Robert's Facade and Doomsday is coming
Rachel is petrified by the scenery. “No…. ” she whispered.
Robert heard and turned toward her. “What’s wrong, Rachel? ” he asked as he seen her pale face.
“Robert, remember that I told you that i hate my dad and I run away? ” she remind him about their last talk at the Forest cafe before.
“The thing is… My father is not even human. ” her tears start rolling down.
Robert surprised by the her statement but manage to keep his cool.
“What do you mean not human? An alien some sort? ” he kept asking.
“ Worse. A devil. ” Rachel showing her glowing Crimson eyes. She remember it. She remember everything. Her name, her destiny, her home that has been destroyed, her dying mother. It wasn’t a nightmare. It was. REAL.
A sudden burst to the door and john hurried to both of them. “We have a situation back there uh…. ” as John seen Rachel with glowing crimson eyes he stopped for a while.
“Come on! We need to move. Where’s the others? ” said Robert as he take his bag then he look at Rachel. “Come with me. We need to get you to safety. ” as he held his hand to her.
Rachel stare at him with confusion and solemn. “You…suppose to kill me, Robert. I am the devil. I am the nuclear bomb. ” she said with teary eyes.
“…and that doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to live, Rachel. I’ve been there too. But my father, he accept me because he sees something in me that are more than meets the eye. ” Robert expressed his feeling about his father which he’s grateful about it.
“I… ” she was speechless. She could heard her emotion, telling her to grab the boy’s hand. ’ Follow your heart, Raven! ’ says Happiness. She made her mind and grab Robert’s hand. “let’s go! ”
“Where are the others, John?” Robert huffed as they running through the forest. Not so dense but it has too many steep.
“I’ve already evacuate them to the city.”John replied.
“Um, why are you not addressing Mr. John as Mr. John?” she asked Robert. “ Doesn’t it sounds like rude or something? ” She added more.
As they reach a park where the tree are less dense, they take five after they manage to get away from the school for at least 2 km away.
“I’m gonna be in trouble if i’m telling this, Rachel.” said Robert.
“ What, Why? ” as she heard his enigmatic statement.
“ Actually we are not student and teacher as you see. ” John explained.
“Oh.” she was taken aback and her mind try to processing their words. “So, you guys like police or something? ” she still confused.
“Detective. ” Robert answered instantly.
“More like a ‘not a job but i wanna contribute to the community by being a personal detective to help innocent people kinda’ detective. ” as John air quote with his hands.
“Like Masked of Zorro? ” she guessing it. “Ahah, yep! ” John clapped and pointed at her as she understand what he’s trying to explain it.
“And you are using me? ” Rachel’s eyes begun to glow intensely.
“No. We were protecting you from those psycho group.” said Robert as he tried to calm her down.
“That sacrifice written on the door was your doing? ” Rachel growling as she’s holding her fury.
“ Rachel, as a detective it is inappropriate for me to endanger innocent people. ” Robert explained.
They heard the clapping sound from a far. “ Oh my, they falling to our trap!!! ” Bianca shouted as she and Susan walk towards them.
“To think you have escaped from the ritual ground but actually you were wrong.” Natalie came with her dark rob while bought a knife stained with blood.
Robert wonder whose blood was that. John then, look at the ground. “Shit!!”
Came the jock with their evil laugh as they wear the same hoodie as well. “It seems this is our lucky day to save 3 sacrifice lamb that went to our traps.” Phillip spoken as he prepare for the ritual.
Edward seeing Robert, “ I already warn you. Now it’s time for you to end your life!” Edward shouted as he raised the candle along with the others.
Rachel felt the surged of energy starting to rush in her head. “Arrrrggghhhh!!!!” she kneel down while holding her head trying to bear the pain she felt. However, the energy suddenly cut off and Rachel gasped as the pain is gone.
“Wait, what happen?” Phillip panicked as their so called ritual failed.
“ This wasn’t suppose to happen!!” Natalie shrieked.
Robert chuckled as he observed their failure. Then, they notice that a part of the sigma they drew where erased.
“It seems you have taken our presence’s very very lightly.” he mocks them, while John bought Rachel to her feet.
Edward’s blood begun to boiled.
Before Locke could hold him down, Edward dashed forward and give an uppercut towards Robert right in his face.
“Robert!!” Rachel screamed as Robert hit the ground with his glasses flew far away from him.
“ And it seems luck wasn’t on your side.” said Phillip as he smashes Robert’s glasses with his feet.
“Yep?” John answered casually.
“Hold this.” Robert passed the twin blade by sliding towards John’s feet. “I’m just about to have fun.” Robert smile as he cocked his head, revealing his ocean emerald eyes. Quickly he back to his feet by back flip.
” Wh-what??” Rachel seen Robert revealing himself, doing things that wasn’t Robert-ish at all. Robert comb back his hair with his finger,popping his finger and his neck.
“I think I’ve seen you before.” Naise trying to remember something.
“ Then I hope you’ll remember the pain that I’m about to give.” Robert smirked.
“ You little shi-” before Edward finish his sentence, Robert already jab Edward’s jaw as fast as lightning sending Edward flew backwards and hit the big oak tree nearby.
The Jocks were petrified as they seen their member hit by abnormal strength especially from a skip grader.
“ Who the hell are you?” Naise begun to stuttered as Robert walk towards them.
“Your worst nightmare.” Robert fix his murderous stare towards them.
Phillip was enrage, grabbing his ritual knife. “Attack them!!!!!” The member went hysteric and dashed toward Robert.
“Come , Rachel! We need to get out of here!” said John as he dragged Rachel from the blood bath.
“But...but, Robert…?!!” Rachel unable to continue her words as she seen Robert swiftly avoid the attack and deliver deadly blow toward his opponent with his bare hands.
“You don’t have to worry about him , Rachel, He’s been trained as an assassin since he’s a baby!” John shouted as he run.
“Assass what??!” Rachel trying to keep up her pace.
As they reached the school courtyard, Rachel saw an old lady standing in the middle of the field. “ Ms. Daisy!!? What are you doing here??!” then Rachel realise the sigma below which Ms. Daisy were standing.
“Ms. Daisy! Get Ou-” John shouted and cut off by Ms. Daisy deep and husky voice. “ Raven, your father wants to meet you.” she smiled.
Then the portal appear.
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