Abuza and the others head to where Minoru is being kept. The place is like a shallow mountain or an empty volcano.
Karamee: Who would stay in a place like this? It's just plain creepy
Ginna: Abuza you can use sensory, do you know where Minoru is?
Abuza: He's in here
Abuza breaks down the door leading into the room Minoru is being held in.
Minoru: Abuza?! Dad?!
Densu: How did they get here?!!
Abuza walks towards Densu and Reijin but Shichiro stops him.
Shichiro: I'll handle these two personally
Shichiro dashes and punches Densu and Reijin in the stomach simultaneously knocking them both out.
Kaori: These dudes a lot weaker than the other ones
Abuza breaks Minoru out of his restrains.
Minoru: What did those guys want with dad anyway?
Abuza: They thought they were going to get revenge but ended up getting a tombstone instead
Kaori: Ha! That's good one!
Karamee: That's nice and all but can we please go home now!
After rescuing Minoru they all head home.
Ginna: It's so good to have my Minoru back home
Kaori laughs softly. Minoru makes an embarrassed face.
Minoru: Now that I'm back I can get something to eat! I haven't eaten since yesterday!
Minoru goes into the kitchen.
Minoru: What happened to the table?
Karamee: Dad smashed it apart when you went missing
Abuza goes into his room and thinks about his friends back home. Later he goes to talk to Shichiro.
Abuza: Uncle I've been thinking and I decided I wanna go back to Shinki Grove
Shichiro: Sounds like someone's been a little homesick. We'll pack now and take you there at noon tomorrow
Kaori sees everyone packing their bags.
Kaori: Why is everybody packing up?
Abuza: I'm going back home, where my friends are
Kaori: Oh
Abuza: You're more than welcome to come with me if you want?
Kaori: I got to think about that
That night Shichiro seals up the house in the glaciers and everyone gets on the airship and head back to Shichiro's house. The next day at noon Abuza gets on the airship to head back to Shinki Grove and Kaori makes his decision to come with him. The airship takes off.
Kaori: So when you say friends, how many is it?
Abuza: 6 in all but I only live with 4 of them
Kaori: Is it boys or girls?
Abuza: 3 boys 3 girls
Kaori: Is they cute?
Abuza makes a cartoonish face.
Kaori: I mean the girls
Abuza: Kaori, really?
Kaori: What? It was a question
The airship lands in Shinki Grove in front of Abuza's house. The sound of the airship makes Zandai and Gretanzu look out the window and they see Abuza and Kaori get off of it.
Gretanzu: It's Abuza! Abuza's back!
Zandai: Who is that with him?
Kasumi: Abuza?
Zandai, Gretanzu and Kasumi run outside to greet Abuza.
Kasumi: Abuza!
Zandai: Long time no see buddy
Kasumi: We really missed you!
They then notice Kaori.
Kasumi: Who's this?
Abuza: Oh this is Kaori, I met him on a family trip. He's an orphan and he didn't have anywhere else to go so he came with us
Kaori: What's cracking folks?
Kasumi: What's cracking? What does that mean?
Zandai: "What's cracking?" It's another way of saying "What's up?"
Abuza (In His Mind): If anyone was going to understand his accent it had to be Zandai
Abuza notices Taaru is missing.
Abuza: Where's Taaru?
Zandai: He went so where to improve his skills. He'll be back in a couple of months, well at least that's what he said in his last letter
Abuza: Letter? How long has he been gone exactly?
Zandai: A couple of months after you left. Haven't seen him since
They then go inside the house. Abuza unpacks his bags in his room then Kaori walks in.
Kaori: Where do I unpack my stuff?
Abuza shows Kaori to the back room no one goes into. The room has old wooden floors and it's full of dust and has a bad smell from the rotten wood. Kasumi sees Abuza and Kaori opened the door to the room.
Kasumi: What are you doing?!! Close the door before that smell gets all over the house!
Abuza: Sorry, Kaori doesn't have anywhere else to put his stuff
Kasumi closes the door.
Kasumi: I'll get the room remodeled but in till then Kaori has to put his stuff in your room
Abuza: Why can't he just stay in Taaru's room?
Kasumi: No Taaru's room is off limits in till he comes back, that's why his door is remained closed. Zandai and Gretanzu don't even go near it
Kaori sits in Abuza's room. The next morning Kasumi calls in some guys to clean out the room and put in fresh carpet and a new coat of paint on the wall and a new bed. That night Kaori slept on the floor in Abuza's room so the noise woke him up. After the men finally fixed up the room Kasumi welcomes Kaori to it.
Kaori: This is actually pretty nice. I thought you was gonna have all girly with flowers everywhere
Kasumi: Oh great another sexist
Kasumi walks out of the room and Kaori gets settled into his new room. Kaori walks into the living room and sees Zandai taking over the couch.
Kaori: I thought couches were made for more than one person
Zandai: They're not in this house
Kaori: Don't make me go get that long haired chick I heard she know how to handle you
Zandai: Since when?
Kaori: I don't know I just got here yesterday
Kasumi walks into the living room.
Kasumi: Zandai how many times do I have to tell you about putting your dirty feet on couch
Zandai gives Kasumi a look then she drags him by his hair.
Zandai: Ow! Ow! Not the hair!
Kaori: Told you she got you in check
Kaori sits on the couch and changes the channel on the TV. Later Kasumi suggests that they introduce Kaori to Ankara and Maraza.
Kaori: If they're anything like you then no
Kasumi: Don't be so difficult it won't be that bad
Kaori: Alright
Kasumi: As long as you stay on your best behavior
They all go to Ankara and Maraza's house together.
Tetsuya: Hi, Kasumi
Tetsuya sees Abuza and Kaori.
Tetsuya: Abuza?!! You're back! I know Ankara and Maraza will be glad to see you!
Abuza: I'm sure they will
Tetsuya let's everyone inside.
Tetsuya: How was your time away?
Abuza: It was nice, I learned a lot it was therapeutic actually
Ankara: Mom, who are you talking to?
Ankara and Maraza come downstairs.
Ankara: Abuza?
Maraza: I thought I heard a familiar voice
Ankara: How long have you been back?
Abuza: Since yesterday
Ankara: How was training? Was it intense?
Abuza: It was at first but somehow I managed to pull through
Ankara and Maraza look at Kaori.
Ankara: Looks like we've got a newcomer, who's this?
Kasumi: Oh this is Kaori, Abuza's friend he brought back with him
Kaori: Hey.....ladies
Ankara: He seems friendly
Maraza: Well considering Abuza brought I doubt he would be a big of a pain as Zandai
Zandai: Hey!
Kasumi: You might be a little disappointed in that area
Kaori: What's that supposed to mean?
Maraza: Why does his accent sounds so country?
Ankara: It sounds very western to me
Abuza: It's because of where he came from
Ankara: Where did he come from?
Abuza: From West umm... What was it again?
Kaori: West Hacoda
Maraza: That explains a lot
Ankara: I'd expect something like this from Zandai but Abuza?
Zandai: Oh come on, again?
Gretanzu: What's wrong with West Hacoda?
Ankara: It's a place where people have bad manners, "bad grammar", and the environment is just atrocious
Kaori: Okay we just gonna bad mouth my city like I'm not even standing here
Zandai: How to do you know so much about it?
Ankara: We do our research on different regions
Abuza: He's not as bad as you think he is. I know he came from a bad place but when I was with my uncle we bonded and he was abandoned just like me I couldn't just leave him out in the cold to freeze to death
Ankara and Maraza look at Abuza with concerned looks on their faces.
Abuza: Look we've all done things we're not proud of and he we've hit our rough patches but I don't think it's fair to judge Kaori because of the place he's native to
Maraza: Maybe we were wrong
Ankara: We shouldn't judge a book by it's cover or it's background and besides it'll be great research material to see how people from West Hacoda are like
Zandai: That's what I'm talking about! Acceptance
Kasumi: Tell you what, how about we go to that new restaurant in town tomorrow night
Zandai: That's not a bad idea for once
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