Final Assault
The next day everyone is outside in the front yard.
Zandai: See I told you my sword is better than yours
Gretanzu: Look just because yours is bigger doesn't mean it's better
Zandai: Mine can do more damage than yours can
Gretanzu: I don't even see how you swing that thing let alone carry it around
Abuza and Kasumi stand watching Gretanzu and Zandai argue.
Abuza: Do they do this on a regular basis?
Kasumi: Not as frequently. I can tell they're getting on your nerves. You don't have to hide it trust me you're not the only one
Later on the day when the sun sets Abuza goes for a walk around the cliff side area of estate. Abuza uses his time alone to think on his worries.
Abuza: I finally find a place where people accept me and it's only going to last for 2 more days. What am I going to do when Kasumi leaves? I could just team up with Zandai and Gretanzu but the way they live just isn't for me. There's no way I'm gonna but a homeless bum sleeping in a gutter
Abuza continues to walk but then is alerted by a rustling sound in the bushes. A squirrel comes out of the bushes and Abuza becomes relieved and lowers his guard. Abuza walks close to the ledge of the cliff platform then suddenly a shadow dashes from the ledge and jumps behind Abuza and throws a smoke screen on the ground. When the smoke clears the attacker is a bandit with giant gauntlet fist weapons on his arms.
Gauntlet Bandit: Where'd he go?!
Abuza dashes out of the shadows punches the bandit in the face with a strong force knocking him off the cliff. Two more bandits show up on both sides of Abuza and grab both his arms with chains.
Chains Bandit 1: Got him! What do you wanna do?
Chains Bandit 2: I say we make him suffer and tear both his arms off!
The bandits pull Abuza's arms simultaneously. Abuza pulls one bandit off his feet and into the air and swings him into the other bandit before throwing them both off the cliff. Meanwhile Zandai and Gretanzu are inside the living room and hear some of the commotion.
Gretanzu: I wonder what's making that banging noise
Kasumi notices Abuza isn't in the house yet.
Kasumi: Where's Abuza?
Zandai: Beats me, I checked outside about 5 minutes ago, not a ponytail in sight
Kasumi uses her sensory technique to find Abuza. Zandai distributes her by talking loudly.
Zandai: This is so lame! No one wants to pay 300yos to front row seats in the news cast studio
Kasumi: Zandai can I get a moment of quiet--
You know what I'll just go outside it's a lot less noisy out there
Kasumi walks out the door.
Gretanzu: What's her deal? Someone stole her shampoo or something?
Zandai: Who knows
Kasumi uses her sensory technique outside and sees Abuza fight against a group of more powerful bandits on his own. Kasumi rushes to give him backup. The bandits attack Abuza with axes and blades. Abuza dodges all of the attacks and becomes overwhelmed as the number of bandits coming at him increase.
Bandit 1: No where to run now kid! Surrender and we'll make your death quick and painless!
Bandit 2: I want to decapitate the runt and feed him to the dogs
Bandit 3: Attack!
All of the bandits attack Abuza simultaneously. The bandits are thrown back with a light purple force field. Abuza looks up and sees Kasumi standing in front of him.
Kasumi: Hope I didn't show up too late
Abuza: No you came just in time
The bandits attack again. Kasumi knocks a hand full of them off the cliff. Abuza knocks a few off the cliff with kicks and punches. More bandits climb up the cliff and attack Abuza and Kasumi but suddenly they are shot by paralyzing needles from the treetops.
Abuza: What just happened?
Ankara: Figured you guys could use a little help
Abuza and Kasumi look up and see Ankara sitting on a branch on the top of a tree.
Ankara: Looks like the party's all over. Stand back and I'll clean up the garbage for you
Ankara throws a special knife at the ground and it explodes throwing the bandits off the cliff. Ankara climbs down the tree.
Ankara: I swear these scumbags pop up like cockroaches
Kasumi: I don't get how there are still so many of them now. I mean we all saw Abuza destroy their hideout
Ankara: I was afraid this would happen. It seems there's another hideout somewhere
Abuza: Maybe we could find it and destroy that one too
Ankara: Looking at the numbers it could even be possible they have multiple hideouts scattered around the region or even worse
Abuza: So..there's nothing we can do then?
Kasumi: Abuza I really hate you're doing all this fighting and you just got here in the city. You shouldn't stay here any longer. You should just leave and get as far away from here as possible. If those bandits come back here again we might not be here to help. They could come and take you captivate and who knows what they'll do next
Abuza: Kasumi, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to refuse
Kasumi: Huh?
Abuza: If I leave things the way they're are it'll only get worse. I'm going to stay and do whatever I can to stop them
Kasumi: But Abuza
Abuza: I'm not going anywhere Kasumi and I'm not letting anyone else get hurt either
The next morning the news reporter goes A-wall going on and on about the bandits mysterious return.
Tetsuya: Again? I thought you and your friends destroyed their fortress
Maraza: We did but apparently it wasn't enough, there's still more of them out there
Ankara: Last night a whole squad of them ambushed Abuza and Kasumi
Tetsuya/Maraza: What?!
Tetsuya: Goodness, are they alright?
Ankara: They probably wouldn't have been if I wasn't there
Maraza: Um. I'm not trying to sound like the mean bitter sister but fighting has never been your specialty
Ankara: Not this speech again. No I used that paralyzing formula we were working on
Maraza: That was still in the trial stages. It wasn't ready to be for battle yet I thought we were still testing that
Ankara: Well it stopped those bandits right in their tracks
Meanwhile Kasumi is in the living room talking about how dangerous the city could be if the bandits aren't stopped.
Zandai: Ooo the big bad bandits I'm so scared
Abuza: Zandai they're not like they were before. You should take this situation more seriously
Kasumi: He's right, they even had gauntlet fists as weapons
Zandai: Oh wow what a tale, might as well give em a dark cape and heat vision while you're at it
Abuza: He's taking this whole thing as a joke. Why are you in such denial about this?
Kasumi: Gretanzu you know we're telling the truth right?
Gretanzu: I mean it's not like Kasumi to lie about something like that and as serious as Abuza can be I think they're telling the truth
Zandai: Hm. Well I guess you can join the insanity club with them
Zandai walks out of the room. Later the sun sets and night falls.
Kasumi: Alright here's the rules. From now on no one goes outside after dark and no one explore anywhere alone
Zandai: What are you our mom now? What are you gonna do if we don't listen? Ground us? Put us on punishment? Take away our TV time?
Kasumi throws an apple at Zandai.
Zandai: Ow!
Abuza grabs Kasumi to stop her from beating up Zandai.
Kasumi: You no mannered spiky headed rodent! I'll show you what I'm gonna do alright! Ahh!
Abuza walks Kasumi out of the room. Later everyone goes to bed. Abuza sits in the bed laying awake thinking about the bandits and the city. That night bandits sneak into the city and start taking out law enforcers to gain control of the city. The next morning Tetsuya is woken up by an emergency alert coming from the radio.
News Reporter: Attention citizens of the Shinki Grove region, the mysterious bandits have turned their attention to the authorities around the city. Without them the city will go into complete chaos and destruction of our established laws and rights are doomed as well. Civilians are warned to stay in doors for their own safety. The risk of anyone getting hurt is too great
Ankara walks into the room.
Ankara: Oh no
Ankara rushes to Kasumi's house. Ankara knocks on the door and Zandai answers.
Zandai: Ankara what are you doing here so early? Kasumi hasn't even made breakfast yet
Ankara: Zandai let me talk to her this is an emergency
Ankara walks into Kasumi's room.
Kasumi: Ankara?
Ankara tells Kasumi about what the news reporter said.
Kasumi: They're taking over the city now?! This is bad if the law enforcements couldn't stop there's no hope for the city or the people living here!
Later everyone gets dressed.
Abuza: We have to do something
Kasumi: Abuza I told you to leave. I don't want you getting hurt because of us
Abuza: I'm not going to abandon my friends
Kasumi makes a shocked face because Abuza call them his friends, she was happy on the inside but didn't show it. The doors suddenly starts to bang.
Zandai: Talk about overdramatic there's no need to knock that hard
Zandai walks toward the door.
Kasumi: Zandai get away from the door! That knock doesn't sound too friendly
Zandai opens the door and sees Maraza standing angrily with her arms folded.
Zandai: What were you trying to do? Break the door down?
Maraza walks into the house.
Maraza: Ankara what are you doing here? You heard the emergency alert as clearly as mom and I did. Why would you leave the house anyway? Anything could have happened?
Ankara: We live on the highest platform of the city how dangerous could a 7 minute walk be?
Gretanzu: Now that's something I'd expect to hear from Zandai
A rope dashes in the house because Zandai left the door open. It grabs Zandai's foot and pulls him out of the house.
Ankara: Idiot! Why would you leave the door open like that?!
Gretanzu grabs his sword and cuts the rope. Bandits then climb onto the front yard.
Kasumi: More bandits!
Abuza shoots a power blast and Kasumi knocks them off with a force field attack. The bandits then throw knockout gas into the house causing everyone to fall unconscious. The bandits then take all of them captive. Abuza wakes up with his hands cuffed to the ceiling and feet cuffed with no floor beneath him.
Bandit Guard 1: Looks like the monster kid is finally awake
Abuza: Where am I?
Bandit Guard 2: You're in special restrains and that's all you need to know
Abuza: My friends... What did you do with them?!
The bandits laugh.
Abuza: Answer me!
Abuza shouts and screams but the bandits continue to laugh.
Bandit Guard 2: Soon you won't have to even worry about them. They won't be of this world anymore
Abuza gets angry and tries to break his way out of his restrains.
Bandit Guard 1: Look at him struggle. There's no use kid you're just wasting your time. You'll never break out of those chains
Kasumi and the others are being pushed into a room while their hands are chained.
Kasumi: Why are you doing this?! What do you want with us?!
Bandit 3: Be silent!
The leader Abuza fought before walks into the room.
Leader: So these are the brats that destroyed the northern hideout
Zandai: Brats?! The one with the ponytail was the one who destroyed it not us!
Gretanzu: Zandai!
Zandai: What? It's the truth
Bandit 3: I said silence!
Leader: Don't worry. You kids will see your fate very soon
Abuza sits chained up in the room thinking about the others wondering if they had been killed or not.
Abuza: Excuse me bandits or whatever your names are, my chains are loose
Bandit 1: What do you want us to do about it?
Abuza: Oh nothing, I mean I'm guessing these I'm chained up so I won't escape and I can almost pull one of my wrists out
The bandit walks over to Abuza.
Bandit 1: You could have just broke out but you chose to be smart and stay captive. I respect that kid
The bandit grabs the chain key.
Abuza: You're right, I am smart!
As soon as the bandit unlocks Abuza's left cuff Abuza grabs the key and punches the bandit in the face and quickly unlocks his remaining restrains. The second bandit attacks but Abuza knocks him out with a punch to the stomach.
Abuza runs into the hallway in search for the others. He fights his way through bandit after bandit. The bandits holding the others captive hear the commotion.
Bandit 3: You hear that?
Leader: Go check it out and see if they had any trouble transporting that ponytail kid!
The bandit leaves the room and walks into the hallway and sees parts of the building look like a tornado came through.
Bandit 3: What on earth?!
Abuza dashes out and punches the bandit in the face sending him crashing through the wall.
Gretanzu: Some explosion?
Zandai: There's only one person I know that can send someone flying like that
Abuza walks into the room.
Gretanzu/Zandai/Kasumi/Ankara/ Maraza: Abuza!
Abuza: Your goons are finished. You can't hide behind the shadows anymore. It's just you and me now
Leader: Hehe. A kid talking all big and bad let's see if you can back it up
The leader attacks Abuza. Abuza dodges the leader's attacks and throws a punch but the leader blocks it, Abuza jumps back.
Abuza: He's a lot stronger than the others
The leader dashes at Abuza.
Leader: I'll end you kid!
Abuza jumps over the leader and shoots a power blast at his face.
Leader: Ahh! Why you little!
The leader covers up his face in pain giving Abuza the opportunity to punch him in the abdomen sending his flying through the wall.
Abuza unlocks the others cuffs. Kasumi hugs Abuza and he blushes.
Kasumi: I'm so glad you're okay! I thought they'd kill you! How did you escape?
Abuza: It's a long story
Gretanzu: Uh I don't we have time for that. Look!
The leader is standing on top of a building with power surging around him.
Abuza: This guys mine
Kasumi: Abuza you can't handle him by yourself
Abuza: I need to lure him away from the city so none of the civilians get hurt
Gretanzu: Zandai and I can help
Kasumi: Alright I'll get Ankara and Maraza to safety
Abuza jumps onto a top of a building and runs away while being pursued by the leader. Zandai and Gretanzu follow them without the leader noticing.
Leader: You're running like a little coward! What happened to all that tough talk?
Abuza lures the leader into a grassland away from the city.
Leader: Finally ready to fight huh?
Abuza dashes at leader and throws a barrage of fists. All of them are blocked and don't even come close to doing any damage. The leader swings his arm at Abuza making him fall to the ground. Zandai and Gretanzu show up and attack the leader together but are thrown back with elbows to the chest. The clouds turn dark grey and it starts to rain.
Leader: I would play with you three brats for a little while longer but I'm not fond of stormy weather so I'll just kill you and get it over with
Abuza stands up and puts his right arm in the air. His hand starts to glow light blue.
Leader: Whatever it is that you're planning it isn't gonna work!
The leader dashes at Abuza. Abuza's creates a powerful light blue ball of power and turns it into a fist. Abuza and the leader clash.
Abuza uses his attack on the leader sending him midway into the air before being vaporized.
Abuza: *Pant*
Zandai and Gretanzu look at Abuza with shocked looks on their faces.
Gretanzu: Wow
Zandai: That was beyond epic
A few days later Kasumi packs up her bags and gets ready to go back home with her parents. Kasumi has to lock up the house so Abuza, Zandai and Gretanzu have to leave. Kasumi's parents rush to the front of the house.
Kasumi's Mother: Oh sweetheart are you alright?! When your father and I heard about these bandits we hurried to get you out of here as quickly as possible
Kasumi: Mom I'm fine and don't worry the bandits are all gone
Kasumi's Father: Gone? How?
Kasumi: My friends took care of it
Kasumi's Father: There's no way Gretanzu let alone Zandai out of all people could have rid this place of these thugs
Zandai: It's good to see you too Mr. Oshima
Kasumi: No it was him
Kasumi points at Abuza.
Kasumi's Mother: But he looks so innocent, I don't think he could hurt a fly
Kasumi: Looks can be deceiving
Kasumi's Mother: Well are you ready?
Kasumi: I guess so. Goodbye everyone it was fun spending time with you guys. And it was amazing meeting you Abuza
Abuza is saddened when he sees Kasumi walks away.
Kasumi and her parents get to the bottom of the city.
Kasumi: Mom wait!
Kasumi's Mother: What is it sweetie?
Kasumi: I been thinking and I want to stay here in Shinki Grove
Kasumi's Mother/Father: What?!
Kasumi: Mom I'm 15 and I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself and these guys that helped take out the bandits I want to give them a home
Kasumi's Father: Woah woah! There's no way I'm letting my only daughter living in a house with three teenage boys I forbid it!
Kasumi: Dad it'll be fine. Remember Ankara & Maraza are only a couple minutes away so I won't get lonely when I need some girl time. I don't know what it is but something is telling me this is where I belong. This is where I should start my new path
After a long conversation Kasumi's parents finally agree to letting Kasumi stay in the city.
Abuza sits on the waterfall cliff with his backpack on.
Gretanzu: So where are you going now?
Abuza: To be honest I have no idea. Back to the woods for now I guess
Abuza sees a shadow over him.
Abuza: What is it now Zandai?
Abuza turns around and sees Kasumi with all her bags and belongings.
Abuza: Kasumi!
Abuza hugs her but backs off and blushes.
Zandai: What are you still doing here?
Aren't you supposed to be going back over seas?
Kasumi: Nope. My parents agreed to let me stay here permanently
Abuza: No way! So this means?
Kasumi: Yup. This is your home now as well as mines
Zandai: Alright! No more sleeping with the bugs and junkies!
Everyone walks into the house.
Kasumi: Yeah and for now on no one should smell like they just walked out of the garbage disposal. Shower daily! Perfect hygiene is a must!
Gretanzu: I don't know about perfect
Kasumi: Hey my house my rules!
Zandai: I thought it was our house?
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