⭐️ 31: Iron Chair ⭐️
The hearing was dismissed and the powers that be had a hard time trying to cover up the video of Hicks and Huckleberry's assault against Bob Grimes, seen by sixty million people online and the courtroom drama has gone viral. Bob had some of the leading attorneys in the country trying to take over his case for the notoriety and the huge payday if Bob won his lawsuit against the police department and the state.
Charges against Harry were subsequently dropped, but he was still held in contempt of court.
The NAACP got involved. GLAAD got involved. Chicken neck Al Sharpton with the jacked 60s perm got involved, trying to be seen and not exactly heard.
A love triangle that uncovered the dirty end of politics and the antics of the local police department has shined a negative light on Miami-Dade County.
Bob and Harry's past affair fueled an entirely new debate about the taboos of same sex relationships.
Several Christian groups were saying heinous things about Harry, Jonathan and Bob. In their eyes Lynn was a hero, willing to stand up to her son, even if it ended in death...
But once again the media at large vilified Lynn.
And Judge Hills was in danger of losing his career.
Once he was booked and fingerprinted after Lynn and Harry, he was placed in a holding cell.
Face to face with Harry and Lynn aka Officer Becky, his paid prostitute.
"You do know this ends any monetary donation I was giving you."
Harry grabbed Lynn by the throat, ramming her head into the wall.
"All of you killed my husband. Die, bitch!"
Judge Hills found it entertaining.
"After you're done choking the life out of the pricey slut let me get next dibs. I love watching her suffer."
Corrections officers pulled Harry off Lynn.
Separating him from Hills and Lynn.
"Die in hell, bitch. I will never forgive you. Fuck you!" Harry yelled as he was being led away, to solitary confinement.
Where he would be indefinitely...
For beating Bob with an iron chair.
After Harry was taken away, Lynn faced Judge Hills with a sneer, ready to gut punch if she had to. She has dealt with him for nearly three decades. Everything and everyone has its season until the expiration date. Judge Hills has run his course, not to mention paid her $1,400 mortgage for the past twenty years. Hey, pussy wasn't free and keeping his secrets was a job as well.
A kept nigga was the best nigga.
Despite his burst of aggression, they did what they were told.
"I don't care about no longer taking your money in monthly installments now that our affair has been exposed. Plus my house is paid off. Question is...did my plan work."
"What plan, bitch do you understand the world of shit we're in?"
"Oh ye of little faith. As intelligent as you are and all the law degrees and awards you have, you sometimes lack common sense."
"Says a bitch that can't keep a dick out her mouth."
"Be that as it may, chump, I purposely turned that hearing, arraignment, whatever into the media circus it became. I manipulated the masses into being split between justice in the eyes of Christians for getting rid of an abomination, even though he was my son from a drunk driver and unfairness and tragedy in the rainbow colored eyes of gay society, a society that is prejudiced against each other. Christians love their God, Jehovah and Christ. Ninety percent of gays worship Beyawnsay as their god, a false idol, Beysus."
Deeply offended, Judge Hills back handed her, grabbing a fist full of her hair, yanking her into his face. "Are you that heartless that instead of mourning the loss of Jonathan you'd rather celebrate in victory that another gay man is dead? And I hate Wigoncé. I listen to Muddy Waters and the blues, sipping my moonshine. Bitch aren't you a lesbian? Officer Becky with the smoke neck bone head. You gave my erection tonsillitis every time this Georgia sausage came down your throat in my attempt to curb my appetite for men. In my honest opinion your son was more human than the both of us."
Judge Hills pushed her across the cell, but she maintained her balance, tears in her eyes.
Guilt ate away at her. She was dying inside because she wanted to mourn her devastating loss, but she was a born again hypocrite that seemed to become a more manipulative bitch after she was baptized.
What would her church friends think of her if she openly cried over the death of her homosexual son? She's already received thousands of dollars from a Go Fund me set up by the Pastor she's been fucking behind his wife's back for months...until he ended the affair when his wife wound up pregnant from seeds his doctor told him were blanks, no potency.
The church community commended her for having the balls and the courage to publicly fight the gay spirit in her son and his delusional husband, Harry.
It started all out social media war on Worldstar, The Shade Room and many other popular social networks.
Dividing a nation.
Lynn had to shut down her social media accounts because angry gays were attacking her with rainbow emoji's up and down her pages, on every post...
She continued to hide her lesbianism in the shadows while using God's Word to her benefit and it has blown up in her face.
"Jonathan lived his truth, showing you the utmost respect, even to his grave, despite how you and your brain dead daughters treated him."
"Don't talk about my children, old man."
"You're no spring chicken. As much mileage you amassed on both sets of lips, I'm shocked your pussy isn't living room curtains right about now."
"I resent that, Hills. I understand that you're upset, but we have to work together if we want all this to go away."
"I don't think this is going anywhere. And why can't or couldn't you accept your son and Harry for who they are/we're? The Leviticus Era is over, the old order discontinued. If you would have read the entire book of Leviticus, the Law was on the seed. God gave a direct order to expand the earth. Two men and two women sleeping together wasn't the sin. Wasting the seed to expand his earth was."
"Don't you understand that God was going to destroy this world for good? Remember the Great Flood. His son, Christ, made a conscious decision to die for our sins, all sin, and every sin. Back then, under the old order, God's punishment was immediate. He spoke to Moses through a burning bush directly. Christ hadn't been born of a virgin yet, but he existed spiritually. Christ and Lucifer are brothers, direct creations from the Father.
"After the direct order was given, expand the earth, only, God meant it. A husband ejaculated outside of his wife and when his seed the ground God struck him dead, instantly. God didn't strike two men or two women dead for loving each other. The act or the companionship wasn't the sin. The wasted seed was punishable by death.
"Wherever I pray is church. My body is my temple. Christians are clueless fucktards that will never see my ten percent in unnecessary collection baskets. They can tithe these nuts. Maybe if your son would have stood up to you instead of sparing your feelings because you were acting like the crazy bitch Joan Crawford from Mommie Dearest, you and your balding daughters would learn to have empathy for those that are different from you."
Lynn shot her cuffs. "Don't talk about your daughter's that way, Hills."
The blood drained from his face.
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