Fear of the Unknown
The next morning everyone wakes up. Zandai looks in the refrigerator.
Zandai: The refrigerator is completely empty!
Kasumi: That's because we're renting this place you have to bring your own food
Abuza hears the others in the kitchen and gets out of bed.
Taaru: Looks like we have to go into town to get some food
Gretanzu: Hey what happened to you last night? I woke up and you were gone
Abuza walks into the kitchen.
Zandai: Ask him
Gretanzu: What does Abuza have to do with it?
Zandai: Oh nothing he just shot at me with a power blast while I was going to the bathroom because he thought the boogeyman was here last night going on and on about "Oooo this place haunted! "AH! AH! I gotta get out of here before the monsters eat me!"
Abuza: First off I don't sound like that and second a monster can't haunt a house only ghost can
Kasumi: Ok Abuza let's hear your side of the story without the monsters and the boogeyman
Zandai makes an irritated face.
Abuza: Did anyone else have any weird dreams last night?
Everyone says no.
Kasumi: Why what happened?
Abuza: I had this dream it almost felt real but there was so thing just walking around here and there was a man moaning downstairs and Zandai also heard it
Zandai: I told you somebody probably got sick!
Abuza: I can see the fear in your eyes!
Zandai: Fear?! The only I'm afraid of is this ponytailed monster standing in front of me with the strength to tear down this whole entire building if he wanted to!
Abuza and Zandai make angry faces at each other with lightning in the middle.
Taaru: Alright knock it off you two. Look I don't know what's going on between you two or whatever happened last night but—
Abuza: I just said what happened last night weren't you listening?!
Zandai: Since when did Abuza start snapping at people?
Gretanzu: Now that's something I expected Zandai to say
Taaru: Ok look both of your stories aren't the same and I don't know which one is true so let's just forget about this and go into town get something to eat alright
Abuza: Taaru what reason do I have to lie?
Kasumi: I'm on Abuza's side
Taaru: I don't want to hear about this anymore now let's go into town
Abuza and Zandai have their arms folded with an angry look on their faces. They go into town and go to a shop that sells sweet dumplings on a stick.
Gretanzu: Wow Kasumi these dumplings really are sweet no wonder you like them so much
Kasumi: Abuza are you okay? You haven't laid a finger on your dumplings
Abuza: I'm not all that hungry
Taaru: Come on kid you gotta eat something. Look I know this place is getting you down but you have to keep your strength up. There isn't any food back at our room
Zandai: Look like he's still scared the boogeyman's gonna get em' tonight
Abuza gets uncontrollably angry.
Everyone looks at Abuza in shock after his angry outburst. Zandai gets angry and throws his glass plate at Abuza but he moves his head out of the way. Abuza shoots a power blast at Zandai. He jumps out of his seat and jumps onto a rooftop and throws chains from the ground at Abuza. He jumps on the other side of rooftop and shoots power blast at Zandai. He throws blade blasts at Abuza and one of them cuts his arm making it bleed. They make their way to an big empty lot with nothing but dirt.
Zandai: You're lucky I don't my sword right now cause other wise I would have finished you already
Abuza: Face it Zandai you're million years from being on the same level as me
Zandai: There you go again acting all high and mighty and it's starting to really tick me off!
Zandai throws chain from the ground at Abuza but he jumps out of the way.
Abuza: This is a good time to test out a trick I've been working on
Abuza spins his arms and moves side to side to charge up his technique.
Zandai: New trick? What is this a dance competition? You gonna show me how to move like a moron monkey?
Abuza charges up his new move and shoots a light blue stream of power at Zandai make him fall to the ground. Zandai gets up and tries to dodge Abuza's attacks by running.
Abuza: What's the matter Zandai? I thought you weren't afraid of anything
Zandai continues to run.
Abuza: Go ahead keep running looks who's scared now! You haven't even begun to see what else I can do!
Zandai takes cover behind a boulder and thinks to himself.
Zandai (Thinking): No I can't lose to Abuza I just can't! Looks like I'm gonna have to bring out the big guns
Zandai engulfs himself in a fire like aura that seems to be like a shield.
Abuza's eyes widen in shock.
Abuza: So this is what you've been hiding all this time
Zandai: It's not complete but.. It'll be enough shut you up once and for all and everyone will know you lost to me!
Abuza shoots the blue power stream at Zandai but his aura is shielding him from it.
Zandai: Isn't working so well this time huh?And don't even think about going all human bulldozer and try to slash your way through because it'll be an automatic knockout
Zandai walks closer to Abuza.
Zandai: What's the matter Abuza? Not looking so cocky anymore?
Zandai uses his enhanced strength chains technique to squeeze Abuza.
Abuza: Ag..Agh! *Pant*
Zandai smiles from the thought of beating Abuza in battle. Abuza glows gold and breaks out of the chains. Abuza dashes at Zandai and punches the aura shield making it crack and throws Zandai into a rock. Zandai gets up and charges at Abuza and he charges at Zandai nearly to clashing right into each other. Kasumi uses her power to prevent the clash from happening. Abuza and Zandai stop using their powers causing them both to be out of breath.
Taaru: What are you two doing?! You guys are friends! Why on earth would you want to hurt each other?! And Zandai that power you just used is forbidden and you know that! And same for you Abuza that gold aura is for enemies only!
Zandai: It was worth it
Taaru: No it wasn't
Zandai passes out and Taaru catches him. They immediately head back to the Inn. Ankara heals Zandai and Maraza heals Abuza.
Kasumi: How is he?
Ankara: He had some internal injuries but now he should be fine with a little rest
Maraza walks into the room.
Kasumi: How was Abuza?
Maraza: He had a few minor injuries but he's fine
Taaru goes to talk to Abuza.
Taaru: You know that fight was uncaused for
Abuza: Uncaused for?! He threw a plate at me and it was made of hard glass! I swear if that plate hit I would have knocked him a thousand miles away!
Taaru: Yeah but you would in the wrong for shooting that blast at him
Abuza: So what I was supposed to just sit there calmly after what he did that?!
Taaru: I would have handled him
Abuza: How? What were you gonna do? Were you gonna throw a plate at him too?
Taaru: Well no--
Abuza: What scold him? Like you've been doing since you met him. All you're doing is just wasting your breath he's gonna keep doing the same idiotic things he always does because that's just who he is. Talk him down til his ears fall off he's not going to change. He came at me so I handled it and if he comes at me again I can't promise I'll be so light this time
Taaru: And you got your friend hurt
Abuza: He's the one that used the forbidden power not me he got himself hurt. Look I'm tired of talking. Can you just go away now?
Taaru: I can see your still angry I'll give you time to cool off
Taaru leaves the room. Later that night everyone is asleep expect for Abuza. He stays awake fearing to go to sleep after what happened the night before. He tries to stay awake but he can feel his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. He eventually drifts off to sleep. He dreams of being inside of a temple led up by flames on the walls. He walks into a room where he sees a man dressed like a monk sitting on a mat on his knees staring into a flame. Abuza speaks to the man.
Abuza: Hello?
Abuza puts his hand on the mans shoulder then the man turns around but he doesn't have any pupils but his eyes are glowing pure red. Abuza gasps and falls through the floor into a bottomless black pit. Abuza wakes up frightened by what he had just seen in his dream. He gets out of bed and goes in the kitchen for a glass of water. The power goes out again and Abuza hears a scream outside. He looks out the window and sees a family with children running from a group of people with bright red glowing eyes. This was the first time more than one was person went insane at one time. Abuza wakes up Taaru and the others except Zandai. They go outside and Abuza shoots power blasts at the infected people to get their attention. The group makes inhuman soundst like animals. They charge at Abuza, Gretanzu, Kasumi and Taaru.
Taaru: Remember we can't hurt them. They're still people attacking against their own free will
Abuza: Then what are we supposed to do then?!
Kasumi uses her power to surround a light purple barrier around them. Ankara and Maraza come outside and use their medical powers to jab the infected people in their pressure points knocking them out.
Abuza: What's with everyone and these new powers?
Ankara uses her power to read into the infected people's psyche to see what is causing the insanity. She sees a creepy shadow beast with red eyes and she gasps.
Abuza: What did you see?
The infected people instantly recover from Ankara and Maraza's attacks and dash through the rooftops in high speed.
Abuza: I'm going after them
Ankara: Abuza that's too dangerous!
Abuza: I'm the only one that can keep up with them and if we let them get away we'll never get down to the bottom of this
Abuza glows gold and dashes after them.
Ankara: No!
Abuza follows them into an ancient temple. The feeling of being around that area sends shivers down his spine. He dashes back to the Inn Room to tell the others what happened.
Ankara: An old temple but why there?
Kasumi: You think they're doing so kind of ritual or something?
Abuza: It's weird but when I was near it I felt something alive but it felt dark. It's hard to explain
Zandai: Maybe it was telling you how invisible you are to everyone
Zandai walks into the room.
Abuza: Oh it's you. Why don't you go knock yourself out again I was really enjoying that peace and quiet
Zandai: You think I didn't notice everyone leaving to go fight those things without me? I saw the whole entire thing from the window
Abuza: Really? Then why did just stand there and watch knowing you could have came to help us? Or maybe you were just too scare
Zandai: Look ponytail I had enough of you saying I'm scared how about a round 2 and I'll show just how scared I am and this time I won't hold back!
Taaru: That's enough! Look it's too late to for this back and forth now I suggest we all go to bed and check out that temple tomorrow
The next day Abuza shows everyone the way to the temple.
Kasumi: This is where they came. But why?
Abuza: We might find something if we go in and check it out
Everyone goes inside and searches through the first floor.
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