
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