34. Unofficial Meeting.
Selena's POV:
It's time when the In-Commands should be returning to their houses, or as Aiden told me.
"I am going to attend the meeting after dinner. When I return, you go. I'll make sure your path is clear."
"But how?"
"You will be able to see me returning from the woods. Before I enter my house, I'll tap three times on the window. Wait for ten minutes, then. I'll throw a water balloon on your roof after I make sure you're clear to go. If I don't, keep waiting. If you don't hear the water balloon, something would've gone wrong. Keep that in your pea-sized brain, beautiful."
This is the last conversation we made, a little chat before he was out of my sight, in the woods. I'm waiting for him to return back at the moment. Speak of the devil, here he comes, with the other two guys. Aiden was being bossy. Harold was pissed and Jacob gave no damn about it. How do I know? Their facial expressions tell me. Did I tell you I can read minds? Just kidding. I can read faces. Add that to 'my qualities'.
All three In-Commands proceeded to their home. Aiden tapped on the window and winked. Guess he saw me peeking through it. I had everything ready on my belt. I wasn't wearing my armour, just a belt that had pocket knives, blades, a bottle of alcohol, a lighter, a matchbox and a rope. These were too necessary. If I fall into a trap, I'd be able to get out of it.
Splash. Now it's time. I silently closed the door and took my key with me. I'd be able to open the door much faster in case I get caught. God knows my five senses are perfect, but better be safe than sorry.
As soon as I locked it, I whizzed through the woods and into the clear part, where the 'rotten graveyard' was situated. That's what we call it. Those who died by the hands of the so-called 'enemies' are buried here, including my two best friends, Arthur and Marie. I spotted a tree that can give me a good view of the organization members. I climbed up and sat on a thick branch that could hold my weight. I waited for about fifteen minutes, and found nothing. Getting tired of waiting, I climbed down the tree. As soon as I did, I spotted the army of Wantors with a few Protessors and Baundors, well, two Baundors and five Protessors. I hid behind a bush that I knew can keep me incognito to them, as it was a bit far from the place where they currently were. All of a sudden, my gaze landed upon Doctor Wilson and Lady Catherine. What are they doing here? They are special-ranked Baundors, they should be anywhere but here. Lady Catherine comes in the second place. She is a killing machine who keeps her identity always hidden by wearing masks of different colours. Doctor Wilson was a Protessor, but is now promoted to the Baundors. He stands at tenth position. He is an ingenious doctor, who knows a hundred ways to kill people by the help of a syringe. According to Aiden's information, Doctor Wilson and Lady Catherine are engaged. Catherine uses him, while on the other hand, Wilson loves to play with women and is now toying with her. He is making a big mistake.
A Wantor moved forward and lit a bonfire. Wilson cleared her throat while Catherine hung onto him, grasping his arm and clinging on it. I didn't feel a slight discomfort from his side. He's the ladies' man after all.
"Hello, and welcome, my dear fellow Protessors. On this night, we have arranged a special and unofficial meeting to discuss about a prisoner on the loose. Do you know who Nathan Parker is? Oh, how stupid of me. Of course, everyone will know about him. He was the one who almost blew our cover. We all know that to punish him, we used his dearly adoptive mother, Teresa Anderson, who was once our comrade."
I can't believe it. Teresa worked with the organization?! Did she ever tell Nathan about it? Oh, this is bad.
"She was a great Baundor, but she betrayed us, and that betrayal caused her to loose her family's life. She adopted Parker afterwards, whom we're not sure about if he is the twin of the first ever First-In-Command of Talons, Selena Lockhart. So, me and my fiance are here to tell you that the prisoner on the loose is none other than Teresa Anderson. I know most of you thought that she was dead, but no, she isn't. My darling soon-to-be husband tells me that her vocal cords were badly damaged, and she had become a dumb, old lady."
Is my life playing a game with me? She's alive, she's alive and is on the loose. She can't speak, but she's alive. She's running away, while my brother is suffering from his trauma. It's all fake. It's a lie. How heartless and cruel can someone be? How despicable is this world? It was just an off-screen drama. They faked her death that day. She hadn't died. Maybe Nathan was tortured with the fake video. Maybe, they shot her in reality and Nathan got a blow on his head that made him unconscious. Maybe they hypnotized him and made him believe him this happened, otherwise Nathan would've remembered it. He is clever and has a good memory, then why doesn't he remember? Did Aiden know all about it? That's why he asked me to hear it for myself, didn't he? He thought we won't believe him, otherwise.
Catherine slipped out of Wilson's grasp and walked to a trembling Wantor, whose hands were tied with rope.
"Someone had been a good friend, and let out a prisoner."
She put her finger on the Wantor's lips. Even from a distance, I was able to see her long nail, perfectly cut into a 'U' shape and painted black. Poor guy gulped with fear, his Adam's apple moving up and down, and his body vibrating.
"You know the consequences of betraying me, my love."
Her finger moved from his lips to his lower jaw, then to his throat.
"Tell me."
In a wink of eye, blood poured from his heart. His lifeless body fell down. A knife was sticking out from his back. She stabbed him. He's dead.
"The cost of betrayal, is the sweet, bloody demise."
She chuckled and went back to Wilson, making out for like, seven seconds. They both pulled away and giggled, making out again, not long after the last session. I was too grossed out by her actions. She kills a guy and then kisses the life out of a man. I wish I can move out of this place and kill her at the very moment. My thoughts were interrupted by someone's hand covering my lips and dragging me away from the bush.
Word count: 1156
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