A New Beginning
Two and a half weeks after the battle with Abuza's father he and his friends visit the popular city Tonzuku. It's a classy decorated city with flashing lights, games and gambling plazas. Abuza and his friends see a movie there but the girls chose the movie so all the guys end up hating it. But when they were there Abuza noticed that things were different. The others included him more and gave him more attention and listened to him more. He was happy even though he didn't like the movie he still enjoyed that night. After the movie was over Abuza, Taaru, Gretanzu and Zandai laughed and made fun of the movies love scenes and they laughed at Zandai's impressions of it as they walked from the theater entrance. They all go to a restaurant and order.
Kasumi: I'll have the bowl of Ramen noodles with the Sweet Dango Rice Dumplings
Taaru: Abuza what are you getting?
Abuza looks at the menu.
Abuza: I'm getting the Beef Ramen noodles with a small side of rice
Ankara: I'm getting a plate of Higashi. I heard they taste sweet like mini cakes and I always wanted to try them
Gretanzu: The Tonkatsu pork plate
Zandai: Hey! I was going to order that!
Kasumi: Does it matter who ordered it first? If you want then get it!
Zandai: *sigh* Fine.
Taaru: Maraza what are you getting?
Maraza: The skewered chicken.
The waiter takes their orders and turns it in to the cook.
Gretanzu: So this is a pretty nice town
Ankara: Tell me about it. It's was all Abuza's idea
Abuza: I used to come here a lot when I was younger I just wanted you guys to experience it
Maraza: So how long are we staying here?
Taaru: I already paid for the hotel we'll be here for a couple days.
Kasumi: What's the hotel like?
Zandai: It's amazing with comfy beds, flat screen TV's and nice decorations
Ankara: And not to mention how expensive it was. If it wasn't for my mom Taaru wouldn't have been able to afford it
The food comes and they enjoy it then leave and go to the hotel. The girls got one side and the boys got the other. Each of them had their own bed to sleep in. Later they all head to bed. Abuza wakes up at 7:00 AM just before sunrise and goes to the bathroom and throws water on his face. He senses a sinister presence coming from outside. He goes out to the balcony to take a look. At first he sees nothing but then he sees a black figure standing on a building not too far from where he is standing. It has no pupils just glowing yellow eyes and it's not shaped like a person. The creature spots Abuza and changes shape and attacks him. It grabs Abuza by the leg and tosses him around and throws him into a building. Abuza cannot keep up with the creature's high speed and uses his Gold Aura and throws long range power blast attacks at the creature but it easily dodged them. It increases speed throws Abuza into another building. Abuza glides down it then the creature closes in for a frontal attack. Abuza attempted to punch it with all his strength but his fist goes through the creature like water. It quickly changes it's shape again and attacks him from behind. Abuza quickly recovers and jumps from three buildings and tries to attack it with a power fist but it quickly changed position and attacked him and threw him onto someone else's hotel balcony. Abuza is on the ground and just when the creature is about to attack again the sun rises and it fades away. An old man comes out of his hotel room and onto the balcony.
Old Man: I seen all that commotion going from my living room young man. Why are you fighting with that little critter? Those little buddies are nothing but harmless
Abuza: Harmless?! That thing just attacked me out of nowhere! It was self defense
Old Man: Well you must have done something startle or borrowed it. Those little critters are used for entertainment purposes for circuses and parties. No roughhousing under any circumstances
The others hear the noise and start looking for Abuza. He returns to the hotel and tells the others what happened.
Kasumi: Abuza where have you been? We've been looking all over for you
Abuza: I got attacked by some creature
Zandai: Creature? What creature?
Abuza: I don't know what it was I just know it launched at me the moment it saw me
Gretanzu: Maybe it was someone's pet
Taaru: Or maybe it was something else
Gretanzu and the guys just assumed that the attack was just random and the others didn't think of it and went to explore the town the. Kasumi and the girls tour the mall and take pictures. The guys were to the arcade. They were there most of the day then at sunset they went to the town festival. They were there for a while and the old man that Abuza saw was there. The lights start to flicker but the workers of the Festival just blow it off as technical difficulties, but there was something dark about that night something evil. Suddenly the same black figure Abuza fought with showed up in the shadows but this time there 10 of them instead of 1. Their yellow glowing eyes sent the people into a frenzy, the old man tried to calm everyone down when one of them attack him and threw him to the ground. Abuza and the other attack the creatures.
Old Man: No! Don't you can't kill these things their too powerful
Maraza uses her poison knives attack but they go right through the creatures. All of their attacks have no effect and the creatures overwhelm them.
Kasumi: NO!
A giant ball of light suddenly forms in the sky that repels the creatures making them retreat.
Ankara: How did you do that?
Kasumi: That wasn't me....at least I don't think it was me
Abuza helps the old man up.
Abuza: Are you alright?
Old Man: I'll be fine. You weren't kidding about those things. What happened to them? They used to be so fluffy and innocent. They been since I was a youngster like all of you.
Taaru: Uh guys we need to get out of here like now!
An army of dark creatures show up. Everyone in the area retreats.
The next day after the encounter with the dark creatures Abuza and the others are in the hotel talking about what happened.
Zandai: Okay so what if we just leave the city?
Everyone looks at Zandai.
Zandai: What? This place is obviously haunted or something. The quicker we get away from here the better. Problem solved
Ankara: We can't just leave here with those things running around. They'll torment the people living here. Like it or not we need to get down to the bottom of this
Zandai gets angry and folds his arms.
Gretanzu: I wonder where those things are coming from
Abuza: I noticed that they only appear at night. Like when I was attacked it faded away the moment the sun came out
Ankara: Wait that explains why Kasumi's power kept them back. Light must be their weakness
Gretanzu: That's good to know but what we need to know is where they're coming from
Ankara makes an angry face from being interrupted.
Taaru: Didn't that old man say something about them be harmless or well...used to be harmless?
Abuza: He said the same thing to after I fought one of them. He said they were used in like circus events
Kasumi: I say we investigate
Zandai: Of course we of all people would have to get caught up in this
Kasumi: We'll go out at nightfall then Ankara, Maraza and I will use Sensory simultaneously to get a reading on the energy nearby to see what's causing those things to attack and where they're coming from
Zandai: But won't that be too dangerous those things are unbeatable none of our attacks work on them
Kasumi: Well if we don't something then someone's going to end up hurt or even killed
Ankara: I'm in on the plan
Maraza: So am I
Zandai: What?!
Abuza: I'm in too
Gretanzu: Me too
Taaru: You can count me in as well
Zandai: Doesn't look I have much of a choice. This mission is suicide
They all wait till night time and hide on a rooftop covered up in an area where the dark creatures can't spot them.
Kasumi: Alright here's the plan me, Maraza and Ankara get into a circle and--
Zandai: Do you sensing thing, got it
Gretanzu: But what do we do if those things spot us?
Kasumi gives Gretanzu a bell she bought from one of the gift shops.
Kasumi: Here take this
Gretanzu: A bell?
Kasumi: If you see any of those things coming your way ring this bell as a sign then I'll use my power to repel them. All of you should be fine as long as you stay close to us
Ankara, Maraza and Kasumi gather together and use sensory to read into the creatures power source.
Kasumi: The city isn't haunted. The people had nothing to do with why these creatures turning dark
Abuza: What does this mean?
Kasumi: They're being controlled by someone or something
Zandai: No way!
Abuza/Gretanzu/Taaru: SHHH!!!!
Gretanzu: Not so loud
Maraza: I found where the source is coming from.
Maraza looks at the guys.
Maraza: If you boys aren't too chicken heading there now. You're more than welcome to tag along
The others follow Maraza to the source she sensed but when they get there they are surprised at what they see. The power source leads them to an old amusement park that broke down years prior to that.
Ankara: This is the place?
Maraza: Well it's where I sensed the energy was coming from
Zandai: I don't see anything
Abuza suddenly sees a vision and feels the presence of others in the area.
Abuza: There's a whole group of them
Taaru: A group? A group of who?
Abuza: I don't know but they're the ones behind this and judging by this feeling they know we're onto them
Zandai: Alright then let's find them go knock some heads
Maraza: We can't just rush in recklessly. We don't know how strong these guys are or what abilities they possess. We need to be smart and proceed with caution by any means necessary
Unknown Female: Haha!
Kasumi: Huh?
The lights in the amusement park start to flicker and electric wires start to fly in the air.
Zandai looks up and sees a group of people standing on top of a nearby rooftop.
Zandai: There they are!
Zandai grabs his sword and charges right at them.
Dark creature emerge from the shadows and jump onto Zandai. At the moment the group standing on the rooftop retreat. Kasumi shoots power spheres at the creatures to get them off of Zandai. The creatures then start to multiple.
Taaru: You can't use that light ray thing?
Kasumi: There's too many of them! We need to get out of here! Go now!
After successfully retreating from the area they head back to the hotel room.
Zandai: They were right there. Right there! And we let them get away
Abuza: We didn't let them get away those things ambushed us. But now that we know that they're the ones behind this we need to find out their identities
Gretanzu: Not to mention their abilities too. What if there's only one of them that has the power to manipulate those things
Maraza: For all we know they could have merged their powers together and all of them could be controlling them
Taaru: Then we need to find some way to take them all down
Ankara: Agreed but we need to think of a plan
Kasumi: We could ask around town how long those creatures have been attacking
Zandai: What good will that do?
Kasumi: It'll give us more intel besides we could even find out who these people are if we ask the right person
Abuza: I guess that could work
The next day they ask around town and start investigating. It turns out that the creatures attacks started about a week ago and they only appear at night. Since the attacks have started over 10 people have been injured but none of them killed. After gathering some useful intel they go on another investigation at nightfall. They split up into groups Abuza and Kasumi went into the broken down amusement park that the group of unknown people were spotted in. Ankara and Maraza went to the places the creatures show up the most according to eyewitnesses. Gretanzu, Zandai, and Taaru went to where the last attack acquired. Abuza and Kasumi search the abandoned amusement park for clues.
Abuza: I wonder why they picked this place as their hideout
Kasumi: Ugh! This place gives me the creeps
Abuza and Kasumi suddenly hear an evil female laugh. A laugh that they heard before. They turn around only to be shot at with an electric shock blast. Meanwhile Ankara and Maraza are attacksd by a guy who can control the elements. Gretanzu, Zandai, and Taaru are attacked by a guy who has a specialty with blades.
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