Power from Within
Abuza's calls to Kasumi but it leads her directly into a trap. Kasumi was so distracted by it she didn't even sense that spirit is still inside him pulling the strings. Kasumi comes close to Abuza. An evil grin appears on his face and points his hand at Kasumi. His hand lights up with a deadly power blast attack and shoots it right at her. The reflection of the blast is seen in Kasumi's eyes. Just before she is hit Taaru jumps on her throwing her out of the way. Taaru and Kasumi in up fighting Abuza with Gretanzu joining them moments later. Meanwhile Zandai is injured far away from where Abuza punched him. Zandai is surrounded by possessed people. He runs from the people chasing after him like wild animals. He runs through a dark alley and hides behind a wall. He turns around to see one of the people in front of him growling. Zandai screams so loudly that Ankara and Maraza hear him from a distance.
Maraza: That sounds like Zandai
Meanwhile Abuza is shooting dark power blasts at Gretanzu, Kasumi and Taaru as they take cover behind boulders.
Gretanzu: How are we going to get to him without getting blasted into smithereens
Kasumi: I don't know if it's even possible
Taaru: I think I got an idea
Taaru comes up with a plan that Gretanzu distracts Abuza so he could grab him and Kasumi uses her power to put him to sleep.
Gretanzu: That sounds pretty risky and what if he fights with close range he'll clobber me
Taaru: Just keep your distance from him and don't get too close
Gretanzu leaves cover from the boulder and dodges Abuza's attacks by running out of the way. Taaru and Kasumi sneak up on the side of Abuza then Taaru grabs him.
Taaru: Now Kasumi!
Kasumi uses her power to put Abuza to sleep but he grabs Taaru from behind him and throws him right at Kasumi. Abuza is about to shoot power blast at Kasumi and Taaru but suddenly is interrupted. Abuza glows gold and finally regains full control of his body. The voice then leaves Abuza's body and takes physical form and becomes very angry. The entity's physical form is a monster with red eyes. The monster charges at all of them. Meanwhile Ankara and Maraza make it to where Zandai is. Ankara and Maraza use their medical powers to jab pressure points in the possessed people knocking them out. They walk towards Zandai.
Ankara: Zandai you okay? You're shaking
Zandai: I'm just tired from running alright!
Maraza: Okay she just she was making sure you were fine. What's with the attitude?
Zandai: Where are the others?
Ankara: They went after Abuza. We'll be heading to them as soon as Maraza gets their location
Maraza: *Gasp*
Ankara: What is it? You found them?
Maraza: There's a huge dark evil presence and it isn't coming from Abuza
Ankara: So there's someone else with Abuza?
Maraza: No it feels like Abuza isn't under control anymore
Zandai: Ok now I'm confused. Abuza was the one destroying and attacking people. Now there's someone else?
Maraza: We'd better get to them now by the feeling of things down there they're gonna need our help
The Entity attacks Abuza, Kasumi and Taaru but all of them dodge the attack. Taaru attacks the entity with his sword but the entity blocks all of the attacks with its long claws. Kasumi throws light purple power shards at the entity but it dodges them easily. Abuza shoots power blast at the entity but it uses a shield to deflect them. Abuza attempts to use his Gold Aura but he isn't unable to maintain it and falls to the ground.
Abuza: *Pant*
Entity: Looks like your stamina is all used up
Kasumi (In Her Mind): That thing must have drained all of Abuza's energy when it was controlling him
Entity: Now time to finish all of you!
Ankara throws knifes at the entity as they enter the battlefield. Maraza starts healing Abuza then immediately the Entity charges at her as an attempt to take back Abuza's body. Kasumi shields Maraza and Abuza with a light purple force field. Gretanzu attacks the entity with power in his sword but he misses. Everyone fights against the entity while Abuza is being healed by Maraza. Abuza feels useless watching everyone fight and he couldn't do anything. After the entity beat everyone it came for Abuza and Maraza. Maraza put her arms in front of her face and closes her eyes. When she opens her eyes she sees Abuza gripping the entity's arm preventing it from attacking. The entity swoops back. Abuza shoots power blasts at the entity but it dodges them. Abuza uses the new move he used on Zandai and shoots a stream of power at the entity. The entity tries to dodge it by jumping onto rocks and boulders. Abuza's technique cuts the boulders like a blade. Abuza then becomes weak and the technique shoots into the air.
Entity: You still don't have full control of your body. I's a miracle you're even able to stand
Abuza falls on one knee.
Abuza: *Pant* My body....It feels weak
Entity: Now its over!
Abuza's vision becomes blurred but he can see faintly the entity getting ready for an attack.
Entity: Now your body is mine!
Abuza uses the little bit of strength he has left to counterattack. He shoots a stream of power at the entity but it isn't enough to defeat it. Kasumi sees Abuza is struggling and helps him by shooting a laser like blast at the entity. The impact from Abuza and Kasumi's attack makes a loud bang sound and smoke is seen coming from the battlefield giving away their location to the authority officers of the city. Abuza is exhausted to the point where he can't stand on his two feet. The smoke clears and the entity is seen with a dark angry aura around it.
Entity: Playtime is over! NOW GIVE ME YOUR BODY!
The entity jumps back into Abuza's body and the angry aura surrounds him.
Kasumi: Abuza No!
Abuza: NO! I won't....LET YOU GAIN CONTROL!!!!
Entity: What's going on?!This shouldn't be happening?!
Abuza glows gold.
Entity: Aggh! Why can't I move?!!
Abuza extracts the spirit from his body and shoots his power into it.
Entity: UGHH!!!!
Abuza: This is the end!
Abuza uses his gold aura to shine a bright light on the evil spirit that causes it to evacuate from the living world and transition to the underworld.
Zandai: Woah
Gretanzu: I can't believe it
Ankara: Abuza that was amazing
Zandai: Wait so is that thing like gone? Like really gone?
Maraza: It's gone Zandai
Everyone runs to Abuza after the spirit is defeated. Soon after that the authorities show up and attempt to arrest Abuza.
Kasumi: Stay back. If you come anywhere near him it may be the last thing you do
Maraza: Kasumi there's no need to use force. That spirit that was controlling Abuza and the people living here is gone. Now everything is back to normal so we'd like to go home now
Authority 1: None are going anywhere without—
Groaning and screaming can be heard from a distance.
Zandai: They're back!
The authorities leave and rush to the area.
Zandai: Idiots
Gretanzu comes out of hiding after making the groaning and screaming sound effects. Everyone then laughs.
Ankara: Alright let's go home
Later everyone packs their bags and heads back to Shinki Grove. When the sun sets Abuza goes out and sits at the waterfall cliff. Zandai comes out a few moments after him.
Zandai: Hey you got a minute?
Zandai sits on the cliff next to Abuza.
Zandai: Look I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being such a pain and not believing you about all the paranormal stuff that was going on
Abuza: I'm sorry too for shaming you for being afraid. It was none of my business if you rather you were or not
Zandai: To be honest I was terrified the whole time especially when we heard that moaning coming from the downstairs... You mind keeping that between us I don't want Gretanzu to know I was a big chicken back there
Abuza: You would be crazy not to be scared. But I promise the secret will stay between us
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