False Hope
The airship is flying in the sky.
Zandai: So we're just going back home now?
Kasumi: Yeah Ankara wants to go to the Healing Palace to make sure Maraza and her mother aren't injured
Gretanzu: They look fine to me
Kasumi: You two don't know anything about science do you?
Abuza: Hey Taaru
Taaru: What up
Abuza: Don't Maraza and Tetsuya seem a little strange to you?
Taaru: What do you mean?
Abuza: Usually Tetsuya would be asking Ankara how did she get to them or if she was okay, like motherly things you know
Taaru: Maybe their tired from being held captive for so long who knows maybe they didn't get any sleep or something
They get closer to home but the airships engine stops working all of a sudden. They land in a grassland.
Ankara: What's going on with the engine? It's never done this before
Tetsuya sits with a blank stare.
Ankara: Mom you have any idea of what's happening?
Tetsuya: No (said coldly)
Zandai goes to the pilot room.
Zandai: Why did we land here?
Ankara: I don't know the airship won't turn on
Zandai: Maraza you know more about this ship than any of us what do you think we should do?
Maraza: I should go outside and check it out
Tetsuya: I'll come with you but all of you stay in the ship
Ankara: But mom won't you need me I can help too
Tetsuya: NO! All of you stay in the ship!
They both leave and go outside.
Zandai: Geez I never heard her yell like that before. What was that all about?
Ankara: I wish I knew
Ankara starts to tear up.
Maraza and Tetsuya go outside and burn the sides of the door on their way out so it won't open. The others hear a loud metal scraping sound.
Taaru: What was that are they okay out there?
Kasumi tries to open the door.
Kasumi: *groan* The doors jammed it won't open!
Ankara comes out of the pilot room.
Ankara: What on earth is going out there?!
Abuza touches the door.
Abuza: There's dark energy on surrounding this whole ship!
Everyone gasps simultaneously.
Kasumi: But how?! I would have sensed it
Maraza and Tetsuya are standing in front of the airship with their hands in the air toward the ship. They have a dark energy around them and their eyes are yellow with no pupils.
Kasumi: Aggh! My energy feels like it's being drained away
Gretanzu: Me too
Abuza: We have to get out of here now!
Abuza punches the door and it dens. He then glows gold and breaks it down with a power fist.
Ankara: Maraza! Mom! What are you doing?!
Kasumi: They're not the real ones
Taaru/Abuza/Gretanzu/Zandai: Huh?
Kasumi: It's those dark creatures posing as them. These two are fakes!
Ankara: No! No! No! No!
That's makes the real ones are still out there how are we going to find them now!
The dark clones attack them.
Taaru: They're coming!
They move like shadows dodging attack thrown at them. Gretanzu cuts one of them in half with his sword but it regenerates.
Zandai: How are we supposed to kill these things?
Kasumi uses her light power and shoots a big ball of light at them and they fade.
Ankara curls up in a ball.
Abuza: Ankara are you alright?
Ankara: What if they're dead? What if I lose them?! They're the only family I have left! I can't lose them! I just can't!
Taaru: Guys whatever those things did to the engine it's fried. We won't be going anywhere in this thing ever again
Zandai: Please don't tell me we're stuck here
Taaru: We have to move on foot
Gretanzu: Where are we going to go exactly?
Kasumi: There's a town we can rest at near by but it'll take a while to get there
They all walk a couple of miles.
Zandai: Ahh! Are we almost there yet my feet are killing me!
Kasumi: It's just a little further away
The sun starts to set.
They make their way into a village where they go into an Inn.
Kasumi: Hi do you have a room for six
Inn Keeper: Why yes, 300ryos
Zandai: 300ryos that's highway robbery!
Kasumi: What's your cheapest room?
They all go into the room. It's a small room with one bed.
Zandai: This...is so uncomfortable
Kasumi: Well it was all we could afford was either this or sleeping in the dirt
Zandai: Yeah especially since Miss Cheapskate over has money on her this entire time and didn't tell anyone
Ankara: I found this money in the glove compartment
Meanwhile the real Maraza and Tetsuya are in a stone cave chained in material preventing them using their powers.
Maraza: What do you want with us?!
Satoshi: You'll find that out soon enough
Kagura: Satoshi!
Satoshi: What is it?
Kagura: The plan failed! Those doubles we sent to kill those runts were eliminated! It seems that purple haired girl has an ability to defeat them
Maraza: Kasumi
Tetsuya: You underestimated them. They're a lot stronger than you know
Satoshi: Interesting I guess sending creatures after them is useless. Looks like it's time we go to them in person and we'll save that kid with the ponytail for last
Maraza looks at them in horror.
Abuza and the others wake up the next morning.
Kasumi: Ow. My back
Zandai: I think slept on a rock
Ankara: When are we going to get moving?
Zandai: When are we going to get some food? I'm starving
Ankara walks out and slams the door.
Zandai: What's up with her?
Kasumi: I'll go talk to her
Kasumi leaves the room and goes to Ankara
Kasumi: Ankara
Ankara stands with her arms folded
Ankara: My family was kidnapped by a group of terrorists and no one seems to care!
Kasumi: Ankara we all care but we don't even know where their keeping them and if we did we're no where near powerful enough to beat them
Ankara becomes even more angry and walks away.
Kasumi: Ankara wait!
Ankara doesn't respond and keeps walking.
Meanwhile Zandai and the others are talking.
Zandai: How are we going to get some food we don't have any money?
Gretanzu: We could try sneaking in and stealing some
Taaru: Or we could get money my way
They all head into the village and to where some guys were gambling.
Taaru: Where I used to live these kind of guys used to be all over the place and I learned some of their tricks
Taaru tells Abuza, Zandai and Gretanzu how to gamble then he walks over to the guy and gambles and wins.
Abuza: That was incredible you really gave that guy a run for his money "literally"
Gretanzu: How much did you get?
Taaru: It's so much I couldn't even count it
They all go out and buy food.
Abuza: I love these sweet rice dumplings
Zandai: Ooo let me try one!
Gretanzu: This village really has some good food
Taaru: Did you guys get Kasumi and Ankara anything
Zandai: Ummmm
Abuza: I got the sweet Higashi pastries for Ankara and some sweet sticky dumpling sticks for Kasumi
Taaru: Okay, good
They all head back to the inn and eat their food.
Abuza: Kasumi and Ankara still aren't here their food is getting cold
Taaru: We should probably start looking for them it isn't safe for them to be out in this village when they don't know their way around here
Zandai: We did enough walking on our way to this place!
Taaru: Come on! I'll drag you out of here if I have to
Zandai: *sigh*
Meanwhile Kasumi follows Ankara to a grass hill toward the way they came into the city.
Ankara sits on the grass hill. Kasumi comes and sits with her.
Kasumi: Ankara we're going to find Maraza and your mother. I know what you're going through must be hard but all of us are here to help
Ankara looks at Kasumi.
Ankara: LOOK OUT!
Miyori's chain grabs Kasumi and she screams. She fights back but is electrocuted by Kagura, she then passes out. Ankara tries to help but she is hit over the head by Kagura and is knocked unconscious. She is later woken by Taaru.
Taaru: Hey get up there's no time to be sleeping
Ankara wakes up.
Ankara: They.....They....They....They took her......
Zandai: Took who? What are you talking about?
Ankara passes out again.
Taaru: I think we need to get her medical attention now!
Taaru carries Ankara to a nearby hospital in the village.
Nurse: She's suffering from a blow to the head
Abuza: Will she be okay?
Nurse: We won't know in till morning
The nurse leaves the room.
Zandai: Till morning but what if she has a concussion she could die and how did she get hit in the hit
Abuza: Another I'm really concerned is where is Kasumi?
Abuza, Taaru, Zandai and Gretanzu all stay in the hospital overnight with Ankara.
Kasumi is being lead into the stone cave in electric chains that prevent her from using her powers. She is put into the same room as Maraza and Tetsuya. Meanwhile the next morning Ankara wakes up with a headache. She then heals herself till she's back to normal.
She gets out of the bed to see Taaru, Abuza, Gretanzu and Zandai all asleep. She wakes them up violently.
Ankara: GET UP! GET UP!
Zandai: Ah. Is it breakfast already?
Taaru: What is it?
Ankara: Those terrorists came and kidnapped Kasumi!
Abuza: What?!
Ankara: I tried to hold them back but they knocked me out but they left a trail! We can still track them down before it disappears if we leave now!
They all get up and follow Ankara to where the battle took place and follow the trail.
Zandai: How do we know this leads to Kasumi?
Ankara: You don't recognize the way the foot prints are shaped?
Zandai: No. I don't have time to stare at people's feet
Gretanzu laughs.
They make their way closer but by then the trail fades.
Zandai: How are we going to get there now? The trails gone
Abuza: I don't think we need the trail anymore I sense dark energy coming from east of here
Now everyone follows Abuza.
They come across the a cave.
Zandai: How do you know this is the place?
Abuza: It's the same feeling I felt from them and those dark creatures. This is the place no and if's or buts about it
They see the entrance is sealed.
Ankara: How are we going to get in the door is sealed
Abuza: No! It's a dark formula seal if Kasumi was here she could break it
Taaru: I got an idea. Abuza you could glow gold and use your power on the seal to fool it into thinking it's light power
Ankara: That could work
Abuza: I'll give it a shot
Abuza uses his gold aura and touches the seal with his hand bright gold. It takes a moment but it worked. They make their way into the cave.
Gretanzu: This place is huge
Zandai: It smells like an old basement
Abuza: There are two hallways which one is the right one?
Gretanzu: Well. We could split up
Ankara makes a face a Gretanzu.
Gretanzu: What? If all of us go down the same hall it would be a waste of time if we're heading the wrong way
Ankara: I get your point
They split into groups Zandai, Taaru and Ankara went into one hall and Abuza and Gretanzu went into the other one.
Zandai: This is too much walking
Ankara: If you don't get it together I'm gonna knock some sense into that spiky head of yours
Ankara and Zandai start to argue while Taaru stares in shock in the other direction. A moment after that Ankara and Zandai stare the same way. They see skeletons hanging from the ceiling.
Zandai: These people are animals
Ankara: Eh. Let's just keep moving this place is giving me the creeps
Meanwhile Abuza and Gretanzu are walking their path.
Gretanzu: You think the others found them yet?
Abuza: I don't know
Gretanzu walks into a spider web.
Gretanzu: Ahh! *Spit* *Spit* Eww! That in my mouth!
The tunnel starts to get small as they go in deeper.
Abuza: This tunnel is starting to make me feel claustrophobic
They finally reach a door. They open the door and enter the room. The room is big and it's filled with dust and old spell books. Abuza looks at one of the books.
Abuza: Wow look at this, these techniques are ancient my clan fought against some these powers
Gretanzu looks around and see an area that looks like it was used recently.
Gretanzu: Abuza come check this out!
Abuza looks at the area and sees a desk with a book open, he then reads the page and is shocked and terrified.
Abuza: No way
Gretanzu: What is it?!
Abuza: They're planning on stealing all of our inherited power that's the reason why they kidnapped Maraza, Tetsuya and Kasumi!
Gretanzu looks in horror. Abuza reads more on the book.
Abuza: It says here the victim dies immediately after extraction! That guy! The leader he's following in my fathers footsteps he trying to accomplish what my father failed to do
Gretanzu: Now you're starting to give me chills
Abuza: I hope we're not too late, we shouldn't have split up we have to get regroup with the others now there's strength in numbers. If those guys find out we're in here there's no telling what will happen
The door they enter through seals it self. Gretanzu tries to open it.
Gretanzu: This doorknob is stuck or something it won't move
Abuza touches the door.
Abuza: This is the same sealing formula that was on the entrance but this one is a lot more solid
Gretanzu: What does that mean?
Abuza: We have no choice but to keep moving ahead
Meanwhile Zandai, Taaru and Ankara go in further into their path. They hear sounds.
Zandai: That sound is really making me feel uneasy
Taaru: Just ignore it and keep walking
Zandai turns around and sees glowing yellow eyes in the dark.
Zandai: Taaru! There's something behind us
Taaru and Ankara turn around but see nothing.
Zandai: There was something there I'm not making it up
Ankara: Maybe you're just so scare your eyes are playing tricks on you
They keep walking till they reach a big room. Taaru shines a light in the room and sees it full of dark creatures. They spot them and charge at them.
Taaru: Run!
They all run in till they make it to another room where the door closes behind them.
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