Danger Within Shinki Grove
Meanwhile Bandits with powers are on their way to the city to rob and terrorize the citizens. Abuza and the others talk with Ankara and Maraza. Their mother listens to the radio reporter.
Reporter: Bandits rampage the city of Shinki Grove. Authorities stepped in but were no match for the troublemakers. Danger now threatens the people and residents around. Citizens stay inside and lock all doors. I repeat citizens stay inside and lock all doors
Tetsuya: Oh this is awful!
The others also hear the radio.
Ankara: They could make their way here any minute
Abuza: I have to do something
Abuza leaves the house.
Gretanzu: Abuza where are you going?
Abuza heads back into the city. One of the bandits rob and bully a wealthy citizen.
Citizen: Take it! It's all I have please don't hurt me!
Abuza: Leave him alone!
Bandit 1: What are you gonna do if I don't?
Abuza: Lay another finger on him and you'll find out
Abuza cracks his knuckles.
Bandit 2: Hahaha! This kids got some guts forget this weakling. Let's teach this kid here a lesson
Bandit 3: Lets see what you got kid!
The bandits attack Abuza. A bandit throws a punch at Abuza's face but he dodges it and counters by punching one of the bandits in the stomach throwing him into some wooden barrels. He flips the second bandit by his arm and throws him to the ground. He hits the third bandit in the face with a power blast. The last two he knocks both of them in mid air to the wall.
Bandit: How can a kid be this strong?!
Bandit: Retreat!
The bandits run away. Abuza helps the citizen up and picks up his wallet.
Citizen: Thank you so much young man
Abuza: It was my pleasure
Abuza hears more bandits in the city and he heads to where they are. When Abuza gets there he see a really buff guy with a dark red aura surrounding him. The other bandits Abuza fought moments previously regrouped with him.
Bandit 3: That's him! The kid with the superhuman strength!
Buff Bandit: And you let this kid give you a run for your money you fools. Stay back I'll handle this and show you weak fools how a pro gets the job done!
Bandit 3: No! Boss this kid stronger is than he looks! I'm telling you we'd have a much better chance if we retreat!
Buff Bandit: Come here boy! I'll show you what happened when you mess with us!
Abuza puts up his fists in front of his in fighting stance. The buff bandit charges at him with his fist glowing with a dark red aura. Him and Abuza exchange blows with none of them landing. Abuza knocks him back with a power blast. After that all the bandits ambush Abuza at once. At that moment Zandai, Gretanzu, Kasumi, Ankara and Maraza show up and help Abuza fight them off. They then retreat screaming.
Zandai: Yeah you better run!
Ankara: You've got some courage taking on all of those guys by yourself. Not to mention that big one
Gretanzu: You still think he's bluffing now?
Zandai: I'm gonna need more proof than this
Kasumi: He went up against a man 10 times his size. What more proof could you want?
They all head back to Ankara and Maraza's house.
Abuza, Zandai and Gretanzu are downstairs while Kasumi, Ankara and Maraza are upstairs talking.
Maraza: He really is a true Inochi. That strength he has is incredible. There's no doubt whatsoever
Ankara: I wonder if there are anymore of them out there like him. But I also wonder where's his family or does he even have any family
Kasumi: I don't think we should ask him that it's probably too personal. He might share his past on his own but if not we shouldn't force him
The next day Abuza, Zandai and Gretanzu are on top of a hill covered in dirt with snowboards.
Abuza: What are we doing up here?
Zandai: You see it's kinda like snowboarding but dirt instead of snow just keep your balance and don't fall or don't break any bones
Abuza: That's a lot easier said than done
Zandai gives Abuza a board and pushes him down the hill.
Abuza: Are you sure this is safe?!
Zandai and Gretanzu glide down the hill behind him. Abuza glides down with a scared look on his face.
Zandai: Lighten up this is fun!
They make their way down to the bottom and Abuza falls and tumbles down the hill. Kasumi comes to the hill.
Kasumi: What are you two doing?! Abuza is new here why are you making him slide down a muddy hill like a pig!
Kasumi helps Abuza up.
Kasumi: Are you alright?
Abuza blushes.
Abuza: Y-Yeah.. I'm...I'm fine thanks
Zandai: Oooh looks like someone's in love
Gretanzu elbows Zandai in a way to tell him to stop talking.
Zandai: Why are you here anyway?
Kasumi: I'm so sorry for interrupting your little mud session but Ankara and Maraza need us
Zandai: Agh. That tone of yours, aren't you supposed to be leaving in a few days?
Kasumi: Yes I am why does that concern you?
Abuza: You're not staying?
Kasumi: No my parents and I are just visiting here in til we move in permanently to the new estate my dad just bought which is really far from here
Abuza makes a disappointed face. They head to the sisters house. When they get there Ankara and Maraza come up with a plan to get rid of the bandits once and for all.
Zandai: Ok you've got to be joking. I thought you two were the smart ones. That dumb idea sounds like something Kasumi would come up with!
Kasumi throws a frying pan at Zandai then Gretanzu laughs.
Ankara: Look I know this whole thing might sound a little crazy but we all know that this city would be a lot better without those leeches sucking the life out of it
Everyone takes a moment to think.
Abuza: I'm in
Kasumi: You are?
Abuza: I've only been here for a couple of days but I've seen how messed up this city is. I've seen civilians walk with their heads turned down and faces creamed with with fear. They don't deserve to go through this any longer!
They wait till night falls. They watch the bandits from a distance come in and out of an old warehouse they're using for their hideout.
Ankara: Alright all of us going in as group increases the chances of us getting caught. Three of us have stay here and be the lookout
Maraza: Zandai should be a lookout
Kasumi: Yeah I agree
Zandai: Why do I have to be a lookout? Do I look like a nerd holding binoculars to you?
Gretanzu: Dude no offense but being stealth isn't exactly in your vocabulary
Zandai makes an angry face.
Ankara: Look you're the lookout just get over it!
Maraza: Ok the stealth group I think should be Abuza, Kasumi and Gretanzu
Abuza: Are you sure you want me? Sneaking around really isn't something I would say I'm good at
Kasumi: We need you for this Abuza
Abuza: But....
Kasumi: Don't worry just follow my lead and you'll be fine
Gretanzu: Yeah and besides if we get into any danger in there you can pound the stuffing out of these guys with that bozo gorilla strength of yours
Zandai laughs in the background.
Abuza is a little embarrassed. Kasumi sees that and grabs Abuza's wrist.
Kasumi: Come on Abuza let's get away from these trash can eaters
Gretanzu and Zandai make a upset face.
Ankara and Maraza laugh.
Abuza, Kasumi and Gretanzu sneak inside the warehouse to overload the power generators to cause it to explode. They see bandits and they hide behind crates to avoid detection.
Gretanzu: How are we supposed to find the generator with all these scumbags everywhere?
Abuza shoots a power blast at a pipe making it burst with steam. The loud sound causes all the bandits to go to that area to see what's going on.
Kasumi: Go now!
They run into a hallway and follow the wires attached to the wall and make their way to the generator room. Kasumi uses her power to short circuit the generator. The generator starts to break down and sparks fly.
Gretanzu: That things gonna blow we gotta get out of here now!
They run for the exit but are stopped by a bandit with really buff muscles.
Muscular Bandit: Where do you three crumbs think you're going?
The muscular bandit sees the generator trashed and ready to explode.
Muscular Guy: You rodents are going to pay for this!
Kasumi shoots a purple blast at the bandit's chin giving Abuza the opportunity to punch him in the stomach and throw him out of the way. Before they can even reach the exit all of the bandits in the warehouse hear the entire commotion. A bandit is standing on top of a crane mechanism. He turns it on and swings wrecking balls at Abuza, Gretanzu and Kasumi.
Ankara and Maraza hear the fight going on from outside while Zandai is asleep.
Ankara: They must have gotten into trouble! We have to go and give them back up now!
Ankara sees Zandai is asleep. She hits him over the head.
Zandai: Owww! Does my head look like drum to you?!
Maraza: No it actually looks like a giant pinecone to me
Ankara: You're sleeping at a time like this?! The others need our help! Get up now you idiot!
Meanwhile Abuza, Gretanzu and Kasumi continue to dodge the wrecking balls. When a wrecking ball comes at Abuza he jumps on it and climbs the chain. He climbs his way to the top and uses his power to break the chain. Abuza jumps down and grabs the disconnected chain.
Abuza: Get down!
Abuza tells Gretanzu and Kasumi to take cover. He then swings the wrecking ball by it's chain and demolishes the crane mechanism and destroys the entire warehouse.
Abuza: *Pant*
Gretanzu and Kasumi look at Abuza in shock after witnessing his superhuman strength for the first time. Ankara, Maraza and Zandai walk in.
Zandai: This place looks like it was stumped on by a giant cyclops
Ankara: How did this happen?
Gretanzu points at Abuza.
Gretanzu: Well?
Zandai: I believe
Later everyone goes back to Ankara and Maraza's house. Ankara and Maraza study Abuza and ask him about his clan. They have Abuza put his hand on a energy reading scroll. Zandai walks into the room with a medium sized rock.
Zandai: Crumble this rock with your bear hand
Abuza: Why?
Zandai: I always wanted to see someone do it
Abuza crumbles the rocks with one hand and turns it into dust.
Zandai: Wicked!
Maraza: Hey I just vacuumed!
Ankara: These analysts are unbelievable
Maraza: So what were some of your clans heritages?
Abuza: To be honest I really don't know. I don't know much about my clan at all to even begin with
Zandai: Huh? You don't know anything about your own clan? You traveled all the way down here. Where are your parents anyway?
Kasumi throw a potted plant at Zandai for being so rude.
Kasumi: It's about time you learned some manners! That was so rude! He doesn't have to talk about his past if he doesn't want to!
Maraza: Hey! Hey!
Kasumi: Oh sorry Maraza
Maraza: Looks like I have to vacuum again and buy a new vase
Abuza leaves the house and heads back toward Kasumi's parents house. He notices a cliff with a beautiful waterfall at the bottom of it. Abuza immediately takes a liking to the area as it gave him peace at mind. Kasumi later walks outside to look for him.
Kasumi: Abuza! Abuza where are you?
Kasumi finds Abuza at the waterfall cliff.
Kasumi: There you are
Abuza sits without speaking.
Kasumi: Are you okay? Did what Zandai say offend you?
Abuza: No it's just... I don't know where I'm going to go after I leave here. Out of all cities I traveled to this was the only one met anyone that accepted me
Kasumi: You don't have to go back to being on your own again you could stay with Ankara and Maraza. I'm sure they wouldn't mind
Abuza: No I don't want to be a burden on them
Kasumi: Abuza you won't--
Abuza: Look it's over I can't stay here. After you leave and locked your house I'm leaving this city as well. There won't be any point of me staying here any longer
Abuza walks away. Kasumi watches Abuza walk away with a sad look on her face.
The next day one of bandits who survived the destruction of the warehouse breaks out of the broken stones and walls. He escapes and leaves to go get back up. Meanwhile that morning Kasumi makes breakfast for everyone.
Zandai: Wow Kasumi, even though you can meaner than a coyote with rabies you can make a pretty good meal
Gretanzu: Yeah I can't even remember the last time I had breakfast as good as this
Abuza sees at the table quietly.
Kasumi: Abuza are you alright? You're extra quiet this morning
Abuza: I'm fine
Later on everyone just sits around doing nothing.
Kasumi: Ok you know I'm only going to be here for a couple more days. Why do we go out and have some fun?
Zandai: Wanna go steal some stuff in the city? The security is so bogus they'll never notice
Kasumi: No you urban junkie! I mean like going on a walk through the beach or something
Zandai: I bet Abuza would love to go on a walk through beach with Kasumi
Abuza is about to take a sip of his orange juice but puts the glass down and blushes in embarrassment.
Kasumi: Oh knock it off! Leave Abuza alone, you can't even cut a new comer some slack shame on you!
Later they get Ankara and Maraza and go off to the beach. Ankara and Maraza sit on towels under an umbrella. Abuza sits on a towel and watches the water waves. Gretanzu and Zandai dare each other to pick up some wet sand and throw it at Ankara. Zandai ends up losing the dare and throws the wet sand ball at Ankara.
Ankara: Ah! Eww! It's so gooey and warm! Who threw this!
Zandai and Gretanzu laugh. Zandai tries to blame it on Gretanzu but Ankara just takes one look at him and can tell it was him. Ankara throws Zandai's head in the sand. Kasumi walks toward Abuza.
Kasumi: Are you having fun?
Abuza: It's ok I guess. It's better than sitting in the house
Kasumi: Come on its time to go explore the city
They all go through the city, they even get ice cream and snacks on the way. They stay out in till the sun sets. When the sun is about to go down Ankara and Maraza head home. Abuza, Kasumi, Gretanzu and Zandai head home as well.
Kasumi: That was fun day wasn't it
Gretanzu: That was the most joy I had in years. I'm actually dreading having to go back to sleeping in that outside tent
Zandai: Oh lighten up it can get pretty cozy in there sometimes
Gretanzu: Do you know how many times a bug almost crawled in my mouth when I was asleep and do even get me started on how we have to go to the bathroom
Kasumi makes a disgusted face.
Kasumi: Ahh! I don't wanna know! Too much information! Stop talking about this! It's making my skin crawl
Abuza sits on the couch listening to their conversation. At the same time he feels sad that Kasumi is leaving and that this warm happy moment isn't go to last long. Later that night Abuza is having trouble falling asleep. All he can think about is what's going to happen after Kasumi leaves and where is he going to go afterwards. He even feared he would be left alone forever and eventually die from starvation. He even thought he would lose his sanity and go on a rampage. The next morning Abuza wakes up before everyone else and goes outside to sit on the waterfall cliff. Abuza remembers how Kasumi shoot blast and the bandits and wanted to learn how to do it like her. Abuza practices his power blast on the waterfall cliff. Abuza eventually tires himself out and falls to the ground. Meanwhile the bandits are plotting an attack on the city and an attack on Abuza and the others.
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