“ You can’t outrun from your destiny. ”
“You have my blood. Accept it for who you are. ”
Rachel startled from her peaceful slumber as she heard the inhuman voice in her head. Her palm and forehead are sweaty, her breathe become rapidly as well as her pulse rises. ‘Raven’ is a name she wish to forget. A name that gives her trauma and one of the reason that turn her home into ruins. 'I am a monster… ’ she thought as her tears start to rolled down. ’ Mom, i.. I’m really… “ she start to crying.
”…sorry….. “
'Azarath.’ a voice fill her head. Rachel began to stop crying. "Azarath? ” she recalled a name. The name of her home.
Quickly she grab her little notebook and looking at AMZ initial word. “This. Could it be? ” she write the mysterious acronymn by side and and wrote Azarth on A. “I got A solved. But how about M and Z? ” she puzzled as she tap her pen on the page.
Rachel sighed, Maybe that was her mother’s voice comfort her. “Mom, if only you’re still here. Please give me a sign or something to solve this. ” Rachel pray in her heart as she closed her eyes. She… Still didn’t get any clue on solving the mystery puzzle. She put her notebook away as she saw the the clock on the wall struck at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Adjusting the pillow that has been supplied by the ward she land her head and pulled the blanket up. She thought of waffles, Harry Potter scene from the movie she watched last week to keep her forgetting about the ill memories she had and to dozed her to sleep. Suddenly, Robert came to mind. 'oh, shit of all the time. ’ she sat up back again.
Unintentionally, she grab her phone. 'Eh, what am i doing? ’ she thought absent minded. 'I should be sleeping! ’ she screaming internally as she keep reminded her to rest. She put her phone at the side table then lay down and close her eyes. Forcing to sleep.
“Sooner or later, tomorrow is the day. ” said Edward as their group gather at the campsite of the forest. Natalie nodded as she lean on the tree near by.
“After all these times, we finally found her. ” Naise smiles. “Hey, if it wasn’t me, we’ll stuck here for years you know! ” said Natalie as she exclaimed herself. “ Unlike our info gatherer…” Natalie sneered at Bianca and Susan.
“ Hey, it’s hard being intel, you bitch! ” Bianca snapped at Natalie. Natalie does the whatever gesture.
“Guys, stop fighting! We need to do it once and for all or else, Blood Brother won’t give us funding anymore! ” as Locke tried to calm down the heated argument between the blondie and the brunette.
“He’s right guys, just stop it.” said Susan as she came between the the two girls. The girls silent slowly walked away from each other.
“We have to be patient, my brother and sisters. If the ceremony succeed, Blood brother will grant us access to the elite community. ” Phillip preached to them.
“I can’t wait.” Edward smiled as he playing switch blade with his right hand.
“Long live blood brother. ” said Phillip as he put his hand on his chest. “Long live Church of Blood!!” all of them salute the menacing cult. Tomorrow,the whole world will be soaked by crimson and darkness.
The class filled with chatty voice and laughter, Robert as usual sat at his own seat while finishing his thesis on Grimm’s fairy tale and Shahrezard’s tale. Suddenly, the door open and came in a middle age guy with beige trenchcoat along with pale yellow shirt and brown tie. He puts his paper on the desk and ruffles his messy blonde hair.
'He’s here. ’ Robert mumbled as he saw that unknown lecturer on front. That lecturer take out his marker and wrote something on the whiteboard.
“ Okay class, Madam Terry won’t be able to attend your class from now as she’s on her maternity leaves starts from today.” said the lecturer as he finished his writing. “ My name is John Reeves and I’ll be your substitute teacher in your History literature class starting today. ” said Mr. Reeves as he introduce himself.
“But…. Before we begin, I have a short pop quiz on last week chapter. Here. Pass it around. ” Mr. Reeves gives the question paper to the student in front and they passed on to the back. “So you may….” as Mr. Reeves look at the clock strikes 9 o clock. As the second hand clock reaches 12, “Begin!” all the student start to answer it.
As soon as the class ended, all the student goes out for lunch while only left in the room are Robert and Mr. Reeves. “I did say call me when you get here? ” Robert’s eyebrow slightly raised. “Well you said as soon as possible?” Mr. Reeves glanced at Robert at the back then continue to clean his board.
Robert shrugged then walk toward the lecturer’s desk and sit on the front seat followed by Mr. Reeves. “So, what did you find here….” Mr. Reeves asked and trying to remember the kid’s 'name’. “Robert. ” the skip grader reply shortly.
“Really? That name? ” Mr. Reeves chuckled but stop as he’s been glared by Robert. After short silent, Robert explain his suspicious thought.
“I believe there’s a mini cult happening in this school. Last year, the number of suicidal student is equal to 12. Last two years is the same number, 12.” said Robert as he open his phone checking his document.
“So, you think that this number has a connection with homicidical cult? ” Mr. Reeves tries to read Robert’s theory. “Is what i believe. ” said Robert as he rub his chin while reading his notes. “Besides, we’ve gather journal and some several torn pages from ancient books say about the prophercy where the door of the underworld situated here in this Forest Bay. ” said Robert.
“So, you believe it? ” asked Mr Reeves.
“Believe what? ” Robert asked him back.
"The prophercy? “ as Mr Reeves’ cocked his eye brow.
"I came here to solve the mystery. Yeah, i may believe a bit in the supernatural but still i can’t discard my logical thinking. ” said Robert with his arm crossed.
Mr. Reeves scoffed , shake his head. 'Just like his father. ’ as Mr. Reeves observed the young man.
"So, Robbie. “
"I’ll help you this time. As an exchange, return the twin blade to me. “ said Mr. Reeves and he extend his hands.
"Not yet. I need it. ” said Robert as he clutched his fist, glared at Mr. Reeves.
“ Robert, that sword is dangerous, once the human soul were damaged by the blade that person end up crippled, coma or perhaps banished from the realm!” Mr. Reeves voiced out his concern.
“ I know. That’s why i tried to solve this case. To KILL the one who deserves it. ” Robert’s blue eyes began to burn with fire of determination.
“Again with the KILL? ” as Mr. Reeves do the quote gesture then sighed. “Have your father told you about no killing? ” as Mr. Reeves put his hand on his waist.
“John! They killed students! Children! They don’t deserve to breathe either! ” Robert is in rage.
“Remember, what your father said, justice, not vengeance. ” said John as he wanted to lit his cigarette.
Robert grab the lighter and pointed the no smoking sign at the wall. “Don’t blow our cover. ” said Robert as he put the lighter back on John’s desk.
“F…. Fiinnneee… ” John rolled his eyes and put his cigarette and lighter back to his pocket.
“First we must visit Rachel. ” said Robert has he stood up and about to leave the class.
“Wow! You already have a girlfriend?” John was shocked by Robert’s word. Robert glared him back.
“Aye, just kidding mate. ” John smiled and give a small pat on Robert’s back.
“I’m sensing they are targeting this girl. ” Robert gives several picture to John. “ and this is? ” as he seen four Jocks in one picture, two girl talked to each other in another one and a blondie who wear cheerleader uniform in third one. The last picture is Rachel while studying on her desk. “This is the girl we are gonna meet. ” as Robert pointed Rachel’s picture.
“So the others are suspect huh? ” as John studied the photograph. A photo caught John’s eyes.
"Woah… What’s this? Bullying?“ as he see a photo of Rachel’s door with the word sacrifice.
"I think it was some sort of threat. Or reminder.” Robert gives his opinion as he seen the disturbing photo.
“Anyway, how do you know that Rachel is the one they wanted?” John still curious about it.
“They are aiming the orphan kids because it’s easier to cover up their tracks. Besides, Rachel’s origin is totally anonymous.. I tried to hack the school system to find her info but there’s no history in there. Only name, age and a photo id, that’s all. ” said Robert as he explain his finding.
"Hmmm… I see. “ said John as he look at Rachel’s photo. "Let’s visit this girl. ” said John as he grab his briefcase.
Robert nodded and both of them exited the classroom, all the way to bougainvillea unit.
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