Kaori Sidosen
The next morning Abuza is awakened by the smell of breakfast Ginna is cooking in the kitchen. Soon Minoru and Karamee go into the kitchen, Abuza goes in behind them.
Minoru: Is that the stuff you sent me and Abuza out to get?
Ginna: Yep. Looks better now that it's cooked huh?
Kaori walks into the kitchen.
Kaori: *Yawn* Good morning people
Ginna: Looks like someone slept well for his first night
Kaori: Yeah the bed was comfortable and warm
Everyone sits at the table and eats breakfast. Later Abuza goes into his room looking at the pictures of him and his friends together before he left. Kaori walks into the doorway.
Kaori: Aye
Abuza looks at Kaori.
Kaori: Wanna go have a little fun?
Abuza: What do you mean by "fun"?
Kaori: Oh come on you tell me you don't know what fun mean?
Abuza makes a cartoonish face.
Abuza: I meant what are we doing?
Kaori: Come on I'll show you
Kaori puts on his torn up gloves.
Abuza: You know you don't have to put those on
Kaori: What am I supposed to? Go out and let my hands freeze off?
Abuza gives Kaori a new pair of gloves.
Kaori: Thanks I really appreciate it
Abuza and Kaori go outside and start walking.
Kaori: I just noticed something, I told you about me but you never told me about you. Where did you come from?
Abuza: A city called Shinki Grove
Kaori: Shinki Grove?
Abuza: Yeah you probably never heard of it
Kaori: I mean it kinda rings a bell like I heard something like it
They continue walking.
Kaori: So the people back at the house are your uncle, aunt and cousins?
Abuza: Yeah
Kaori: I wanna ask but I feel like I'm touching a soft spot
Abuza: No it's alright you can ask
Kaori: Where are your parents?
Abuza: My mom she died when I was 7, my dad is an escape convict
Kaori: Convict? What did he do?
Abuza: He tried to kill me and plunge the city into darkness
Kaori: Dang. He sound a animal, why would you wanna do that to your own son?
Abuza: He was asked that question repeatedly but we never got a straight answer
Abuza follows Kaori to a steep hill with snowboards on top. When Abuza saw the snowboards he already had in mind what Kaori wanted to do.
Kaori: You ever did something like this before?
Abuza remembers when he first met Zandai and Gretanzu and they made him glide down dirt on a snowboard.
Abuza: Yeah but with dirt instead of snow
Kaori: Dirt? What kind of world was you living in?!
Kaori puts the snowboards facing toward the bottom of the hill.
Kaori: If you don't know what you're doing just follow my lead and you'll be fine
Kaori glides down on his snowboard and Abuza glides down behind him. Kaori seems to have experience with snowboards but Abuza on the other hand was having trouble keeping his balance. Abuza's snowboard bumps into a rock making him tumble over and fall hitting the bottom of a tree. Kaori stops his board and goes to help Abuza up.
Kaori: It's alright you're still a rookie
Abuza: Snowboarding isn't my thing
Abuza and Kaori go to a nearby lake. Kaori throws a rock in the lake and makes it skip.
Kaori: I can never make it skip more than once. You skip rock?
Abuza: No I never did it before
Kaori: Try it
Kaori gives Abuza a rock. Abuza throws the rock and makes it skip twice before it flies into the air.
Kaori: How was that even possible?
Kaori starts to ask Abuza about his life.
Abuza: The first time I ever met my dad was when I was 15. Growing up I thought about him from time to time, back then I could even imagine what he looked like. But now when I see his face hate and anger is the only thing that bubbles up. The last time I saw him I went completely berserk, I wanted to see him dead beneath my feet, I went on a complete rampage. But in the end he escaped and now I'll have to wait months to see him again
Kaori sees Abuza starts to tense up.
Abuza: When I see him again it's going to be different. I'll make sure I finish him! I'll make sure there's nothing of him left!
Kaori relates to Abuza's anger and frustration.
Kaori: I would've did the same thing if my dad tried to kill me
Abuza: You're the first person that actually understood how I felt, I never talk about this to anyone because they just don't get it
Kaori: People who never had crazy parents will never understand
Kaori stands up.
Kaori: What are eating today?
Abuza: Let's go find out, too be honest I have no idea what my aunt is cooking
Abuza and Kaori head back home. When they get there Shichiro and Ginna have a surprise for Kaori.
Abuza: What's with you two? Why do you seem so secretive?
Karamee: That's Abuza for you, he can read your emotions like an open book
Ginna: Kaori since you don't have a home and you've been getting along with everyone so nicely, Shichiro and I agreed to let you stay here with us
Kaori is shocked and happy at the same time.
Kaori: I don't even know what to say
Ginna: You don't have to say anything, just take it as a token of our gratitude and kindness
Minoru: I got my eye on you just in case you're an undercover thief or assassin
Karamee: Minoru that's so stupid and childish
Shichiro and Ginna laugh. The next day Kaori cleans up his new room. Seeing Kaori move in after being homeless reminds Abuza of when he moved in with Kasumi. Karamee runs into Abuza's room.
Karamee: There's a festival tonight and mom said we could all go!
At sunset Abuza, Minoru, Karamee and Kaori get ready to leave.
Ginna: Since Minoru is the oldest he's in charge. And responsible for all the money
They leave the house and start walking. We they get to the festival Minoru pays for the wristbands.
Kaori: Why is it pink?!
Karamee: What's wrong with pink?
Kaori: It's so girly and feminine
Abuza (In His Mind): He reminds me so much of Zandai
They get into the festival.
Karamee: It's so many things to choose from
Kaori: Ooo let's do the water guns
There is a game where you shoot water into a target hole that makes a meter go up. The highest meter wins. Abuza, Minoru, Karamee and Kaori play it together.
Karamee: Where does the water come out of?
Minoru: Where do you think? It doesn't come of the side with the hose is attached
Karamee: Are you trying to say I'm dumb?
Kaori shoots his water gun into the target.
Karamee: Hey! No fair you didn't even say go!
Kaori: Not my fault it's not nobody to say go
Abuza, Minoru and Karamee shoot their water guns into their targets but Kaori won because he got a head start. They go to the prize stand.
Karamee: Cheater
Kaori: Hey we not gonna behave like 7 year olds now
Prize Stand Machine: You win
Kaori: What I win?
The prize stand gives Kaori a pink teddy bear with hearts all over it. Kaori makes a disgusted face.
Karamee: It's perfect for you, it can be the first edition of decoration to your room
Kaori downs the bear on the ground. They walk around then Kaori sees a ride called "The Hook". The ride is shaped like a giant hook and it swings back and forth. They all get on the ride but when their picking their seats Kaori wants Abuza to sit next to him.
Kaori: Aye what are doing?
Karamee: Sitting down
Kaori: Abuza is sitting right here
Karamee: Does it matter?
Kaori: Sit next to your brother, siblings should stick together
Karamee sits next to Minoru and Abuza sits next to Kaori. The ride starts.
Abuza (In His Mind): 2 in a half years I thought a moment like this was a dream that would never come true. I disconnected myself from this world, I wanted no part of it but never did I think there was someone out there just like me. It goes to show that all we need to stay together in this cruel world and keep pushing forward.
The ride ends.
Kaori: That was fun right?
Minoru: Yeah
Kaori: Wanna do it again?
Karamee: Oh no no no! It felt like that thing was gonna swing us right off the coast side
They ride a few more rides and get something to eat.
Kaori: Okay I'm officially done for the night. If I ride anymore rides I'm gonna throw up
Karamee: Where are your parents?
Abuza: Don't ask him that! It might be too personal!
Kaori: It's alright I'll tell her
Minoru and Karamee start to listen.
Kaori: My dad died after pursuing his goals and kicked me to the side and that was that
Karamee: What about your mom?
Kaori hesitates.
Kaori: I whether not get into that
Karamee: Oh I'm sorry
The festival starts to close and they go home. Abuza goes into his room and starts to think about what place he wants to go next. The next morning Minoru brings up a plan.
Minoru: Since we're in the snow I thought we should go rent some snowmobiles
Kaori: Ayee that sound perfect
Ginna: Perfectly dangerous
Karamee: Come on mom what else is there to do? It's was Abuza's idea to come here, why can't we have a little fun?
Ginna hesitates but finally agrees to let them get snowmobiles. Shichiro takes them to a place to rent a couple of snowmobiles. The renting place only had 3 snowmobiles left and Minoru and Karamee both wanted one to drive.
Shichiro: Since there aren't enough for everyone then....
Abuza: It's alright I didn't want to drive one anyway, I'll just ride with someone
Kaori: Why you don't wanna drive?
Abuza: I don't have experience with that kind of stuff I'll probably crash into something
Minoru and Karamee both want to ride alone so Abuza rides with Kaori. Shichiro goes home.
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