Chapter 3 Month 1 Sonic's View
September 21st Monday
It's been a week since me and Keanna first met, and we've become great friends. She just so happens to be in all of my classes, and we always hang out together now, we're barely seen apart. She's eight, but she skipped to my grade because she was so smart. Shes up to my neck in height. Her hair is chocolatey brown and her eyes are hazelnut brown. She wears a dress that's purple with white polka dots and a matching headband. She has a purple ribbon around her waist with a fake purple flower on it. She Never wears shoes. She likes to feel her surroundings, not the bottom of a shoe, is what she told me when I asked why she never wore shoes. I like that about her. Shes so different and unique. We hung out together yesterday, and I can't wait to hang out again today. I honestly doubt shes eight, if I'm being honest with myself. Shes Way taller than any eight year olds, but she wouldn't lie to me. What if she was older but she didn't know? I was currently waiting for Keanna by the doors of school. I saw her coming. "Hi Keanna!" I said, but she just walked on past me, ignoring me. "Keanna! Wait up!" I exclaimed, rushing to where I last saw her, but she was gone. I'd see her at homeroom, so than I could ask her what ignoring me was about. Or maybe she just didn't hear me. When I got to homeroom, Keanna was already there. Our desks were next to each other. We still had a couple minutes until our homeroom teacher came, so we could talk amongst ourselves. "Psst. Keanna." I whispered. She didn't seem to hear me. "Keanna. It's me Sonic. Did you see me when you came in?" No answer. "Psst. Keanna. Answer me please. What'd I do wrong?" She didn't answer me. "Psst." I whispered. Still no answer. "PSST!!" I whispered loudly, her ignoring me was getting on my nerves. Everybody looked at me besides Keanna. I smiled at them nervously, and started to write a note for Keanna. Than I gave it to her. "Dear Keanna, why are you ignoring me?" The note said. She made the paper into a ball and put it in her bookbag. Something was wrong with her. This is not good.
* * * * * * * *
It was the end of the day, and I tried Everything to make her talk to me, but nothing was working. "Keanna. Can I just t-" I started, grabbing her arm before she left school.
"Leave me alone!" She shouted, getting her arm away from me. And that's when I saw the bruises. Tons of them on her arm. I watched her as she left.
Something's not right... I thought. And I was gonna figure out what that Something was.
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