Chapter 1 ➺ Harry
I saw a flash of light before me, and suddenly I was much more awake than I was seconds previous. There was a loud noise and then tremendous force pulling at every fiber of my being. My head hit the headrest of the seat.
I knew what happened; I knew perfectly well what happened, I just didn't want to accept it. So, I sat, alone in my car, with my head tilted back and my eyes squeezed shut, in hopes that everything would just go away. I was not only much more awake now, but I was completely sober.
When it finally sunk in that none of this was going away, I somehow found the inner strength to not be a coward and opened my eyes. I saw the other car. I tried to move, and for once in my life I disregarded my own selfish safety and maneuvered my way through my car, which seemed pretty much okay.
The other car wasn't though. Its remnants were strewn across the intersection, the majority of the car not being intact. Everything was eeirly silent around us. There was one car, side-lined on the road next to us, I'm assuming whose occupants had called 911.
I groaned at the thought. I'm going to get into so much shit for this. I should just leave the scene now, save my ass from the trouble that's sure to come, after all I'm completely positive I was the cause of the accident.
Even as the thoughts of getting in my perfectly okay car and just driving home consumed my mind, my feet lead me elsewhere. I was at the car, or what was left of it. Walking around the outside, I pressed my forehead against the windshield and I saw her. And that sickening feeling, that feeling that only comes when you know the worst has happened, hit me right in the gut.
I knew who she was. Actually, I didn't know her. I knew of her. I go to school with her, I mean, I've seen her around. I know that for sure it's her because she's laying there in her prom dress. My skin started to itch and I felt like I was going to throw up all of my organs.
A thousand thoughts flew across my mind, the worst being the fear that I had killed her. I was strangely calm as I looked more closly at the girl who had recieved the consequences of my fatal decisions. My heart beat louder and faster that I thought it ever could without physically beating out of my chest.
She lay there in the seat, her face a total distortment. Her body lay completely still, not moving in the slightest bit. She was a mangled mess of limbs. The air bag lay limp on the steering wheel. Her gold dress was ripped and I could see a tiny sliver of her bare torso. Her arms and legs were all twisted in their posistions as she was locked in by the car around her. My eyes dared to travel up to her face. Her nose was up on her forehead and blood ran up along her eyebrow. Her eyes were open. Her eyes were fucking open, and they moved in their sockets
Her shocking blue eyes were wide, holding fear and desperation, and just about every sad and scared emotion I could think of. Never before had I read so much into someone's eyes. But with her, it was all i had. She was pleading with me, through her eyes. Pleading with me to do something, to get her out of there, to get help, to do something. But I stood rooted to the ground where I was, just staring right back into those eyes.
I sucked in a deep breath of air and I couldn't even process my emotions what my emotions. It was either fear or relief, or maybe a little of both, because she was alive. She was alive, as of now, and I only knew it because her eyes were searching mine desperately. It was right as I came to this revelation that I heard the sirens. The sirens were calling out like a shrill call in the dark as I heard them aproach.
I stayed frozen to the ground, waiting, probably because I had no fucking clue what else to do. It was as if some force was holding me back from opening the door and helping her out. It's like I'm here, but I'm not. I 'm physically standing here, watching everything that is going on, but I'm not doing anything.
I'm not doing anything to help her, even though I know I should. I'm not even thinking about this clearly. It's all just a blur. I know deep down in the back of my mind that this is all my fault, and it's going to follow me for the rest of my life. But right now, all I can focus on is those eyes, still franctically searching mine.
The emergency vehicles approach quicker than I thought, and within seconds of first hearing them, they are by my side. They tear me away from the wreckage, finally breaking my eye contact with her. There's sirens in the background and voices talking over radios, and what was once the silence of the night, was now chaos. And I was just there, on autopilot, not really hearing anything. They dragged me to the ambulence.
"Son, can you tell me what happened. Do you feel any pain?" The EMT asked me frantically, and it took all of my focus to actually hear what he was saying.
"No, I-." I started, but couldn't seem to get the words out. "Her, you need, you need to go get her. She's still in the car. I saw her, her eyes. Her eyes." I madly blurted out, the desperation and uncontrollabe emotion clear in my voice. "G-go get her." I said, thrusting and squirming in the emergency responder's hold.
"There's people over there. They're working on getting her out of the car. Now I need you to calm down." He told me, which somewhat calmed my nerves, but didn't even begin to settle the unnerving sickness and guilt that expanded from my chest all the way down my body.
The EMT put me on the stretcher in the back of the amulence, and I heard more sirens approaching, another ambulence for her. I lay there dazing at the ceiling dizzily as I was hooked up to various pieces of medical equiptment and hands were all over my body, checking my breathing, heart rate, and pulse. Several more EMTs had join the inital one, and now there were people crowded all around me. I wasn't the one that needed help though, she was.
I wish I knew her name. If I knew her name, maybe I wouldn't feel so bad. If I knew her name, maybe this would have never happened. I hurt her this bad and I didn't even know her name.
"I'm going to need you to stay with me, son." I heard someone faintly say, but I didn't know what they were talking about. Their frantic faces appeared right above my head, their eyes wide and their lips moving, but I didn't hear a word they said. I tried to get my brain to focus on their lips, to try to decipher what they were trying to tell me, but I couldn't. My eyelids got heavier and heavier, and then they got so heavy I couldn't hold them open anymore.
* * * * * * *
The lights were turned down low and there were flashing lights circling the dancefloor. If I didn't know better, I would think this was a lame rave.
They actually had a pretty good turn out this year; I would say the majority of the student body had shown up. I don't really know why the group of us came. This definitely wasn't our scene. We aren't the type to go to some awful school function. I guess we were all a bit different about this one though, as it was prom. A few of the guys, namely Liam and Luke, had girlfriends, so they brought them, but other than that, I really have no idea what we're doing here.
There were plenty of groups of girls wandering around. Everyone was all dressed up, and some of these dresses on these girls were sexy. If I found a decent girl that met my standards, maybe I would've brought one. I've found I'm better off flying solo though anyway. Less to worry about. Everyone said hi to me as they walked past our group. I'm cool. Let's just go with that. I walk to the beat of my own drum and don't worry about what others think or if I'm going to get in trouble.
Because I'm well liked around the school, purely because I'm my own charming self, I have a lot of friends, but I don't stray too much from my main group.
I don't really see what the big deal about prom is anyway. People spend tons of money on getting a dress or renting a tux for this stupid night. The teachers and principals watch us like hawks, and you can't hardly get away with anything.
That didn't stop us, though. Louis hasn't turned up yet, but he said he was bringing some goodies for us. I'll admit, it's not the smartest thing, but he's the one bringing it, not me, so I can't really get pinned down for this one.
I'm sure he'd not stupid enought to bring anything too crazy. Nothing more than some alcohol he stole from his parents I'm sure. That's pretty much the norm for our group. We like to party, I guess you could say.
We really do need whatever he is bringing at this point, though. Not that this is the most boring "event" I've been to, but it's certainly not the best. What we're doing now is middle school shit. We're in high school now. I think we deserve a little fun.
"Dude, when is Lou going to be here?" I asked Zayn, who is standing beside me. The rugged guy. I must say, he's a real pal, he is. Probably my best partner in crime, literally.The cops got called on us a couple weeks ago when we were at a house party and as the rest of the group decided to leave me stranded like the drunken asshole I was, Zayn was a real bro and waited it out with me. We got in some minor trouble, but nothing my parents couldn't get me out of.
"I don't know, man. But if he doesn't get out of here soon, I'm leaving. My cousin told me about some sick party he heard was going on down in Englewood."
"Well, if you leave, come get me cause I'm going with you." I said.
I looked to all the people dancing and having a good old time. Here they were, having the time of their lives. Little do they know how much more fun life could be. I used to think this kind of shit was fun too, until I realized what a real party was like. And now that I know, I'm never going back.
I spotted Liam on the dancefloor with his girlfriend, Carrie. She was your typical slut. But, then again, he was your typical man-whore. I don't mean that in a bad way, he just gets along quite a lot, but ever since he met Carrie, things have been pretty quiet for Liam. He's calmed down a lot. The bastard. He doesn't know what he's missing.
Luke was out there, too, with Ava. They were qute the intersting couple. Not anything like Liam and Carrie. While Carrie tried to convince Liam not to go through with the shit we pull, Ava actually participated in it with us. That's the kind of girl I think I'd want, if I wanted a girl. They're too much work though.
"Look who's finally decided to show up." Michael said standing in the very corner of the room with us. We'd marked this corner as our territory, and no one had bothered us so far. It's a little out of view for the teachers, so it works perfect for what we need.
Louis strolled over to us, a perfect smirk gracing his lips. I can tell from the twinkle in his eye he's already started drinking. That bastard, why didn't I take a shot or two before I left too? Well, it's time for him to share now.
"Why hello gentleman, Ava." He said, nodding to the lady who had come over to join us when Louis got here. That girl knows what's up. "Don't you all look dashing." he teased, eyeing us all in our suits. Yeah, suits. There was no way I was spending money on a shit tux for this.
"Thanks, man." I said. All the guys had now joined in our little huddle in the corner. "Now shall we get this started?" I asked.
"I think that's a great idea. You all should probably get some punch though, don't you think." Louis eyed us all, and then pointed to the table with the drinks.
"Now that I think about it, I am quite thirsty." Niall said, leading the pack of us over to the table. We went little by little, to make it less suspicous. Niall and I were first, spooning amounts of the red, fruit flavord liquid into the little plastic cups they had for us.
We walked back over to where Louis was, and stood in the huddle.
"Please." I said, holding out my cup to Louis. "Save me from this dreadful party." On cue, Louis took out a flask from the indside of his jacket and filled up Niall and I's cups. The rest of the group came back and looked to Louis expectantly. One by one, we all had our cups filled, and suddenly everything became a lot more interesting.
"I'm gonna go bust a move." Niall laughed, already feeling slightly buzzed from the drink. He headed out right to the dance floor and went straight into the crowd, getting lost between the people.
I watched for a while, taking sips of my drink, and suddenly feeling so much better than I had before. A group of girls walked past me, waving and smiling.
"Hi Harry." They said.
"Hey." I said back. I've talked to them at school a few times before.
"Aren't you going to dance, all your friends are out there." One of them said. I looked around and noticed that only Michael stood in the corner with me, the rest of them had gone out to the dance floor. Might as well have fun, right.
"Yeah, I am. Shit's about to go down." I said, smirking and heading right to the middle of the floor. If I was going to be here, I was going to be right in the middle of the action. I maneavered around all the sweaty bodies around me and found my group of friends. Everyone was dancing and grinding up close to each other.
The DJ started a new song, and everyone hooped and hollared. This was finally starting to feel like the crazy parties I was used to, so I just let go.
As the night goes on, things seem to get crazier and crazier. The dance moves are more wild, the girls around me get more wild, and I sure as hell am having more fun than I thought I would. I've had more than a couple drinks at this point, and I'm starting to think prom isn't so bad after all.
The teachers have pretty much stopped trying to contain everyone in the middle. At first they were telling us our dancing was too "suggestive," but when everyone in the room is dancing the same way, it's kind of hard to make us all stop.
That being said, they've pretty much stopped watching so closely, and I don't even think they suspect anything other than sexual dancing is going on. Since we're all in the middle of the ginormous crowd of people, they can't even tell how drunk we all are. Well, we being my group.
About a half hour before Prom was supposed to end, people started to file out, slowly but surely. Liam, being the least lit up of us all, suggested we scoot out before it empties out completely, so we can get by pretty unnoticed. Even in my drunken state, that sounded like a smart idea, so Zayn, Niall, Michael and I all went out one of the side doors and out to the parking lot.
We all rode together on the way here, so we all left together too. We piled into my navy SUV. They all insisted we go to that party Zayn had mentioned earlier. I agreed and headed straight for the highway.
We got to the party about ten minutes later. I decided I had had enough for one night though, (as crazy as that is, coming from me) and so I just dropped them off and got back on the highway to head home. Truth is, prom had worn me out, and I knew my limits at this point.
If I go too hard one night, I'll be worthless the next night. If I don't want to totally kill my Sunday night, I better not get too crazy on Saturday. And even in my drunken stupeor, I knew when I should stop.
I had turned the music up and the heat on the highest setting, jamming as I drove home. I know it's not safe to drive while drinking, but how else was I supposed to get home? And I've done it so many times now, what's it gonna hurt to do it once more?
I approached a stop light. It was red, but it didn't register in my head until it was too late. I sped through the intersection and only felt the collison after it had already happened.
* * * * * * *
I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! Just so you know, I plan on updating weekly, so you can expect the next part in a week or so's time. Thanks so much for reading and please vote and comment if you liked it!
And the gif of Harry on the side is probably my most favorite gif ever so feast your eyes. ◡̈
Macy x
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