Kaori zooms down a hill.
Abuza: Don't you think we're going a little too fast?!!
Kaori: Relax I know what I'm doing
Kaori turns the snowmobile around and heads up to the top of a hill. Kaori gets off the snowmobile to look at the view.
Kaori: This is high
Abuza: I've been higher
Kaori: Okay Mr. Show Off
Kaori sees something on top of the mountain that is behind the hill they're on.
Kaori: What is that?
Abuza: It looks like a person
The man shouts at Kaori.
Man: What are you looking at?!!
Kaori shouts back.
Kaori: We looking at you partner! We got eyes and we can look wherever we want to look! You got a problem with that?!!
Man: Yeah I got a problem, I got a problems with hardcore wannabe junkies like you!
Kaori puts if fists up as if he were going to fight.
Kaori: Come on down here then! I bet I put them paws on you! You talking all that smack on that mountain I bet you won't come down here and say it to my face! Where I'm from we talk with our fists!
Abuza (In His Mind): There he goes bringing out the West Hacoda side again
Man: Better yet I'd rather stay up here where it's safe
Kaori: Yeah because you're scared! You don't want none of this!
The man throws a bomb which causes an
Kaori: You lil tramp!
Abuza: Kaori we got to get out of here now!
Kaori gets on the snowmobile and pushes the engine to full speed dodging trees and rocks. They get to the bottom of the hill but the avalanche is still coming at full force. Abuza glows gold and creates a shockwave of power crushing the snow and turning it into ice. Kaori looks at Abuza with a frightened look on his face.
Abuza: What?
Kaori: Wow... I didn't know you had that kind of power
Abuza: Oh right I forgot to mention it
Kaori: Are your other relatives like this?
Abuza: They have powers but different from mine. I can see I got a lot to explain to you
Kaori: Isn't that something family inherited?
Abuza: Y-Yes, I wasn't expecting you understand that without me explaining for
Kaori: So you're trying to say I'm stupid?
Abuza: No nothing like that!
Kaori: I'm just playing, I learned in back in my hometown
Abuza: Wait, people in your hometown know about us?
Kaori: Not specifically but it was talked about from time to time
Kaori sees a cave that catches his attention.
Kaori: Now that looks like a nice place to tour
Abuza: That cave? Are you crazy?! You don't even know what's down there
Kaori: Do you know how fun it is to go through a cave on a snowmobile?
Abuza: No
Kaori: Well I don't either but it look fun
Abuza agrees to go through the cave not even mentioning to Kaori how much he hates caves. Kaori drives the snowmobile through the cave at medium speed. The cave has ice sickles hanging from the ceiling.
Kaori: You ever had a girlfriend?
Abuza: No
Kaori: That's probably a good thing because if she ever did something to you I could see you smashing her with all your anger if she ever said anything disrespectful to you
Abuza makes a cartoonish face.
Abuza (In His Mind): Comments like that really should be kept to yourself
When they get deeper into the cave it gets darker and soon pitch black. Abuza uses his power as a light.
Abuza: Can we turn around now? Enclosed spaces like this make me feel catastrophic
Kaori: I wanna see how far this cave goes
Abuza: Who cares how far it goes let's just get out of here. What if there's another polar bear at the end of it?
Kaori: And that's why I got you to knock some sense into it again like last time
When they reach the bottom of the cave Kaori gets off the snowmobile.
Kaori: This could make a great hiding spot
Abuza: More like a great place to get trapped in
Kaori: Stop being so negative
Abuza: Nothing negative about speaking the truth
Abuza hears a crackling sound.
Abuza: Okay this place is really starting to make me feel uncomfortable so can we go now?
Kaori: Alright come on cry baby
Abuza: *Sigh*
Abuza and Kaori leave the cave and they later meet up with Minoru and Karamee.
Karamee: Where have you guys been?
Kaori: Oh you know a little here and there
Abuza: He tried to fight a guy on top of a mountain then we ran away from an avalanche and went inside of a creepy cave so yeah it that's where we've been
Kaori: Anybody else hungry?
Karamee: Are you kidding I couldn't get Minoru to stop talking about food on the way here
They all head back home while they're unknowingly being watched a group of guys.
Guy 1: The one with the beanie has a lot of mouth
Guy 2: I bet he's all bark and no bite. But we'll find that out soon enough
Guy 3: I wanna what the with the ponytail is made of
Leader: Let's be patient. After we take out the one known as "Shichiro Inochi" we can have all the fun we want with those little runts
Guy 4: I can't wait
After Abuza and the others got home they ate dinner and later went to bed. While everyone is asleep two of the guys that we're watching them follow the snowmobile tracks and find where they live. Their mission is to capture the strongest of the household "Shichiro Inochi". Leaving the family vulnerable and to take them all out later. When they get to the door it's deal with the "Inochi Clan Forbidden Seal". Only members of the clan can unseal it.
Guy 1: Why can't we just break it down
Guy 2: You'll wake them up. We're not getting paid to fight a full scale war here
Guy 1: Alright then Reijin what's the plan then?
Reijin is an expert at unsealing and unlocking sealed doors. The other guy Densu has an almost perfect aim when it comes to throwing weapons or fists. Reijin manages to get the door open. They sneak into Minoru's room. Minoru wakes up to sees Densu standing over him. Minoru jumps out of the bed and throws a force filled punch but Densu dodges it and stabs Minoru in the back and injects a Sleep Paralysis Chemical in him knocking him out.
Densu: Did you see the force of that punch?! The guy we're supposed to be capturing they said he had strength out of this world only one guy
Reijin: Alright shhh! Let's take him get the money
Reijin and Densu though everyone was asleep but Kaori was still awake and he heard the whole conversation. Reijin and Densu make their way to the door but they are stopped by Kaori.
Kaori: Ayee! Who is you?! And how did you get up in here?!
Kaori sees Reijin holding Minoru.
Kaori: You best to put him down right now before things get real ugly
Densu: This is the one with all the mouth, show me what you got kid?
Kaori attacks Densu and punches him twice in the face but Densu knocks him out with a punch to the stomach and a blow to the neck. The next morning Ginna finds Kaori on the floor passed out. Kaori wakes up and tells Ginna everything that happened last night.
Ginna: WHAT?!! NOOO!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!
Ginna's screams wake everyone up.
Karamee: Mom! What's wrong?!!
Abuza: Where's Minoru?
Kaori fills everyone in on what happened.
Shichiro: No!! They broke through the seal!
If that have that kind of ability there's no telling what else their capable of! They came and took my son right from under my nose!!!
Shichiro gets angry and smashes the kitchen table apart.
Karamee: Dad!
Shichiro: *sigh* It's alright I'll buy a new one
Abuza: What did they even want?
Kaori: Can I get a ice pack? My neck is still sore from that dude jabbing me with his nasty dusty ol' fingernails
Ginna gets Kaori some ice.
Ginna: We don't blame you, we know you did everything you could to stop them
Shichiro: We need to split and search for tracks, they can't be too far from the area
Ginna: Minoru, he must be so terrified and frightened
Minoru is tied up in a secret location.
Minoru: Ahh! What till I get loss! I'll wipe the floor with all of you!
They laugh.
Minoru: Wait till my dad finds out! Oh he's gonna--
The other two guys are Hinsoto and Taku.
The leaders name is Sora.
Hinsoto: He's gonna what? Call the authorities?
The other guys laugh.
Minoru: He'll literally break you into pieces with his bear hands
Densu: We captured Shichiro like you asked so where's our pay?
Minoru: Shichiro? I'm not Shichiro that's my dad!
Sora: You're telling me you idiots captured the wrong guy!
Minoru: You're after my dad? You guys are practically begging for a funeral with a closed casket
Sora: Hinsoto and Taku come with me I'll find Shichiro myself. Densu, Reijin stand guard over our hostage
Abuza and the others start searching for Minoru. Abuza and Kaori search for tracks but come up with nothing.
Kaori: It's not nothing over here
Abuza: Of course these guys would be smart enough to cover up their tracks. Let me try something
Abuza uses his Sensory Technique. He locates the area but the actual location seems to blocked and interrupted by something.
Abuza: Something interrupted it? But how?
Kaori: Interrupted what? What did you just do?
Suddenly Abuza and Kaori are attacked by snake blades. Abuza and Kaori jump back and dodges the blades and look up to see Sora and his gang has appeared.
Sora: Looking for something?
Abuza: You're the one who interrupted my sensory which means you're the one who kidnapped my cousin
Hinsoto: I wanna tear em' to shreds, especially "West Coast" over there
Kaori: Na! Na! I got my mans here this time, he gonna put them beaters on ya
Hinsoto: Alright then let's see what your "mans" is capable of!
Hinsoto attacks Abuza. Abuza blocks Hinsoto's punch and counterattacks with a punch in the face sending Hinsoto crashing into a rock. Taku attacks and throws his snake blade at Abuza. He deflects the blade with his powers then shoots power blasts at Taku's arms and legs and manipulates them to throw Taku at Abuza giving him the chance to punch him in the face.
Sora: You're more skilled than I thought. It's obvious you're not Shichiro Inochi, you're too young
Abuza: Shichiro? What do you want with my uncle?
Sora: Let's just say we came to tie up a few loss ends
Abuza: Tell me where my cousin is and I won't have to do more damage than necessary
Sora: Tell us where Shichiro Inochi is then I'll give him back alive. Even if you could beat me you still wouldn't be able to locate him on your own. The whole area is sensory proof
Sora puts Abuza in a difficult position and it forces him to make a decision. Abuza comes up with the decision to keep them busy while Kaori goes to get Shichiro and the others.
Abuza: Kaori go find my uncle
Kaori: You want me to just leave you here with all these dudes?!
Abuza: Just go! I can handle them
Kaori runs to go get Shichiro and the others. Sora tries to attack Kaori before he can leave but Abuza stops his attack.
Sora: You want get in my way? Then prepare yourself to die now!
Kaori runs as fast as he can to get to Shichiro's previous location. Shichiro isn't there but Karamee is.
Karamee: Kaori you look like you been running from something
Kaori: *Pants* Where's your parents?!!
Karamee: They're searching not too far from here why? And weren't you supposed to be searching with Abuza, why did you leave him by himself?
Kaori: It's no time for that!! A group of them thugs just showed up! Abuza needs help now!
Sora starts shooting bomb blasts at Abuza. Realizing he couldn't get to Sora fast enough without getting blown up Abuza glows gold and attacks Sora from all directions. Sora shoots more blasts at Abuza. He dashes and jumps onto a top of a rock and jumps down and punches Sora causing a massive impact of damage to the ground and the surrounding area. The impact sends winds blowing hard toward Kaori and the others as they make their way to Abuza.
Karamee: What in the world was that?!!
Kaori: That's where I was just at. It must be Abuza
Shichiro uses his power to run faster and dashes to Abuza. Shichiro finds Abuza standing over Sora while he is on the ground. Suddenly a black reddish hand comes out of Sora's body and grabs Abuza's arm. Abuza struggles to get his arm out, eventually using his power to cut the black hand off, the cut causes an explosion throwing Abuza back. Shichiro arrives to Abuza's aid.
Shichiro: You alright?!
Abuza: Ugh. I'm fine
Abuza and Shichiro look up to see Sora has transformed himself into an Black Oni Sensu. In other words he has transformed his body into an unstoppable killing machine.
Sora: You're the first to ever push me this far. You should feel honored, all that see this form die!
Sora attacks Abuza and Shichiro simultaneously. They barely dodge the attack. Abuza glows gold and punches Sora in the chest but his attack did nothing as if he punched a brick wall. Sora takes Abuza and throws him into the snow. While the fight is going on Karamee gets a reading on Sora's energy and finds out if Sora is defeated Minoru's location will be revealed. She tells Abuza and Shichiro the information. Shichiro dashes and punches Sora in the face and kicks him in the neck. Shichiro's attack were ineffective just like Abuza's. Shichiro jumps back and creates an attack that looks like a blue flame in his fist and punches Sora in the stomach. Shichiro then finds out Sora's weakness.
Shichiro: You're having a hard time maintaining that form, aren't you?
Sora gets angry.
Sora: You're using all your energy on defense and you don't even have enough stamina to attack. Just give up! This fight is over
Sora charges at Shichiro and punches him sending him crashing through rocks.
Karamee: Dad!!!!
Abuza gets angry and glows gold.
Abuza: I won't allow you to hurt my family....ANYMORE!!!
Abuza dashes at high speed hits Sora with a barrage of gold fist attacks from all directions. Abuza gets one of his attacks through Sora's defense and punches him in the stomach. Sora reaches his limit and transforms back to his original form. Seeing he had no chance of winning he uses his power to tear the ground apart eventually falling to his death. The ground separates Abuza and Kaori from everyone else. The ground breaks under Abuza's feet and Kaori grabs his hand before he falls. The ground shifts to where if Kaori tries to pull Abuza up both of them will fall to their deaths.
Abuza: There's no way both of us are going to make it. You have to let go!
Kaori: I'm not letting you go bruh!!
Abuza: We'll both die if you don't!
Kaori: Abuza please don't put me in this position. I don't have a family, you all I got man. Losing you I'll be by myself again where everybody look at my outside and can never understand my inside. Abuza please don't do this man
Abuza's hand slips loss from Kaori's grip and he falls.
Kaori: No!!
Abuza (In His Mind): I remember when I felt like I had no reason to live. If this had happened years ago I wouldn't have this feeling.....
At midway fall Abuza glows gold and creates a shield cushioning his fall. Abuza dashes back to the top with the others and sees Kaori already grieving over him.
Kaori: Please tell me I'm not seeing things... Abuza you back up here?
Abuza: You didn't a little fall would take me out did you?
Kaori: Do you not know what you just put me through?!
Abuza: Yeah I finally got to see your mushy side
Kaori: No you saw acting side yeah I was just kidding
Abuza: Yeah whatever
Karamee: Are you guys alright?
Abuza and Kaori regroup with the others. Abuza uses his Sensory Technique and finds Minoru.
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