The Awakening of Evil
Abuza, Kasumi, Zandai and Gretanzu are in the Shinki Grove Public Library helping Kasumi take some books home during a thunderstorm. Gretanzu and Abuza read through some of the books and see stuff about tombs and mummies while Zandai is on a ladder reaching for a book on the top shelf.
Gretanzu: Look it says here a mummy's tomb was discovered in the Mutaku Dessert a few years ago
Abuza: I heard about that place. It sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it
Zandai: What are you in kindergarten? There's no such thing as mummies
A loud rumble of thunder claps through the library causing Zandai to lose his balance and fall over taking the entire bookshelf with him. The Librarian woman hears the bookshelf fall over and confronts Zandai angrily.
Librarian: I've had enough of your ignorance and deplorable behavior! Do you know how long it'll take to place all these books back into alphabetical order?! Not to mention that I have to order an entire new bookshelf! And I now have nowhere to put these books! It's clear that you have no respect for me or my library you pointy haired twit!
Kasumi hears the commotion and apologizes to the librarian.
Kasumi: I'm so sorry for his rudeness! We'll help you put back all these books back together don't worry
Abuza: Um we?
Zandai: I'm not touching those boring old dust magnets
Kasumi grabs Zandai's ear.
Zandai: Ow!
Kasumi: He meant we'll be happy to help
The Librarian gives them a paper to how she wants the books to be organized then Zandai starts complaining.
Zandai: This is so stupid it's not my fault the dumb books fell over
Abuza: Actually it is
Zandai: Well...
Kasumi: Look complaining isn't going to change anything. The damage has already been done thanks to you
Zandai: Why don't we just forget this and blow this joint
Kasumi: Because if we did something to upset the librarian I wouldn't be able to come back here anymore. So just suck it up and get it together!
Zandai makes an angry face.
Zandai: Who cares about this stupid library anyway
Meanwhile Taaru is at home watching TV and he later falls asleep on the couch. Abuza, Kasumi, Gretanzu and Zandai walk in the house soaked in rainwater.
Taaru: It took that long just to get a couple of books what happened?
Kasumi: Ask Zandai he'll be able to fill you in on all the details
Later in the night everyone is asleep while Abuza lies awake watching the rain tap against the window. The next morning at Ankara and Maraza's house Tetsuya reads an article in the newspaper about a man who mysteriously went insane and slaughtered his entire family in a city a couple of miles from Shinki Grove. Tetsuya shows the article to Ankara and Maraza.
Ankara: He mysteriously went insane? What does that mean? Did he have some sort of mental illness?
Tetsuya: It doesn't say
Maraza: It sounds similar to an incident that happened nearby. A woman attacked a hitchhiker near his home in the mountains but he was able get away. He reported to the authorities. They investigated and put out a search party for the woman but there was no sign of her
Tetsuya: This is the third incident this week. It's been ongoing even when you guys were gone with Abuza
Ankara: I wonder if Kasumi has heard about this
Later Ankara and Maraza head to Kasumi's house.
Kasumi: The man just went berserk out of the blue and slaughter his whole family? But why?
Ankara: That's what we're trying to figure out
Maraza tells them about the woman in the mountains.
Kasumi: I heard that same story when I was in the library but I didn't think it was true
Abuza: You think it's some kind of disease that's making them go crazy?
Ankara: That could be possible
Maraza: And another thing I found really strange is that all the people that went insane mysterious disappeared
Kasumi looks at Zandai.
Kasumi: Zandai? Why are you shaking?
Zandai: Um.. Because it's just cold in here
Gretanzu: Feels pretty warm in here if you ask me
Taaru: You're not scared are you?
Zandai: Of course not!
Abuza: It's okay to just admit it. It'll be understandable if you're afraid
Later Kasumi and Ankara go out grocery shopping. Abuza is in his room looking at pictures of him and his mother together when he was little. At sunset Abuza goes outside to sit at the waterfall cliff . Moments later Zandai comes out.
Zandai: Wow this is an amazing view of city and how to moonlight reflects on the water. No wonder you like sitting here so much
Abuza: Yeah it's really relaxing
Zandai: So you still thinking about that creepy story Ankara told us?
Abuza: I mean it is a real head scratcher that the people just went crazy like that out of nowhere. I mean who knows what if that happened to one of us
Zandai makes a scared cartoonish face.
Zandai: Ok let's stop talking about this
Abuza: Why did you bring it up if you it still scares you?
Zandai: It doesn't I just don't want talk about it anymore
Suddenly they hear a woman scream from the city then all of the city's power goes out.
Zandai: What's going on?
Abuza: I'm going to check it out
Zandai: What are you crazy?! It's pitch black down there
Abuza goes into the city. Zandai is still frightened but he follows Abuza anyway. Abuza follows the sound of the screaming and makes his way to a woman pent down by a man. But there was something awfully strange about the man. His eyes were pure red without pupils and he had an evil dark reddish aura around him. Abuza shoots a power blast at the man throwing him off of the woman. The man gets up and howls. The sounds that the man made were almost inhuman like a beast. The man charged at Abuza like a wild animal. Abuza was hesitant to touch the man so he shot at him with more power blasts. The man regenerated his wounds and jumped on Abuza. He attempts to throw the man off of him but the man's strength was incredible almost as strong as his. Abuza glows gold for a moment and blasts him off. The man gets up and charges at again Abuza but Zandai shows up and uses his chains technique prevent the man from moving. The man fights to free himself and makes sounds like a monster.
Zandai: You'll have to think twice if you think I'm gonna let you lay another finger on my friend again
Abuza: Zandai how long can you keep this guy chained up?
Zandai: I don't know this guy's stronger than he looks
Abuza: I just need a couple of seconds
Zandai: A couple of seconds.... For what?!
Abuza walks over the chained man. As Abuza gets closer to him the man attempts to bite him. Abuza puts his hand on the mans forehead to see if it's demon energy making the man insane. The man breaks out of the chains and runs away out of city. Immediately Abuza and Zandai head back to the house to tell the others about what happened.
Ankara: No way. If it's happening here now and the authorities can't do anything about it then--
Zandai: At this rate we'll all be dead
Abuza: And whatever's causing it's not demon energy. It's weird but it almost felt like that guy was possessed by something
Taaru: Well I guess there's only one thing we can do
Zandai: Please don't tell me you saying we go to where this creepy stuff malfested from
Taaru looks at Zandai with a blank stare.
Zandai: No no! You're crazy! You've officially gone insane! Did that man get into you too?! Are you really Taaru?!
Kasumi: Zandai look I know it sounds crazy but if you're too scared to go you can stay at Ankara and Maraza's house with Tetsuya I'm pretty sure she'd love the company
Zandai: No I'm-I'm going
Abuza: So where did this stuff start happening?
Ankara: In a city a few miles from here
Gretanzu: *Yawn*
Ankara: It is getting getting pretty late. I'll have the plan set up by tomorrow
Ankara walks to the door.
Taaru: We'll be ready to leave at noon
The next day everyone packs some supplies and prepares to leave. Zandai finally works up the courage to go with them. The next day everyone is walking through the woods. Zandai starts complaining about bugs flying in his face. After awhile they finally make their way to the city where the suspicious activity is coming from.
Ankara: There's something about this place that really gives me the chills
Zandai: Yeahhh it's only the place where people turn into murders
Gretanzu: Now that we're here how are we going to find out where the source is?
Maraza: We might have to stay here a day or two
Zandai makes a cartoonish face.
Maraza: Oh get a grip scaredy pants we're staying at an Inn
Zandai: That worked out well last time
Ankara: It's not gonna be a cramped space again
Ankara and Maraza get the room from the Inn Keeper. Later night falls and everyone looks out the window to see if anything suspicious is going on.
Gretanzu: Don't you think it's strange how the streets cleared before the sun even set
Zandai: Maybe this place has a curfew
Later everyone gets tired of watching out the window and goes to bed. That night Abuza has a nightmare about a creepy dark figure walking around their Inn room. Abuza immediately wakes up with his heart beating out of his chest. He looks in every corner of his room but sees nothing but the moonlight glaring through the window. Abuza looks out the window and sees the figure that was in his dream standing in front of the Inn with it's head faced toward him. The sight terrifies Abuza then out of nowhere the figure vanishes in a blink of an eye. Abuza fells exposed and insecure and he wondered if the figure would come after him next. He switched the hallway light on but the entire city's power was out. Abuza remembered how the power went out when that woman was attacked in Shinki Grove. Abuza couldn't keep any part of his body still and it sent chills down his spine. Abuza went to see if the others were awake but all of them were asleep. Abuza went back into his room. He sat on his bed terrified to go back to sleep. He was so tense he couldn't lay down so he just sat up on the edge of the bed. He suddenly heard a thump that later turned into footsteps. This makes Abuza extremely uneasy to the point where he gets up and uses his power as a light. He walks through the hallway and bumps into a black figure with pointy spikes on it's head. Abuza screams and shoots a power blast at it. The figure gets up and Abuza shines his light on it only to see the dark figure was Zandai.
Zandai: Owww...
Abuza: Zandai?
Zandai: Can't a guy go to the bathroom without being shot at by maniacs?
Abuza: Maniac?
Abuza makes a cartoonish mad face.
Zandai: It's dark and none of the light switches are working, what gives?
Abuza: The power went out just like how it did back at home. I'm starting to think this whole town may be haunted
Zandai: I think you had one to many Higashi cakes for dinner this place isn't haunted
Zandai makes himself a cup of water.
Abuza: It's so creepy I had this dream about this black ghost wondering around then when woke up I could have sworn I saw it standing right in front of the Inn
Zandai is about to take a sip of his water but stops.
Zandai: Maybe your ponytail is tied too tight and it's making you see things
Abuza looks at Zandai.
Abuza: I see what you're doing
Zandai: What are you talking about?
Abuza: Your trying to avoid the situation it's so obvious. Just admit it you're scared
Zandai: No I'm not I just think you're a complete lunatic for thinking this place is a ghost convention
Abuza: Zandai why else do you think we're here? To enjoy the scenery?
Zandai: All this just because you had a little nightmare and ran around like a 3 year old. What if it's not even what you think it is?! Trust me all this is in your head
A few moments later a moaning sound can be heard coming from downstairs.
Abuza: Is that also in my head?
Zandai: Maybe someone rented a room and got sick
Abuza: Zandai you're in such denial
Zandai: Anyway I'm going back to bed. I would have still been asleep by now if it wasn't for you and your made fairy tales
Abuza: You're really gonna leave me alone? We have no power and I have that big dark empty room all by myself
Zandai: Well you're the one that wanted it all to yourself
Zandai can see Abuza is scared.
Zandai: *sigh* Look will it make you feel better if I slept in your room tonight?
Abuza: I guess so
Zandai: Alright big baby!
Abuza sleeps at the top of the bed while Zandai sleeps sideways at the bottom. Abuza feels more comfortable with someone else in the room. Abuza manages to fall asleep. He hears a creepy evil laugh and he gets out of bed to see Zandai is gone. He tries to uses his power as a light but his powers aren't working and everyone else is missing. Abuza hears a something that sounds like a knife being dragged across the table. He sees a black figure in the kitchen. He gets frighten and runs. He's tries to run out through the front door but the door is locked. The black figure comes at him. Abuza wakes up to realize the whole thing was just another nightmare and Zandai was still asleep at the foot of the bed. He even went as far to check on the others to see if they were still there.
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