Sacrifice and Stolen
Having Robert as partner could be the besting ever. At least she’s done the experiment with teamwork and faster than usual. “Thank you, for today, Robert. ” says Rachel as she tidy up her things.
“It is our duty to help each other instead of relying to one person only…” said Robert as he watched the other team that still struggling to finished their report.
As they walk out of the laboratory, someone’s phone is ringing. Rachel look at Robert as he take out his phone and answer it.
“Speaking. ”
“No, i didn’t steal anything. ”
“F… Fine! I was just borrowing! ”
“ Don’t threaten me with your words to my father! ”
“I’ll swear I’ll kill you after THIS. ”
Robert hurried turn off the call, feeling upset.
Rachel kept quiet as she doesn’t want to interrupt Robert’s mysterious family talk. “I’ll just go back to my room. ” said Rachel as she make gesture to Robert.
“See you again.” Robert held his hand while his eyes still on the phone. “okay.” Rachel make her way to her room.
It was 8.35pm.
Rachel just has her dinner in her room, pizza delivery. She open up her book and doing her homework on literarure which is due in next week. ‘Better finish it though. ’ she said as she’s studying the literature between Aladdin and Cinderella.
As the clock almost went to midnight, She heard something shuffling outside her door. The sound getting louder as she tried to ignored. To the point it become more irritant, she bolted from her desk and went to the door. “ Could you please stop! I’m trying to do my h-” as Rachel open up her door, she become horrified.
At her door step there was a carcass. An animal that was so badly rip off, left unrecognizable. Quickly she shut the door and lock it with bolts. Still terrified with her newly founding, she climb up to her bed and cover herself with her blanket.
“Shit–!!! ” she was angry, scared, terrified, shocked, and feeling sick. She left her lights on. She sit quietly on her bed trying to calm her down. The sound of shuffling are heard again at the door. Rachel quickly grab her bag, take out a small black box and hold dearly for it. A weird howling and scratching heard in the end. And it become dead silent.
Rachel sit still afraid that whatever things will come again. She closed her eyes, forcing herself to sleep. And she’s hoping that this is not just another nightmare.
Bleep! Bleep! Bleep!
It was the alarm that wake her up and found herself has lied on the bed. She sit up and rub her eyes trying to remember what happen last night. She shaking her head as she remembered the multilated carcass outside her door, hoping it was just an imagination.
Then, a loud knocking at her door makes her jolted. “Rachel Roth! Are you still there?! Are you okay?!! ” a woman voice heard from outside. She was puzzled, slowly she walked to open the door. At the entrance, Ms Daisy was breathing heavily and pale looking.
“Ms Daisy, what happen? ” Rachel felt a littled panic as she saw Ms Daisy face. “Thank god you’re okay!! ” Ms Daisy hug her. 'What happen actually?’ she felt sick in her stomach. As she saw her front door, an ugly writing with red liquid spread across her door and some part of it has been, scratching by claw or something. The words she could make out is….
She was in disbelief, what the hell is happening last night? She felt nauseated and start to vomit. This, who did this, this horror? Her head spunned like hell and the last thing she heard is Ms Daisy tried to call her. “Rachel!”
“Ms. Roth wouldn’t be in class today. ” Said Professor Ediberg as Robert asked about her. “ Where is she right now?” Robert tried to dig up. “She’s in Emergency Bay in Bougainvillea Faculty. You could visit her after the class, young man. ” said Professor as he sorting notes for his History class. Robert began to suspecting things.
'This is too soon’ his heart began to pounder as he walk to his seat. As his eyes observes, the blonde girl Natalie, The Jocks group, Edward, Phillip, Locke and Naise stared at him. As well as the the gossiper, Susan and Bianca, their eyes followed him as he reached his seat.
'I’m sensing something wrong. ’ Robert thought and begin to open his history book as the class started. After two hours of class, Robert goes out to the hallway making his way to bougainvillea faculty but somebody stop him. Those two Jocks, Edward and Locke. “What have we here? A kid..trying to visit his girlfriend?” Edward smiled slyly as he taunt Robert. “Grow your ass up kid. Skipping grade doesn’t means you’re older. ” said Locke as he pushed Robert shoulder.
"Seriously, at this time…? “ Robert grint his teeth while his hand grabbing something inside his pocket. 'You’re A Spears. A Spears! Don’t Blown it for goodness sake!’ his thought trying to control his temper. Robert’s tense started to loosen. "You should be lucky. Or else I might KILL you. ” Robert taunt them back.
The Jocks laughed at him. “What you’re gonna do, Skip me?” Locke said between his chuckled. “ Having this conversation is pointless and a waste of time. Try find someone your own size to brawl. ” says Robert as he walk away. “Hey! ” Edward grab his shoulder. Robert stared at Edward’s hand on his shoulder then glared at Edward. “Keep your ass away from Rachel if you don’t want to DIE. ” Edward warns him and both of them walk away from Robert. Robert scoffed off and dust off his shoulder. ’ Well, try me.’ as he’s on his way to the nursing facility.
Rachel awaken and found herself in white bed with IV line punctured in her right arm. “What was happening? ” as Rachel sit up. “They say you’re fainted. ” said Robert as he sit besides her reading 'Collection of Grimm’s fairytale’. 'He’s doing his homework? ’ Rachel thought as she look at his title book.
"Fainted? Uh… Maybe because of my messy sleep cycle. “ said Rachel as massage her nose bridge trying to settled her tired mind. "Well, get enough rest then.” robert close his book. “And Rachel..” Robert pull out a paper from the book. “Call me if you need anything.” he give the paper with his phone number. As Rachel take the paper she accidentally touched Robert’s finger.
"You are my heir! How dare you discard your heritage?! “ a vision surged into Rachel’s mind. An oldman with Eastern or perhaps middle east garment holding scimitar toward her or perhaps towards Robert through his point of view. Hesitant, angry and dissappointment filled in like she was him, she’s being him. Quickly, she let go. Robert were shocked of her sudden action.
"What… What was that?” Rachel murmured as she try to forget the negative energy that has been inside of her. “Are you okay Rachel?” as he seen her shaking. “I’m okay. ” as Rachel closed her eyes. “So much things happening today. ” she sighed. Robert rise from the chair. “Well, i’ll have to go now. See you again. ”
Rachel noded. “Thank you for visiting me. ” she smiled. Robert turn away hiding the red pigment acrossed his cheek and ears. “Be careful. ” another simple advice from Robert. Then he walked away. Rachel take a deep breath and open up her bag in the drawer. She take out her phone and entering Robert’s number.
Perhaps…. This mean something. She thought about. But… Wait. Why does he giving his number to me? Rachel was absent minded. Then suddenly she’s been structed by a certain idea, is he try to flirt me?
At outside, Robert called someone.
" It’s me. I need your help. “
” Shut up. This is serious. “
"Something’s bad gonna happen. ”
" Tomorrow. A. S. A. P.“
"it’s serious. If you won’t come here you won’t get it back.”
"Thank you. “
"Call me when you reach here. ”
Robert turn off his call to a person named Constantine on his phone. “This gotta be it. ” he took out something from his pocket. A Twin blade.
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