The Beginning of a New Era
Gretanzu: I really love how comfy these beds are. It's so much better than sleeping on hard concrete
Zandai: Hey Kasumi how come you didn't make breakfast this morning like you usually do?
Kasumi: Because I don't have anything to cook with. We need to go grocery shopping
Gretanzu: Where are we gonna get the money for that?
Kasumi: My parents left me enough money to last over a decade
Zandai: Where is it?
Kasumi: Like I'd ever tell you!
Kasumi: Who wants to come with me? I'm gonna need some help
No one wants to go but Abuza offers.
Abuza: I'll come
Kasumi: I prefer you than them anyway. Who needs those lazy scrubs
Zandai: Aww. Abuza's finally going on a date with Kasumi, isn't it precious
Gretanzu laughs.
Kasumi: Oh grow up you two
Abuza and Kasumi head off to the grocery store.
Abuza and Kasumi walk through aisle after aisle.
Kasumi hums as she grabs food and puts it in the basket as Abuza pushes the cart. They finally finish shopping and bring the groceries into the house. Abuza and Kasumi start putting up the groceries.
Kasumi: We could have done this a lot faster if you lazy bums would have helped out!
Zandai: Why? You have Abuza that's all the muscle in the world right there
Meanwhile at Ankara and Maraza's house. Ankara and Maraza are downstairs with their mother Tetsuya.
Ankara: I can't believe Kasumi actually permanently moved here
Maraza: I think it's nice, we finally have our friend back that we can see more than just once every 4 months
Tetsuya: Not to mention you have new friends as well
Maraza: Yeah I guess Abuza is pretty cool
Tetsuya: I meant all of them including Zandai and Gretanzu
Ankara and Maraza look at Tetsuya with disgusted looks on their faces.
Tetsuya: Oh come you two are going to have to get along with them eventually
Ankara folds her arms. Meanwhile Abuza goes outside and sits at the waterfall cliff and thinks to himself.
Abuza: I can't believe I finally found a home. All this time searching and moving from city. People looking down on me like I was nothing but garbage.
Abuza reminisces on his time alone before coming to Shinki Grove. At the same time Kasumi is in her room looking out the window thinking about her new life.
The next morning Tetsuya is downstairs drinking a cup of hot coffee while watching the news. The news reporter talks about men in black attacking people and taking over nearby cities. Ankara and Maraza come downstairs.
Ankara: Is it the bandits again?
Maraza: I thought we got rid of those guys
Tetsuya: I have a feeling in my gut that this is the doing of something new
The news reporter speaks with the law authorities about going to deal with the situation.
Maraza: Yeah there'll deal with it by turning away and doing nothing like they always do
Tetsuya: Maraza don't say that
Maraza: I'm just speaking the truth accept it or not but those guy are horrible at their job and don't care about this city not one bit
Tetsuya: I'm sure they'll find a way to put an end to this madness before it spreads
Meanwhile the law authorities make their way to the nearby city of Haruko.
Police Officer: You are unauthorized to enter this city! Leave now or I'll be forced to take you into custody!
A woman in a black hood walks out. The officers attempt to take the woman into custody by force but she counterattacks by throwing dark energy around the men's necks making them choke and cough. The woman laughs as the men suffer.
Meanwhile Kasumi stirs pancake mix to cook for breakfast.
Abuza: Don't you think it's kinda mean to make Kasumi cook breakfast every morning?
Zandai: Well who else is gonna cook? What are we going to eat? Air?
Kasumi: It's fine Abuza I really don't mind I actually enjoy it. It puts my cooking skills to a test
Zandai tries to turn on the TV.
Zandai: *sigh* None of the channels are on yet?! What gives?!
Kasumi: Zandai the company said it would take a while for it to turn on. Just be patient. I wish you two could be more behaved like Abuza
Zandai: Oh you mean your boyfriend
Abuza blushes.
Abuza: Shut it Zandai!
Kasumi: My what?
Zandai: Oh nothing
Later on that day Abuza practices shooting power blast at the waterfall cliff. Gretanzu walks outside.
Gretanzu: You're still out here training?
Abuza: Yeah I'm not going to learn how to perfect this move over night
Gretanzu: If Kasumi were out here I bet she'd probably say something like "Oh Abuza don't you think you're pushing yourself too hard. Come back in the house with me and I'll make you a pancake with kisses on top, mm-mrah"
Abuza blushes and turns back around toward the waterfall. Gretanzu laughs at Abuza's reaction.
Gretanzu: Hehe. That never gets old. Zandai is starting to rub off on me
Gretanzu walks back in the house. Meanwhile Tetsuya hears on the news that there was no response from the officers that investigated the crime scene in the city of Haruko.
The woman with the hood turned the officers into demon soldiers and continues to take over lands to absorb power and increase her demon army's strength. Later on that day Tetsuya is taking care of an injured soldier. He was poisoned but Tetsuya doesn't have the ingredients to make an antidote. Ankara and Maraza have to go to a nearby city where the ingredients are only available and asks Abuza, Kasumi, Gretanzu and Zandai to come with them. Later they walk to the city.
Zandai: *sigh* I can't believe we had to walk the two scaredy beauty queens to go get some medicine
Kasumi: Zandai stop complaining it's not like you had anything else better to do
Zandai: See what's good on TV
Gretanzu: The cable isn't even on yet
They walk up a hill to get to the entrance. Ankara and Maraza walk into the Herbs & Medicine Shop while everyone else waits outside. Zandai notices some of the stores are damaged and some of the area looks like an aftermath of a battle.
Zandai: Look at that, reminds me of Abuza's handy work
Abuza: Haha. Very funny (sarcastically)
Kasumi: That damage looks pretty fresh. I wonder what happened here
Meanwhile Ankara and Maraza get the supplies for their mother and a few extra items and head to the cashier but the line is really long.
Zandai: *Groan* What's taking them so long my legs are starting to fall asleep
Gretanzu sees a dark figure walk across the alley.
Gretanzu: What was that?
Zandai: What was what?
Gretanzu sees the dark figure again.
Gretanzu: There it is again!
Kasumi: Gretanzu look I'm really not in the mood to play games right now
Gretanzu: This isn't a game I swear I just saw something over there
Kasumi: Gretanzu--
Kasumi senses something evil.
Kasumi: Who's there? Show yourself I'm warning you
Zandai: Oh now you're seeing things too? Is this spreading around like a disease now?
Demon soldiers start coming out of the shadows in large numbers.
Abuza: What in the world?!
Demon soldiers let out a bone chilling roar and attack them. Abuza and Kasumi fight them off. Gretanzu and Zandai fight with their bare hands because they left their weapons back at home. Ankara and Maraza finally make it to the cashier and purchase the items. They walk outside and see the fight going on. Maraza alerts them to run away. Everyone safely retreats and heads back to the sisters house.
Ankara and Maraza tell their mother what happened. Meanwhile the woman in the hood later to be revealed as Xian comes up with a plan. Her new targets that fought against her demon army.
Tetsuya reacts to what the others told her about the demon soldiers.
Tetsuya: What did these creatures look like?
Zandai: They were black and creepy
Gretanzu: And had funny looking swords
Tetsuya: Can I get a better description?
Kasumi: They were demon soldiers. They were being controlled by someone but there were a lot of them
Tetsuya: Oh no!
Ankara: What is it?
Tetsuya: It's exactly what I was afraid of. The Akuma Sensou
Zandai: Aku-mo what?!
Kasumi: It means Demonic War. It happened over a decade ago. It killed off thousands of people that fought to protect their countries and families
Gretanzu makes a scared face.
Kasumi: Oh I'm sorry. I forgot you and Zandai lost your parents to the war
Zandai: Kasumi it's fine really
Maraza: But why is the war coming back? I thought the Great Uniter but an end to it
Tetsuya: I don't know but it has nothing but sinister intentions
Meanwhile the citizens of the city are protesting about how bad the law enforcements are at their job. They shouted and shamed the authorities for not doing enough to protect them from the demon soldiers. The Chief of Shinki Grove Enforcements comes out to the stand and speaks on the mic.
Chief: Civilians! Settle down and give me your undivided attention. I want you all to know my men and I are doing everything we can to deal with the crisis in the southern city.
Civilian 1: Yeah right! All you lazy good for nothings do is act like you own the place! You don't care for the people of this city! All you care about are yourselves!
All the civilians start shouting at the chief simultaneously. Civilians start to riot and throw things at the chief. The chief calls men out and they shoot tear gas and throw electric nets at the civilians. Meanwhile the others are in the kitchen and they hear a low volume staticky voice.
Zandai: What is that noise?
Ankara: It's the radio. Turn it up they must be talking about something serious
Tetsuya turns up the radio.
News Reporter: Chaos has risen in the middle vicinity of the city of Shinki Grove. The civilians rioted and protested. Officers engage to try and subdue the situation
Abuza: They're attacking innocent people?! I'm going to stop this
Ankara: Abuza wait!
Abuza runs out the door and heads to the metro area of the city. The others follow him.
Abuza dashes in and shoots a power blast at the officer who's launching the tear gas.
Chief: Why are you interfering with police business?! Children have no reason to be here!
Abuza: You're sending your men to attack and poison innocent civilians and you're calling it police business?!
Zandai: And who are you calling children? We're the ones that kicked the bandits out of the city. And what were you doing? Sitting at your desk with your feet kicked back eating donuts?
Gretanzu: Probably
Chief: Oh I remember now. I thought you looked familiar. Abuza the brute teenager who was strong enough to demolish the bandits hideout with his bare hands. You might have rid my city of the those low life thugs but you and your friends have no business here. Leave at once!
Abuza: I'm not going to just standby and let you hurt these people! Either you leave these people alone or you fight me one on one
Kasumi: Abuza are you trying to get locked up?!
Chief: Defying me is defying the laws and the government! I could put you away for the rest of your miserable teen years!
Abuza: You talk about laws don't the people here have rights too?! Aren't you defying the laws? And the government?!
Chief: All of you leave my sight at once! If I see you riot again I put all of you in a jail cell!
Abuza and the others go back to the sisters house.
Tetsuya: Things are already getting worse and the Akuma Sensou hasn't even started yet
Zandai: The what? Oh right that war thing
Abuza: I tried to control the panic levels but it's was like the Chief of Police didn't even care
Tetsuya: Trying to reason with him is like reasoning with a mule
Gretanzu: What exactly are we supposed to do? If these creepy things start crawling out here then--
Abuza: Then we fight them to keep the people safe
Tetsuya: Fighting them won't make them go away. They'll just keep coming back. In order to stop this we have to get to the source
Gretanzu: Then what's the source?
The demon soldier raid spreads in the opposite direction of the city of Shinki Grove.
News Reporter: The crisis in the southern city continues to spread towards East. The creatures the people are starting to call the black shadows are causing chaos and panic all over the region
Tetsuya: This is only getting worse. The army is getting stronger and stronger I can feel it
Kasumi: So can I. And if no one does something now the world will be swallowed in darkness
Ankara: Mom what is it that we can do?
Tetsuya: No! My children are not going anywhere near these demons!
Ankara: Mom we're the only ones that can do something. No one else will or can. The authorities couldn't even fight against it
Maraza: She does have a point
Tetsuya: I don't know! This is something I have to think long and hard on
Later Abuza, Gretanzu, Kasumi and Zandai go home. Ankara and Maraza plan to investigate the Akuma Sensou and mark the locations on a map. They plan on traveling to different cities without their mothers approval. The next morning Ankara and Maraza pack their bags and get ready to walk out the door.
Tetsuya: Where are you two going?!
Ankara: Oh umm.. To see.....over at Kasumi's house
Tetsuya: Really. Ankara do you think I was born yesterday? Both of you are carrying bags with supplies that look like you're going on a safari
Ankara: Uh
Tetsuya: You two please be careful. And Maraza whatever you do keep your sister safe. I know I can trust you to make smart decisions
Maraza: I promise
Ankara (In Her Mind): Oh so you're saying I'm dumb now?
Ankara and Maraza go to Kasumi's house. Abuza and the others pack their bags as well.
Kasumi: Is everybody ready?
Zandai: Ow! This strap hurts my shoulder
Kasumi: Yeah we're ready
They walk to the city they got the medical supplies from. They see more demon soldiers.
Maraza: Get down!
Gretanzu: Oh no, more of those black creepy crawlies
Ankara: Look we have to sneak through the city and go across the lake. If we can get across we'll lower the risk of getting spotted
Zandai: Ok but one question. How are we going to get across the lake without the bridge?
Gretanzu: And that's if we get there
Ankara: We'll figure that out when we get there just follow our lead
They sneak halfway through the city. They get to a crumbled wall forcing them to crawl under it. A brick falls off of it a onto Zandai's foot.
Zandai: Ahh!
A demon soldier hears him and runs to the crumbled wall. The others dash to an alley and Kasumi covers Zandai's mouth. Maraza sees a way through. She whispers to the others.
Maraza: Go! Go!
They finally make it to the lake.
Zandai: *Pant* Finally
Gretanzu: How are we gonna get across?
They see a man getting ready to flee from the city of his engine boat. Ankara runs to him.
Ankara: Excuse me sir! We're trying to cross this lake, is there for us to crossover with you?
Man: I'm in a bit of a rush sweetie I gonna get out of here now before these things show up. Can you kids just cross the bridge on your own boat?
Zandai starts screaming to draw the demon soldiers attention. Kasumi grabs Zandai by his shirt.
Kasumi: What are you doing?! You're drawing those things straight to us! Are you trying to get us killed?!
Zandai: That was the point! Except the getting killed part
They suddenly hear the demon soldiers bone chilling roar. The man starts the engine of his boat.
Ankara: Everyone jump on now!
Everyone jumps on and the boat takes off.
They make it to the other side of the lake.
Ankara: Thank you we really appreciate it
Man: No time to thank me if I were you kids I'd get my youngster tails out of here
The man runs away. They look up and see an army of demon soldiers standing on the rooftops.
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