My name is Abuza Inochi. I grew up as an only child in a small place called Stone Valley. My mother took care of me. She was the only family I had. But one day I came home to see our home condemned. Officers were surrounded around our house. They came and took me away. I was too young to understand what was going on. I was looking for my mother to come and save me but she didn't then later I found out why. Soon a close friend of my mother's came and I ended up staying with her for a couple of years. I went through tough times there, watching other kids who had their parents, seeing them happy, no one understood where I was coming from, no one even seemed to care. I was always different from everyone else. It was easy for me to fade into the background because no one really cared about my existence so I was always alone. I even thought that didn't belong in this world and I hated my existence. As time went by my hatred and pain only grew. My mother's friend and I had absolutely nothing in common. Most of the time I was living with her I felt like I was just a burden like if I just left it would be a weight lifted off her shoulders. We would even get into fights and arguments. When I turned 14 I finally left to find a place I could truly call home. A place where I could be happy. I place where I could finally find what I truly desired.
Abuza is walking on a trail in the woods in the middle of noon. He walks by a river and looks at his reflection in the water. He then hears loud crashing and rustling sounds coming from the woods. He goes and takes a look and sees a giant beast fighting with a medium sized deer. Abuza sees that the deer is clearly out matched so he steps in throws the beast into a tree. The beast gets up and attacks Abuza but he dodges and throws it into another tree with a punch, the tree falls down scaring the deer away. The beast gets up again and comes at Abuza and but is killed with a blow to the head by a hunting rifle. The person who shot it was a girl.
Fujena: It's a good thing I got here just in time that thing would have torn you into pieces
Abuza: Ah I think I would have been just fine if you hadn't shown up
Fujena: What's a kid like you doing in the woods all by yourself anyway? You look like you're hungry. I live in the town near here I could get you a meal it's on me
Abuza: I'm fine
Abuza's stomach growls.
Fujena: That doesn't sound like fine to me. C'mon let's get you some food
Abuza and Fujena head into the town where she takes Abuza into a bar where she hangs out at. Abuza sits at an empty table while Fujena orders him some food. The guy brings his food to him and says "Here's ya plate shrimp get some meat on ya bones". Abuza makes an irritated look at him as he walks away. Fujena sits at the front table with the other men at the bar. After Abuza finishes his food one of the guys in the bar challenge him to an arm wrestle in exchange for anything valuable or useful in his backpack. Abuza accepts the challenge in exchange if he won he gets all his money. The other guys took Abuza as a joke because he was younger than them. The guy was buff and muscular and confident. They lock hands and begin. The guy is uses all his strength and pushes so hard that his veins start to pop out of his skin. Abuza knocks down his arm and breaks the table. Everyone in the bar looks in shock as if Abuza was a criminal.
Abuza: A deals a deal now pay up
Guy (Arm Wres.): I'm not giving my money to a stuck up kid like you! Now get lost or that table isn't going to be the only thing broken around here
A Bystander: I'd give it to him if I were you. If he can beat you in an arm wrestle that bad there's no telling what else he's capable of
Abuza looks at the guy with a serious face.
Guy (Arm Wres.): You don't scare me kid I'll knock that smug look right off your face!
Abuza: Go ahead and try it
The guy begins to swing his fist at Abuza dodges all of his punches. The guy gets even angrier with every missing punch. Abuza finally grabs his arm and flips him over on his back. Fujena sees the fight and breaks it up.
Fujena: Alright that's enough break it up!
Fujena looks at the guy.
Fujena: You old scumbag picking a fight with a kid shame on you!
Fujena leaves the bar and pushes Abuza out with her.
Fujena: You're pretty strong manhandling that dirtbag the way you did. How old are you anyway?
Abuza: 14
Fujena: You're not from around here are you?
Abuza: No I came from Stone Valley
Fujena: That's a good ways from here. Where are your parents?
Abuza: I'd rather not talk about it, it's too...personal
Fujena: So are you staying in this town?
Abuza: No right now I move from city to city town after town hoping to find the right place
Fujena: Where are you going after you leave here?
Abuza: I don't know. Maybe just sleep in woods till I can think of something
Fujena hears thunder and looks at the dark clouds in the sky.
Fujena: There's a bad storm coming and I know you need shelter. I'd be happy to let you stay at my place in till it passes
Abuza accepts the offer. Fujena introduces Abuza to her mother.
Fujena's Mother: Your clothes
Abuza: Huh? What about my clothes?
Fujena's Mother: They look so familiar, that's it the Inochi Clan's symbol?
Fujena: Inochi? I've never heard of them
Fujena's Mother: That's because there weren't many of them to begin with. It's very rare to meet one of them nowadays that's what makes them so legendary. They're mostly known for the superhuman strength they possess
Fujena: So that's how you beat that no life scumbag in an arm wrestle so easily
They continue to talk and Fujena shows Abuza to the guest room. The next day a couple of tall muscular men walk into the bar Abuza was in the day before. They notice the table Abuza broke in half.
Muscular Guy 1: What happened to that table over? There must have been some fight
Bartender: Oh no, you wouldn't believe it but some kid came in and gave some guy a run for his money
Muscular Guy 2: Oh is that so? Then where is this "guy"?
The Bartender points to him.
Muscular Guy 3: You're kidding right? A kid beat that guy with the huge biceps
Muscular Guy 1: I'm gonna go ask him about it? This should be interesting
The guy walked over and asked talked to the guy about beat in an arm wrestle.
Guy: The kid had strength that was out of this world it was unbelievable
Muscular Guy 1: What does this kid look like?
The guy gives them Abuza's description and where he saw him walk off to. Meanwhile Abuza and Fujena go into the town to go shopping. The shop they go to is in pretty bad shape.
Abuza: What kind of shop is this?
Fujena: This is where me and my mom always go to get our food and stuff to cook. It's the cheapest place on the block so it's the most convenient for us
Abuza: I can see why
They finish shopping and head back to Fujena's house. They walk pass a wanted poster for Abuza without even noticing it. Once they get inside the house Abuza gets bored and goes for a walk to the river. He becomes caught in a memory on his life from when he was living with his mother's friend. Suddenly someone throws a net on his as an attempt to capture him. Abuza cuts out of the net with his power. A group of men suddenly ambush him. They fight with their fists but Abuza dodged all of their attacks and counterattacks with his.
Guy 1: This kid really is as strong as they say. So the rumor is true
Guy 2: Don't let him get to ya just take him down so we can collect the bounty on him
Abuza: Bounty? What are they talking about?
They all attack Abuza simultaneously but are easily beaten. Abuza is seen standing while the other guys on the ground covered in bruises. Abuza grabs one of them by their shirt.
Beaten Guy: Please I had enough don't hurt me!
Abuza: Why are you after me? And what are you talking about with this bounty?
Beaten Guy: Agh. Some guy said he was beaten in a arm wrestle by some kid with a ponytail who came in the bar with some girl named Fujena. Ever since then he and his men have been on the run looking for ya
Abuza rushes back to Fujena's house to tell her about the bounty on him but when he gets there Fujena and her mother are in the house held hostage with blades near their necks by the guys from the bar. Abuza gets ready to shoot a power blast at them.
Abuza: Let them go now!
Muscular Guy 1: Put your hand down now or I'll slid this girl's neck
Fujena: Abuza don't do it!
The guy brings the blade closer to Fujena's neck.
Abuza: Alright! I'll surrender just don't hurt her
Abuza stops using his power and puts his hand down. The men then put Abuza in handcuffs.
Muscular Guy 2: Don't even think about trying use that monster strength to break out of these their made of titanium
Fujena: No!!
They leave and Fujena tries to go after them but is stopped by her mother.
Fujena's Mother: What on earth do you think you're doing?! Going after them is suicide!
Fujena: We can't just let them take him mom he's innocent I could see it in his eyes! Those guys just want one thing and that's control. Abuza was stronger than them and that put fear in their hearts that's why they took him away and there's no telling what they'll do to him! That might even kill him!
Fujena's Mother: You're not going after him and that's final! Look if I had the power to save the boy I would but there's nothing we can do now! We're just regular people we're not special like him. For all we know the boy could have the power to save himself
Fujena: Do you really believe that mom?! He's only 14 years old!
Meanwhile the group of guys take Abuza to the dock on the river with a boat waiting.
Muscular Guy 1: They're here. The Rudaku will know exactly what to do with freaks like you
The Rudaku is a group of people that do experiments on people from special clans and people with power stronger than average. Abuza knew of the Rudaku and when saw their symbol on the side of their boat it frightened him. The boat stops on the dock. One of the guys try to forcefully push Abuza onto the boat.
Muscular Guy 1: What are you doing? Just push him!
Muscular Guy 2: You're forgetting how strong this kid is. It's like trying to push a giant boulder
The other guys push Abuza onto the boat but Abuza fights back and kicks one of the guys into the water then runs away.
Muscular Guy 1: He's getting away!
One of the guys from the Rudaku shoots a tranquilizer at Abuza making him pass out.
Rudaku 1: Cuff both his feet this time
Fujena snuck out of the house despite her mother telling her not to go after Abuza and saw the whole fight with Abuza and the guys. She watches them drag Abuza onto the boat. Fujena then sneaks onto the boat when the men aren't looking. The boat leaves the docks and sails through the river. When the sun sets Fujena finds Abuza chained up in a room completely made out of metal.
Abuza: Fujena?! What are you doing here?!
Fujena: Shhhh!
Abuza stops talking.
Fujena: I snuck here to save you!
Abuza: Fujena you didn't have to do this. What if they find you in here? They'll probably try to kill you
Fujena: Well I couldn't just sit back and watch them take you away I had to do something! Ok let's get you out of these chains
Fujena tries to break Abuza out of the chains but they won't budge.
Abuza: It's no use. The chains are made of titanium even I with all of my strength can't break them
Fujena: They all have key holes. There have to be keys somewhere. Look I'll sneak in and see if I can take the keys off of one of those guards
Abuza: No! That's too risky you should just find a way off this boat and get out here. I don't want anything happening to you because of me
Fujena: I'm not leaving you. I'll never abandon my friends!
Abuza is shocked when Fujena labels him as a friend. He thought of himself worthless and no one cared about him but seeing that someone did put warmth in his heart. Fujena sneaks through the boat and hides behind crates and cargo boxes. She finds a ring of keys hanging on a nail next to the captains deck. She grabs the keys when the coast is clear she heads back to Abuza.
Abuza: You found the keys.. But how?
Fujena: Long story, now let's get you out of here
Fujena unlocks Abuza's cuffs but immediately after she's does a guard walks into the room.
Guard: Wait you're that girl from the town. You should have stayed in your place now you're dead!
The guard charges at Fujena with a sword but Abuza shoots a blast at him knocking him off his balance. At that moment Abuza punches the guard in the stomach making him pass out.
Fujena: I think the other guards heard that!
Abuza: Let's go, move!
Abuza and Fujena fight their way to the top of the boat but when they get there the Rudaku is waiting for them. Abuza and Fujena fight and defeat some of the members but the leader shows up. The leader charges at both of them. Abuza charges back at him flips him over off the boat. Fujena takes control of the ship and heads back to the town. They head back into her house to see Fujena's mother is furious.
Fujena's Mother: Fujena where have you been?!! Do you the nightmare you put me through?! I thought I lost you! I thought you be killed!
Abuza and Fujena explain to her mother what happened. Later Abuza packs his belongings, Fujena and her mother give him some food and supplies.
Fujena: So you're really leaving huh?
Abuza: Yes. It was nice staying here but this isn't the place I wanna settle down. I have to keep moving to find the right place that truly feels like a home
Fujena: *sigh* I understand you're not made for this town anyway. You deserve something more high class than this
Abuza thanks Fujena and her mother and leaves the town.
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