⭐️ 58: Billy Clubs (Marcus & the Warden) ⭐️
He sat at her desk, taking a framed photo from her mantle.
"I had a visitor that I never put on my visiting list. Do you have any idea how she got there?"
"Am I supposed to know..."
"Since I'm just a great fuck don't dick me around, Warden. You better pray internal affairs don't find my cell. Let's just say that you'll be standing before a grand jury, stripped of your lavish life. Now how did your daughter, my cousin, Steph, get on my visiting list?
I...she asked me to. I didn't need your permission."
"But you needed my permission to fuck me, though. I'm your brother's son, bitch. You tried to take advantage of me while I'm at my lowest. You were always jealous of our bond, because we were what you and my father wasn't: close. Y'all hated each other and I never met you a day in my life because when I came over for Steph you were always in school or working, and my father ordered me to never speak to you."
"Ginger would say that."
"So you knew his true self, while I was close to a lie..."
"A lie you faced when you were ordered to pull the plug on my brother. You did it without remorse, and I hates you for it. He died thinking that his oldest sister hated him. I would never have the chance to forgive him for what he did to me."
"Don't put off tomorrow what you could do today. It's not promised to either of us. And I don't have to explain a damn thing to you. Aren't you my aunt?"
"Here's what we're gonna do. To keep this from internal affairs."
"Fuck you. You're on your own. From here on out we have nothing else to say. My father didn't talk to you because you hated that he was gay, so you paid a bunch of dudes to assault him while he was in college.
He dropped out and vowed never to speak to you again, but he never tried to come between me and Steph."
"And how do you know about that?"
"He wrote me a ten page letter before he swallowed pills and slit his wrists. He told me all he didn't have the balls to say to my face when he was alive."
"I don't believe in homosexuality, and I'm not changing my mind."
"But you believe in banging your own damn blood. Bitch you're tired. I'm going back to my cell."
Marcus walked off.
"And make sure you tell internal affairs that your grandchild is my son, one you failed to tell me I had. For the rest of your life stay the fuck away from me, and make sure I remain protected in this prison. Or else I'll write internal affairs myself.
"I was afraid you'd say that."
Snapping her fingers, four guards entered the room and shackles him.
"What the fuck..."
She put a piece of duct tape over his mouth.
"I'll pin the porn ring on Square, to keep the heat off you. You'll be doing the rest of your time in the PC unit, protective custody. You'll have three meals a day and two showers. You'll be allowed to walk outside of your cell in the secluded recreational area for an hour a day.
"In the King and the Queen of this Jungle, dear nephew. You pulled the plug on my brother and for that you will suffer.
Get his dirty ass outta here.
It took great effort, but one of the guards had to administer a syringe in Marcus arm, and nine hours later he awakened in a single cell, smaller in length and width.
And he was beaten with Billy clubs, till he couldn't move...
A few days after Dime was moved, quietly, to another institution, Marcus awakened with a start. The sun beamed bright on his face through the enormous dusty window in the PC Unit...
As he sat up on his bunk, the breath caught in his throat when three guards appeared at his cell.
"Johnson, mail call."
"It takes three guards to bring me a letter?"
One of the female guards winked at him. "It's not just one letter, bro. Try bags of letters..."
As his cell popped open, the guards poured letters all over his bunk and the floor.
"Are you serious?"
"We read every single one. They are from the families, mothers, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and siblings of every single inmate Square has raped, killed or traumatized. You, sir, are a hero!"
Marcus managed to smile.
"Its gonna take me forever to read all of these!"
"Well, you won't have time to read them all anyway," said Officer Harper.
"Pack up. You are being released. The judge overturned your ruling. Why, we do not know, but apparently your father's doctor wrote the judge a letter and whatever he told him got your conviction overturned. You're being released. Today."
"Congratulations, Marcus," said Officer Beckham.
"Oh my....you're jiving?"
"Pack up, Marcus. That's a direct order!"
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