32. Time Flies By.
Jacob's POV:
I can't help but think about it. Why had she returned? She was gone. Gone for god knows how long! She went without a goodbye. She left me. I set her free.
We are in the middle of the field, solving puzzles and anagrams. This was the work of Headmaster Jefferson. He comes once in a blue moon, and teaches us more than we know. He is the only teacher who satisfies me the most. Saltybuns, i.e. Selena is spectating all of us, since she was the first to finish. Like always. Yes, I finished too.
"It's done, Headmaster. May I go now?"
"Go where exactly, Mr. Haynesworth?"
"I was uh-
"I think you should excuse him headmaster, he needs to pee desperately. I've been noticing it for five minutes."
You could've covered up for me by not making such a hilarious excuse, Selena! Everyone laughed and got back to work when the headmaster cleared his throat. I nodded and dozed off. I can imagine Selena smirking, being proud of her work. Oh I'll get revenge. Don't you worry.
Being out of breath, I slammed the door shut. No, I wasn't in my house, I was in Nate's. My supplies ran out. I really needed something to fill up my starving stomach.
Well, that's what the stupid stomach does when you don't get anything to eat, when you wake up and find that what you have are a carton of milk, some sugar and salt, and Saltybuns. Half of it. And the flavor, man don't ask. It was my favourite, and I know you are imagining me devouring it in a bite. Jeez, I'm addicted to that stuff. I can't survive without it, and guess what? It finished on the day when I desperately needed it. That's why Headmaster Jefferson's good news. With him, comes my supplies. Don't forget, I'm the First-in-Command. The rules which other fellow Talons have don't apply to me.
"HA! I knew you would be here for food!"
And that's Nathan. He startles me every time I rummage his cabinets for food. Advantages of having best friend: No formalities. Take anything you like without asking.
"Glad to hear that. Now where is-
"Your share of Saltybuns? Sorry JB, I ran out of them. Have some Turkish delights, they're in the right cabinet."
"Bless you, oh brother."
He fake-coughed and plopped on the couch, which I still am confused why he has it. He had a bag of popcorn with him. His eyes were looking outside of the small window.
"Look who's here, the most favourite Talon of Headmaster Robert Jefferson. Please welcome, Miss Selena Jean Lockhart!"
"Oh shut up, Boogerhead. I'm tired."
"How was the job, Chubs? Did he pay you enough?"
"Yeah. He paid me a thousand bucks."
Note the sarcasm, ladies and gentleman.
"Don't try to act all gullible. Fetch me a bottle of water, my head's spinning."
"I'll get it."
I threw the bottle in her direction and it hit her head.
"OW! What the fuck, Jacob?!"
I grinned sheepishly. Nathan whistled and went out. He knew I was- I mean she was up to something.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"No, that's okay."
After a bit more apologies and bandages, just kidding, no bandages were required, we both tended to our places.
It was hot at my place. I started writing my monthly needs on the list. This time, I'll ask for extra, which means I have to work more often. Buh, missions. I hate that word. Gives me creeps.
Knock knock.
The knob turned and someone barged in.
"Lilac, please don't-
She stopped in mid-sentence. We both glared in each other's eyes. She shyly smiled.
"Uh, hi Jacob. Sorry to barge in like that-
"It's okay. Why don't you come in?"
I didn't want her here, but I have some manners. If someone comes to your house, you welcome them with a smile, and I did.
She sat on the chair, hesitating to get comfortable.
"I need to talk to you, if you're free."
"Go on."
"Um, the guys have arranged a home- coming for me, and uh, I want you to come. Jacob, please don't say 'no'. Just this once."
"Why bother asking me when you know the answer?"
"Jacob please, I'm sorry for what I did. I really am. I also want us to get back together, be who we were. Please-
"I know it was my fault. I shouldn't have left you. I should've helped you. I should've listened-
"But you didn't, and that was why we were over-
"Yeah and-
"That's it Isabelle. You and I aren't related anymore. It would be better if you stop bringing it."
She closed her mouth and looked at me with tears in her eyes. We both were taking deep breaths.
"I need a second chance."
My voice faded after she said those four words that I feared.
"I need a second chance. I swear I'll never-
"I said we're over! Can't you understand?! I don't want to!"
I yelled at her. Her hands started trembling at my raised voice. She knew very well, what happens when my temper rises.
"I understand. But can't you come to the party at least?"
I shook my head.
"Please. Consider this my last request. I'll never ask anything again, nor associate with you or your friends. Lilac said that she won't come unless you say 'yes'. Don't decline my request on her. Please."
Her voice slowly became a whisper. Her sweet voice now faded in front of me.
"I'll think about it."
She smiled.
"It's better than 'no', at least. Thanks, Jacob."
She stood up and ran out of the house. I heard a 'thump', a 'sorry' and 'it's okay'. I saw Saltybuns smiling through the window and ran out.
"Hey Jake!"
"Seems like you're okay."
I mocked my brow, questioning her.
"Uh, I saw Isabelle coming, and by that incident, I can clearly understand that something is wrong between you two. Theory was confirmed when I saw tears in her eyes a moment ago. Tell me what's wrong."
"I can't tell you. I'm sorry."
"Hey, wait!"
I hurried to my house and tried to close the door as soon as I could, but her foot came in between.
"Ow! Jeez, you are strong!"
I opened the door in defeat, motioning her to come on. She grinned in victory and pulled me by my arm. We sat down, both of us facing each other.
"Explain. Now."
I don't want to, please! Great, I got puppy eyes. How do they do that?! I got no choice but to tell her. Here we go, people.
"She is my ex-girlfriend."
Word count: 1088
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