A Blast From the Past
Abuza is sitting at the waterfall cliff daydreaming about his past.
Kaori: Abuza....Abuza? Do I need to call a doctor?
Abuza: Huh?
Zandai: He was just caught in a daydream he'll be fine
Kaori: We're going for a walk come with us
Abuza: Where's Gretanzu?
Zandai: He went to get his sword polished and sharpened
Kaori: And he didn't make an appointment so he'll probably be there waiting all day
Abuza: Hm
Kaori: Well get up times ticking
Abuza, Kaori and Zandai take a walk through the city.
Kaori: I never been to this part of the city before
Zandai: We rarely come down here
Kaori: Why?
A pair of teens are seen throwing firecrackers at people.
Teen Boy 1: Haha. This what happens when you think you run our street
One of the firecrackers nearly hits Kaori in the foot.
Kaori: Aye! Throw another one of them firecrackers and I'll fire crack all over y'all faces
Abuza: They brought out the west side
The teens make fun of Kaori's accent.
Kaori: Okay since you think you're bad stuff come on down off of them rooftops and so I can show you what's really funny
Abuza: Kaori don't try and fight them they all have dads that take that kind of stuff very seriously
Kaori: I don't care I'll fight them too!
The teens leave.
Kaori: Yeah run home to your daddies before you go home with some broken limbs
Abuza: Okay that seemed to scare them away
Zandai: I wonder if that'll work on Kasumi
Kaori: You'll be out of luck in that department buddy
They continue walking. Zandai points to the used to be abandoned warehouse that belonged to the bandits that tried to take over the city before Abuza.
Kaori: What about that place?
Zandai: Brings back one heck of a memory huh? It was Abuza's first big villain takedown. Then that's when we all moved in together
Abuza: Doesn't even feel like it was that long ago
Zandai: 2 years and 2 months to be exact
Kaori: You been fighting like that since you were 15?
Abuza: Well technically since I was 7 but--
Kaori: When I was 15 I got by with money from fighting rings
Zandai: You really had a dark childhood
Abuza and Kaori look at Zandai simultaneously.
Zandai: Oh! Right sorry I forgot!
Abuza: Hmph...
Zandai: Soo.... After we moved in to Kasumi's house, Abuza had a crush on her
Abuza (In His Mind): He just had to bring that up
Zandai: She of course didn't feel the same way so Abuza threw the romantic side of him away tragically
Abuza: Okay! Okay! Get on with it!
Zandai: There were demons popping out everywhere. They were summoned and created by this creepy lady named Xian. But unfortunately for her Abuza and Kasumi teamed up and vaporized her into dust
Kaori: Isn't it kinda awkward for you two to team up together after she rejected him
Zandai: Oh Kasumi never even knew he liked her in the first place. Till this day she still doesn't know
Kaori: You're telling me all this time she never knew?!!
Abuza: *Sigh*
Abuza puts his hand on his face.
Zandai: Point is if it wasn't for Abuza coming to this city it probably wouldn't be a city anymore
They run into Gretanzu.
Gretanzu: What are you guys doing here?
Zandai: On a reminiscing journey but we're about to go home now
Gretanzu: You might wanna hurry. Kasumi making Barbecue Chicken Beef and Chips
Kaori: Okay that just made me hungry
They start walking home.
Kaori: Don't think this is over. This is a to be continued
Zandai reminiscing on the past gives Abuza nostalgia. He remembers when they met Taaru and the emotional turmoil he was in at that period of time.
Kaori: Abuza. Abuza. Abuza!
Abuza stops reminiscing.
Kaori: Get up its time for dinner
Kaori goes into the kitchen.
Abuza: What is he my father?
Abuza sees a flash of the fight with his father. Abuza stops and pauses before going into the kitchen to get some of the food Kasumi cooked.
Kaori: What's the matter with you? You barely eaten all day, you should be happy to have your first real meal for the day
Abuza sits at the table with Kaori, Zandai and Gretanzu. As he starts to pick up his fork everyone stares at him. Abuza looks up and sees everyone at the table staring.
Abuza: Why are you guys staring at me like that?
Kaori: We're just trying to make sure you're not going to become one of the living dead from not eating so much
Abuza: I'm fine! I'm perfectly fine! There's nothing to worry about. Now I can I eat without six eyes watching my every move?
They stop staring at eat their food. Abuza thinks of Taaru.
Abuza (In His Mind): I wonder where he is right now
Later Abuza goes into his room. He lies awake for a while then he hears footsteps and sees Kaori standing in the doorway.
Kaori: Story time
Abuza: You still wanna finish that?
Kaori: Yes. That was getting good
Abuza: *Sigh* What do you wanna know?
Kaori: Where Zandai left off
Abuza: Don't bring it up! I'll skip over that and get to the main part
Kaori: Man you always wanna skip over the good stuff
Abuza: What?
Kaori: Nothing
Abuza: Okay, where were we?
Kaori: Some lady named Chin
Abuza: No Xian. Anyway after Xian was defeated she left a lot of injured and wounded that need medical attention. That place that we helped clean
Kaori: Yeah
Abuza: Tetsuya got reports from a city where people were badly wounded to the point where no one knew how much time they had left so Tetsuya sent all of us as escorts for Ankara and Maraza. When we got there it was a woman pregnant and was about to go into labor at any minute
Zandai: Don't forget how moody you were when we got there
Kaori: Moody? Isn't that normal? I mean it's Abuza
Zandai: It was much moody than usual. I mean he wouldn't talk to anyone not even Kasumi
Abuza: It was something personal! So personal that you'll never relate to or even come close to understanding! Story times over!
Kaori: What? But--
Abuza: Night!
Kaori and Zandai leave Abuza's room.
Kaori: See what you did? Now I'll never know what happened next
Abuza turns over an tries to go to sleep but no matter what he did nothing was working. He couldn't even keep his eyes closed. The next day Kasumi goes over to Ankara and Maraza's house. Ankara and Maraza need to gather flower herbs and plant extracts to make medication to send to clinics in the region but the ingredients are in a city called Reiku, it is in the same region as Shinki Grove but a far walking distance.
Kasumi: We're all coming with you
Ankara: I already know we're gonna hear it from Zandai
Maraza: Can we get him a muzzle?
Ankara: I got something even better than a muzzle
Ankara grabs a pad used to patch up leaks or cracks in the wall and coats it with sticky gel.
Kasumi goes home to pack and let's the others know then they leave at sunset. The path to Reiku is through the woods, when it gets dark they set up camp and light a fire.
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